......CHANGE OF LOCATION MR, GEO KGB RITER has moved his office furniture from 311 Per kins building to 123 Oak street, this room will be occupied until the new office and store building now being erected by the Provid ent Trust Company, of Portland, at the corner of Oak and Hose streets is completed, where special plans have been prepared for the Interior of his new REAL ESTATE OFFICE lUinclieo, Farms, Orchards, City Property, Timber Ianda. TWO FIRST CLASS NVRsTHENTS TWO $3,000 IIL iS A flno, well Improved, CO-acre farm 2 miles from town 'J'lth 40 acres In cultivation; 20 fine creek bottom land, good set buildings, good orchard, good fences and all good fruo soli. PERR1NE ft MARSTERS, 401 Cass Street 7,rw iuiys A fine 70-acre farm 2 mllfid from town, 10 acres bearing orchard, mostly prunes, good set buildings, dryer, creeks, Hpringa and well, 50 acres In cultivation, bulanco timber and pasture. Flue homo. for tbee and other bargains. Always have an am ple supply of our sup erior carbonated be verages on hand. They are beverages that please even the most critical, for they are delicious and pure, being made from the purest materials and under the most sanitary conditions. You are invited to call and inspect ourplant any timeyou find itconvenient. ROSEBURG SODA WORKS Phone 186. Authorized bottler for genuine "Hires" Root Beer. We deliver to any part of town. Ask For Douglas County Creamery Butter And Patronize a Home Industry" DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY Reduce the High Cost of Living! By Buying Your Groceries of Us The Prices are Always Right The Quality is the Best "THE CASH STORE" WK 8 A VIC YOU MONKY li!fl CASS STHKICT. Take Your Choice! Cooking and Keating Schedule For Electric Ranges, Irons, Chafing lllshes, and other Mis cellaneous Heating Dovlcoa or small Domestic, Power Devices, METER RATE Three cents (3) per Kilowatt Hour M l n i rau m C h a rge . . . . $ 1 . 0 0 pe r m o 1 1 1 h PLAT RATES Electric Range for Domestic Purposes 55.00 per month Electric Water Heater for Domestic Purposes. ... $2.50 per month Th aliovo rates are for iMirmanent servlco only, and provides for the Inatallatinn, by the Company, of a separate meter for meas urement of current used for cooking and heating purposes. DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT & WATER COMPANY FOIt COUNTY TltKASll'.KIt O.V HEI'UUMCAX TICKET In seeking re-election to me office of covnty treasurer, I feel that I am fitted by long training and exper ience, to continue to give the people efficient service. During my terms of office the work bat been largely increased by the legislature without a single ad vance in salary and by the natural Increase caused by changing economic conditions. And the county court has been asked to pay out but one bill of $15.00 for deputy hire during this time, and that on account of having to refund special road tax held by the court to be illegally collected. Each year when taking vacations, I have paid the office help left In charge, out of my own personal funds. The laat legislature transferred the tax collecting department from the sherlff'B office to the treasurer's office thereby making It desirable for the taxpayers to keep a "trained man on the job." I have conducted this office on strict business principles, in the In terest of all the people, and if you want that kind of a county treasurer for the succeeding term I will bo very grateful for your Influence aud vote. (Paid Adv.) J. E. SAWYERS f Get Your Pure MILK AXD C It E A M At The KOSEBUKG DA1KY Milk $2.50 Mo. Per Quart f5p Phone 207 FOK SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to the office of sher iff of Dougjgas county subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. (pd. advi) GEORGE K. QUIXE. FOK SHEIilFF. candidate for the office of sheriff subject to the will of the demo-j cratic voters at the primaries to be' held May 15, 1914. (pd. ad.) T. E. SINGLETON'. FOK COMMISSIONER. Jl'STJCK OF THE PEACE. I hereby anounce myself as a can didato for Justice of tho Peace of Deer Creek District, subject to the will of the voters at the republican primaries to be held on May 15. 