NEWS WANT ADVS GET RESULTS JESSIE STILSOX I.KIS STENOGRAPHER With Hlmes & Oliver MRS. CHARLES S. HEIXL1NE Pianoforte Instructor $ Musical Kindergartener Studio 423 Ella St., Phone 33-R ; MISS SADIE HOItXIBHOOK INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO Room No. 8, Rosoburg National Bank Building. til HIK1N A. FOBS, Vocal Ijewmnit. Studio 312 E. Cans Street. Phone 191-J Roseburg - - -Ore. DK, U. 11. SHOEMAKER Physician and Surgeon Office Rooms 209-210 Perkins Building. Phones Office 194 Residence 417-R DR. D. E. SXELL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Diseases of Women and Chil dren a Specialty. Phones: Office 119, Res. 138-L. 301-3 Perkins Building ROSEIIUltG, ORE. Oil. S. L. DeLAPP Osteopathic Physician Perkinb Bulldiu Office Phone 431 Residence Phone 276 DR. SEELY, SETHKK & STEW ART PlivHlrlons and Surgeons. .Suit of offices, Rear Douglas National Bank, Ground Floor, Phone 807 Rosoburg - - Oregon DR. GEO. E. IIOUCIC Physician and Surgeon Office Perkins Bldg., Phone 3 Roseburg, Oregon. DR. S. L. IX.-LAPP Osteopathic Physician . Rooms 317-;U8 Perkins Hldg. Office Phone 431 Residence rituuo Attorney nt Law. Room 420 Perkins llldg. Roaeliurg, Oregon. s.noeinl attention given to con veyancing and the examlutlon . tn rent estate, no tices In all state and federal courts. TAXIDERMIST AXD EXPERT TAXXER Prices Reasonable Work Guaranteed P. O. Ho 207, Roseburg, Ore. t L. G. HICKS SIRVF.YOR 223 Perkins HuilillnR Hoselmrg, Or. Phone 1SI-K OR HKNT Furnished room In quire 233 Sheridan St. HU' OR RE.NT--To furnished House keeping rooms. innulre 21. Chadwick streeL JUL" roK"RENT Five room cottago with . .. , : i-.fl ll.isl avenue. "1"' 33127-tf TKAPPERS!! If vou want the highest prices for "ail kinds of furs bring tbera to me 1 am buying for an Last ern house again this season. R. F. SHIELDS, Office 405, Cass Street, Roseburg. Oregon. MORE THAN FORTY I YEARS EXPERIENCE IN REPAIR WORK Guns rebured, stocks made, etc. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Bicycles, Luwn Mowers, Locks and Umbrellas repaired. Also saws filed, keys made, razors, sissoi-s or any other kind of grinding done here. All work guaranteed at Crouch's Hardware Store. Pine street entrance. SI. E. SCHOENFELD FOR RENT A farm cr 200 acres, 60 acres under cultivation, rest good pusture. Inquire at News of fice. 2008-tf FOR RENT 2 fine large "bay win dow front rooms, with bath, with or without board. Inquire 827 Houck - ' 3157-tf FOR RENT FurnTsluVdrooiiis, ceu trally located. Inquire at 335 N. Rose street. 2I-tf FOR RENT To refined family with out children, modern furnished house with piano for what I pay for vacant house. Two blocks west of bridge. 1150 Corey ave. Reference required. 11-jlO WAA'TED. WANTED Horse, harness and light road wagon for keep with option of purchase. Address H, L. P. , Chiene, Roseburg, Or. 16tf WANTED TO TRADE 16U acres ol timber in Southern Oregon for a first class automobile. For parti culars enquire at Tho News of fice. 2035-tf WOOD WANTED The News will gladly take on subscription wood for office and residence use in any amount. Call at The News office. tf WANTED Employment nursing preferred. No objection to house work, capable middle aged woman. Mrs. E. W. Head, 751 Second Ave. South. 20-J14 WANTE D M arTt o ta k econ t fact "f o r cutting 400 tier more or less block and stove wood. Also have a few choice White and Buff Orpington cockrels for sale. Henry Conn. Phone CF21. 9-J10p WANYeD A-niTddle-aged man, siu gle, to take care of and cultivate a 6-acre tract, close to city. Perm anent work to right party. See Bates, the Printer, Cass and Main streets. dsw-22-jlC 1'Olt BALK. FOR SALE Airfedale pups, $7.50 and 510.00. Sire and dam regis tered. Hooper Bros. Drain, Ore gon. 3142-J15p FOR SALE Sixty head .of good wether goats. -B. F. Olllvant, Looking Glass, Oregon. Phone 13F4. 3141-j23p AUTO FOR TRADE What have yon in way of lands or city properly to exchange for auto. Inquire of News. 30S2-U FOR TRADE A gasoline wood saw, capacity 30 cords a day. Will trade for Angora goats. For particulars address Sunshine Ranch. Phone 1 F2. 3053-tf BONDS I issue lodge official bonds: I issue court bonds; I is sue fidelity bonds; I sell Invest ment bonds. W. II. RICHARD SON. Rooms 217-218, Perkins bids:, Roseburg, Ore. 3103-1.1 FOR SALE Gasoline wood saw, in 1 erfect condition. Clear if taken at once. Reason for Belling, I have two. Sunshine Ranch. Phone 1K2. 2088-U FOR SALE A few White Leghorn roosters and hens, 2 years old at $1.50 each. Address Mountain View Ranch, Rt. 1, Box 62. Phone 14F25. 