The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, January 02, 1914, Page 1, Image 1

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Until Tonight & Saturday
VOL. V .
ItOSIiHUltG, DOl'GUS COUNTV, Olt'lXiO.V I'ltlD.VY, JAM'AHV 2, 1011.
No. SO
Goes to Copperfield to Close
the Saloons.
bara. "The Nislon City by the Sea"
Del Monte, Jiere It is summer all
the year; OSMontervy, California's
first capllalpanla Cruz, the Coney
Island of d Pacific; California's
Dig Trees, tl Oldest Living Things;
San Francii Hay, the World's
Greatest Hafir; San Francisco, the
Golden Ga
Krclixmkeeperif Await t-lio Arrival of
Kulem Miss Willi Kagcincss
liars Will lie Strewn
With Flower.
Panania-Pajjc lExposidon. City;
Golden Uatfark and Sunset at the
May be Outlined in a Noted
Most of 0 merchants of the citv
spent yesteo tuning inventory of
their stocj
C. B. Ipley spent the day at
Oakland '9"B after business mat
A. G. 3i returned to Oakland
Ihia Minriitafter a few riav Enant
Hohbs, secretary to the governor, ib n io3eulJ
eiirouto to Copperfield to close up the L, d . f
CSpeoial to The Evening News.)
PORTLAND, Jan. 2. Mtss Kern;
1 .'X. ., .,
i vi li'ufin nt the Pnnst jirtillerv and i LR a
'ml Mi, 1 II,K (U '
live ninuiiiiiieii. .uiss """"n
Mrs. el
earson came over from
lung to visit with
Elsie Nil leaves for Portland
Sunday ft sonie lime spent
ltosehuriilliig with her mother.
j , Hiason. the insurance
agent, hijurned here after a few
days sn.'P .Northern cities.
1 - . - . . .... it. .a
scheduled to arrive at Copperfield , oiiuiei ui
at 2 o'clock this afternoon. bile
hears a message to the mayor order
ing all saloons closed anil the resig
nations of all officers of the towns
who are saloonkeepers. She leaves
c.n the same train on which she ar
rives. If. however, after her depar
ture, the governor's orders nre not
obeyed, l.awson was instructed to de
clare martial law, close the saloons
and confiscate the liquor.
1,'ltii'ni'lp- Itfd"'n.
NEW YORK, Jan. 2. Members of I 'i
the firm of .1. P. Morgan & Company '..,0j,-S;
have resigned as directors of about u " ' j
twenty railroads and industrial com- , . . 3
jinnies, it is announced. In u slate- '1
ment Morgan declared the rcsignn-1 jS
tions was tendered because of the ! S
timo taken from the business oi ine . g .
firm by attendance at tne various u.-, j.s , loca aent for tho
rectors meetings. New Vfii'e Insurance Coniiiany,
left fi) land this morning on
NYACK. N. Y.. Jan. 4. General;
nosalie Jones, of the suffragette c TJn ieft for pros)el.t this
army, with suffragette banners .i- mm- -(r i
inc ) stm iresn on hit im, ami "
Invaded the town. She carries a pe
tition to the legislature asking f"1'
women watchers at the polls when
the vote for suffrage tako3 place in
1.1' :
The hirrcrking crew was call
ed to S1' l"tc yesterday as the oB'i'aili'd box car
W. U.jjniitte and wife leave in
a few cti'ir nouinern caiiiornia
11 spend several weeks,
llrown and child went
this morning to spend
iting with the former's
s. C. H. Davis left for
ruing arter a few days
burg visiting with Dr.
Governor 1'eni.s, of .Michigan, OiiU-i
An Immediate Investigation of
The Moycr Shooting
and deportation.
(Special to The Evening News.)
stage Is set for a conference that
I'jjy have an Important bearing up
on ihe administration's future course
in the Mexican situation. The presi
dent's envoy, Lind, uboard th0 cruis
er Crester. is anchured off Ship Is
land. The revenue cutter, Winona,
is alongside, prepared either 10 bring
l-ind to Pass Christian or take the
president out to see the envov. In
even propose to abolish It.
