NEW) WANT ADVS GET RESULTS MRS. C11AKLES 8. HEIXI? r Pianoforte Instructor I ! Musical Kindergaifi Studio 423 Ella St., Phone MISS SADIE HORXIUItq INSTRUCTOR OF PIAl Room No. 8, Roseburg Nal Hank Building. Gl'RIIO.'V A. PORT, Vocal Lesson, Studio 312 E. Cass Stred Phone) Roseburg r: DR. GEO. E. IIOUC Physician und SiirjW Office Perkins Bide.. PP. Roseburg, Oregon 4 g DR, 8. Ii. DcLArt (fr Osteopatliio Physic It Perkins Buildtnd Office Pbone 431 ft Residence Phi 76 DR. SEELV, S ETHER .W ART Physicians and Surd Suit of offices, Rear las National Bank, Grf Floor, Phono Roseburg DR. B. H. SHOEMJ Physician and Sun Office Rooms 209-21'kins Building. Phones Office 194 Reside 17-R DR. D. E. 8X1' 4 IAN Cliil- OSTEOPATHIC PH Disensts of Women dicii a Special Phones: Office 119, 1138-U 301-it Perkins liulldl ORE. llOSEIII, A DIt. 8. Ij. Dell Osteopatliio PIiin Rooms 317-318 Perl Hldg. lirfirn PhnnA 4 5t 1 ltosidoncepne t o ; t CIIAS. 1'. HOIS Attorney nt Room 420 Perkins Rosebij Oregon, Especial attention gj to con 4 veyancing and theMiintion of titles to real esl Prac fedcral 4 tices In all state courts. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 TAXIDERMIST ANEXI1 '.HT 4 4 4 TAXXE1 4 4 4 4 4 Ore. 4 Prices Reasiblo 4 4 Work Guanfed 4 P. O. Box 207, Rdmrg, f 4 I, 4 4 21 4 4 a. HICKS SIRVKV 13 Perkins Buihlt Itchurg. Or Phono Vil 444444444 4 44 LODGE DlRtTORY . O. O. P Rising jar Lodge N 174 meets In Oddlellows l'iii evprv Fridnv evdnK. Visitlll brethren alwavs Icome. It. Aicr-. W O.: 1. S. Powe U S.; M. Fickle, ) S. (1 O. V Union lcnmpniPlll 9, meets In Odd fellows' Tern every 1 nursnay ciii'fe- hrnlhrfln olwaia lelcomC 1 Stenhenson. c ' P. O. L. Joh'nsl R. S.; James Ewai. F. S. WOMEN OK WOOt'R.UT I Circle, No. 49. nuts on first third Mondav evings of month In the I. OD. F. hall. Iting members It good stanl are invited to attod. Mrs. Mil Matthews, O. N.; Slara Cawlfl O. K. S. Hoseburg Chapter, No. 8, holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays in each month. Visiting members iu good standing are respectfully invited to attend. Mrs. Norali Flint, W. M.; Free Johnson. 8ec. lll'lltll l-l,mi-lL, fin... mm I,..., , No 4 meels ever Wednesday evening in I. Ct o. r'. Temple. Visiting memberj always welcome. Mary E. llouckj M. K. C; Anna V. Wimberly, at of R. and C. A. K. A. M. Laurel Lodge, No. 13, holds regular nieotlngs on the secondhand fourth Wed nesday of each month K.U.LliS Uosibiug Aerie meets iu their hall on Jiekson street, 2nd and 4th Mondaj evennigs of each month, at 8 o'click. Visiting breth ren in good striding always wel come, C. P. Levis, V. P.; B. F. P. LfVl -Phijua Goodman. W. fee- Phone 183 O O. F. phil'tanan Lodge, No. meets in Old Fellows Temple, corner of Juckf'n and Cass streets on Saturday orning of each week. Members of t)e order in good standing are ijvited to attend. F. E Erickson, I. G.; M. M. Miller, F. S; M. L. Wjitney, R. S. L. O. tTM. itcjeburg Hive, No. 51, holds regular reviews on second and fourth 'Bursday evenings in Maccabee hif. Sisters of other hives vlsitinj In the city are cordially invfed to attend our re views. Mis; Harry Pearce, lady com.; JessiaUapp, R. K. P. O. E. foseburg Lodge, No. regular communica- ir temple on second Thursdays of eacli members requested ulariy and