f ifUNVOLING OF MEMORIAL TO FAM-1 t Telephone 203 O. JACOBSON THERE'S NO PERCENTAGE IM Panitorium Dye Works n miioil for anil delivered. Prao All work fully guaranteed. Goods ..allod for a n Li,U of Ladles' and GentH Clotll tli'ul dyeliu? and cleaning of nil Kinds 01 i.a.u ' lni, Cravenettes and l'ortiers. aoo N. ICWK HT. OOltXKH OAK. RosebonL Ore OUS BATTLE. J DYING YOUR CLOTHE ""J 1 ft HURRY! V t f - W And regretting your purchase at leisure. Tho cost of living has gone up and the necessity for looking able to meet that cost Ills Increased Proii'tlonately. Buying clothes today meant more than exchanging your painstakingly earned money or a mere covering for tho body. It means getting tho BESTSTYLE, BEST FABRIC, BEST WEAR that your money will common -1, together with tho positive assur ance that tho clothes make you look your very host. That's why wo hnvo your Individual wants in mind when we buy that's why we fill your individual Vanta so acurately when we sell. Young Fellows, especially, will appreciate our Smart Suits with two and three button coats, built on shapely lines, Benii-form fitting with athletic shoulders. Easy, graceful coats; trousers of semi peg design. Stripes, checks, plain color fabrics and mixtures. 18.50 to $30. Sorao patterns and styles In Our Clothoscruft Line $12.50 to $25.00 AND A WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EVERY SUIT Wo are there when It comes to Overcoats, Crnvenntt.es, Gaber dines, Raincoats and Slipons, Get our Prices, Save Money. "Duds For Men J9 DOYBR HATS A. .1. IIOClllt.WMCI DARKY SHOES Alexander's Park Lots Fronting on Umpqua IUver, covered with grand giant oaks hundreds of years old, are places of contentmont away from tho busy city life with Its struggle for making money. Resting in a hammock between a couple of thcno monarchs of tho forest, looking upon the slow flowing Umpqua Hiver, where in summer hundreds of children are taking a healthful bath, is a picture of childhood's days, and it gives peace of mind and rest do tho body. 60 FOOT FRONTAGE, 250 LONG They aro the best investments of any kind in Oregon at $500.00 only a few are loft. The terms are suitable to all purses. Address Umpqua Land Water Company BOX 475 &L ?8 BUSY STORES IMAS GOODS AT THE Golden Rule Store The Store That Saves You Money Kid body Dolls from 49c to $2.49 For a Great Big Doll Washable Dolls 49 and 89c Don't pay more when the GOLDEN RULE HAS IT FOR LESS Card Games, Toy?, Hooks of all kinds Don't miss our line of :ood books for boys and girls, 5, 10, 5, 19, 25 and 49c. Bi-; Values. Vo I? W ' if f iii.a jjniiiiti hIious Jvutbbr Wiinuiiii, it;t;lirii; in ihe ! atlieilanil whhrli cul nt tlie ddicntion of the Imttln of the minuted in the ceremonies at. the im- nalionn memorial at Leipzig. Tl:ecnn-j mcnsu stone pyramid-like J)eiikmal, Ciermans and other nations routed! dn;ds of patriots, which dominated tho halations of Napoleon caused an: the famous battlefield with lofty outburst of patriotism and national fc,randeui't A NEW SCOURGE Infectious Eye Diseasu Affects Kentuckians. ONE IN EVERY SEVEN PERSONS SUFFER Malady Knid to lio Tfn'ciitcniii the atit (ioY'Timit. ni Itospitnls l'!stai;'isiie!a to on;bat I bo lMano. WASIIIXGTOX. Dee. 9. proxi mately one in every seven p(M'riiiny in the inounluiiiH of uiistern Konliir-Uy is afilictf d with traeiioma rtCfnrdintf to Dr. John M e Mullen, of t he public hoalth t-erv' e. This d readied infec tion of tho eyes, a least. evidence of which would cause Uncle Sain to deport iniiniwunts at Kills Isltaul is intrenched in an almost impregn able striHJti luild in tho United State. Th(. scourge now prevalant in Kastern Kentucky and oilier sections of the' A ppaluehian mountain rane is a national menace, United Stains public health Fureony tay. The genu may be earned in hundreds of ways. Uncle Spin's health guardians ni'e ta kin lj every p recant ion to pre vent a genera disemin.uion of tho disease. Hundreds of infected mountaineers today are Ileitis treated in u wiy es tablished hospitals. .Many of l hjiu fit one 1)1 1 ml, iua n y are lot: in i; i heir sisht and oUhms are in the early stages of the du;o;use w itero simple ! surgical opt-ratiotiy and care will j save tin1 m. Two o crn meni insti i tulions have already le en ( sta Mis'.ieU j and lief (fie m .ay w oek.-i, accordint; to Dr. Jolin Mc.Mulieu a score of sim : liar hospitals will have been set up i and manned by nhl, men. j "Trachoma, tis it. is prevalent to- day in I lie mountains of K,' lerti I Kentucky t not only looked upon as it menace to that port ion of t lie count ry lint to t he out ire nut ion.' ! said Dr. .UeMuli-ui. "The db-":is;. i - terribly inl'eet lot.i . H in transmitted i by means of the common rollvr tmv : el, t he mode in w hieh yonut of I lu people live- iiirfU1 families er'vdt d t oi'tiiei'--anil even t hp ni'lrouds are j iiKencies whii'h spread he in.ectiou far and wide. : "The j;ovei'ii;nent rcal't d and is : lieinnln a en mpaiii, ihe impori- aiice of which c;tu bo rea iiiy loahxi ed. "Tho pathetic side of the s-ilua-: Uou can only be seen by one actual ly enixanetl in ministeritii; to the af flicted," continued Dr. Mc.Mulieu. "Conceive if you can, a family of tit' 1 teen persons erowded int o a sin a !! 