For scores of years this begging
business went on unhindered. The
Limed Charities of Chicago collected
more than $300,000 a vear. seventv-
five per cent of which went to sal
aries or "Investigators, whose chief
work was obtaining jobs for depend
ent mothers. Such jobs as they ob
tained were washing and scrubbing,
laborious work which ruined the
mother and broke up the family.
Thousands of families were broken
up in this way. The technical courj
charge for breaking up th0 family,
however, was truancy deliouency.
"failing lo keep the house clean," or
the mother was sent to til hospital
broken down. Thus, juvenile court
records and the Amazing statistics,
of the charity trust show that no
homes were broken up by poverty.
The facts nre that poverty was the
cause of nil the broken homes that
passed through the Juvenile court
and charity trust.
Early in 1011, I happened to run
into this supreme crime
motherhood and childhood
black babies away from their moth
ers, outraged Immune
Miss Hobbs Arrived at Cop.
perfield Today.
Saloonkeepers Say Tliey Will I'se
Force to Keep Their ItCKorts
(ieii Whole Town Lis.
tells tti Proclamation,
(Special to The Evening News.)
COPPKKFIklLD, Ore., Ilec. 2.
Miss Hobbs, flunked by Colonel Law
son. Of tlln Oroiron N'ntinti'il nn:i'.l
against I and five members of the Coast Ar-
aening; miery with rifles, loaded anil ready
have arrived here. The governor's
personal tl.eclul renresentaliva ivnil the irm-
Amerlcon house and found, police a
sert. thnt two well-known Wheeling
W. Vo., men, both married, and two
women, sisters, one nmrrlod and tho
other unmarried, from the same city,
had ieft there at 4 o'clock the utter
noon before enrouto for the West,
where, police nay, t)iey intend to
make thir homes.
Police assert that they finally
broke down and confessed.
HAKKIt HAS 10,000 FlllK,
....,.., , o.ii am, neipcu ..rnor's proclamation, declaring Cop
....f, uu ... ...uu..) uui perllold under martial law Mavor
I bine seen white mothers good moth-! Stewart and the six counrillnen, of
..... ..uw.c ....., . seirai aieu lorever whom four are in Hie saloon busi
iiwm un ciuiureu. oetause
1!Ir StiHvlifliwo of Siimpttor Valley
Jtalliima W Dosti-oyed,
BAKEU, Or., Jan. 1. The bl(T
ntoreliouso of the Sumpter Valley
railroad was destroyed by flro to
night. The flames started from un
known causes. The lots is 110,000,
covered by insurance.
The storehouse Is locutod in the
heart of the big lumber mill dis
trict, in which the water nresauro
was light. The only thing that pre
vented a conflagration was about a
foot of snow on tho roofs of the ad
joining mill of tho Oregon Lumber
mornhiT1 "penning tile holiday
vaeati'$oseburg. .Mr. Uruwn is
teurhioj'ol there.
Itusntgomery is in the cily
today J veral teams moving his
house I'lods on to his ranch at
u.,,...i,u in aovance oi Hie meeting '' crime was ; i busin.iis. Every other of the
.ii-.eeu uy ine executive. ,....,,,.,,., ,., , , ,n,mnss eighty four citizens or Copperfield
For lVs CliriMtinn. ! -'iant.v I hope t.od will for-j were present and heard what she had
PASS CHRIST! V Ian At 1 vrt iT','' I T, K""!K " '" NCW: s'- Sw"l"iK the militiamen
1(1. -in ,' ! "' -' At; ork h,:iu '''is very hour and llliyl tn rnfnTi-o tlm ,-,iu,-u nn,.. .,
to Pas, CM Zi "ii'-S "U'y '' '?' VlSi""K the "n..'.s and leaves the lawless elc
tenant "uowoll delivered a message ! ZlSt "" ""s-r" i mont In a quandary what to do. The
wli lmi'i'ili v UH'r't .erviiM! man ! Appalled at the separation of
w ho I n led by automobile to deliver j ,,l,er and child, the supreme crime
and the most awful punishment
that could he devised by friends. I
conceived the idea of pensioning
mothers. Quietly the law was pass
ed in Illinois and went Into effect
on July 1, 1911. Since that timo
thousands of children have been re
lieved from poverty and the breaking
AiiHjjChurchlil and daughter. I of musketry
. left for Portland this ennnon made a terrific dill
Members of Finn Expert to Make
KoelMirs Their Future Home
Huvo .Many Friends.