all visiting cordially invited to C. Seely, B. R.; 11. WOOP.ME NF THE WOULD Ollli Camp, Nrjl25, meets at thd Odd Fellows' jail In Roseburg, every firsi andfhird -Monday 'evenings. Visiting I'ighbors always wel come. A. Buchanan, C. C; M. M. MfJr, clerk. Lt)VAL O&KH OF MOOSE Rose- burg Lli' No 1037. .Meets In Eagles every 1 o'clock, to ntte Pictato 11 on Jackson street, ay evening at 8:00 siting brothers invited George Neuner, Jr., H. O. Pargeter. Sec. jOST OjJMonday, December to, a hand-pfled bar pin. Finder please leave i ncwb oiiice. bi:m-ji OST If'' stickpin, Tiffany set ting, leiurn to this office for re war I i'l- TO EXtJAMtE Residence lots In Roseli.T for stock or farm ma chine Address 042 Second Av Nortll J3l Kill RE.VT FOR lfT Furnished room ln- quir35 Sheridan St. jllp FOR lpT Two furnished house- keeik rooms. Inquire 217 ChnjicK8treet. 3118-tI FOR IhT Five room cottage with batlj Inquire 4jt Hast, avenue. 33127-tI NT Afanno"r'"206 acres, FOR 60 res under cultivation, rest go lasture. Inquire at News of- tic OOS-tf FOR :NT 2 fine large bay win- d' n::it niM.iH, with bath, witli or thiuit board. Illquiro 827 11 31 57-1 f WA D Man with team to take aliinter contract pulling slumps clearing land. Hurculese p puller furnished. Sunshine l iii. I'hcmu II' 2. 300 -If ,'bflENT The Josephson rcsi- corner South Jackson and her streets. Partly furnished. will make an attractive rental losition to steady, prompt pay- tenant. Apply at Josephson's 0. 311S-tf ARIES and Calendars for at the Roseburg Book Store Everything for the Office 320, hold J tions at ti and fourtjj month. A to attend i- brothers ip attend. J 1 S. Slocumpec 3 -S f -SI Fa 114 1 U3 a WA.VTKI). WANTED Two single men want U'n.b mi farm Pi.ll tlfiufilmr? ltn- tel, phone 112. 314S-30nl WANTED io or 15 Hogs suitable for fattening. Address box 361. city, or call at Rochdalo Store. 2u6-li t:,uuu lo pay ntunagi on 20 acre tract cultivated turm ti miles from Kusebuig- Ad dress II. E. Fletcher. . 1-Uux 9. Roseburg. 33057-ianl-H WANTE!) Board and room, with private family. Will pay $30 per month. Address box ti!3, Rose burg. Am no crank. 3150-J31 WANTED Homestead relinquish ment. Address D. H. Hallowell 521 Provident Bldg., Tacom Wash. 3059-j 111 WANTElTTOTRADE 1G0 acres ot timber in Southern Oregon for a first class automobile. For parti culars enquire at The News of fice. 2035-tf WANTED Fresh" milch cow; must be good milker, gentle and not too old. Call on or addruss Delos Livingston, 1045 Mill St. 3114-tf WANTEDThe waiter who partook ot breakfast at the Grand Grill Saturday morning is requested to cnjl at the Grill. 31C4-J3 WANTED Position as public sten ographer, small salary and per mission to take public work. 3156-tf WANTED Man With team,one well acquainted with country; have buggy. Answer this office. R. 3158-jSp WANT E DS ma 1 ipl aceo f " 2 0 o r4 0 acres having lots of wood that can be purchased oa terms of $250 or more annually with interest. Ad dres Box 11 City. 3155-tf WOOD WANTED The News will gladly take on subscription wood for office and residence use in any amount. Call at The News office. tl WANTED Woman for generai housework, neat and quick in hab let; modern house, small family. Answer, full particulars to this office. Mrs. R. 3159-JSp l'OR SALft. FOR SALE Gentlo Tamily horse. Also wagon and harness. Inquire this office. 