KOTICB OF I.VOOWOJIATIOX. 1 J i I Notice la hereliy given that the board of directors of the Umpqua Jjind and Water Co. have filed with tim secretary of giato of Oregon and with the clerk of the county court or UoUKluK county, Oregon supple' moutary articles of Incorporation, cnanKing the name of said cornora- tlon from l.'mpquu Land & Water Co. to Umpqua rower. Ice & Devel opment Co. Dated this 24th day of December, 1913. J AS. CHR. ALEXANDER, J. A. IK CI IAN AN, OKA II. I'UitTKIt, J7 Directors. I 9 IM.UE AT JXWKING GLASS. Rescue Grange will give a New Year dance Wednesday alght Dec. 31, and a midnight supper at Holland House. Cfentlemon and ladies -ordially Invited to attend Positively no obnoi- lous poison allowed in the hall. W. II. DOLE, L.KK WILLIAMS, UEO. MATTHEWS, Committee. dec30-p ft Iluy bread mane in nnseburg i none better. You could do your hanking In Portland: laundry could 1 1 mi Hem mere; dry goods- bought i there hut It flu ,,.( trrinA I policy. Spend your money at jKCass St., Roseburg, Ore. homo. tf STOP AT Hotel Grand RICH MEXICAN BEING EXAMINED BY AUTHORITIES l c. .,t Kn n.v. nr. R. E.i 000,1 clean eomtoriaDle rooms .r I Hunt will give a premium with each ! McClallen hotel, J2.B0 per week ana N VEST KOSEBUBG GROCERY We can snve you money on your grocery bill. Our,'stork is FHKSIl and COMI'l.KTK. I'htme your need. Prompt delivery and uatis-fi.c-tory assured. AIM our ptioils guarant-nt-i, "We (ilvo ItoNcltui'i; Trailing Checks" DOWELL d POSTER PHONE 29. Oregon Bakery: Look for the Label on Bread AT ALL GROCERS That's All. Phone 241 V Is -it ' A? - 4 t case of horse dentistry which K ill entitle the holder of the first choice to $25 In merchandise at Pearce s harness shop. The holders of the tickets, not more than 100, will de cide the choice among themselves by a popular vote. This offer and com m.titt.n will close on December 31, 1913. " NEAREST TO EVERYTHING K&POi PIANOS C. S. Heinline, Phone 33 -1? j f ST. TARREU-l Best located and most popular hotel in the City j circulating ice water in every room. Eipecial attention to ladies travelling alone. Excellent, reasonably priced grill. Meet your friends at the Manx. European Plan Rates $1.50 up. Management, Cheater W. Keltey SPECIAL SALE OF BRILLIANT CUT GLASS Every piece deep cut by hand from cholco crystal blanks by skilled workmen In America's greatest shop. At a llttlo more than oils half tho prlco you usually havo to pay. See these t)oautifulwnroB whllo tho Htock is complete'- '" Mcirsiers Drug Company The lure of gold In Mexico, where ties are showing no favoritism. The ho many men hav0 reaped a harvest. customs inspectors went through his w not sufficient to hold some of the' luggage pell-moll, and the above pho rlth men who valuuo life and liberty, tograph shows him being given the higher than wealth In Mexico. Luis same medical examination by iniinl Icrrazus, Mexico's richest citizen, isjgration authorities as that received among those who has seeke.l the pro" I by the lowest peon This picture was teetlon of the Stars and Stripes. Ilow-I made at Presidio, Texas, just after ever, he fouund on reaching the bor-jtlie Mexican millionaire had crossed der that the I'nlled States nuthori-1 the tilo Grando 1 Alexander's Park Lots Fronting- on Ump'iua River, covered with erand giant oaks hundreds of years old, are places of contentment away from the busy city life with Its struggle for making money. Resting in a hammock between a couple of these monarch of the forest, looking upon the slow flowing Umpqua River, where in summer hundreds of children are taking a healthful bath, is a picture of childhood's days, and it gives peace of mind and rest do the body. 60 FOOT FRONTAGE, 250 LONG They are the best investments of any kiml in Oregon at $500.00 only a few are left. The terms are suitable to all purses. Address Umpqua Land Water Company BOX 475 IXCOMK I'ltoi- l'OU MtTV TO TKAI1K .A KM. Fine four flat buiJdine in j close to business district, with income' 1 t j-iu per year, this Is excellent property, Ideally located, always rented. Price $8,000. Will trade for farm up to G,000. Douglas & Wallace, Cass street, near Depot. 3137-tf Next week on't miss any or the changes, every ono a big one at Majestic. . 'i " i I Tke right Camera I ! '.'; 3 IS ..l i t I: F , i. ,,r ,. ti i llAKRAI.N DAY. Monday only will French lm t lenii ' ndies and Gents' sui!.. for S1.5U. Regular price $2.00. G. W. Sloper, 308 N. Jackson street. Phora 47. ji Douglas County Creamerv butter Is the best on the market, insist on1 your grocer supplying you with this home product, which Is nhvavs strict ly fresh anil guaranteed. Two pound 1 roll, SO cents. tf it THE KASH STORE".. For good, fresh, crisp groceries at the Right prices Good Quality Rice at 6'4c per pound Large White Beans 10 pounds for 55 cents Fancy Pink Beans 10 pounds for 55 cents These with many others at "THE CASH STORE" WE SAVE YOU SIOXEY 12,-! CASS STKEET. o 4-1 C S o Q H o u 3 !' ill IhA.'JLe' ; W! IS; ! t 'Av "i ikiI's all there is lo photography. We roiiicxnerionce ihitt Seneca C am eras mi suc-Larost Know meet every piio'eiapliie condil ccssfully. Manufaclun d by (he Independent Camera Makers in the. World they are so eons'rticlcd that they allow the wideit !..' Hide in every branch of artistic photography, SF.SKCA CanicraH arc nia.lc on licnov .T.-.i. ,oKl ,;i. ir on merit, 'i'iie only Cauicrt tli.it is ihoivuMy- atilcr l .i:i I s,', i on t.'ic lece ten il.iv trt.il c Sor 1 : -.ir c-nts itt f'o!.,-c. .'or i.c ;u iv M-N I'CA ILiii.! !'.. i -k. 3. ViiuMs photographic 1 . V. a'i di:'r:;ci ( r.-jni.!. it ".ho.vs how to buy the r-;;!it kiml of a ar.tt ii fur m.ikin true anl artistic ;v lives of rc:.l vi'i-. A !c yr Jciler for it, ln.t it his stij j !y is ciha':'.;.-.'! scn--I to us. SENECA CAMERA MFG. CO. Rochester, N. Y., U. S. A. THE 1ARCMT INDtTFNIJKNT CAMI'RA MAKI'RS IN THE WORLD DIARIES and Calendars for 1 Ol A w WANT ! i at (he Rosebun Book Store Eii ji.':!i r.v 'hi' Or; Hie News Otlice can use a con siderable quantity 0f wood this winter. There area number of subscribers living in the country surrounding Rosebmg who have wood for the market. We will accept wood in payment of sub scriptions and will credit the full maiket price of the wood on ar rearages, renewals and new sub scriptions. Where the amount due us is less than the cost of the wood we will pay the difference in cash. Bring in the wood be fore the rains come. We want the wood. You, who owe us for subscriptions, need the credit. Get busy and let us have WOOD.' I he News -2.CL o r JL: o