The Strug gle For Brea id til Human Race! You Are Struggling However, Be Sure You Are Struggling BETTER PIES, BREAD CAKES $ DOUGHNUTS INSIST ON THE BEST-WHITE RIVER FLOUR For REAL Bread The Kind That Contains All of The Body-Building Material That is Contained In The Whole Wheat Grain. In As U WHITE RIVER FLOUR BAKING SUCCESS ASSURED WHEN YOU USE WHITE RIVER FL0U8 You save all the muscle-building, brain-making elements in the whole wheat ground to a superior fineness possessing just the necessary qualities of starch and gluten to assure the highest satisfaction in your baking efforts. If yon have never tested WHITE RIVER FLOUR order a sack from your grocer immediately make a test batch of bread put your highest skill into the making. You will be amazed at the difference a sweeter, more appetizing and more digestable bread will be the Jesuit, and the whole reason will be the use of WHITE RIVER KLOUR. Perfectly fitted to your every baking need ground in a clean, sanitary mill, theouly mill opera ted by electricity on the Pacific coast, tested hourly to obtain at all times the best uniform quality and as pure and wholesome as a lifetime of flour making can pro duce. Remember, each sack is absolutely guaranteed in every respect, you take no chances. For Sale By All Grocers WHITER LIGHTER MORE WHOLESOME BREAD Quality is the prime considera tion in the milling of White River Flour. Every hcur a batch of White River Bread is baked right in the mill and the results of the baking are carefully noted. The standard must be upheld. Every sack must be of uniform weight and goodness. The housewife who wants the best baking results must use WHITE RIVER FLOUR. For Sale By All Grocers 4 ! OCEAN INVADES THE TOWN ft h t J ' CITY NEWS. NOT A CANDIDATE. SAI.K.M, Or., Jim. 12. Gov- ernor West today declared he was not a candidate for United StatoH Kenator. Ho Haid lie was loyal to Senator C'hamherlnln and expected to Kive him his support. 0 1. l V t s X Dr. P. V. Hunt Is ill at his homo in this city today. John Alexander and wife wore hi from Glide this morning. 11. Z. Ireland went to Oialla tliia morning to spend a few days. Mrs. J, B. PutricU went to (irants Pass today to visit with friends. ! -..- A. A. Wilder has .arrived hei , forts to ascertain his whereabouts from CurvnlliH to make his perm-j sluee he left Kosebtirg have failed. anent home, ".I. H. Mason, of Medford, spent Sunday in Itos-hurg visiting with his friend, S. J. Jones. Charles Nail, of Glendulc, spent the day in Kosoburg nUend;t:g to.n"! hroiiRlit samples of Kohl qinrtz CITY NEWS 44444444444444 1 George 12. Cole, n farmer resid ing a few mihf north of MyrMu i Creek on what is known u- Ited , f mountain, came into th tit- todav Italy alone is not th. possessor of a Venice. Right here in our own country at Seabright, Now Jersey, the streets are literally fllhvl with ua er. Seabright. became a veritable Ven !f. when the terrible 'storm drove WW. vatrrs of the Atlanta, upon her. t tren in the pJiotograpli. h(.its were used fcr conHininicj';oM in the Fiirots. In the Imckfrr'nui 1 ai the end of the street can be ob rvo.i u l.c use floating down the Shrev&lKirv .tjcying hotels, niagnilicent resid ences with their fine lawn?, i.nd :it.iny miles of cement walk.. b.-foie its fury way spent. When the waters ir.vad'd Hen bright, as shown above, it wa that littlfi city's necond experience within a week, A week previous, a t tor in a; ruck the city and did i-oiif-iderahle property damage. The ritteiM soon recovered themselves and were In fVustrinnsly engaged in r-huilding river out to sea. The giant th damaged fictions when ;hey re at away the edce of the land de- cejved a second visitation. H. Guest, the baker, today remov rd the awning formerly adorning the front of his store on Jackson utreet. He expects to purchase a new and modern awning at an early date iu ; 78; Sykea 76; Knger 7G; the spring. i 76; Cordon 76; Donahew hi The Roseburg Gun Club held an Interesting shoot at their range, near Shady Point, yesterday afternoon. Fallowing werp the scores; Jeekaon Tolles various business matters. Mrs. Gilmore has accepted a po sition nt "Everybody's Cafe", rilie entered upon her duties today. Rose Josephson has accepted a po sition at "The leader". She entered upon her new duties this morninir Train No. 14, due hero at two o' clock this afternoon, will not arrive until 6:30 o'clock this evening, ac cording to information received at the loeal train dispatchers' office. The delay was caused by snow in Northern California. Attorney Albert Abraham will sub mit an opinion to the city com cil tonight, in which he will hold tint' the counci' has a legal right to ! rescind th action taken nt a fovm- er meeting of the council when' Charles Wilson was given five months additional time In which