S .1 beautiful! TEACHING THE CHILDREN TO HELP THEIR CITY. Movement to Induce Public Schools to Impart Knowledge of Civics. The sontlcnsl movement to brins 111-' 3publk' school liitu more Ijitinwih: coti iiiet villi tt:! couimiiiiltk'H which mi fjfl (item hihI which they are expected Ut yerve is interestiu;;!? n licet cni in it ViMctln sent out by tin New Vork city iur.'jui of municipal riwarcli. which )u(h lu taxjiityer-s, Iim.-Ints und inem iK-in of Iho school bii.'irdK thrmiKlrMii WtV i-'Hinlry livo Hut;eslivo (uestiinia- Vh:it du your pupils know nhout liifli city? Aro kcIioo! children hetphij,' Itteir city ?' It Irf tho widest Ion of lhln bulleiiii Wxxxi (he public Kchoohi should teach pnu'tltiil civics and that without co t .unit Ion from the schools themselves uluntwr league tlnd It dUIiciilt to ac ,'t(tllsh uiix h in Held civic. "l-'cw faetH are now avnllahle ahout piitctlcfil instruct Ion in civics and in what Kovuniuieiit actually iJ'jks every 4lay. how It v.-r..i und with what re ull:." the Ij.:ri;;u repui.s. "Newark leaches Newark by a series t Uutit'ts eoverliiif municipal bpls Mkfc Urc, p !'. and lieallh tl'piii'tnu'i.i.s. tity lioaulifyin;. si reel cleauiny. put tie schools, etc. A euuie of study on Newark, its Kcoi'.nipliy. hl-uory and !n Jawtry, is prepared fur teachers. H;hlcn.;o IniH i.m-ht ClucaL'o since :tW'l, when KuK':-lm.iideut Klla l'laj;' Toiirit; substllut ' i this new siiulv fur tk&hth (,'fade r' hra. I "Wnterbury tt'uniu scliools teach Wn Krtiury; St. .' i.Miu Hchn..:;-. teach ;?t. Jo,; slim ir.v: es tuv jjci In Wleshllltfloii, If ji.; .Sioux Kails. S. It.: ,Vwp!irt, U. I.; PnrltorshurK, W. Vn.. tjelien I'arkersbur in Kurdish as well ttt civic courses; Winston Saleni. S. .. bus it boys' liranch of the hoard of trade to interest IiIkIi school students in cotu munity problems. "Social sett lenient s. llhraries. hoy iitOilts 11 J other outside the school ir jptnixatlons hi many cllles hiivc classcN a. ml clubs which reach only a small per t of tho boys find idrls they would fftuch Lf Inal ruction were made avail bk' throtiKli I lie public schools. 'Muvenlle street cleaning leagues wore tnrtcd In 1KIMI In New York's elenien tarjr BchooU by It. S. Simons under the Utjivrtincut of street cleaning and are itovr active In over forty schools. These traces have done much, and In them rt,v 4. 000 children arc now enrolled." CIVIC PROGRESS. ? "Know your city' 1m a slngnn that HtnndM fr tho new civic (joint of view. "Facing hnrd fuctH for the nuke of the future" is now recognized ns the Mrst l'p in tnnkliig our cities, towns nd villager belter phizes In .. fildi to live. The day of boast i blgnesH, of Hiipertleial pride of unintelligent t-mnplaeeiiey , piisslug. The duy uf the sot lul vey ih a slenlilie way a city i,v know Itsett ( at hnnd. iillim eltii'.eiis 11 nd rirnnb'.:i ;s whooiiee IttoUed asknih-e nt : pit cures' tltlil "UHirStl'ilk im " e (lime o niideisiatid the ii' 1 1'ih tlve viilue of a KUi ve.v 1 imw InUe ni ti)' pui't In ef lo tin vt one ni:ide in their ;:llty. r ! .j. f Ti t WASHINGTON ALLEYS. I to Wipe Out These Unsightly I - upo'.i in me ;:pnsi uity. 1 ':m' tin nin e ln-en working foe j tmis to nhuiUli V;illlugtun't hih;ilit- Itt jilley look ftu-wjird n t mcrelv to i itv xivdtiilliy but to the prubability iH i U tory nt the li.nuls of rimgrcsM. I A bill "t prevent the u-e of build j itf III illle.vs lit the lKtrb( of rolum j ttt aa plj( es of ilu-fllliig" ll:is hceit j ,eiplcted iiinl Is In the hiinds of thel istrlct coiuuitHslnners. It provide I the elliiiiii;Wiiu or niley duellim: ; iUbiU ten eiH's of the d.Ue of thej -ygt of tli.