THE EVENING NEWS MILTON J. 8IIOKMAKKH CAUL I). 8IIOI0MAKKK Editors and Publinlicrs, Ih.iUDIf DAILY H.XC'KI'T SUNDAY ! I .IT XTST Kubtt-rliJllon ltuu;H Dttilj. Per year, by mall 13.00 Per month, delivered 60 WANT KB Woman or Kirl for ! CITV NEWS general housework for aeon- I pie of weeks. Will pay liberal tOMUMf;1 Talk, with "Hutch". tf Uresfimaklng by the day or at homo. The .Mlsaes Lux, 113 V. Lane etrcet. I'hono 404. Jllp Patronize the Farmers Public Mar ket Tuesdays and Saturdays. Pro- anu consumers Interest. wages. Apply at News office. Pt. munlly we will be satisfied. "In short, to Klve the people of KoseburK and vicinity a clean, as- gre.stjlve, up-to-date, fearless news- paper; to aid In whatever manner posHihlo all movements looking to Beini-Weckly. Per year J2.00 ward the good of the community; to Blx months 1.00' boost the city and never knock; to Entered as second-clasB matter November 5, 1910, at Itoseb'urg, Ore., ander act of March 3, 1879. TlllHSDAV, JA.M AHY !, 11)11. itKXKWiNt; . i"i.i:ix;i:. i be charitable rather than severe In i our judgments; to be broadiuinded. not narrow these are the purposes anil aims of this paper. "With the confidence and support of our readers we will endeavor to make The New,, a power for the up building of Koseburs and Duuglus county. "In conclusion we wish to. every News reader ami friend, to every citi zen of Hoseburg and Douglas coun ty a very happy and prosperous new yea r." We have tried to hue to the line in these tilings in our two years own ership of The News and work as an 'Jurors' Prices always reannoble. tf Application To licxlxtcr Title. Two years ago today the present owners of The News took possession. At that time we made a pledge to our readers and to the public In the following paragraphs which appeared In the editorial column under the heaH of "To Tho Public" 'Last Saturday's edition of this euuor. in a new couuiry aim among ; creek, W. 26 chns. to center line of er carried the announcement of!""' and strange surroundings. WejMc; thence along the sumo S. 7 ' 3. SO chns. and N. 34 degrees 45 mln- 'X lltes W. 3.95 chs. thence leaving! i Application No. HSfi. ' In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lougbis County. In the matter of the application of: A C. Mursters and I. Abraham toi reglslnr the title to the following; iirginning at the s. K. corner of Do nation Land Claim No. 41 in To. 25 S., Itange 0 W., W. M.; thence N. 0 degrees 22 minutes E. along FJ. side of said claim 39 chns. to the middle of Calapoola Creek; thence along center line of the channel of same N. 45 degrees 50 minutes W Jiaper the change In ownership of The Kven Ins News and The ,Valley .News. "We believe that It Is only Justice to its many readers, patrons and friends, und In order that there may bo no mlsnnderstandlngs later, that a statement Bhould be made to them ut the outset, stating clearly the ' policies that will be pursued by the new owner. "llellcvlng that Hoseburg, on nc V ount of Its favorable location, cli mate, surrounding territory and en ergetic and Intelligent people Is des tined to become an Important factor In the development of Southwestern J Orflenn from nn nunnnmlA nmmnp- :nh ana mauscnai pomi or view, we ,f thlB Wfialncr We are mVig b .Hvlll always encouraga nnd support WIltori t iH not to ho wondered that - any legltlmato projoet whieh haa for tho r(18idenU or this Umpqua its btirpone the Improvement and art-, Valley have rowu eiuhuiastlc over vancement of condltloiiH in this city j lt ly t,() way( (n,j Jiny one ever una Hi'cuun ui ui biuio. ( hear of a native of this region mov is.nowing timt mo people or tnis foimiiunlty npprocinto nnd expect all leave it to our readers whether we have fulfilled our pledge. With I hem and wM.u (be public rest the judg ment of whether or not we have made good. Tho typhoid serum has heen prov en almost Invulnerable from the army and navy records, where its use is now conipulHory. Only two (uses develped in the entire enlisted strength of the army, and seven in the navy, where the compulsory act was not adopted as quickly. This Is certainly a wonderful tribute to its efficiency and value in cheeking ttiut disease ing away? I)o not always Imagine that the man who Is cautious und careful In a pessimist and a knocker, Optotntats aru all right, but some of them need the practical check of a well balanc ed pessimist to make them of value. An extra water wagon was needed in the city today, to accommodate alt the puscngei'H, and this was not cauMPd entirely by the fact that It is the first day of the year either. the news at nil times, this paper will publish every item of new, without fear or Tavor, Wo aro not nponsible for the causc of the news Items which interest the pub lic, which are continually acctiring, lint will publish the facts ns they ex ist and occur. Our opinions will be expressed on the editorial page of this paper, not In the news columns. rln politics this paper will bo re publican. Wo know no sects or fnc tlounl differences, should any exist. No -one faction will bn chamnloned editorially against another, where: The News welcomes Its esteemed tho deferences between them aro ! contemporary, the Review, to the purely personal In character. How-j water wagon. After a long struggle over, wo will reserve the right to lie Keview finds that The News wus use what