3129-j20 FOR SALE Modern bungalow, three lots, good garden Bpot, with straw berry patch; small cost payment; balance on easy terms. Inquire at News Office for owner's name. 2085-tf FOR SALE Complete logging and saw mill fixtures. 20 H. P. en gine. 10,000 capacity. This is a sacrifice. Address Box 72 Myrtle Creek, Oro, dsw-C-jl0p PROTECT YOUR HOME AND FIRE SIDE Wo writo Insurance at low cost, all old line companies. Also automobile, insurance, li-ibility and accident insurance. Any and all kinds of bond. Call and let us tiguro with you. Rice & Rice Real LVtato and Investments. 18-tf TERRACE PARK VIEW LOTS-Lci us show you the most beautiful view lots In Roseburg, new street now being graded, city water in large oak trees on each lot, w have a few lots (0x280 feet that we can tell at $376 each, on easy terms, plendld free soil. Coast Investment Co. 161M1 ' FOR 'SALE. A splendid opening is avail able to the right man or wom an with small capital to go into business. We will sell our stock nud tools at Invoice and learn you the business. For partic ulars address "A" News office. 15-tf I VOU SALE. One Smith Premier typewriter; one White Frost refrigerator; one Intel -national dictionary; one dressor a:i ' commode; a few rockers and some other household goods at low prices. J. N. McCONNELL, jl2p 475 S. Stephens St FOR SALE Good reliable cow. In quire Phone 6F14. 10-jl9p FOR SALE Gentle family horse. Also wagon and harness. Inquire this office. 2030-tf FOR SALE Fine 5-year-old Jersey cow, just fresh. W. Vest, Eden bower. Phone 4F4. 8-jlOp FOR SALE Pair good farm mares. souud, true, weight 2o00. PHm $225. Inquire New office. 7-tf SHEEP FOR SALE 1 have a nice bunch of good stock sheep that will be sold right. Addross L. E. Marsters, Rt. 1., Roseburg, Ore gon. 3005-tt FOR SALE Large Durham cow, fresh in six weeks, good milker. Inquire at News or Rt. 1, Box 27A Roseburg. 14-J12p FOR SALE The best automobile In Douglas county for the money. Combined runabout, truck and 5 passenger tourist. Every bearing new, at Fisliers Paint Store, corner Oak and Rose. 1735-tf FOR SALE 300 acres of rarm land partly timbered, four miles from Roseburg. 7-room residence, barn and out bouses. Water piped in house from springs. $50. uo per acre, easy terms. P. O. Box 56:( Roseburg. Ore. 2028-tf FOR EXCHANGE We have sevoral city lots at prices ranging from $75.00 to $300.00, 50 to CO foot frontage, that we will exchange for wood or lumber. Call and soo, or address, Himes & Oliver, Cass street, Roseburg, Or. 2073-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE -0 1-3 acres lying 1 mile from Roseburg on good graveled road. AH fine soil in cultivation. Good 5 room house, big barn, wood Bhed, chicken house. All fenced with woven wire. This Is a fine level tract of land, on two county roads, and will be sold on good terms, or will! trade for good Roseburg city prop-j erty. Douglas & Wallace. Cass1 street, near depot. 24-tf IF ROU MISS THIS you have let! a golden opportunity pass. For ! rale, one of tho best general ' store3 in Douglas county at a! bargain. This store is first clasv and in Al condition, located in i fine town, best business opening; In Southern Oregon. Owner hns 'other Interests which demands his time. Now this Is first class and! will not stay long. About $4,800 necessary to close It. See us a' 1 once. Rice & Rico. 1 9-tn FOR SALE 0 acres located 3 Mi ! miles from Roseburg, on good; graveled road. All under gravity; water system and In bearing' fruits and berries with 250 young Italian prunes. This Ib a highly1 Improved place with good 6 room house, barn, and four or five good outbuilding.!. Wilh the place goes, all kinds of farm Implements, a horse and a cow. If you want a beautiful home, w ith a good in-; come, hero it Is. Price $3,000. Part; terms. Douglas & Wallace. Cass1 street near depot. 25-tl j FOR SALE 36 V4 acres, nil bot-j torn Innd; 12 acres In oats and i vetch; 18 acres practically cleared' and in tame grasB for pasture; 4, acres fine fir timber for wood; j all fenced and cross fenced; 5; room house, chicken house, store j house, wood 'shed with enough wood In for the winter, good barn., plenty of hay to winter Block on. I 'family orchard, berries, good fresh milk cow with heifer calf, good team of horses weight 2,-. r,00 pounds, harness, wagon, plow, cultivator, harrow, and sevornl, Binnll tools. All can be Irrieaieil; j good trout stream forms one Hnf ! of place, on county road, rural j route, telephone; closo to school.: 7 miles from good town. 2r. mile"! from Rosfbuig. Price $2,800.! $1,800 rash, terms on bnlsiito at! 6 per cent. Inquire at News of- ( f Ire tin7- I FOR TRADK mumlini Uii -lots, wood shed, chicken house summer kitchen, In Albany, Ore gon. We want 20 to 40 acres of good soil. Will assume some. Douglas tt Wallace. Can street, near depot. 