Your Home is Only as Comfort able and Inviting as You Make It. The furnishing will either give it a subtle touch of cozy homelikeness andcomfortable rplinpmpnl nr t.hp.V will tnve it that still. ' - 1 ' ' . ' indiltereut buying brings. It's Simply a Question of Selection Let us help you in the selection of your Furniture. VVe believe wa can show you how to make the home comfortable and cozy through the addition of only a few good pieces of our Fum Utre at little cost. Mere you will find Furniture that will stand the test of time and wear New ar rivals in D ning Room and Bed Room Furniture, Carpets and Rugs. " We (Jive Roseburg Trading Stamps A. J. LILBURN & SON "Complete House Furnishers" BOY'S R0?APERS. Good Style For the Small Folk. Baxter ltohlnson left for Myrtle Creok today to visit with friends. MAJESTIC THEATRE A ITS TIIK PI.ACIO WIIKUE KVionviioDY ;i:s. F May & Saturday TiiK i:i:st i:r.K AtT Butler- Lyons (iemilno Cowboy ritMb'i", Imny ArlMIc Violin Ibios, A Mulrnl lioiinil I lnlro tlu hm 'lltoir hiimnh (' !my lliiiico. u f. U NOW SHOWIMi "ThelTango" "Turkey Trot" "Hesitation Waltz" Ito tl IVllOVt DjHOtM'. liCUl'lt Ilia Corivct way of tin lnii-iii. Mr. Wallute Mi- 'lit boon untl Mts ib'tin saw yer. i ln SciiviuloiiH of v York. Alkali Ike and The Wild Man t'mi Coitaiuly Know TIU is & omI. UK Sl'ltK AM MK KAUI.Y I 15c and 10c COMING SI XPAV KXTHA ACT, XOVKU tv i'.i.i:nmt ('Ait- TOON. HIOTOI-' Kl'JJ t m- : t V L ! " coitDCiior noMPBita. Corduroy is a pood servleeiibto fnb rk'. nml. iilthoiiKli white was chosen fop tills attractive romper suit. It mny he cli'iiiKil easily. The Russian blouse Is pushed nt the sides and faced with red diivetyu. It tin a buttons and belt of the stune fuhrtc. TANGO SLIPPERS. o CITY XIIWS. O. Martin rut u rued to Days Creol this uiornluK nfter a few days spent In UoHi'Uurg, Good cloan coinro.-tablo rooms at MeClallen hotel, $2.50 por week an J 'U'. tl II. H. Spiki'r. of Portland, arrived hi'ie thiH morning to spend a wee, with friends. (!. V. (irisone, of Lo Ansoles, !y KpeiidliiK a few dayH in Uoseburn vIhIIImk with friends. Trade at mores wiving Itoscburi; Stamp Co.'h trading chet-kH. They are khhI as cash at 13 stores. tf Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hermann left Tor their home at Myrtle Creek today after a few duyH spent in Uosehun; visiting with rriends and relatives. I'atronl.o the Karmers Public Mar ket Tuesdays and Saturdays. Pro ducers' and consumers Interest. Priced always reasonable. tf Mrs. Mary Taylor, of this plac.i Is visiting in (Herniate with old friends and Is Hi,- guest of Mra. 1-.. Dewey. (!r;inis Pass Courier. TIk Block at (laives H Enipor iuni on Cass street tnust be moved iiefoie Kebniiiry 1. Our prices will .iiihiee ou to help us move. tf Mrs. A. M. Crawford joinel her husband, Attorney Oneial Cr.iv;"m-d. in Kuni-ne last evuing anil pr-ceed-ed to Kosehiirg with him (his morn ing. Kugone (luard. I-:ultes of tho M. K. clunch, South, will hold n window sale at Ihe Heo Hive grocery Saturday, Jan 17. Homo cooked foods will bo offered for sale. j ; m V. M . Iluuhes. of Portland, arriv ed here this morning, accompanied by Mrs. Hughes. They will spend a week or ten days in Kosoburg visit ing " ith friends. If yn plac0 one orftr-r wt'h us for wood, yon will become one of our permanent customers. Full Measure Wood Yard. North Kosoburg Phone HIS. tf U K. Kaucher. an automobllo deal er and owner of a garage in Kose buii;. was In the citv over ntirbt on hi way home from a trip to ICast-l ein Drekton. Kugette Ounrd. Will pny good price for good sized potatoes; ship sample sack nml write Ms how many sacks you can furnish. Pnited Produce Commission Co., San Prnnelsco. Mrs. S. H. RothernHitl nml Mrs. H. !.. Darby were arrivals from Clb-n.j 0 ile Friday morning for n short visit t v'.th Mrs. H. I.. Wilson, of this plaoe.j 1 nd will probalQ return SaturJay. i C rants Pass Courier. They're Made of the Most Elegant Ma terials. The new tango slipper Is made In any number of beautiful materials that no otic dreamed of using for footgear n few years ago silver tissue, cloth of gold, aluminium, copper and fancy tin sel, delicaLo lace and gem studded bro cades. The thing that makes n tango slipper the real thing, though. Is nut the mate rial, hut ribbons of the same shade, called tango laeings. which strap over I he instep and around the ankle, hold ing It linnly. These are fastened to the slipper by lour