- !:!!!. trani. e::ipensn j f for owner and siipnbie up Llmately one tenth of ihe hih.ilitted I aiiaii he i ii.nird Into .street- 'h your. It eiup-weiN the ctiumi dt'tr to cut lliroiih minor M reels In J ft MiM'kM seem to need them and ew to the eommlssidiieis Hie rluht of ew coiideiimiit hm. so tl;i( bloeks V lie remniteled u h..i-. n. .irv t.i hi rid of the old ;ilh'V !ttb rlmhs. fV ).ii i.iii t. u i!,.. i. .. i i..., .i t of tifly, reresei,tlnu' the chilli- f, li of iMimnieree, b-imd -f trade. Asso i .d Cli.uiiies. Monday I'.vening club y 1 Wotifii's welfiire department of ; t'lvie ffderattou. :is u.-ll us tin i ii;-U Mii'pmt of tlie eounnisioners. ITo Buy Up Beauty Spots. Mug mlviu due tf the cxperlenci , o:-s-t Witiliiitou sl:ite in bavin j tpdry in ule refeienre to re -at iim of the ehi.hvM land ; I'll'.-et sound or other water mi j" control tf the Hlate fir tlie pel 1 use of the public. I'oiester XV. I-:. IVrris has Ii.hm: . ! iHloiHHl llV (lie lmrJ I , i j!; f Invchtigatinu (1f the state wiin a view to reporting on how w here Hod In w hat way imto iniiM Im' reserved f.r the play of tho Ol-escot I'ltiT.o.t nf r1t CITV NEWS. Our customer. are our ue.it adver tisement. Kisncr & .Marsh. tf K. .1. Wright, of Glide, was a visit or in J lose ours for a few hours to day. Cool clean coniro. tuole tooms at UcClullen hotel, 2.i0 per week anJ Up. tt M. S. Smith, of Sutm-rlin, spent last evoniim in ItoseliurK with; friends, If you nro think hit! of Imihlinu, ri'iitodeljiitf or i-epaiiin, you will nioiicy by seeing Jt, 1', Cliil mii, tf J), li. Friend, of Ohtlhi, transacted liitsiness in Uu.seburg for a few hours today. (livo UH a call when in need of horseshoeing and you will never Ko elHC where. Hill mid (1 en rue the 1 lurlers. tf. George Glynn, of Kutherlin, spent lat evening in itoneburg.. lie re turned to hn iiome tliia morning. if you need wood the Full Measure a rd can fill your order with dry oak or fir. Phone 1G5. North; llosfburg. tf Mrs. Paul J, Lux leaves (or Ilos ton on Thursday where she wiJl spend several weeks with friends and, relatives. j J Go to J. & J. Keslaurant, 17: Sheridan Btreet for I. X, L. Chicken' Tanuilcii and Mexican Chili Con Came. tf Attorney (). 1, Coshow nt a rued iter.; this morning alter a lew days; spent at Portland and other north-j ern cities. j TIk sto k at Gai ves . ft Kmpor- j I ti tn on Ca.s street must be moved j b"fnre February I. Cur iirices will J induce you in help us move. tf; Mrs. G. VY. Scott left for Grants Pass this morning after a tew day.-! spent in KoHcburg visiting with Mrs.! O. P. llam'pson. Patronize tho Farmers Public Mar ket Tuesdays and Saturdays. Pro ducers' and consumers' Interest. Prices always reasonable, tr A meeting of t lie Itoseburg Choral Club will jbe held at (the Parish House, of the local Fptscopal church, at 7:;!0 o'clock this evening. Nmv In the timo u let that con tract or hnvu that ciirpciitvr Job dour. Times an ijuiet nnd iirices are close. See li. h liikson. tf mi Hiui .Mrs. Marry .Mies, ol Idaho, left for Grants Pass this morning after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Crawford in I this city. Osburnn Ptmrmacy. headquarters, for Shelly Ma.da lights. Conio In I and let us show you how up-to-date i lighting saves your eyes and your, money. tf ! Mrs. Claud W. Sprague, aecom-j panled by her mother, arrived here Hi is morning from Kugene. They leave tomorrow for Marshfield wher they will visit with friends. if you plac(, one order with us foi wood, you will become one of our permanent customers. Full Measure Wood Vaiil. X.H-lh Itnitflmrf Pli.mn . I'i"'. ' tf DULY WKA'I NI K IlKPOKT. If. W. Weather llureau, local of- j lice, Kosehiiig, Oregtui. J l hours end- j iug ."i ji. m., January IJ. I'.M l. j Precipitin ton in inches and hun- . dredths: j IhglitMl temperature jesterday ,n j Lowest temiM'iaturi' last night lit ! Pre. ipitut ion, last IM hours ... 