Influence wo have to up-'and Is right. hold tho honest as against the dls-j 1 "" " honest and corrupt element ill any- Why not get a slogan lor Itose larty. ' 4! burg? It seems to he the proper "When conditions become Intoler-. tiling In all the progressive Katern ffl able by corrupt or humoral practices cities. Who can suggest the proper S3 which may effect the wellare, safety, (,n(, for gcni'ial use? or dignity nf the citizens of Itose-j burg, tins paper may bo expected to use lis columns to expose tho evil. "The News will endeavor to merit the confidence of the people In every way In the future. Such of the policies -which have made this paper n power for good In this community will be continued. Thir will be no backward step. We do not Indulge In any wild fancy that our Judg ment will nlwayn he right, but we will at least have tho courage- of t,"j- etui vict ions. I f at t he end of Mich year wo can hok back mid see where something has hei-u accom plished for tlx ndvantnue of this coin- decrees 30 minnioo W 7 4S t fi.'i degrees 15 minutes W. 4.45 chs.t!j "J V. 88 degrees W 4.50 chs., N. 48 1! 4 degrees 45 minutes W. 7.05 chs., N. J 50 degrees W 15.50 chs., S. 72 do-: grees 45 mlnuteB W. 3.15 chs. and S.I j. .;u degrees 1 : minutes W. 1.30 chns. Thence S. 2.40 chs, to a post on left bank from which an ash 15 inches diam. bears X 4 3 1-4 degrees W. 30 links; thence. S. 13.50 chs. to U see. corner between sees 30 and 31 In Tp. 25 S., U. 6 W thence S 89 degrees 41 minutes K. 14.(13 chs., thence S. iO.54 chs., to a sand stono 5 inches x inches x 14 inches on X. line of Claim 40, thence K along said X. line 47.71 chs, to place of beginning containing 221.50 acres In Douglas County, Oregon K. 0. Young, A. O, Young and George J Stearns, partners doing business as K. G. Young & Co., M. C. Ihmhes and ALU WHOM IT .MAY COXClOltX: Defendants TO ATX WHOM IT MAY COXCKItX:' Take notice that on the 27th day of December, 1913. an application was filed by said A. C. Marsters and I. Abraham in the Circuit Court ot Douglas County for initial registra t:on of the title to the land above described. Now, unless you appear on or before the 30th day of January A. I)., 1914. and show cause why such application shall not be grant ed, the same will be taken as con fessed nnd a decree will be entered 'icenrding to the prayer of the appli cation and you will be forever barred rrom disputing the si me R. II. .I.KNOX. Clerk. Fly MT-AXCI1K UKKD, Deputy. B. D. KDDY. Attorney for Applicants. 129 4 J 'J JiZJZJ T MEINDS Granitew&r-d TZ Tin - Coooer Brass ''''.lii'i Aluminium FnmiallftriwArette Cost V4 Per Mend Churchill Hard ware Co. AGENTS mm f' Thn New Year wan ushered In with proper ileeiiruin, if the nhriekliiK ol wiiliilleK 11ml rinKiii pf lii'Ili: e'ln be so ileHlgllllteil. Tho most Important thini; of loral IlllereHt ju-t now will be the nier ehnnlH" .Iiiiiiutry unlet. 11' you lilinle liny resolulloilH, keip 11. iirovidlni; of eourse, thai they I I e K001I ones. liil you forget to ninke it fourteen til.iy.' Wishes Its Many Patrons and Friends 4 Happy and Prosperous New Year NATHAN I'l l.l.ritTKN, Tron. IVililin llullilinK II V Gitv i;!C Green Trailing Stamps m The PFJNTKR AS UiUAL, IS JUST ONE YEAR AHEAD f VJITH UK nFAHTIFIII I IMF (IF ft 1915 CALENDARS Don't place your order before you inspect our line they arc beauties and t'Q prices will hi lower than you cm buy them fn:i. an outside representative. We are tho local agents for euo of tho largest Calendar houses in America and can show you t .iort ineiu that you will admit Is a winner Ena of Season Sale' ICYOND a shadow of doubt this will be the greatest money SAVING SALE ever held in Rosebtirg or the Umpqua alley. Kigtit in the midst or the season, every man, young man and boy, will have the greatest opportunity to supply theii wants with the best and latest styles of Clothing, Overcoats, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings, that has ever been offered in. this city. The quality of our merchandise needs no mention, as oiircustomers know, we handle only the best and sell at the lowest possible retail price. Those who are not familiar with the class of goods we handle, we ask you to pav us a visit during this sale and see for yourself, how we have SLAUGHTERED the PRICES on this high grade stock of Men's and Hoy's wear. Every purchase made at this sale will have our guarantee back of it, the same as before, you know our reputation for doing just what we say, and no goods will be misrepresented. Nothing but FACTS will be stated in our ad vertisements and we will back up every statement "WITH Tl 11C GOODS." Our merchandise is from such houses as B. Kuppenheimer, Alfred Benjamin, Ederheimer Stein and Rochester Special in clHhing. Florsheim, Regal and Connelly shoes, Knox and Stetson hats. Emery, Silver and Arrow Brand shirts. Nothing but standard lines of merchandise will be found throughout the entire stock. No matter how small vour purchase you will save some. Our store will be closed Friday, Jan. 2nd, in order that we can place the goods on dis play ami place price tickets on same. Everything marked in plain Jigures. Watch the papers for descriptions and prices of goods, biing the ads. with you. Prepare now to be here, and save as you have never saved before. Sale begins Saturday a. m., January 3rd, 1914. Harth's Togg 1 . y Oregon .-j