tiny clamps of i binestuues. two on a side. The sniulil slipper with strap over (he Instep Is also popular lor dancing, because in these vigorous dances of the moment yon can't afford to do the Cinderella act. for while It might be rather fetching to lose a pretty tango trotter it miht also be dangerous to the preservation of an upright post lion. In other words, you and your part ner might assume Just such a position as you did when you llrst learned to' skate. The slipper with fur trimmings will never be popular, say the dealers. It is a novelty, and as such Interests some, but It is too suggestive of the bedroom slipper, and. anyway, it is bound to make the foot or ankle too.v a little clumsy, and no one wants that to happen. Pride Keeps Women Warm Nowadays. From (he abundance of thin and gan.eiiUe lingerie and knitted under wear offered for winter wear the say ing of some one's grandmother, "Pride Keeps folks warm nowadays." express es the opinion of many other save those who claim to know the delight of (he latest way or dressing. Due Is protected from the cold by warm coats ami fur rather than by heavy, warm Utiderelothitn:. The prevailing fashion have brouyh. about many new styles of underwear which take the place of lingerie to a great extent. Knitted silk uiidenfhirts, bloomers and com hi nation garments are a generally approved class or un derwear. The silk variety, woven like gloves, are the favorites, even though they are expensive in the best qualities. Itloonr ers take the place of muslin garments to a great degree for street and even Ing wen i. They are made with an elastic in the belt anil In the legs tit the knees, where (here Is a little full ne. A Lunch Innovation. Americans who have never been abroad will be surprised to know that they are only beginning to Install bathrooms In the houses of ordinarily well off people In Paris. Twenty years :mo few of the hotel even had baths Installed in bathrooms. They had movable bath, and the bath cart stop ped at the house, the man carrying up a tub and tilling It with a hose and then moved on. to carry the tub away on his return. CITY NKWS. A 2'tQ chicken dinner at the J & J Restaurant on Sheridan street to morrow, j 1 7 ! Clay Grant, of Peel, transacted j biii-iiness matters in the. city for n few hours today. Ana Hermann rbiurncd to Myrtle! Creek this morning after a few days' spent in Koseburg, K. K. Mantis, of Portland, arrived here this morning to spend a fewj days with friends. if you need wood the Full Measur'-;; yard can fill your order with dry oak or fir. Phone 165. North Koseburg. tt j K. M. Jenkins, of Missoula, Mnnt.,' wag a business vihilor in Koseburg I for a few hours today. You are certainly going to get your money's worth at the Majestic Friday and Saturday. Watch for the. programme. jlo G. F. Adams, the Sutherlin drug-j gist, silent the morning in Koseburg f looking after' business affairs. Coming Friday and Saturday, mo-j lion picture dancing lessons. The; Tango, Turkey Trot and Hesitation i Waltz at Majestic. jluj S. A, Phillips announces the arriv-1 al of the new spring styles at his! new place in the Kohlhagen building, next door to the Commercial; Club, tfi If you need wood the Full Measure ; yard can fill your order with dry! oak or fir. Phone 165. Korth 1 Koseburg. tf. Rev. Howard, a missionary of the Kpiscopal church, arrived here tills j morning from the north and is a guest of Kev. Charles Wilson linker, of this city. j If you place one order with us for; wood, jou will become on3 of ourj permanent customers. Full Measure! Wood Yard. North Roseburg. Phone j 165. tf! David Swing Kicker and wife, the) former of whom Is a special writer for the Morning Oregonian, spent the afternoon in t lie country where they secured a number of "good" roads photographs. Colonel May and wife leave Mon day for Arizona where they will sp?nd 'several weeks. Mr. May sus tain ad serious injuries as the result of fulling from a bridge some time ago, and has since been a patient at Alercy hospital. While going from her home, on West Cass street to the city hall this morning, Sadie Wells had the mis fortune to lose her purse containing about $30. Although she made a thorough search for the purse she was unable to find It tip to a late hour today. The News today received a card from W. H. Whiting, who recently left Roseburg to locate at Hartford, near Granite Falls. Wash. Mr. Whit ing says he likes his new home, not withstanding that several severe storms have raged there since his ar rival a short time ago. He says the prospects for bountiful crops in that country were never better than at the present time. Henry Reno, a member of the Oregon Soldiers' Home, died this morning at four o'clock. The fun eral will he held tomorrow. The de ceased was a native of Kentucky, and served in Company II, HUth Il linois Inlantry during the Civil war. He was admitted to the Home from Josephine county in the year 1 ! 