moriiiBr visiting at the home
of thifl1' s son, K. II. Churchill.
E. Hvkcndall spent the day
at K$!ooking inter business
it to the president. It was later re
ported that orders were sent Lind lo
come to Pass Christian and talk with
t lie president this aferuoon.
Fierce, linges.
PUESIDIO. Jan. 2. Haltle be
tween the federals and rebels, in pos
session or Ojinaga raged without in
teruption during the night. Despite
the four day assault by. tile superior
rorce of constitutionalists, the fed
erals still offered desperate resist
ance. Although tho federals wound
ed were cared for by tho American
army surgeons they insist hundreds
were killed. The officers, of the
American pairol estimate two hun
dred were killed on both sides. Of
I lies... 150 were federals. The rattle
and the booming or
saloonkeepers have been advised by
attorneys to use force If necessury to
keep the saloons open. All men are
armed. That the handful of guards
men will have a dangerous time car
rying out the instructions seems cer
tain. .Spitcwork I'luirgrcil.
Conditions In Coppentield, Or.,
where Mis3 Fern Hobbs, privato see-
up or homes has been cheeked. The! l'etary to Governor West, bus gone
new system met witli the approval ! with the avowed purpose of closing
of the public and at this time has! (he saloons, are described In a let
been adopted by eighteen other (er received by a prominent Port
stales. The begging charities of 'and business man from a business
Chicago have proven Inefficient, in
the eyes of the public. The high
salaries experts and the hordo of j
"investigators" could not raise last'
year more than $70,000 nllhough ns.
man or CoppcrHeld as being due lo
"Some one set fire to my place
I acii of the store," says the letter.
"but It was seen In time to put it
Five Saloons Close st Community
"Wet" for 05 VeJirs.
(tovernor l-'ei ris Wires.
LANSING, Jan. 2. Governor Fer
ris today telegraphed Attorney Geo.
V...1w.1l. ... II 1 I.J
,.!, ,mnri-OW ll im,. In nn ' ".' l.-riraBlllil-
:,..... i. ...... ... ... . I've in (he copper distrlcl to pro
ceed inimedintelv wilh the Invest!
gation of the shooting and deporta-
lion of Moyer. Nichols investiga
Hon will be independent of that coir
ducted by the Houghton county grand
Ju ry.
Fust in Moi
st. PAI'L. Jan. 2. The entire
Northwest is experiencing ils firs!
real touch of winter, with four
inches ol" snow yeslerday. It is still
fallinir. Tile snow is not heavy
ptioeixh to trouble wires, or tie no
n nd was conduct-1 speut cbiirg. Mr. Farmer is. unfile.
Frncljii'e he will spend a week
E. j'or, until recently night
The firm of Josepnson s, eonsisi-j cicriig iioiei in kiuiii.
lug or Mrs. M. Joseplison. ssaiu n. M .'iuvnni i ei lasi evening
Josenhson and .lulien jonepiiu.i. '""l';"" iiu
passed into history this morning troi n. k ,,. .
when an R-signnieni s I ff ' ,, ,,
rile assetsi uer n .-.' uiuie mis
visit with
p..,.rt r II, nlr ii-r.dil ors
...,,i n..i,iiiti ennnot be determined I nun itl ler a brier
.. .i,o r.'l'" s city. Slie was accom
ti, tn,nhin store, as it was best j pan, r daughler. Edith
i, ... ih ihousunds of people I C.Biier returned to Eugene
n,r,:,,..lumt Diiuslas county, was es-! this after a couple of days
tablished in IS
t-ibliMieu in lhii, ami ...n....... . ...
