The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 26, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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Vc are uliuwlni? a beautiful line of IlelidHj Olfts in the following
line of very useful articles:
lifjuitiful Mahogany Tray4, (Si. 30 to 7.50 cadi
Chafing Olslict, ..-0 to l I.IIO ca li
ClialiuK ll-li Set, $ 15.011 l SiW.OO wirli
CuMuriilCN, $1.2." to $o.OI).wll
Complete assortment of Cut Class, C'lilnn Ware, Sliver Wurc, Carv
ing Sets, Percolators, Fancy 13 iskets ami Itoxes, Cutlery, etc.
There is notlilns more acceptable to the husband or father than a
nice comfortable chair; or t the wife or daughter a nice piece
of furniture. We have them all.
Before making your purchase be sure and take a look through our
mammoth slock.
Complete House Furnishers
Wo Iiavo Htruwbopry plants, logan
fcorry, ttHpurKUB, rhubarb, etc. Unite
hunt Nursery Co. tf
Lawrence Neuner and Gilbert Gll
bertson, of (ilendale, were vltfitorB in
ihe city Cor a few bourn today.
Good clean comfortable rooms at;
McClallen holul, $2.50 por week and!
P. tfj
A. D. I trad ley and GoorKo Burnett!
ft here laat evening1 for Gardiner j
where they will upend u few days
A. stranger entered Clarks' Studio
and had IliB picture tukun for Xniati. j
Avoid the riiKli and Bit now for
your 'a. tf,
Ao excellent Thanksgiving dinner!
wW tio nerved at tho Mcf'lnllen hotel!
from 12 to 2 and from ti to 8.
Xtice RO cents. I
H. . WIIhoii, the Indian land
jWtjt, fB expected home this evening
to spend ThaiiksKlvlug with bin futn-
Men. Scott and children left for
Jisbhtnd tli in inornhiK whore Mrs.
ftrart will attend the 141k a' ball, given
fcbre tomorrow evening.
Mrs. 8. J. Peitreo, of Tacoma,
TOash.. arrived here this morning to
rU at the Imnio of her Hlnter, Airtt.
Jftfct VrlKht.
V.' K. Kiedi-nberg and wife left
for their home at Hutte FnUn thin
Aiorning. after boiiio time Hpcnt here
iisfMn With Mr. and Mm. C. Merrill.
To local meridian tH nMHoiintiou
Jh?Id n brief mcollng at tho Kone
feor CotHmurclal Club rooms last ev
.uU,tf., Routine tUKliuH8 was trans
ac'.vrf Mrs. U Kaltoaehe. of Oukhind.
4rni(f over thin morning to Hpeud
Thanksgiving visiting at tin bouie
l Mix J. W. Moore, on Kast Doug
las wfrect.
I'il out tho whole 'fa in My with
goad, stylish Klines, al a good, big
tavlng on every pair (lining our big
Closing Out Sab! of tdmes. .loseph
oon'w. tf
MurMial Totu WtlllaiitH this morn
iu bguii the lank of collecting the
city lirennoa for the- ensuing term.
'Thesn licenses lire payable at the of
jficrt nf the city treasurer, at the city
You have tun coupon for $ 1.00
worth of tree gieen tending stamps.
Why nut let iih deliver that fiic
worth o:f drugs or toilet art icles.
Just phone ;(l, and wo do the rent.
Johnsou'H hnig Siore. tf
Verne I. uce. formerly night clerk
at th St. Krancis hotel, haw nccept
ri n position as tin v clerk nt the
Ijbitol llaritinel. He assumed charge
tf his position ibis morning. Al
Kiy Memorial.
Mrs. Adele C King, representing the
J'.jOb's 1 1 nine Jen nuil patterns, will
He at Abraham's Hlore on 1'riday No
re:nlicr 2s'. Mrs. King will be pleas
od to answer all uuestions regarding
jffm use of them patterns. nUT
W 1,, Tboinas left Tuesday morn
!ur fur Itiisebiirg and Marshfleld to
Vk over some properly, Mr. Hob
jlisfui is in i'li ;i rue of t he popcorn
wugon during the absence of Mr.
Thomas. Gntuts I'iish Courier.
