NEWS WANT ADVS GET RESULT NOTICE. ' if All accounts due the Econ- omy Grocery are payable at the store on North Jackson street. All bills owed Dy tnsr store will be Daicl at the store. A K. M. MEARS, i tt Retiring Partner. miss SADIE HOKNninOOK INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO Room No. 8, Roseburg National Bank Building. Ot'RDON A. FOKY, p Vocal Lesson. Studio 312 E. Cass Street. 4 Phone 191-J Roseburg - - -Ore. MRS. CHARLES S. HEINLINE Pianoforte Instructor Musical Kindergartener Studio za Jiiiia au, mono oo-iv DR. GEO. E. HOUCK Physician and Surgeon Office Perkins Bldg., Phone 3. f Roseburg, Oregon. c DR. S. L. DcLAPP Osteopathic rnysiclun jy- Perkins Ilulldlng V Office Phone 431 Residence Phone 276 Dlt. SKELY, SKTIIUH & STEW- ART Physicians and Surgeons. .Suit of offices, Rear Douglas National Bank, Ground Floor, Plione 307 Roseburg - Oregon DR. B. K. SHOEMAKER Physician and Surgeon Office Rooms 209-210 Perkins Building. Phones Office 194 Residence 417-R DR. D. E. SNELL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Diseases of Women and Clill- dren a Specialty. Phones: Office 119, Res. 133-L. 301-8 Perkins Building ROSEBURG, ORE. OHAS. F. HOPKINS Attorney at Law. Room 130 Perkins Bldg. Rnscburg, Oregon. Especial attention given to con- veyauclng and the examtntlon of titles to real estate. Prac- tices In all state and federal courts. TAXIDERMIST AND EXPERT TANNER Prlees Reasonable Work Guaranteed P. O. Box 207, Roseburg, Ore. waxtki. WANTED-10 or 15 hogs suitable for fattening. Address box 361, city, or call at Rochdale Store. : WANTED BOARD AND ROOM: Young man wants room and board with private family close In Ad dress M. care News. 302j;n2M ; WANTED Plain and fancy sewhift.i moderate prirps and satisfaction given. Mrs. (!. S. Lahey, corner Flint and Lane streets. 3024-cHp, WANTED To pVchnnge second, hand single Webber wagon and; sprines. used 0 montlis for good; simile horse platform hack V .1. . Clarke, star II. West. 3023-n2Sp, WOOD WANTED The News will j gladly take on subscription wood for office and residence use In any amount. Call at The News office. " WANTED Horses and cattle for pasture on Deerwood Park ranch. I f Plenty of good feed. Apply at residence on E. F. E. Ranuey. Douglas street. 3023-d5p V. ANTED Position as Baleslady with experience In general mer cantile business. Satisfactory ref erences. Call at News. 2061-tf WlANTED TO TRADE 160 acres of timber In Southern Oregon for a first class automobile. For parti culars enquire at The News of-2035-tf FOR KENT FOR RENT Stock and dairy ranch. Inquire News. 20B5-d4p . uit Kii, i' j. uiuisneu bedrooms .n new bungalow, with bath. 737 E Dnuglns street. 1960-tf .r OR RENT N'iceTy fuTntshedfrcnt room. Gentleman preferred. In quire 312 E.Onss. 20S2-tf FOR" RENT A farm or 200acres, 60 acres under cultivation, rest good pasture. Inquire at News of fice. 2008-tf FOR RENT Beau 1 IfiTl home -1 n North Roseburg. Five rooniB, all well furnished. No children. Rent $5 per month, Including water. Apply at this office or see Mrs. Callaway. 209S-tf FOR RENT A fineIargemodern 10 room house, stable and wood yard close In on eight lots, only, half block from R. R. Fine gar den land and several bearing fruit trees, good location. Inquire Per rlne real estate office. 2029-tf FOB SALE. FOR SALE One high grade piano; almost as good as new In first class condition. Call at News for own er's name. 2020-tf FOR SALE One mare and 'colt, weight of mare 1250, gentle good worker. Will take sow as part payment. Inquire at News. 3020-d5 CEMENT BLOCKS Six or seven hundred fine cement blocks for building or use in retaining wall. Will sell $85 for lot if taken .at once. Inquire News. 1975-tf FOR SALE One span horses, good reliable work animals, weight about 1300 each; also wagon and harness, cheap. Call at McClallen hotel. 