1 1 . He is survived by a nephew who lives at Portland. At the organization of the Kose burg Rifle Cluli It was decided to divide the club membership Into two sections for the purpose of competi tive shoot with F. K. Hamlin and K. L, Miller as team captains. The fol lowing have been chosen by Major Hamlin: F. H. Vinci!; C. S. .lack son; F. G. Stewart; .1. A. Iluchanan, A. C. Seely, C. D. Shoemaker, K. H. C Wood. J. K. Falbe. C. K. Fields. The following have been chosen by Dr. Miller: George K. Houck, Clark I.. Uargar, K. C. Room, J. J. llrands, F. W. Haynes, K. J. Payton. Joseph Sykes, K. 1(. Stewart, George Three Pair Womens or Child) ens Onyx Hosiery For fOc Big Savings Roseburg Booterie Three Pair Womans or Cliildreos Onyx Hosiery For 50c On All Kinds cf Footwear High grade shoes for the price usually asked for THE CHEAP K1NU January Clearance Sale that gives you. the best Roseburg booterie Perking Building Rostburg, Oregon CLEAN-UPSPECIAL in FURS, Values to $40.00 Special $19.89 Knit Goods Sweaters, Values From $3.50 to $9.50 Special $1.98 to $4.98 Childrens Knit Goods of all Kinds Millinery Values to '$8.50 $2.29 Suits and Coats, just a few, you know us. They all have to go. Dresses, More bargains than we have space to mention. We must have the room .THE LEADE P. Hi'ilisen. Tlie (late "of tllu Bhooti will be iinnonuced kiter. Gladys Strong went to Myrllo! Creek this nmrnins to spend a Uwj tlaya witli friends. Margaret Ilreminer went 'o lljock way this morning to spend a few days with friends. It. Vinson, of roles Vuliov. spent the day in ltosehurg took in'! after business matters. If you need wood the Full Me.inr" yard can fill your order with dry oak or fir. Phone 1C5. North Koseburg. tf Mrs. S. 11. Myers, of Chicago, who is making a tour of the Paeirie coa.-t stopped over here last evening. She left for l.os Angeles today. Patronize the Farmers Public Mar ket Tuesdays and Saturdays. Pro ducers' and consumers' interest. Prices nlwnya reaonable. tf C. H. Wells and wife, of South n. kota, stopped over hero last ovenin';. They went to Kiddle this morning. Later they will eontlnuo their Jour ney to l.os Angeles. Patronize the Farmers Public Mar ket Tuesdays and Saturdays. Pro ducers' Rnd consumers' interest. Prices always reasonable. tf . CITY NEWS. i Kent a chieken dinner Sunday at the .1 & j Restaurant on Sheridan street. Jr cents. ji 7 C. 11. Martin, of Portland, arrived in Koseburg this morning to spend a few days with friends. Hubert Wixson returned to Myrtle Creek this morning after a few days spent in Koseburg. ' Go to .1. & J. Restaurant, 137 Sheridun street for I. X. L. Chicken Tamales and Mexican Chili Con Carne. ( Israel McDonald, one of Linn county's well known farmers, arriv ed here today to look over the coun try. Give us a call when In need of horseshoeing and you will never go elsewhere, bill and George, the fariors. tf. County Commissioner Jefferson Wiley and Harry Pinkston will re turn to their respective homes fin evening. They have been here for the past week attending the regular term of the county court. ANTLERS THEATRE janS NEW FLKS BUILDING m For January I6th and 17th O, P. R'.OOM. Manager ! Labor Snrontl a ooup'i of tlnVknoists of nowfpappM mi your sink IumpI. St your skllli-rx saucvimn tr nthrr il'rty ' sialics on t lit pupor Imteml of on the Knrnl. This s:iv.s thw bonrtl from many a stain nml mvos much scour-1 lK- 2Reels-"A FACE FROM THE PAST"-2ReeIs A Powerful Edison Drama . i Reel-."ln The Shadow"-! Reelll Reel-"DAY BY DAY" 1 Reel Koflutripg Mary Maurice Vitneraph A Special Comedv Drama Essanav A Lce Novelty. An oiM tttffi hi ,1!.t and niff sot Just out n to wt'iive u Cupid's hoad In von 1st laoo. The bwn U the contra! portion of the uVs'cn. the ralation pattern exteiul'tiu lu the ed;esSif the collars and cutTs. Coil l NO 5UNDAV -LOT OF GIRLS- -COMINO SUNDAY jjj Doors I'prn M 2 p. and 7 p. m. Admission: Children 5c, Adults lCc