The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, December 30, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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lid! tor and Publinhers,
Huhscriotioii Itatea ballr.
Par year, by mall $3.00
Per month, delivered 50
Semi' Weekly.
Per year , $2.00
Six months 1.00
Entered aa second-class matter
November 6, 1910, at Koaoburg, Ore.,
under act of March 3, 1879.
After a superheated meeting, the
school commission of Chicago re
scinded Its former election of a male
superintendent of public schools, and'
reinstated Mrs. Young lint it was
far from uiiunimoiiB and harmonious,
some members going so fur as to
Ray that her usefulness was impalr-i
ed by the strife (hut had been en
gendered, and others Insisted that
, tier election was caused by a spasm
of the wmiian'M elubs that had no
Interest In sehouls, and only cham
pioned Mih. Young because she was
a woman. And thus the matter rests
with a possible recourse to the courts
for final solution and settlement.
One good resolution to make, Is
to have your newspaper start and
end with the- new year. Hy this
moans the date is easily remembered
when the subscription expires. Try
It this year, and seo how satisfac
tory the plan is. Home one will be
In the office all day on New Year
to give receipts us far ahead as you
may want them
Kastorn papers uro exulting over
tho discovery of a woman who re
ceived u Christmas package several
days In advance, marked with the
usual don't open sticker, and who
actuully did not even take a peek
Into the corner. They forgot to stale,
howvor, in which blind asylum she
was stuying.
One crop In Oregon for the coming
year Is positively assured, and no
rains or drought can spoil It, and
that Is the crop of candidates for
tho big offices to be filled, senator,
governor and congress. Already they
are us (hick as loganberries on a
thrifty hush, ami more to como.
How tho sojourn of a president
will make a place temporarily prom
inent.. Who ever heard of Pass
Christian before? From all reports
tho weather there is cutting up on
account of Its distinguished visitor,
and Is far from being tliu Ideal win
ter resort expected.
It 1b safe to say that tho space
allotted to England and Germany at
tho Panama exposition, and which
has boon declined by them, will he
found well filled with some Intor
rstlng display, and no empty void
will show their absence.
rv. ...
Wishes Its Many Patrons
and Friends
4 Happy and
Prosperous New Year
NATHAN l t'LLKllTOX, Prop. Perkins llulliIliiK
He? Give Green Trading Stamps
Pon't place your order before you Inspect our line they aro
beauties and tho prices will Ik lower than you can buy them from
an outside representative. We are the local intents for one of
tho largest Calendar houses In America and can show you an assort
ment (bat you will admit Is a winner
V The Hotel Umpqua, under the
new management, will serve a
fine dinner New Years 5 to 8
P. "., 7 Sc. Special music d31
Say, wo would like to hear the
jingle or sleigh bells again during
the holiday recess, and buckle on a
pair of club skates for a skim over
some ice that was just sllcker'n glass.
This is the time of the year when
the average business man has a de
sire to find out exactly how he stands
financially, consequently he arranges
and in some sort of a manner takes
an inventory of his assets and liabil.
Hies, but quilo often even the beat of
business men overlook one very vital
nt,i,lt j considering their liabilities
and that Is where they have eilhei'j
signed a bond for some trumds orj
have asked some of their friends to
sign an undertaking for them. This
is a liability and one that cannot
be reckoned in dollars and cents
when It Is signed.
You as a business man have by
your thrift and wisdom obtained
your present position in the world
of finance and society. You may
have at some time in the past re
quested a friend to sign his name to
a bond for you to guarantee an un
dertaking over which he had no con
trol and in which he had no Interest.
While the monetary risk may have
been Blight, or altogether absent, by
accepting this favor you have bowed
your neck to the yoke, and may ut
any time he harnessed to that plow
which has turned under the sod of
oblivion many u fair field of ousl
uess accomplishment. Hecause, it
follows as the night the day, that
service demands return In kind; you
must do for others as they do for
you Hy this one act you may have
imperiled your business, destroyed'
your credit and peace of mind, and
Jeopardized the inheritance of your
loved ones after you aro gone
Inspect the records of our county
and you will find the names of quite
a number of business nion of this
city and county who have signed
bonds for their friends. Inspect the
civil docket and you will find w'ne.e
others have paid almost wilh their
blood similar bonds. IS YOUIt
Sitting beside your wlfo, the part
ner of your struggles and success,
In the beautiful homo, tho realUa
iKin of early dreams, happy in your
prosperity and the companionship of
t!e bright sons and fair daughters
''ho bless your mature years, you
rejoice to see them enjoy the bene
fits of society, schools, and colleges
denied your youth. Tho picture Is
attractive beyond words. Will you
cast over it tho shadow of evil possi
bility? Ulsk tho sending of the he
j'Hcii wife and children out to face
l!'e vorld without comforts and ed i,
cati'ui, and your guidance, and rissk-
miQ&L Store
cd for what? For the paltry price
of a corporation Burety bond whtc-a1
the brains of astute business men J
evol"e foi your protection and mine, j
Have I magnified the danger? No,
I have stated cold hard facts and 1
you know it. The proofs are found In ,
pitiless court records, broken hf.rts;
and shattered homes. "The mere
matter of form" hazy of outline and'
i emote, has grown Into a present do
vouring monster to be satisfied only
with hard earned dollars.