2030-tf FOR SALE Nice Jersey cow, will j be fresh in spring. A bargain.' Inquire 131 N Jackson. 3 1 60-1 f I DOGS FOR SALE Tlil'eo well broke varment dogs for sale. Address Fred Bateinan, Melrose. Ore. 314 7-J7-P FOR SALE tine Poland China boar,! also a few Black Minorca roosters, j Address N. L. Conn. Phone! 0F15. 3130-j3i' FOR SALE Airedale pups, $7.50, and $10.00, Sire and dam regis-1 tered. Hooper Bros. Drain, Ore-! gon. 3142-jiop1 FOR " SALE -Sixty head of good wether goats. E. F. Olllvant.! Looking Giass, Oregon. Phone! 13F4. 3141-J23 FOR" SALE O RR ENT A house In West Koseourg. inquire 01 Jasper Ilayden at Soldiers' 1 Join'.'. 3123-J1 AUTO FOR TRADE What have you in way of lands -i' city t.niperiy to exchange for auto. Inquire of News. ,iOS2-lt FOR TRADE A gasoline wood Raw, capacity 30 cords a day. Will trade ( for Angora goats. 1-or particulars address Sunshine Ranch. Phone 1F2. . 3053-1. SEVERAL GOOD BARGAINS In pianos nad organs aro listed with me. Save money by investigating. Arundel, the piano tuner, Grand hotel. 3102-tf I BONDS 1 issue lodge official , bonds; I Issue court bonds; I is sue fidelity bonds; I sell invest-, ment bonds. W. II. RICHARD-! SON. Rooms 217-218, Perkins bldg. Roseburg. Ore. 3l3-tf j FOR SALE Modern sli-cl folding bed and mattress also a two- com- j partment Tliermatic flrelcss cook-l er. Both articles practically new. Phono 48-Y. 3H.Vd:;op; HERE'S A HUMMER 8 lots In j Miller's Addition, this week only., for $75.00 each, if taken together.; Rico & Rice. 3036-tf FOit SALE One high grade, piano: almost as good as new in first class! condition. Call at News for own-1 er's name. 2020-tf; FOR SALIC Dors", both driving and paddle animal: gentle. Weight about 1100 pounds. Apply at this otflco. 302-tf FOR SALE Gasoline wood saw, in I effect condition. C leap if taKcn at once. Reason for selling, I have two. Sunshine Ranch. Phone 1F2. 2081-tf Foil SALE Chiids white enameled cr'li. adjustable side, first class condition. 11.50. Call at 6211 S. Stephens St. J8 FOR SM.E $1,000 wl,i buy a big plot of giound and small ho'ine; choice fruit trees, big oak' si,aie trees, city water, beautiful section of city. To tee Is to appreciate. 1733"-tf SITE E P"f6 r8"aT.E J have-an Ice bunch of good slock sheep that will be sold right. Address L. E. Marnters. Rt. 1., Roseburg, Ore gon. 3005-tf 444404444 4 4 4 I-OR SALE 4 4 4 f Part of the Orchard Valley 4 Fruit Farm for sale. A good 4 linriritiii t'nr rjish 4 II. H. OLCOTT, Owner, 4 1 3121-inayldp Canyonvile, Or. 4 4 4444444444444441 4444444444444444! 4 4 The Hotel Umpqua, under the 4. new management, will serve a 4! 4 fine dinner New Years 5 to S 4 p. m,, 75c. Special music d31 4 4 4 WOOD FOR SALE Seasoned stovo wood at $2 a tier. Adress box 65 City. Phono 14F22 Jl FOR SALE A few White Leghorn roosters and hens, 2 years old at $1.50 each. Address Mountain View Ranch, Rt. 1, Box 62. Phono 14F25. 3129-J20 i FOR SALE Special for a few days, fine little homo on S. Mill street, in paved district, all in tip top shaite, 5 room house, lot '40x102 This is a special bargain. See Rice & Rice. 3036-tf FOR SALE Modern bungalow, throe lots, good garden spot, with straw berry patch; small cost payment; balance on easy terms. Inquire at News Office for owner's name. 2085-tf FOR SALE 1200 acre ranch close to Roseburg. Suitable for general farming, sleek raising and dairy ing. Fine for orchard. Good buildings. Will divtd If desired. Apply to owner, P. O. Box 237, Roseiinrg, Oregon. 