ed continuously for a period of morei enu ),t inspector of public im
than :i7 years. . , 1 ,,r"$Lh,; L"T"": J
Ttycors Frit it Company, of
y ai., with a in-iinch or-
i.i. ,,..!, onfferiii": financial an
i.!.. .,f i-,in ihe firm of Joscph-'s will be long remembered in j ficei city, today made final
thl citv The members of the rirm. UptlBUl, persons whose fruit
..'- '..:i,0 .iir,.n sniiervision the , the handled during the past
nsiness has been conducted, are peo-1 seakill. something over $H.-i
pie or'honor ami integrity and have nonbi out today. 1 Children are Disgraced and
Vrne evervthing possible to save ij s wind storm was prob-, . . .. .
fheir creditors from loss. In fact. 1 ahl -st serious experienced! PoVtrtV Not Relieved.
ion- t-0 the firm turned over much he,s. Oilier I halt twisting j .
' .'. ,.. ! r,ier that certain; a ui signs from their lasi-i
-I'crounts miglit be satisfied. Nothing; eirirvind broke one or two
wi s ever has been kept from the skd well as wrecking bill
.re.l tors and Ihe firm retires in the bo.l loos piUMs of the city,
kindest 'regard of their creditors and (Juey Albert Abraham has
munv' friends, in fact, regret was pnlfiotice informing the of
"xi ressed on every hand today when ,.arBe of tho Maccaoee
1t became known (hat the firm was no,. h. ixrolln was rcent-
l..nn- aUn to COUP Willi liifl ...... . ij m " w "M
sities which are liable to incumber , till
sisled by committees or prominent i "tit before It did any damage. We
business men. Many charity wnrk-i'an't lind nut who set the fire,
ers thrown out of work by the fnil-j There Is a reward up of $50 to bo
nre of ihe begging societies hnve!l!iven to anyone that can.
been hired by the county as civil ser- "llelleve me, I am not In Ibis scrap
vice employes to help the pensioned i The trouble is nil over a Greek, lie
imnheis. Instead of wasting their: was running a saloon here and niov-
tinie as employment agents for wash! eil from one place to another outside
women and scrubbers. i the ralooli limit. There is an ordln-
The pension system has been : unci' fixing tho street on which sn
found economical as all the money loons may be run. He did not ask
trees directly lo the children nnd for u transler to move, mid when
their niolher and the raniily is not
subjected to the Insult or charity any
more than the pupil In the public
school. ruder this system ramllies
ale not broken up. hope iltiiminntcs
Ihe life or the mother, she remains
nt home and takes care or her own
children, the little ones may have a
heme or which they are proud, nnd
the records or the juvenile courts
show that the usual juvenile deliir
the mayor lold him he could not run
there he said ho would do as he
pleased, and still kept on selling. So
they arrested him and fined him $"i0,
hut told him il he would move back
they would revoke the line. He mov
ed back for three days, and Ihen
went back again lo the new place.
Then he was arrested and his licenso
"He then got out an Injunction
HILLSnORO, Or., Jan. 1. Last
night at midnight the five Hllls
boro saloons closed doors in response
to tho county court's order docluriun
this dry territory by 23 votes As a
result, for the first time In Ga un
interrupted years Hillsboro Is with
out lliiuor, legally 'speaking.
A large crowd from all pnrts of
the county gathered at the county
capital today, to be here on tho lust
day of he saloons' existence The sa
loons were crowded throughout the
day, hut there was no disorder, ov
en nt midnight, when the doors were
Walla Wnlln Ellis MniTh Through
l'rlncipiil siroiiH or City
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Jan. 1.
The Elks gavo their annual "straw
hat parade" this afternoon marching
thnough the principnl streets and re
turning to the Elks temple.