Sjiim .1. Stioeniiiker came down
&i b'ltl this mot lliim to sprit d (lie
Tlifini""liviiui lniltd:iv with his pur
nts, Mr. ami Mrs. M .1. Shoi'tun ker.
and will return on Krhbiy nlnlit. It
would have to te further awsiy than
fHilnii to kf"p Sam from getting home
in ibis tlav,
luy tu'ciid inalo m Koihnrg ' better. mi could do your
.'-it i ong in I'm ml : laundry could
Tho Presbyterian Ladies Aid
will give a Cafeteria Dinner
on Thursday, December 4th,
from 12 to 2 o'clock In the
basement of tho Presbyterian
Chicken Pie. Creamed Chicken.
Koast Hum.
Turnips. Mashed Potatoes.
Haked Ueans.
FTot UlscultH. Butter.
Cabbage Salad, Potato Sulud.
Fruit Salad.
.Telly. Pickles.
Pumpkin Piu. Mince Pie. Apple
Mnrahmallow Pudding. Cake.
Coffee. Teu.
by calling at 119 West Lane
street. Phono 131-R. n29
J. W. Perkins returned here this
morning after u couple of days spent
at Portland and vicinity.
The doors at the A mum are open
at 2 in tho nfternoun and 7 In the
evening. Hest moving pictures, tf
Fred Fisher, who has been spend
ing the past three weeks at Twin
Falls, Idaho, returned here this
JO very- pair or shoes In our big
stock reduced in price during our
Closing Out Sale of shoes. Joseph
son's. t(
A marriage license was Issued this
murnli;g to Alfred H. Smith and
Merle Stearns. both residents of
Douglas county.
Tao best Xmas gift is a photo
imide by Clarks'. IloBoburg Trading
Checks as good as cash. Sit now for
your Xmas photos. tf
MIk Maud Mallard, or Portland,
arrived here lust evening to spend a
few iliiys visiting with her father,
Charles Ballard.
Arthur Jones and Lincoln Wright
went to Dlllard this morning where, Mrs. J. G. Mack
iney will he employed by the Port- -Mr. and Mrs. C
laiio nriuge I'oiiipauy.
C. II. Arundel, of Myrtle Creek, j
arrived here this morning after a
lew days snent tit points in the north
ern part of the county. latest and best books can be
renin! at Hie Uoseburg Fiction Li
brary, upstairs in the I'arrott build
ing. Over nineteen hundred vol
umes to select from. d.'IUp
Mr. I.eadbetter, rather of ltobert
Leiidbetter, arrived here this morn
ing from Portland, lie spent tho day
settling the difficulties that confront
his son in this vicinity.
Saturday night. In tho Odd Fel
lows hall on Grand avenue and Fast
IMue street, was organized Lelu Tribe
No. 2. Improved Order of Red Men.
It is the Drst lodge or tho Order of
Ued Men formed In Oregon since the
new Great Sachem, Frank G. MIcelH,
took office, Great Sachem Micelli
was In attendance when the new tribe
was Instituted by Deputy Great Sach
"iu Kdward Iloppo. Sixty charter
niemberH were Inducted into the mys
teries or the order and after tho or
ganization was perfecied, officers or
the new tribe wero elected and In
stalled, n follows: ,1. L. Painter,
sachem: C. II. Llbhy. prophet; J. K.
Tregrells. senior sagamore; William
Parmtee. Junior sagamore; William
F, Klinker. chief of records: .1 M
Talk with "Hutch". tf!
Torn Cobb spent the day at LMaiiJ'
atfinding to business matters i
Head tno Antlers' piogram on
i another page of this paper. Then go
' and sre the bbow. tf
j Mrs. John Hunter returned here
: 1 a t evening after a few days spent at
! Portland,
Closing-out sale of men's, women's
and cnuureu s shoes at Joephson s.
i Kvery pair reduced. tf
! Kat your ThankBgiving dinner at
the J. and J. retaurani, i:j7 Sheri
i dan street. 40c.
j Koseburg Nursery Co., Kitchin &
Block, prop., corner Oak and Main
streets. Phone 152. tf
Brace Murray, of Camas Valley,
spent the day. in Hoseburg visiting
with friends.
The price is always 10 :ents at the
I Antlers' except Tor road shows and
! special vaudeville acts. tf
j Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Launder, of
! Marshfleld, are registered at the
j Umpqua hotel in this city.
! Who do you love? Well, send
I them a photograph made by Clarks'
I fur Vm.,u tf
Budd Martiudale, of Camas Valley,
was a business visitor in Hoseburg
for a few hours today.