Will you assume this risk either
directly by signing a bond for anoth
er, or indirectly by asking him to sign
for you, or will you send the busi
ness to me and have that bond writ
ten in the Aetna Accident and Ina
bility Company at a nominal cost?
Yours very truly,
The Aetna Ascent.
Aro you Aetnized?
Lodge official bonds.
Contract bonds
Notary public bonds.
"i'nbiic official bonds.
Under the direction of Mr Stone
and Professor Fory, the choir, Sun
day school and congregation of the
Presbyterian church are busily re
hearsing a splendid cantata, entitled
"The Holy One of Israel," which will
be producod at the church on New
Years eve, beginning at 7:30. Seven
ty people are required In its pro
duction, and In every respect this
cantata is of much more than ordin
ary merit. It is the same ns re
cently given at one of the large
churches In Portland. The public Is
cordially Invited to come and enjoy
this rare musical treat. No admis
sion charged, but an offering will
bo received. d31
Seven rooms, 1 Vz story house, with
bnth, toilet, pantry, "not and cold
vator, electric lights, po-:ch on two
Fides, lot 100x220 on paved street.
Parn, woodshed, chicken house. This
entire property is all in the best of
condition, with beautiful shrubbery
and grounds. Now for a speculation
or Invesment this cannot bi equalled
In town. Price $2750; $1,000 cash,
balance at 6 per cent. Douglas &
Wallace, Cass street, near Depot.
II. A. Heavens ramo up from
ns this afternoon.
Tonight and Wednesday, Lady Liv
ingston, the skating bear at Ma
jestic William Jackson, of Looking tJlass,
was a business visitor in Koseburg
Lady Livingston would like to
meet some nice gentlemen at .Majes
tic, tonight.
Dr. U C. Knott and wife, of Yon
calla, were visitors in Itoseburg yes
terday. Grace Taylor 'returned to Win
cluster this afternoon after a day
spent here.
Frank Hopkins, of Canyonvillo,
transacted business in Itoseburg yes
terday. Lady Livingston would like to
meet some nice gentlemen at Majes
tic, tonight.
Mrs. K A. Jones left for Eugene
yesterday afternoon to visit with .
her parents. !
Como early tonight or tomorrow:
to see tho bear skate on rollers at
Uev. J. X. McConnell returned here,
yesterday alter a few days spent at
Medtord. !
Mathew Matney, of Medford. spent
the day In Hoseburg transacting var.
ious business matters. ;
G. M, Riddle and wife arrived here
y.'oterday afternoon from C.mjon- j
villi- t.i spend a few days. j
An order for citation of those in
volved has been issued lu the estate
of W. A. Williams, deceased.
Mrs, H. Sweeney and daughter
went to Wilbur this afternoon to
spend a few days on their ranch.
Winnie Caddis, the plumber, has
been awarded the contract ef in-,
stalling the beating and plumbing In
Kvrr.vbody's Cafe.
II, A. M. Sneeve, alias "The Cot
to bMi e Kid" Is enjoying a few days'
visit with his old-tin ie friend. Mr.
Schubert, of the tlrand bote'. He
ts ennmte from Nevada to Mo ti
tan -.
Charles (. Milter, of Kugene. has
an!eti In lioseburg to act as man
ager of the Cnifqua hotel. He will
as Mine bis duties on January 1
In Sunday's shoot at the local
range the following scores were re
corded: Mathews, !:.'; Jackson. 90 : r
Miller, St; Bradley, S : Tulles. SO;
Knger, 7t'; Roadman. 7t'; Uelehor.
ft I, and Pearce, (it.
H. It oyer, who h.'s hjri visit in g
his sons for the pat thiee weeks.1
returned to Woodbmn, accompanied
by his daughter. Miss Mabel, who,
will resume her studies at the Ml 1
Angel Academy,
Tonight nml Wednesday, Lady Llv-'
ingstcm, Uio skating bear at -Ma
A liuchanan this al
the petitions asking
Attorney J.
ternoon filed
that the matter of maintaining an oc-
Simon Caro, Leading Clothier
New Store In the Umpqua Hotel Building -New Store
p-.v? v wk ,nv
MNDS Graniteware
-22r?'-f Tin - Copper - Brass
Aluminium Ena.melledware'e
Cost Vi t Per Mend
Churchill Hardware Co.
dilation tax iu Uoseburg be referred
to the voters at the regular city elec
tion in October. The petitions pro
vide for the complete abolition of tho
present occupation tax In this city.
Come early tonight or tomorrow
to see the bear skate on rollers at
Mrs. Lee Dillard and two daugh
ters and .Miss Sebring, the latter of
Winchester wont to Dillard thlsiter
Of The
Clearance Sale
After New Years
mornnlg to spend a couple of days
with Mrs. Sam Miller.
Lady Livingston would like to
meet some nice gentlemen at Majes
tic tonight.
Sherirf George Quine, wife and lit
tle daughter returned here this morn
ing after a few days spent at Port
land visiting with Mrs. Quine's sis-