The day whb milder than many
New Years days have been, nnd Ihe
men suffered no discomfort. Tho
plan was started years ago to ad
vertise the community.
.ioiix i). iivi:s to ciii'itcii
ItecUol'clliq Hutiscl'lbes $7,000 Ah
( ongicgiUlon "ys $;t,(M.
nuoncy has about disappeared from , i ' si rani ing ine oinciais oi i, upper
pensioned families. ! field from interfering with lllm and
pension litem was tus business.
Ilefore the
adopted in Chicane, lido out of 17.
tiioi children were brought Into court
en churg.-s of petty thert ami other
infractions of the law. After these
same 17.000 rhildretl hud been pen
sioned onlv three were brought Into
It came to trial and
Ihe town won out. He and some of
his I'lii-nds got up the petition to
the governor that was In the papers
staling the renditions oT the town.
ad been let a o do as he
want eil to do be would have hud no
court on char.-'e
is the pen-ion
The cause of this1 kick coming. The whole thing is
whhh enables the nothing but spitcwork a big family
This notice w is or-
detred several days aco audi
.Judge Xeil, Oriuinutor of .Mothers1
Pension liiv. Tell What
t'luu-ity lloos for Families
Home Kiiincd.
I,nQ minr'TllB
t ie sirongesi nnmi..-. , - -
Mrs losei.hson and her two sons, w 1( d to the Maccabees late
if Woodward thin morning
rob postal card iroin Aus
frvriter being Poll luivid-
exiiect to remain in i'"'"s , V
they have a host of close mends who
wish them success.
(urneil over to their
creditors ninnv personal etrerts and , sol the Australian Hoys,
cherished belongings, which ordinnr- wttd at the armory In itoso-
ilv are retained by persons making bir the year mil. ine
,', I ciiiiled in Australia on No-
nsslgnments. I ( I)urnR Ms
I ii$ young IJavdson was en
! t the home of MrB. Wood-
..i.. lt AT THE 1IAITIST
iinnril THIS KVF.XIXCiiW
rter. bell boy at the Os
.,.., . leaves this morning for
l iMin Manv Citii"" and Towns j IK here he will accept a
of the Xortliwvst. I sltion nt the Hotel Dmp-
i (is well known about Eti
!ohn P Clum. (he noted travel ft known for his good na
,',, u'iii nnnenr at the Baptist 0 trlousness, For some
church this evening, when he will de. ffducted a messenger ser-
mother to remain at home and look
after her own children. The results
nre aUKizini-'ly successful, and Chica
go will -soon abolish entirely rronl the
cily limits, child poverty, the bllght(
or civilization.
Hegglng must slop. It Is a fail
u re.
CLEVELAND. Jail. 1. John I).
llorkorcllcr'B New Year greeting to
the Euclid Avenue Ilaptist church,
which he attends, was n girt of $7,
ooii. Three monllis ago ho pledged
himself lo give one dollar for every
f" cents contributed by the remain
der of Hie congregation from Novem
ber 1 (o January I. The congrega
(ion gave $:l,0tl.
The money will go to the church's
reserve fund.
NEW YORK, Jan. 2. Judge Hen
ry Neil, "father of the mothers' pen,
hions." has Just begun a campaign to
have New York sta(e adopt the law
which he declares will break the
"charity trust". Hu explains in the
following article, written lor the
l:nited Press, why mothers' pensions
should be paid by every state:
In every city, large and small, are
organizations of well meaning people
who propose (o care lor children in
poverty. These people beg from (he
rich and well-to-do to get money.
clothing, shelter and fond for poor- where they aHended (h
children. Children wholall Into the l"e toriner s brother,
hands of these charitable organlza-i George Burger and wi
light, too, Icfl'ore she leaves.