A splendid hue or aluminum kitch-'
en ware now on sale at the Hoseburg, ffj
Furniture Co. tf jU
A. B. Taylor left for his home atlgy
Albany this morning after a few days! 8rj
spent In Hoseburg on business. j
ruur reuis oi pictures ana a musi-i
cal act at the Antlers'. Come and en-j
joy yourself. 10 cents. tf
Carl D. Shoemaker and wtf-j ve-!
turned hero last evening after a fewj
days spent at, Portland and Albany.
William and She lie Carroll spent!
the day at Oakland where they did'
some work for the Pacific Telephone!
Company. j
H. K. Smith, wife and children left:
for hlugone this afternoon where they
will Bpend Thanksgiving with
friends. j
Robert Kent, of Brock way, spent!
the day in Hoseburg looking after
business matters and visiting with;
friends. j
Mrs. Kdna Ayres arrived here this!
morning from Douglas, Wyo., to visit:
with her mother, Mrs. W. M. How
ard, of H'en Mile.
Detective Burns returned here latej
last evening after a couple of days,
spent at Med ford and other Southern
Oregon cities.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Perot returned
to their home at Yoncalla today after,
spending yesterday in Hoseburg visit
ing with friends.
G. T. Hobbs. of Eastern Oregon,
passed through here today enroute to
points In Southern California where K
ne win spenu me winter.
M. M. Brumback and wire, or Dix
ouvllle, left for Portland this morn-
!.., ll.llnHn ...Ill ..n.wl TLnnlf..
HIS niiuio Hi':y "ill HI"-"" liiuuna-, K
irivlnu- IV 1th ihaf arm Uornnn fit
.There will be public Thanksgiving
services at St. George's Kplscopal
church on tomorrow morning at 10
a. nt. Cordial Invitation extended to
strangers and others to attend.
John Hunter expects go to Port
land tomorrow evening to purchase
material for the new Armory, the
construction of which is in his charge.
uance at unoe on v riuay nignt.js
November 28. There will be good I ifc
music and refreshments. Everybody
invited to come and have a good,
time. n27p
Little Velma Bates and Dorothy
Abraham left for Portland this morn
ing where they will spend Thanks
giving visiting at the home of Mr. and
learn ci his decision to locate else
Splendid moving pictures at the
Antlers'. See them. tf
Bertram Bates has received a let
ter from William Walker, formerly
a resident of Garden Valley, to the
effect that he is now located In Cali
fornia. Mr. Walker is a cartoonist
and expects Lo engage in newspaper
work in the southern state.
Tuesday marked another interest
ing day at the Mental Culture Club
when Miss Page, Mrs. Fury and Mrs.,
Brumfleld prepared the lesson on
"Children's Poets Riley and Field".
The biography of each was given,
followed by seletlons In song and
verse both In grave and gay. Miss
Page's interpretation of the "Christ
mas Hymn" and Mrs. Fory's "Singing
in God's Acre" were particularly ap
preciated. Koll call -was responded
to by quotations from Robert Louis
Stevenson, another child's poet. The
dub has undertaken the selling of
the Red Cross Christmas seals this
year, the proceed from which go to
the state tuberculosis fund and Mrs.
W. H. Fisher, Mrs. A. C. Marsters
and Mrs George E. Houck have been
appointed a committee to see about
disposing of same.
Wed. & Thurs.
Extra Attraction
Tnlk of the City; X.'W Konu
mid Jlufirlng Kucll Night.
See Her, Only Child of Iwr
age on the Stage Today.
Illfi 4 ItEEf, FEATUItK
Dr. Nicholson
And the
Blue Diamond
Few That Grip and Thrill.
The .live from the moving
train into tile river. The
escape f.oni the jsori-et
The Hark lining of llr.
Ntrh.ilHon, a new variation
of the Halt'les tj'e, will
whip your hlood into a red
foam of excitement.
Curtain Raises 2:15, 3:25,
7:15, H:2): 0:13.
High Tops
or Button6
For Boys
Don't buy the poor kind. Come and
examine our good ones.
Weaiethe only Shoe Store in Douglas Co.
uevoiea to ine .tumium vi mc icu.
Atfcnts for
Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes for Men
Sole Agents for Clara Barton Shoes for Women
Roseburg Booterie
J. C. Mann has filed a suit in the
justice court in which he seeks to
recover the sum of $20, aliened to
be due on a promissory note execut
ed in his favor by J. F. HutchusoQ,
a local insurance agent. Attorney
Charles Hopkins appears for tho
IVIion. keeper of wapum.-Telemnm.
