I ANTLERS THEATRE ZryA?stF NEW r-l.KS BUILDING (). D. BI.OOM. Manatrer "Daughters of trie Underworld" One Reel-Pathe's Weekh'0ne Reel 2 Heel Kilem Special Everyone Should See With Nine World's Current Events Howard Stewait One Reel-Dad's Insanity-One Reel In Popular Songs An Essanay Comedy SHOES-of QLITY Vaudeville DICK 5ILVA Vaudeville In A Very Pleasing Sing ng and Dancing Act Doors Open at 2 p. m. and 7 p. m. Admission: Children 10ct Adults 15c city m:vh. J. If. Booth spent the day at his r?nfh, ni'iir Ruckle C, U, Pearson, of Sutherlin, wa! a visitor in Itoseburg for a few hours yesterday. Maud Reynolds, of Sutherlin, spent lam evening tn Koseburg visiting wiili -friends. William Cnbh left for Klkton thin morning where he will upend u few days on his ranch. P.. L. Martin left fur Portland this! morning where he has business mat-j Lit needing his attention. CJeorge KM ! has vncated the of- ffr-es fiirinerly occupied by him and Hitualed In the Perkins building, W. (i. Page, of Marshfield left for YuiK-alla this morning where she will spend a few days visiting with friends. A. Welch, owner of the local water and H lit plant , spent yesterday in KoHcbtii'K looking alter business mat ter. C. K. Mull:ey, Vf Mridgo, Coos count y, Is spending a few days In Uoscbiirg looking after business niat tertt. (Ion n Taylor left fur Albany last flventnt! where he will spend a couple of days looking after business mat 'tors. Post office Inspector S. II. Morse left for Kpokaiie, Wash., this morn ing where he has business matters needing Ills attention. Mrs P. W. Vi.nSickle and oil 11 ilre n left for Portland yesterday af ter a few days spent in Itoseburg visiting with Mrs. (1, S. Adams. Airs II. .1. ltohlnHon and child left for their home at Portland this mnrn-i Inr; after 'ti few days spent in Hose-! burg wilh the former's mother. i Mr. Milliard, of the firm of Mill-1 lard Sr. Mc(iinnis, arrived here from Port land yesterday morning to spend n few days looking after business mutters. Tuesday was dona (ion day for . Mercy hospital, mid as a result many contributions of a substantial nature were received. Many of the dona tions raiue lie in distant parts of the county and were duly appreciated by the sisters In charge of the Institu tion. Deputy Sheriff Kdward Markers, r furry county, accompanied by ftiley Cooley, wanted t here on a rhrgo of murder! nu Thomas Van Pelt, and the prisoner's brot her. wniiam Cuolev. leit km- Cold Peach be.' t ve ni tn-. via the Wei l-'ork trull, fniinediatelv inmn their arrival tliere the- licensed man will demand a pre-.i.ii:-i..iy le :i i t nti. It I'll Hinnhit m u ie arre eed bv Marital Thomas Williams late Tues di.. charui'il v.;;'i delving i? W P'-im iff u ihiewaKi within the ciiy lim its When ani 'li'M-il in i he record er's court - erd a v timming Bing ham Ha id lie v;ts tgmo a nt of t hi' hi v govern i hi? i be iolat ion. As a r i -It. y- t tnirr (''-mi s.-d I hi ac t:ii;ed i!iin U.- promise to he more c.-u.'fui in the iiiuire. I,. C Adorns, foreman of the local Southern Pacific machine shops, who whs recently admitted tn a hospital at San Francisco will return hero next week. Ir, Hpringston, who delivered the farewell sermon at yesterday's con vention at the Baptist church left for ills home at Portland last night. Mrs. V. II. Roiindtreo left for her homt. at Albany this morning a few days spent In Itoseburg g with her nephew, Ueorti ton Selective Stephen Doyle, nf Rpo- re kane. Wash., accompanied by Mr,, lligglns, (lie hanker who yesterday! established Itiley Cooley's identity,! loft here this morning for Curry; county where they have been sum moned as witnesses. They exepct to i I consume about three days in making' the trip. j C M. Anderson, a well known t re.-.iuent of Melrose, Js circulating a' petition asking lor the establishment of another rural free delivery route. in MAJESTIC i ill THEATRE ITS THIS VhACK WHKKE KVKKYHODY (JOKS. The proposed route is 26 miles length, or one niflo in excess of the minimum' required by the postofflce department. It iH proposed for the route to start at Itoseburg, pass t li rough ICden bower and to (larden Valley and thence down the Ump qua river to Cleveland. The return trip would bo made via Melrose and West, itoseburg. The proposed route would serve about 100 families, many of whom are at present getting their mail at regularly established postoffices. While the local post office officials say nothing with re gard to the effect of the