23tf M)U 8 ALU of the Orchard Valley Fruit Farm for sulo. A good bargain for cash. H. H. OLCOTT. Owner, 3121-mayliip Canyouvlle, Or. LODGE DIRECTORY . O. O. V Rising Stnr Lodge No. 174, meets in Odd Fellows Temple., every Friday evening. Visiting j brethren always welcome. K. C. I Agep, N. G.; W. S. Powell,! K S.; M. Fickle, F. S. i 1. O. o. I". Union Encampment :o, 9, meets in Odd Felluws' Temple every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome .1. G. ' Stephenson, C. P.; O. L. Johnson, i R. S.; .lames Ewart, F. S. WOMEN OT WOODCllAi r - Lilac Circle, No. 49, meets on first ami : third Monday evenings of each . month in the 1. O. O. F. hull. Vis- i king members in good standing are invited to attend. Mrs. Minnie -Matthews, G. N.; Clara Cawlfield. clerk. O. E. S. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8. ' holds their regular meeting on the I ' rirst and third Thursdays In each month. Visiting members In good s'tanding are respectrully fnvlled to attend. Mrs. Norah Flint, W M.; Free Johnson, sec. LOYAL ORDER OF MIHJSI0 Roso burg Lodge No 1037. Meets in Eagles' hall on Jackson street, every Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock, visiting brothers Invited to attend. George Neuner, Jr., Dictator; H. O. Pargotor, Sec. EAGLES Roseburg Aerie meets In their hall on Jackson street, 2nd nnd 4th Monday evennigs of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting breth ren In good standing alwayB wel come, C. P. Lewis, W. P.; B. F. Goodman, W. Sec. Phone 183. 1. O. o. V. Phlletanan Lodgo, No. 8, meets In Odd Follows Temple, corner of Jackson and Cass Btreets on Saturdny evening of each week. Members of the order In good standing are invited to attend. F. E. Erickson. N. G. ; M. M. Miller, F. S; M. L. Whitney, R. S. WOOD.ME.V OF THE WORLD OnK Camp, No. 125, meets at tht Odd Fellows' Hall In Roseburg, every firb and third Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors always wel come. J. A. Buchanan, C. C; M. M. Miller, clerk. v A. V. it A. K. Laurel 0 Lodge, No. 13, holds j regular meetings on the A? Becond and fourth Wed- nesdnys of ench month. L. o. T. M. Roseburg Hive, No. bl, J holds regular reviews on second I and fourth Thursday evenings In I Maccabee hall. Sisters of other i,,..., viiiin ii miif ..J hhes visiting In the city are cordially invited to attend our re- views. Mrs. Harry Penrce, lady I rem.: Jessie Rapp. R. K. I i niwim ii nMTifiir mMniniienwiiwiiiUfcin I T The M$ht Camera forth rihttSubect. Tiuit's all there is to photography. We know from experience that Seneca Cameras meet every photographic condition suc cessfully. Manufactured by the Largest , Independent Camera Makers in the World, they are so constructed that they allow the widest latitude in every branch of artistic photography. SENECA. Cameras are made on honor ant, :;okl on merit. The only Camera that is thorouphly guar anteed and sold on the free ten day trial offer. Send four cents in postage fcr the new SENECA Hand Book, a valuable photographic book, all charges prepaid. It shows how to buy the right kind of apparatus for making true and artistic pictures of real value. Ask your dealer for it, but if his supply is exhausted send to us. SENECA CAMERA MFG. CO. I Rochester, THE LARGEST INDEPENDENT WE WANT WOOD 1 he News Ollice can use a con siderable quantity of wood this winter. There ore a number of subscribers living in the country surround injr Roseburg who have wood for the market. We will accept wood in payment of sub scriptions and will credit the full market price of the wood on ar rearages, renewals and new sub scriptions. Where the amount due us is less than the cost of the wood we will pay the difference in cash, Bring in the wood be fore the rains conic. We want the wood. You, who owe us for subscriptions, need the credit. Get busy and let us have WOOD. The News 11. P. O. E. Roseburg Lodge, N 326, holds regular couimunro tions at their temple on eeoost ani' fourth Thursdays of act month. All members requests , atton(, rcgularly and all vlsJ(.Ul, brothers are cordially invite to attend. A. C. Seoly, B. R.; H S. Slocum, Sec. N.Y., U.S.A. CAMERA MAKERS IN THS WOULD