0 1 preclp. since first of r,, month ri Normal precip, for this month 5.7ft Total precip. from Sep. 1, UH2, to date 11. US . 1 1 1 1 1 1, i piedj.. uoiu wpiein- i Her 1 , 1 So. 7 1 ti.nit j Total defieiency from Sep. 1. 1! 1.1 4. ft; ! Average precipitation for lltl wet j reasons. (Sep. to May fuclus tvel 33.08 j Observer. ' anm.xi. mi:i:tino uosk- 1 HI Ki COMMKKl'l XI. VX ! Members of tho Hose-burg Com mercial Club arc- hereby notified that the nunual niretmi; of the club will he held in the Commercial Club looms Tuesday cveniim. January 13, 11' 14. at S o'clock, nt which time tho following officers of tho dub Let "Kelly" Do Your Moving, Hauling mm? are to be elected for the ensuing year: President, vice-president, sec retary, treasurer, and three trustees, t Tho by-laws provide that only those members whose dues ure paid in full are entitled to vote. Club mem ber, are urged to pay dues in full to th secretary before date of meet ing, and attend meeting as it is im portant that well riualificd officers b-. selected to manage the affairs of the club during J'J14. W. H. F1SIIEU, President. G. P. SCilLOSSlCIt, t jl 3 Secretary. LOOK L'S TP RICE & RICE REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS REFERENCE: ANY BANK Insurance brokers. Ponds, war rants, loans negotiated. Houses for rent and business exchange. Advice on any part of Douglas county and its adaptness, flock, fruit and general farms for sale. Musiness of all kinds. Home very select stock ranches. City prop erty and businesses for sale. Long time insurance at very low rates, all old line companies; no chance, for special assessments as in mu tual companies. Always buy the best It's the cheapest. Notary Public. Lower floor Masonic bhlg. llosoburg, Oregon. PHONE 163 PHONE 163 Roseburg Feed & Fuel Company SAWED TIE HlOCKS KltY HUH'K Kill WOOD DltY SPLIT Flit WOOD 1HY ItMK'K OAK WOOD DliY SPLIT OAK WOOD PIXE EOH KIXDLIXO Roseburg Feed & Fuel Co npatiy W. C. SWANK, MaiuiKor. PS10NE163 PHONE 163 What Is )lo (liiTt'lviity ln'lwwn tllir I'ivsIiUmiI'h Iruvi'liiiK tvpi'ns's ntul i iim'iih card? tn Is tbe far of Hill, the other a bill of fiirv! COMH And 1ok (Hep One Hill Of Knro He Tore ArnuiKiuiX Yours! YOl-I.L IJKK OIK MKATS .Most temler our chops, our steaks arc rare, Kxcellent our hams, salt meats the same. All cuts prepared with Ki'eutest care To servo nnd to please you, our aim! Phono KH THE ECONOMY MARKET ;i-:o. liom ti (.i:. i-mp. MaC &W$l f fd popular UltOTHKlCHOOJ) OF AM Kit IC AX VKOMEX. Gig Inducement in Fraternal Insurance. -Yeomen Policies Pay. Admits men and women Membership fee reduced. Ak any Yeoman. R. STUBEIS, Foreman. S. K. KH01IN, Correspondent. Itoseburg, Ore. Or J. A. Mcars, Dlst. Mgr. Uox 504 Kugene', Ore. 327-p Roseburg Cleaning & Pressing Parlors At this establishment you can get anything cleaned from a pair of poiled gloves to the most elabor ate silk gown without injury to coior or labrfc, both for ladies and gentlemen. Prices right. Monday only will French