t( elect a sidewalk on South Mail. ( street. James Denning, an old time Doug.; las county resident, but el late, of: Morrow county, arrived here this morning to spend a fiw days vvph! his father. Mr. Denning r-jports biniius quite .good east ol the nt .iiniriis. W. 11. Gilliam this morning reev ed a letter from Raymond Thomp son, of Idaho, asking for Informa tion regarding Mr. Spaulding, the Seattle timber cruiser, who Is sup posed to have heen in Rsel-iiM on December 4. Mr. Gilliam say he noticed Mr. Spaulding hera :n De cember, but has no know'edgf of where he went upon leaving tht city. Rpauldlng is about 65 yeari of age, and is well known aniens the Pacific coast ttmbermen. All ef- in with him whieh he -xlnbited to rriends, and invarialdy 'vi rock has been pronounced as appearing to be good. The s pec i mens show u were taken from the surface, aiul I lie lodge is a clearly defined one about 16 feet in width, with a lip into the hill In a north and e.i---t rly ili I'ction. Samples have been sent lo Cjrval'ls for assay. Color !? easily obtained from the quart', bv simple processes known to mine.i, and it Is believed that Mr. Cole ha.t -.tumbled tip"ii a paying find. The Usual Result Madison, Wis., Jan. 1 ,lJirj. This is to certify that 1 have been a great sufferer from Rheuma tism since 1MM. Contracted the disease while working with a snow plow on the railroad. I'or seven.! yenrs I have been ol.'ig otl to uso crutches a great part of the time. Having used threj bnr'-s of t l'e h9 M. hr- fyU,i JJ ym aV TRADE MHR RHEUMATISM POWDERS T have thrown nway tho crutches and am now almost fully reocv ered. It certainly has done won ders for rne and I heartily recom mend It, Signed, M. D. Reynolds. Johnson's Drug Store FreltrMvp MorKl Acency. R. T. Hamlin was this morning awarded tho contract for furnishing wood for the county during tho year 1914. Mr. Hamlin's bid was f2.35 per tier. Dr George 12. Houck snnit yester day at-ernoon at Melrore ullondinn id it.. C W. Anderson, who is rinUi to le quite III. The Presbyterian choir was enter tained by Mr. Thackrah, l-'i iday night, and a delightful time l.n re pined. Of course the priiu-'pa di version for tho evening was mu:iic. and Jsevoral HeU'ctlons, both vocal t and Intrunieiit-al, were ren iered. A charming three course luncheon was served by the hostess which added not a little to the pleasure of the event. :! lXltO.KU 18 C.UXKD. V Coroner .lnwutt luft for the vicinity of (Hide lute yeHtorduy whoro lio wan cnllcd fiillnwing tho sudden nnd tinoxpGCted doath of an ngd Indian lady, 4 Hi! nliould return lii'i'u luniKlit. Tlio docimHod Iih lived In the county Tor luiiny yi"ur, accord- Iiik to roitnrtH, nnd Ii?nveg a family to mourn her dmnlBe. O No ono In HoKeburi npiumr to j Know her UHine, consequently it cannot he published prior to 4) the return of tho coroner. It is liellevcd Bh(! died from imtur- i. ul caiiEes. J imati:s l,.D. 4; : Mr. and Mrs. liitrace (amp- , bell today donated to Douglas ! county a tract of land, repre- sentlng about a (juarter of an 4! acre, uud formerly known as j Military street. The land In quest Ion lies to the west of the 4 Oak street bridge. 4 44 44 44444444444 4444444444444444 4 KIN; TliSTlMONV. 4 4 4 Miss Mabel Albright, referee, today took the testimony in tho 4 celebrated Oak street bridge 4 case. As soon as tho evidence 4 Is extended it will he sent to 4 Judge Calkins, of Ashland, 4 who will later render a deels- 4 Ion. Attorney J. C. Fullerton, 4 who brought tho suit to re- 4 strain the county from build- 4 lug the bridge at the foot of 4 Oak street is represented by 4 Attorneys J. O. Wutnon and H. 4 i. Kddy, The county Is repre 4 sented by Attorneys O. P. Co- 4 show and Oeorgo M. lirown. 4 Quite a number of witnesses 4 were examined during the day, 4 including several county offic- 4 lain who are Involved In the 4 controversy. 4 4444444444 44 4 4 4 KOH RKXT Large furnished front room, gentleman roomer prefer red. Inquire Illl! U. Ctisa. ' 21tt Volt SALI'Pen oC DaTkCo rn"lsh (James. Thene are first clans birds. Inquire Mr. Wood, News office. 28-tf KOU SALKTiood ope7i"ing 'for a man or woman with small capital to learn the candy business. Ad dress "T" care News. 30-tr V)7rs. l7i::r Huff" I,lymo7irhIU'k roosters, price $2 each. Also liar- red Rock pullets. Phone 20K11. I,, K. McC!oy, 1286 Umpqufl Avenue. 26-J17P iuk MAi-i'r- une weuvcrs rneiifj die. Reason for selling, eyes hnv failed. Will sell for price. En quire oi ii. it. iraiin, esi oecoui Mtrt'i'. North rtiiKPljitrt!' y?1l7. AT I 444444444444 Beit located and most popular hotel In the City circulating ice water in every room. Eipncial attention to Udi travelling alone Kxccllcnt, reasonably priced (frill Meet your friendt at the Manx. EuropJi fUn Rata $l.Mup, Management, CfftUr W, Ktltty . j