1914 (pd. adv.) IRA B. RIDDLE. FOK JUSTICE OF THE PEACE I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomi nation for the office of Justice of the peace for Deer Creek District, Douglas county, Oregon, at the pri mary election. May 15, 1914. (pd. adv.) JULIEN JOSEPHSON. JUSTICE OK THE PEACE, I hereby announce myself a re publican candldatv for tho officii of Justice of tho Peace of Deer Creek District. If I am cloned the office will have no favoiitcs and no ine mios. Have had thir y years exper ience In the practice of law. CHAS. F. HOPKINS, (pd, adv.) 420 Porklns nidg. FOR COUNTY CLERK. I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to the the office of County Clerk subject to tho will of the voters of the Democratic party at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. dsw-myl4 B. H. LENOX. If you plac0 one orfter wl'.li us for wood, you will become one of our permanent customers. Full Measure Wood Yard. North Roseburg. Phone 1G5. tf I hereby anounce my candidacy for nomination to the office of commis sioner of Douglas county subject to the will of the voters of the repub lican party at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. (pd. adv.) BEN NICHOLS. FOK COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination to the office of County Surveyor subject to the will of the voters of the republican party at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914. FRANK CAIN. MASQUERADE BALL. There will be a masquerade ball at Looking Glabs, on Friday iiljrhi, Feb ruary 13tu, linger the auspices ol the Grange, upper will be given at the Howard hous?. Dance Committee: li. W. JOHNSON. V. H. DOLE, LEE WILLIAMS, GEO, MATTHEWS dsw-fi3p NOTICE TO PUBLIC. A. B. Foster having sold his Inter est in the West Side Grocery, would respectfully ask all persons indebted to the firm of Dowell & Foster to call at West Side Grocery and settle their accounts. 86fl0dsw DOWELL & FOSTER, BOAT WRIGHT SISTERS. Expert manicuring, hair dressing and facial massage; cut hair and coiblngs made up at room 39, Grand hotel. 113-ftO Patronize the Farmers Public Mar ket Tuesdays and Saturdays. Pro ducers' and consumers' interest. Prices always reasonable. tf WILL BE GIVEN HIS PASSPORT etu Whether President lltii'i'ta plans to give ft paitaporl tu Nelsi'ii O'SllHUKli nessy, American Charge d'Affalre nt Mexico City, does itrcatty wor ry the American diplomat. The pho tograph shows O'Shanghnessy en gaged In a llttlo game ' S"lf on the links at tho Mexican rapltnl. It Is said luerta has concluded to "al low" Mr, O'Shaughnessy to leave Mexico, since the United StatrR has lifted the embargo on tho shipment of arms and ammunition to - the robvls. Picture Frames Made to Order ANNOUNCEMENT from GRAVES ART EMPORIUM Having sold out (excepting needlework) to R. H. C. Wood, of the Roseburg Book Co., who will continue in the kodak, ar tist's material and framing business at their book store, 231 North Jackson street, we take pleasure in recommend ing them to our many friends and customers, and ask that the same liberal patronage giv en us in the yat bo now ex tended to Roseburg Baj'; Co. H. D. GRAVES. THE ROSEBURG BOOK CO. Announcement Having bought the stock (needlework excepted) of the Graves Art Emporium, we will carry in stock, after 'Feb. 1st, at our book store, 231 North Jackson street, in addition to our regular line, a complete stock of kodaks and Eastman piioto supplies, artists mater ial, picture frames aud front Ing done to order. We will also do photo developing ami printJmr for amateurs, using only the best materials and guarantee to do only first class work. Your patronage solicited. THE ROSEBURG BOOK CO. "JOB PRINTING" T)ERHAPS you think that printers ink Won't help you get along! T)IGHT there is where you'r off for fair! Ask those who "play it strong." TNVESTIGATE B-4-21ate, And get a business card. X TEAT Printing'done for everyone ' Who's onjfinancial guard. rTAHE price is right. We treat you white In inks from black to red. TNSPECT our place and state your case, A Say, Get that letter head. T-V TO lines are blurred, no missing word, Your copy set verbatum. -REATJobs.'or small, we handle'ALL, Justjlet our printers at 'em.1" THE NEWS i mass Flic right Camera I fertile rigntSuhiect;. i ill! :,i i 3 1 ! t i ! I IE i 1 1 J I ! 1 RM wmmwMim 1 i.at's all there is to photography. v e know from experience that Seneca Cameras meet every photographic condition suc cessfully. Manufactured by the Largest Independent Camera Makers in the World, they are so constructed that they allow the' 'v.'idest latitude in every branch of artistic photography. SENEC.A Cameras are made on honor ant .old on merit. The only Camera that is thoroughly guar anteed and sold on the free ten day trial offer. Send four cents in postage for the new SFNECA Hand Book, a valuable photographic book, ail cha-gta prepaid. It shows how to buy tho riht kind cf apparatus for making true and artistic pictures of re d value. Ask your dealer for it, but if his supply is icxhaus.cd send to us. SENECA CAMERA MFG. CO. I Rochester, N. Y., U.S. A. a THL LARGEST INDEPEflDE!' CAMERA MAKritS rv THE WORLD