3094-j9p FOR SALE Good draft team, bays 6 and 7 years old. Sound, good any place. About 3,000 pounds, nlso new heavy harness and wag on. Address H. L; P. Clllene. Roseburg. dsw-3084-j6p !'Olt SALE The best automobile In Douglas county for tho money. Combined runabout, truck and 5 passenger tourist. Every hearing new. at Fishers Paint Store, corner Oak and Rose. 1735-tf FOR SALE 300 acres or rarm land partly timbered, four miles from RosL'burgi 7-room residence, barn and out houses. Water piped In houso from springs. $511.00 per acre, easy terms. P. O. Box 568 Roseh'ii-g. Ore. 2028-tf FOR SALE 20 acres of bottom land liMimlles from Roseburg, near I R. R. staiiuu, nil in cultivation, i Dwelling, barn, lien liig il u.L llees, bCl'llOi,. Will raise j i-.ij L.iiug. inquire of II. L. i'ci chen, Roseburg, Ore.. Rt. 1, Box 98. 2052-J3p FOR EXCHANGE We have several; city lots at prices ranging from $75.00 to $300.00, 50 to 60 foot frontage, that we will exchange for wood or lumber. Call and see,' or address, Hiines & Oliver, Cass Btreet, Roseburg. Or. 2073-lf FOR SALE A fine largo"" hotel range, as good as new, Just the, thing for a logging camp or large hoarding house. For salo at a sac rifice. 11. W. Strong, tho furni ture man, Roseburg, Oregon. ! 3153-J3 FOR SALE Here's the best buy In ! .Southern Oregon. 2 SOU acre stock ranch, lays along side North tlnip-l qua river, 600 acres in cultiva-i tion, nil improved. This is surely! a i;nner at only $20.00 nn acre. E'A'ci'jsh'eiy in t-ur hands. ii:ce & Rice, real estate and Investments. 1'037-tf IKIiUAC'H PARK VIEW LOTS -Lei us show you the most beautiful view lots in Roseburg, new streets j now bring graded, city water In, l;irge oak trees on each lot, we nam a few lots 60x280 feet thai we ran sell at $375 each, on eas terms, splendid free soil. Coast Investment Co. 1519-tt FOR TRADE 240 acres of brush and timber land, some good timber, lying 16 miles east of Itoselnirg. This Is rolling land, fino soil, good per-: rentage being tillable, watered by ere. -It and springs. Will trade for Roseburg city property, or any other town property, and will give or lake difference. Prlco $3,000. Douglas & Wallace, Cass street, near Depot. ' FOR SALE 1 0 Vi acres ot fino' level, creek bottom land, all In a high state of cultivation, on all tinder irrigation. Four room frame house, barn, chicken bouse, woodshed and ail household goods. This pluco lies Vx mile from Roseburg, 2 miles from railroad town. There Is no better, soil under heaven, and this place Isf very reasonably priced at $2,500.' Terms. Douglas & Wallace, Cus St., near Depot. 313S-tf l'OR SALE 36 " acres, till bot- ; torn land; 12 acre.' in oats anil vetch; IS acres practically cleared and in lame grass for pasture; 4 acres fine fir timber for wood; ali fenced and cross fenced; 5 room house, chicken house, store bouse, wood slied with enough wood In for the winter, good barn, plenty of hay to winter stock on. 