Dry Clean Lndies and Gents' suits for Sl.f.O. Regular price $2.00. Vrs. Mary Weil Waiker First door west of I'nipqiitt Hotel 1 1() moro .subscribers for The Litdii's Home Journal, Tho Sat uiday Kwning; Post and The Country Gentleman, by Jan. 2u. If you contemplate subscribing for any of the above do so now, and benefit both yourself and niysidf -you by bringing into your home one of tho best publi cations in the country rue by giving me a chance at the big December-January prizes. If your subscription expires pooh, renew now, so that you will not miss a number. Patronize the home agent. Deios Livingston Box 124 Fern Island Greenhouse Mrs. F. D. Owen. Prop. Roseburg, Ore. I'hoiie 9FI2 Cnt Flowers. Poitpil Plants I'nnt'i-al lt!sins, NVddlnir Ito qnvts etc. .irsT i:i:ci:ivki) a krksii srppi.v w ri:us (!' A I.Tj kinds On Sale At The Hose Confectionery Popular Mechanics Magazine "wmmM o you can undimtand n" ACREAT Continued Story of the World' Progress which you may begin reading at any time, and win noia your interest lorever. 230 PAGES EACH MONTH 300 PICTURES 200 ARTICLES OF GENERAL INTEREST The "Shop Notes ' Department (20 pitffrHi) mves easy ways to do t)unK how to make usetui articles tor home and shop, repairs, etc. Amateur Mechanic" (10 pages) tells how to make Mission turniiure, wi relets outtits, boats, eOKines, magic, and all the things a boy loves. f 1.S" PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 15 CENTS Ask your newsdealer, ,. W writs: FO met- samplk copy today POPULAR MECHANICS CO. SIB W. Washington St.. CMICAOO and Transferring jl1 WANTED - W The French Transfer Company Phone 220 Duy bread madw to Itoseburg ; none better. You could do your banking in Portland: laundry could oe sent there; dry goods bought there but It is not good business policy. Spend your money at : home. tf ! I STOP AT I Hotel Grand BCass St., Roseburg, Ore. EVERYTHING FOR SPORTSMEN You will Gad in my store everything you will need for fishing and hunting from tackle & bait to cartridges & guns J. H. Syke's Gun Store OPPOSITE POSTOFICE MARSTER5 IS 13. il Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorU, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorSs. Telephone 251. WorK Done on Short Notic "Diamond HARD WHEAT PATENT JUST RIGHT- It's Made that Way More Loaves per Sack, but COSTS you LESS. Why ? It'a sold at "THE CASH STORE" WE SAVE YOU MOXEV You Want We are gelting upon spring list of proper ties, stock ranches, dairy farms, orchards, grain ranches, city properties, expecting a number of buyers in February, must be ready for them. If you want to sell your propei ty, give us a chance to handle it ..;.C0ME IN TO-MORROW AND LIST IT WITH US.... COAST INVESTMENT COMPANY PHONE 298 O. JACOUSON Panitorium Dye Works AU work fully guaranteed. Goods cnlNsl for and delivered. Prac tical (lyelni; and cleaning of all kinds of Ladles' and Genu' Cloth. ' Ing, Cravenettes and Portiera. AtO N. KOttB 8T. CORXER OAK. Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds ot all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm'Property Office Phone 128 Residence Phone 104-L H.J- DENN TlU.,o':il ASll sTOUAGi; Cl. Office loratod In former ptona room of Churchill-Warner Elec trical Co. Prompt attention given all orders ROSEBURG, OREGON ItOSUHUltO, OHEGON PLUMBING SHOP. ROSEBURG. OH?; W Flour" 125 CASS STIIKET. to Sell 116 CASS ST. Telephone 21:i Roseburg, Ore AU work flrst-clasa Rear Flnt Trust & Savings Bank Hldg IJOSKTtVRO, OREGON Wn dtttmjeti W pivparb.g.