1 mountain home. Three i;etierauoii are livinir utuier one roof. The poor old grandmother and L,nindfuther stone iIiml Irom the ravines of trachoma. Tho stalwart mountaineer- the ! father of th: family is siilfertni; i irom "sore ewV and refuses to leave , the inner darkness of the house. The j-troui: iiu'u t'uturt's him. His ees .Me ti!K-tes in t!;e isunliyht. He i ?:na!lv cei"- to the door and talks i i it a brawny arm drawn i ,u':''i-- ;'s 'oreliead. ii jn are going to school. And here ve reac h ihe r, raver danger of trach oma Bpi eatiing from one tamily to another through the agency of the hnol room. This ia but an example of hundreds of cases," said Dr. Alc MuUen. This is what the government dis covered in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. Trachoma has a strong iioUl and unless something Is done effectively and quickly, isniilar condi tions will be common in the more thickly populated districts. Ac-ordinal to Dr. MimI alien, the :tioun!'iitu;ers are Inking kindly to Mn-eni.uent interveuikm ia their be half. Aiany of them walk twenty miles to be treated and will submit to t he most excruciating agony if such measures are required to eifect a cure. Tho two hospitals already istablished are miles from railoads. Uncle Sam's oificers are also car rying on a campaign of education. Kvery patient treated is taught the simple attributes of cleanliness with rotation to disease transmission. He is sent back to his community with lesson to teach his afflicted neigh bors and Is delegated to see that the government a inst rue lions are obeyed. LOOK CS IT RICE & RIG REAL ESTATE AND RKl'EREXCE: ANY BANK Insuranco brokers. Honds, war rants, loans negotiated. J louses for rent and business exchange. Advice on any part of Douglas county and its ndaptness. Stock, fruit and general farms for sale, business of nit kinds. Some very select stock ranches. City prop erty nnd businesses for saie. Long time insurance at very low rates, all old line companies; no chance for special assessments as In mu tual companies. Always buy the best It's tho cheapest. Notary Public. Lower floor Masonic bldg. Koseburg, Oregon. What's the diffeifnco Ix'tween a meat timii ft who aim a "aroer s xvue . ven drc-.t h "TC ; !ils w He- (lie mother of ilrtii --a iso afrstui to face ; i;i t . About t i'e unclean s-'ver.i! c (ht chll- lips s acaM tSi i !:!Ut ti!'! is il ' tit ' U'i sor" ! in til 1" cac.S'1 ! elrit b- r- e ' v. ti 1 .-. Kui 'a r c .ii'l'.'en. : there :tv t,:!'-. h"e- l"'': tie t'liirly ami art' mtirricti, and taislnS children o? U -'ir own. "Perhaps some of the other vhtl- 1 ho ofM-ber'; wtfo conn's to tho moat sli'tp to buy, hut tho meat man's W it'll ..jes thO hiiH.'i-l tilutp by! V o siro Sony It Is So, for 'o Ite Vt v n Uecipi im , horover PihhU ':e! ii only liachofs Wivi'?. coino 1-iM-O fti hny, ln:t ell (.immJ Moiisrwivex end this is Why Our .Moats are Hi-Jit, Shp t 1 wn, ami every nook our at are oen! Phona 88 KUIILHAGKV, CANDY HELPS Now is the time to make up your t whol& erything the home candy maker needs and 'v DVpping saie prices anything in our st-k s,Kh as Cand ' " Candy line. Formulas and instructions for making all Kinds or home made candy free. . . . 820 Pine Street Mrs. TILLIE ADAMS Phone 190 Party J WES T ROSEBUKG GROCERY We can save you money on jour grocery bill. OurVstock is FRESH and COMPLETE. Phone your nec-J. Prompt delivery and satisfac tory assured. AM our goods guaranteed. "We Give Rosehurtc Trading Checks" DO WELL & FOSTER PHONE 29. g Pnp. ToCiire Cough Remove the Cause There are so many cough remedies on the market, that a selection is difficult to thp one who has an occasional or even an urgent need for a good one. As n result or our experience in handling scores of different kinds, we fool justified lu our claim that Syrup of Wild Cherry with Gualacol and Eucalyptus is In a class by Itself. It cures a cough by removing the cause. It cures stubborn cases. It relieves promptly and each bit of relief is a step towards a thorough cure. At this season when coughs are prevalent, some reliable cough remedy should he kept in every home, Let is be "Syrup of Wild Cherry with Guaiacol and Eucalyptus. Guaranteed. Price - and 50 cents. v Phone 51 North Roseburg We Give S. & M. Green Trading Stamps I III S 1 fiS S 111 If: Your husband, brother or father likes to fi?h or hunt We carry all kinds of spurtini; supplies and any thing you may get him for Xmas from us will be a well received gift. Buy your Xmas presents Here. J. H. Syke's Gun Store OPPOSITE POSTOF1CK KOSU15UKG, OREGON Before Buying Your Christmas Candies & Nuts For Schools, Churches and yourselves See Stubbs For Prices, The largest assortment of candies in the city R. TUBBS fil-X). o o o