'family orchard, berries, good fresh milk cow with heifer calf, good team of horses weight 2, f.oO pounds, harness, wagon, plow, cultivator, harrow, and Feveral small tools. All can be irrigated; good trout stream forms one line of place, on county road, rural route, telephone; close to school. 7 miles from good town, 25 miles from Roseburg. Price $2,800, $1,800 cash, terms on bnlanco at 0 per cent. Inquire at News of fice. 3107-tf STOP. AT i Hotel Grand Cass S., Rosebury, Ore. Office Phone 12H Residence Phone 104-L H.J- DENN TR.-VAt.rEH AND STOILVGE Ct. Office locnted In former stona room of Churchlll-Warnor Elec trical Co. Prompt attention given all orders ROSEBURG, OREGON MORE THAN FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN REPAIR WORK Guns rebored, stocks made, etc. Typewriters. Sewing Machines, Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, Locks and Umbrellas repaired. Also sawB filed, keys made, razors, sissors or any other kind of grinding done here. All work guaranteed at Crouch'B Hardware Store, Pino street entrance. H. E. SCHOENFELD Best located and most ropular hotel in the City circulating ice water in every room. Eipecinl attention to ladies travelling alone. Excellent, reasonably priced prilL Meet your friends at the Munx. European Plan RatM $1.50 up Management, Cheater W. Kelley NEARES' M ST. sssssssSTARRELLl Alexander's Park Lots Frontint; nn Umi(ti.i River, covered with i;ranil (riant naks hundreds ot years old, are places of contentment away from the busy city lifo with Its ptrngh for mtikirr; money. I!estin; in a hammock between a couple of thtsp moniirchs of tim forest, looking upon the slow llowinu l;mpiiia River, where in .uittimer hundreds of children aro taking a healthful bath, is a. picture of childhood's dayH, und it gives peace of mind nnd rest do tho body. 6o FOOT FRONTAGE, 250 LONG They are the best investments of any kind in Oregon at $500.00 only a few are left. The terms are suitable to ull purses. Address Umpqua Land Water Company HO, 475 -"THE KA5H STORE"... i . For Kood, fresh, crisp groceries at the Riyht prices Good Oualily Rice at 6'c per pound Larye While Beans 10 pounds for 55 cents Fancy Pink Beans 10 pounds for 55 cents These with many others at "THE CASH STORE" VK SAVK VOU MONKY I You Want To Sell We are yetting upon spring list of proper ties, stock ranches, dairy farms, orchards, yrain ranches, city properties, expecting a number of buyers in February, must be ready for them. If you want to sell your propei ty, give us a chance to handle it ....COME IN TO-MORROW AND LIST IT WITH US.... COAST INVESTMENT COMPANY PHONE 29S Good clean comrorTable rooms at McClnllcn hotel, $2.50 per week anJ Ui. tl Fern Island Greenhouse Mrs. F. 0. Owen. Prop. Roseburg, Ore. Phone 9F12 Cut Flowers, Polled Plants, Funeral Designs, Vcihliii Uo qucu, etc. JVST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OP FKRXS OF ALL KINDS On Sale At The Rose Confectionery INSURE IN THE Mutual Life OP NEW YOltK Oldest In America ; Strongest In the World. Lead In Oregon In 1912. Lowest net cost to you. Largest returns to you. No stock holders. For full particulars see J. F. HUTCHASON, District Malinger. First Trust & Savings Bank Bldg. Phone 274. HMD C. S. Heinline, l'honeSi-lt 12.-. ';SS KTHKET. 116 CASS ST. PIANOS clerk.