new route, it U surmised that the star route now operating at Melrose, Cleveland and other points In eluded 'In the proposed schedule would bo aban doned The petition will probably be sent to the postofflce department within the next few days. 1 B Program Jan. &2 XOVI'XTV ACT 1P0LI DUO Loss of Apppetite Loss of appetite is the first sig nal of disorder and decay. The usual loss of appetite is often caused by functional disturbances In t lie stomach. The stomach fulls to do the work required, the appetite is gone, and the body suffers. Such a stomach needs to he cleaned and sweetened TOR THE PUHLlCHrLTH J IKAOt MARK TONIC DIGESTIVE is made especially to assist the stomach to dige-i food, and pro mote a he:ilthv appetite. Tliis remedy Is sold on our posiiivo guarantee, and we 'tind lv ask mi to give it a t rial, ll is a (ienuine T"nh Johnson's flnig Store Cxi liivh i MeritoJ Agency. lvHtt .'cordion Soloist, High (lass Singiny and Itefinel Comedy, V A 1 1 N M I PS J-' 10AT V I i KH In the Power of a Hypnotist A TitMiicudniis Onnmitic I'ltMliictioii in Tluto PurtN. I'Vat tiring Miss ;eiie (Jaun ler. :ie X her (iiMnl (Miirily. 10c, 15c For Less Money Than Shoes'iat are Made to Sell at a Prij During the entire month of Janua ve will sell good Shoes at deeply cut prices, low are a few of the Id ids now gale. Mens Peued "Culs at a saving Womens U Kid, extra heavy 01 $1.50 tO S3.00 per pair. sollCeand button " w It , rj. i - . , $30oes for $2.85 Mens Welt Sewed High Cuts at a saving of Big Girls ( Tops, Patent and $1.50 to $2.00 per pair. Sbf 6 $3.25 oes for $2.45 Men, Regular LJiht Work Shoes at, Several $1.00 to $1.50 per pair. 1 qgdjt $350 a pair. Mens Street Shoes made of genuine Womens Flippers, all Daniel Lotus Calf regular price 46.0 Greeriake are goino- Closing out at $4.50 pair. at akSacrifice And Now For The Noise! ?-- " uuiuub ui men s, Women's, Boy's, Misses and Childrens !es. The Mens and Womens are standard mkes, the L. misses and Childrens re the f WELL-KNOWN BUSTER BRjVN SHOE You may have your choice atavings uard of in any sale. You will find this thebestalewe habver pulled off AND THAT IS OING SQE 'No Refunds, No Exchanfe, Every lie Final' Bod:erie Rttburg, Oijon No Trading Checks Gren on lale Shoes Roseb ur Perkins Building A quiet wedding occurred at the' parrtotiae of the local Paid 1st church last evening, when Wallace j Stunner and Cora Williams were united in marriage. The wedding! ceremony was performed by Hev. W J H. Katon and was witnessed by a few; int i ni ate friends of the contracting part ies, M r. Starmer is employed 1 by S. T Smith, the liveryman, and' is well known here. Ills bride is an ; estimable young lady antaa many friends in this vicinity, : V A. Gillani, who unhurt nt the time of the overloiig and breaking down of a tempo!;,- bridge' or platform at the Wincrr dam about two months ago, t jn the! city today. Mr. Clillam iil suff ering from his injuries. C arm is I pracriy useless and gives him a goodjii of trouble. Physicians do n ij)hi out any hope of imme diateipi0e recovery. Osb's Pharmacy, headquarters for S.- Mazda lights. Come in and ls show you how up-to-date lightwaves your eyes and your CONTRACTING-BUILDING I am nut for hnsnie-?-. YtM a . e a little, I make a little. It all helps. 1 buy in c:ir had lots and p.n casli I can figure closer than t!ii'e whit dn not ink.- nil discnuits, I carry liability insurance no you take no risk from accident. J Mmire that it is better to do business on small margins than to do no business al all. (lei my !Ui ii res ami snv yours 'If time and money, B. P. CHILSON 2 I I S Kalii- SllVi't Good Blood, Good Health To th( jtmug man just embarking upon a business career, his best asset is nnd health. Good health mean plenty of rich rod blood coursing through his v- itis. Dike's Blood and Skin Remedy will supply to the system rlc'i r d bleed free from Impurities H will strengthen the body tls-ues and gie you a clear healthy complexion. Trice 9l.no a hotUe. t'oino in nd hniiire about the like UoiiMdield lleimHe!. e Goal rtntei Thein, WE GIVE ROSEBUSH TRADING CHECKS KROHN'S PHARMACY The Store That Serves You Best THE BIG DAYLIGHT STORE. SHOP BY MA ew York tr - ' ' ' 1 1(1 :en Trading tamps Are iney Savers I Wish All the People of Rosiim and Douglas Counl v A Very Happy aid Prosperous New eai SAVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING SAMPi They will make a prosperous year you 8 TRADING STAMPS GIVEN C WITH ALL RCHASES