"All this talk emanating from
Copperfield about flowers, the dec-
Ilell Moss returned to her home nt' oration or the saloons, etc.. Is nppro
Lebunon today after a vlHit with priaie (or (he occasion," conlinued
friends In (Ills city. i ihe governor. "Flowers usually ar'
Mm n 1. r.f,r.l rninrno.i m win.' In order when (he sad riles are
NEW YORK, Jan. 1. loll n Purroy
Mitchell was sworn In ns mayor of
New York City at noon today amid
impressive coremotileH.
Mrs. Mitchell and the Rev. Joseph
Smith, S. .1., who laiight Mitchell
when H. was a hoy; Mrs. Gaynor,
wife of the lute mayor; her boh. Iln
rus Gaynor, and many city otriclitls
were present,
llearly co-operation of oilier mu
nicipal officials was asked by May
or Mllchell In bis Inaugural address.
I do mil want publicity except
vh, re publicity will help us,'1 ho said.
she lias been assigned. She will dosc rBM,-,s". "'""8
t in nonzr in;! ecu iiixi ciiiit i ut'iii
West .Mnk('H StJitcmriit.
SAI.HM, Or.. .Ian. 1.--"MIbi lrn
HolibH, my piivalr! Hccri'tary, will ar
rive in (:opiiTfl"lrl at :t:f0 o'r;lrk to
morrow, ami tin saIoons will hn clos. i
ml wt'liin an hour," asur-rttMi Jovr-J
nor WfHt tonight. " .M isH llolti-s will!
have to remain in the town only one,
hour lo iMTompliHh tho insk to which
Chester ttilK morning after a day i
Hpent In KoHehurg.
Ira Wimhorly, of Drflin, spent the!
flay In UosHnirK looking nftor var-i
Ions hiisineKH matters.
Attorney O. P. Oonhnw and wlfo:
htiVM returned here from food River:
to bf performed. I hnvo no ohjoe
tion to tho HaloonH of Copper field
ln-iim a pprnpr lately deenriited for
(his particular occasion. "
Klver Im ItiiNiiiK.
SAfHAMKN'TO, Dec. 2.- -Flood
warnlnc were H'-nt to polntH between
uneral ot mtni ano wimimi oy uui weaiu-
; er bureau. PondltlonB there nre nd-
ii-ill..l tn t... ..ritlr-dl on if ii-iil
11, a wtnrn. illustrated by many
lantern slides of interest. Mr. Clum
H one of the best known lecturers on :
the cnat. and foms to lloseburi!
hichly recommended. The lecture
Is free, nnd should attract a large
A Hvnopsis of the scenes, upon
which til" lPetur and illustrations are
Itased follow:
Seuttle, Tacoma. Ml. Rninier. Port
land, thp Hon City: Crater I-nk
i?nr:,e 11 ver Vn Hey, Mt. Shasta. Unkn
Tahoe, Kedlands. Arrowhead Hot
Sprint:?. Uiverside, the Oranue City.
Snn Gabriel Minion. Pnsndena. the
rrnwn of thp Pan Gabriel Valley;
Mt Ijwe. Los Anceles, the Metropo
lis of Southern California, some ol
'bp Runnv Reaches by the Sunset
Sea, San Pedro Harbor, Mania aia
Hr.tiH nrp fir-t AxwruwA lh. r-..i .., ' :: : y le-'COIIie worHP lonimn. At l
trom their mother and In the end' row 'or Sunday to vinit at th, horne ! T1' riVPr Htl,K,! 'H lWft,,ty H,X
poverty ih not even relieved. of their nephew. Kdwanl Hinkle Mr I '
... .n i.'iuiK.iiif, on i riiiru'-r uvimi in nos'-inirg eariv ir
cerned. even when it is done by a ibe fiO's. but later moved to hill
finn Inilv nr n fitm nrcnl7llnn nf i... : i ,n il.!
manager or the Hotel r people, on fine stationary! year ikKJ when he ret,,r,,!"l here T.".", '.''."""r. V"'r
Ketlrlng ..n.vor Adolph Kline wish,
"d the Incoming admliilstrullon ev
ery success.