Portland i
Hndley ester
day entertained Fvanellst H. Wyse i
Jones, Paul lUackstone and Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Marsters at a dinner ati
their homo, at the corner of Kane
and I-ane streets.
Mrs. Wiley IMlkint;ion, who has j
been living at Hrockway for some)
time iM. left for Portland thls j
morning where slip will make her I
home with a daughter. j
Alfred 1). Cridge, of Portland, rep
resenting the Home Tax lOxctnptionl
League, arrived in the city today
from Med ford, where be has been forj
a few days. The league proposes to j
initiate a measure fur the people tO
vote upon at the net general elec-j
Hon which will authorize a tax ex-j
emptlon of $liino on "homes, live-'
stock, tools, implements, etc., used
in maintaining a home or gain-i
ing a livelihood." Mr. Cridge '
states that many men worth their1
thnusiinds are signing the petition,!
as they believe such a law will be a.
great faetor In gettinc settlers to go
on to t be lands nnd farms of the
Htate and develop the J ritent re- .
.1. P. O'Neal, rr the past two
yars employed nt the Osbimi Phnr
tnncv, in this city, h;is resigned his
position and will leave fur Jur.'-.'on
( itv on Saturday where ho has been
efff ted a position. Mr. O'Xe-il i.'
w-H mid favtirn lv knuwn in this d'y
an. I has many friends who revr.-i to
5, 10c
j Trooper Billy
, httiTin lwo-i'art .story
Adapted From Frederick
I'auIdiitK's (in'iit Uninia.
This is Rest Yet; Now Sec
If We are Not Right.
10, 15c
1 Thanksgiving Specials-
12 off :
Mink, Martin, Red Fox, Iceland Fox,
Gray, Tan or White Manplin
- ' I. Ml ,, ,., k
Curing Rheumatism
Is not always the easiest thing In the world. Nevertheless -we
have in our store a rheumntlc remedy which we sincerely belitvo
has effected more rheumatism cures than any other rheumatism
remedy on the market. This remedy Is
Dike's Rheumatic Remedy
It assists the kidney to cloanss the blood of all Impurities and
rids the system of all uric acid, the real root of rheumatism
A large bottle for $1.00.
uso"e"'ber " 'iaS provon worth for 5'eaI'3' We recommend its
i urn.
but H l.
Spen il
drv bought
mt geod business
onr iiKiney at
1 v :iml Ml Viol.-t
e uni.i'sil
fl ei noon nil
if fr Misn
Miir!c:in. I v lt Wtlialn
if--c!'t. will leio t' l
MuR 'i' huute hi Voo-lnni, v beff ',
Ih.'s will spell 1 lb.. Th;fik-gt hr-'. ;-
"e.tinn. Tbev ,!!' i'hiiitniM; t.i tctnrn'
lo S item ltMU(.i me: nnur S.llem i
5t4(.ni:in. I
Mrs. II. I'! ;eVes,.ti. :i ! i ;ul ;1 .1 1 e
tt I J t mois I iuer.l!y, utiil . i:r:id-
iifite nt Wbi; ;nid Set n v. iU-. . Wo , 1
Xer'iKils. anil t. mi her In ;in.'iis l'a.(- j
en slates, will. up. mi the advice tf ;
'.liferent rd people, open nQprivate f
Kiridei-ftnten on I l.-cinbt-r I T In'
beh.Of of tlie- IMtle tots and the iti-1
fercitK of her work 8!o defiles thej
Ararfy co-opet al io:i of ail patrons j
Full Infoiuiatioii and an outllno oft
work will gladlj be given any tlmej
The mvutet sensation the;e has
ever knov n.
The Play the Presidents Praise.
"I va never mor thrilled""--Wood-row
"As a i;ned t'ltl.en I tl-iiuk you for
our Play"-- Theodore Koosovelt.
"No one should miss It, W. H. T.ift.
Tlie one ( Iramn of Today that
no one eau nfford to mis.-.
Without l)oubtthe Most Important Theatrical Of fe nn i n Rosebur is H istory
American Play Compan)- ArcliSelvvn, ManaRinR Director
Presents Direct Prom a Phenomenal Rim in Chicago
In the most Successful Plav of Modern Times
By Bayard Veiller
It's Clean! It's Human! It's American! The Reigning Triumph of
Three Continents America Europe Australia
Price-$2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Sale Tickets Nov. 26th at 10 A. M.
The irres!?tiblo Drama of Real Heart
Interest that Is still delighting record
breaking crowds in
New York
Vienna O
In all the World no Play a3 fine
as this.
o o