MAY KMEltAL YOU WANT WOOD We have both Oak and Fir Wood in block and kitchen range sizes. ' We deliver to all parts of Roseburg. Just Phone 165 and give us 3'our order. DRAGER-MclNTYRE WOOD COMPANY The Good Measure Yard Roseburg, Ore. Phone 165 THECAR FOR ALL AROUNDSERVICE BUILT FOR WEAL BUILT FOR SAFETY A- D. BRADLEY ACENT ROSEBURG You Are Entitled to the hil AND THE Roseburg Steam Laundry Is where you get the best. Try us and be convinced. 438 N. JacKson Streef Phone 79 THIS WEEK ONLY! A 25 Cent Tube of Meritol Tooth Paste and ONE DOLLAR'S worth of S. and H. green trading stamps For 25 Cts. 7T JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE Quick Change Artist at T!ie Antlers Thcnlro Wednesday and Thursday. BIO ATT1MCTIOX IX)MIG TO THK A.YTUCKS THKATHK OX l'ItllAY, lH'H'KMIiKIt 5 KeUoKK-llalm'K Artists Are Hooked by .Humidor IJluom of Antlers. The five artists composing the WANTED Two or three good live wires for one of the best soiling propositions in the United Stales. See E. M. Cox, Unipqua hotel.. 3049-d2p Kellogg-Huines company, who enter tained us during the week, left an impression behind them that will as sure them a warm welcome when they come again. We need not tell them their program was enjoyed. They could not but fqel the waves; of sympathy that went to them' from an. audience that missed noth-! tug all through the performance, j From the openiug quartette, "The: Blue Danube Waltz," till the curtain went down on the second act from' ".Martha," it was a f:ast of good mu sic, good taste and was a rare exhi bition of stage presence. Everybody enjoyed .Mr. Goldberg's rendition of the prologue "Pagliacci." H is a baritone of exceptional ability. The mixed quartette rendition of "Se Sa ron Hose,' "Creole Love Song, "Where Are You Going, My Pretty Maid," and the "Lucia" sextette were enthusiastically received. We must not forget "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," which was genuinely clever. Miss Alice Magoe sang with feeling he selection, "My Heart at (Thy Dear Voice." We do not forget Mr. Breach for his rendition of the "Soul of the Old Piano," and the "Lawyer's Soliloquy." We think ho is the best ever, and hope to hear him again. Of the five reserved, charming artists we have the pleasantest memories. They are gifted performers. They deserve the largest measure of rec ognition, for they are working in the interest of legitimate art as against the cheap and the vulgar. May their number become legion. From Notre Daime Scholastic, January 21, 1911. them of a most pleasing afternoon, and the lodge will also most heart- ilv appreciate their presence. dti Elks Memorial Committee. Prompt Attention! ;m:x all okdeiis Let us do your freighting, mov Ing, baggage, piano, lumber, wood and coal hauling. Store your goods with ua, wo own our owu stoi-ago room aud con 'nve you the- beat rates. H.J. DENN TJtA.tofKIl AMI STOHAG1C O Oftice P. 102 Res. P. 308 PUIIAC MKMOKIAL KXKK- CISICS OK THE KMvrf. The regular animal Memorial ser vices of the Elks lodge will be hold at the new Antlers theatre on the afternoon of Sunday, the 7th of De cember, commencing at 2;1 p. m. A splendid musical offerin-g and a most excellent address by lion. Grant DinHck. of Oregon City, one of our state's most distinguished citi zens, will be the main features of the program. A special invitation to all ladies and gentlemen, irrespec tive of whether they belong tn the order or not. Is hereby tendered them to attend these servlcs, assuring IVERS & POND PIANOS Upright, Grand and Player Represents the Highest Stand ard Kver Attained in the Art of Piano Building C. S. Heinline, Local Ajront Phone ;53-1! A' Special Train To the Oregon Development League VIA THK 4H&v Itif SUNSET I I ROUTES I I XjC "Tin: KXi-osinox mxe ibis" i At Roseburg, Thursday, Dec. 4th LOW ROUND TRIP FARES SriiKIH'l.l-; Leave Ashland 0:00 a, ru. Iave Talent C : 1 1 a. m. !eave Phoenix G:15 a. in. Leave Medford G:1I1 a. m. Leave Central Point 6:30 f. : Leave Gold Mill 6:52 a. in. Ltave Grants Pass 7:25 a. m. Leave Merlin 7:5 a. m, LoRvo Lelaud 8:41 a. m. Leave Wolf Creek 6:57 a. m. I.onve Clendaln 9:17 a. m. I eavn West I'ork 9:51 a. ni. !.a-e Kiddle 10:44 a. m. U ax 9 MvitleCr-rk 10:55 a. m. leave IMllard ;I 25 a m. -rrle Hoj-oImii-k 1:1:00 noon liKTtll.VIXO. At . Train will leave Roseburg at II in i. m., ..topping at all Interme diate points shown above. Arrive Aehlnml about 12:00 midnight. Further particulate from an 8. P. Agent. John M. Scott, eneral I'aMCnger Agent, Portland. 'Tin the morning after the night before; You've had turkey, mince pie and pudding galore, And you think you never could eat any more; But you paM by Marshall':) Grocery Store, And see in the window arranged temptingly neat, Such lots' and lota of good things to eat That despite many vows made like "no more for mo " jk The clerk tills your order for delivery. A new assortment of Dried Fruits has been received Apples, Prunes, Apricots, Pears, Nectarines Come in' try them. Dc n't forget to ask for ROSEBURG TRADING CHECKS EVERYTHING GOOD AT MARSHALL'S, The Pure Food Store PHONE 1S4 We Can Save You Money Listen To These 1 Can Corn 10o 10 lbs Large White Buans one 10 lbs Pink Deans 550 17 lbs Sugar $1.00 "THE CASH STORE" For Their Groceries Wli SAVE YOU MOXEY 125 CASS STItEET. Church Brothers BAKERS Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the very best of materials. Tr' them once and you will always be a customer PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST. Against impure bever ages by insisting on be ing supplied with Rose burg Superior Sodas. All llavors. They are 1 list the thinrr vnn J o J " should have in the house to serve to the unex pected guest. They are best because they combine excellence of flavor with absolute purity. Try a case today. RGSEBURGSO DA WORKS Phone 166 IMione 1MO All work Ni'Nt-uliua Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title ' Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, ;Etc. Bonds ol all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm"Property Rear First Trust Savings Hank lltilg IIOSEIIUHO, OltEGO.V REAL ESTATE Hoys 200 acre farm, 20 acrea cultivated, houHe, barn, orch ard, springs, Iota of wood lim ber, 7 miles out, good road. Shod Buys a good new modern bun galow and good lot, clone In. Duys good new modern house and 2 fluu lots In fine location. llnys flno levol 6 tract, all in cultivation, flno rlvor bot tom laud, lotH of berries, young orchard, new bouse and barn. See E. B. Perrine, the Real Estate Man OREGON BAKERY That's All. Phone 241 PHONE 51 NORTH ROSEBURG