I'lit Aei-opimie Kver Kci'ii In Holy
City Caused Kcllf:liient,
'toes to Uoseburg at the
est or Charles Miller.
?rk a( (he Osburn who
1(11 K IIIXI) AS DMirilKS.
Una, that "Fairy Isle"; Santa Bar-'shnients were served
Eugene Register.
I gular meeting of I'niou
i. I. O. O. K.. lie't ia-t
rollowing off'c rs wete
the ensiling year- 1.. !'.
1.; .1. ti. Stephenmni.
K. Pickens. H. :.
on, .1. '.: .1. n. Hailey.
James Kwart, Financial
T. Wriehi. treasurer:
onagle. In. Sen.: (I. I,.
8.: O. H. Pickens. I'irt
', Gilbert, Second Watch,
ilton. Third Watch; M.
-t Guard of Tent; C. II.
Second Guard of Tent
he election of officers de-
ii'oiu a
i i;.
tillo office.
:ing lalled
History shows; or a visit. Mr. I f ink In Is anxiously
WomanV liegret I t vci-licnid.
tlnMl.n ami as Industry demanded
lm is and hoi's w ho could read and
-M-iie. the Iree (tulilic school system
ft. is .-:a!.i:('eef! and has just about
alii iisln-d illiteracy.
t harily schoiils wore a miserable
failure. 'I'iiey have gone. Hut the
Itujf-ll Kige Foundation and other
great institution will go purling
around trying to convince the people
that charity will relieve child pov
erty. Charily disgraces the receiv
er, trade's him (o beg, and fills (he
elver wi(h a false pride that hurls
his rharac(er. Charily cannot even
relieve child poverty and It does not .
to educate the j loni'ltii; ahead to the coming of bin
uncle for Ihe r"asou that be has not
seen him for nearly years.
MITCH KM To Mr. am! Mrs. Charles
Mltcheiii, or Ilelhart, T'-xns. at th-i
home or Mr. and Mrs. W. .!. Clark,
an eleven pound huh, January 1,
YUr To Mr and Mr. James F.
Hyrd, of North Koschurg, a son.
January 2, 1914.
VV.nSAS To Mr. and Mrs. John
Keruan, on New Years day, a son.
CI.KVKLAXI). I)"c. 2S. "Oh. I'm
s'irry I ever attempted this. 1 think
I d be better ofT with my htlHhiind."
These words, utteted desialringly
v a well-dressed wriman, In com
pany with another woman anil two
ne n at Colon Station one night re
c nt ly abrmt lo o'clock, led a trav
"i ng man who overheard them, lo
:."Hpeet an elopement. Previously
' il" of (he men had asked the (rav
eling man about hotels In Cleve
land and hnd been referred to Ihe
uierlran house.
The traveling man communicated
with (he police and Plnln Clolhes
ven Wingle and llrenner visited the
JIllll'H.M.IOM, Jan. 1. General
Frauds Xavler Monnler, unodlor
French avlalor making the flight
from Paris to Cairo, landed nuur the
Pool of Hlloain on New Yenr'a eve.
The arrival or Ihe rirst aeroplane ev
er seen by Hie In habitants or tho
Holy City created grea( excitement.
POUT HAIIl. Jan. 1. Generul
Ilonnier started In hl neroplami
from .lerusiilem this morning and ar.
rived here about noon. Arter a
brief stop he proceeded on his flight
to Cairo.
W. C. Bagaherd and Gard Saga
herd, of Kiottsburg, are spending a
few days In Itoseburg vlsiiing with
F.vcr body's Cafe opened to the
public this morning after undergoing
a thorough renovation. New fix
ture, hiivu been Installed, while tho
room has been sufficlntly enlarged
lo care for the Increasing business.
Mrs. Lewis now has one or tho moat
attractive rest a urn ills In the city.
GKN'TI. K.MAN of good habits, ago 3d,
would like to meet a good honest
lady between ages 20 and 35. Ad
ciresn box 21 City