1930-tl' FOR EXCHANGE We have several city lots at prices ranging from $75.00 to $300.00, 50 to 00 foot frontage, that "we will exchange for wood or lumber. Call and see, or address, Himes & Oliver, Casr street, Roseburg, Or. 2073-tf FOR SALE From grower to con sumer, the finest of small white beans. Hand picked. Delivered at your depot for 6c per pound in lots of 50 pounds or over. Send orders to A. E. Sheppard, Rogue River, Oregon. 3022-d20 FOR SALE 16 acres. 1 mile east of Roseburg, all In cultivation; eight acres of choice fruit; clover mead ow, good improvements. Price $6,000. $2,000 down, balance 5 per cent interest, 10 years time if desired. Ira Hull, Roseburg, Ore gon. 20S0-d12p FOR SALE 20 acres of bottom land Canities from Roseburg, near R. R. station, all In cultivation. Dwelling, barn, hen houses, bear ing fruit trees, berries. Will raise anything. Enquire of H. E. Fer chen, Roseburg, Ore., Rt. 1, Box 98. 2052-d3 FOR SALE 10" acres In Garden Val ley. Here is a bargain, 4 year old fruit orchard, -In good condition. 215 Newtown Pippins, 215 Spitzen burgs, 60 Winter Bananas, 60 Early Crawfords. 300 Alberta peaches, 25 mixed fruit, acres of strawberries, 75 gooseberries, 30 Tokay grapes and a few other berries. Small house 14x20, with porch; barn 10x20; chicken house 10x43; fine well with plenty of good water; telephone, R. F. D. ; church and school V4 mile. This is all the best kind of river bottom land, and only 7 miles from Rose burg. Priced for quick sale $2500. Douglas Bros. & Wallace, Phone 42S. Cnss St.. near depot. 3039-tf LOOK US CP RICE & RICE REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS REFERENCE: ANY BANK Insurance brokers. Bonds, war rants, loans negotiated. Houses for rent and business exchange. Advice on any part of Douglas county and Its adaptness. Stock, fruit and general farms for Bale. Business of all kinds. Some very select stock ranches. City prop erty and businesses for sale. Iong time insurance at very low rates, all old lino companies; no chance for special assesyrnents as In mu tual companies. Alwavs buy the best it's the cheapest. Notary Public. Lower floor Masonic bldg. Roseburg, Oregon. O Jj. G. HICKS SURVEYOR 22:$ Perkins Building Kosehurg, Or. Phone l:il-U FOR SALft. FOR SALE 1 bay mare, age 9, weight l.UuO; ride, drive or pack. Address 1115 Mill St. 3031-n27p FOR SALE Gentle family horse. .AIbo wagon and harness. Inquire this office. 2030-tf FOR SALE Young team of draft i horses, wagon, plow and cultiva-! tor. Phone 9F23 or write box 463.! Roseburg. 8002-Uj WANTED Man with team to take all winter contract pulling stumps and clearing land. Hurculese stump puller furnished. Sunshine ranch. Phone 1F2. 3007-tf SHEEP FOR SALE I have a nlcej bunch of good stock sheep thati will be sold right.1 Address L. E. ; Marsters, Ut. 1., Roseburg, Ore-; gon. 3005-tfj FOR SALE Gasoline wood saw, in j perfect condition. Cnoap if taken i at once. Reason for selling, I i have two. Sunshine Ranch. Phone 1F2. 2088-ti FOR SALE Gasoline engine, Olds make, 12 H. P., almost new, will be sold cheap. Inquire of A. H. Averill JIach. Co., Portland, Ore gon. dsw-3032-d2p WANTED Man and wife on a stock ranch, permanent place for capable people. State experience references and wages wanted. Address Ranch man, care News. 3033-tf FOR SALE Modern bungalow, three lots, good garden spot, with straw berry patch; small cost payment; balance on easy terms. Inquire ut NeWB Office for owner's name. 2085-tf FOR SALE Fine Studebaker surry, slightly used, wilh almost new double harness, at a great reduc- tion. See .1. F. Barker & Com-! pany. 1807-tfj G O B LE R S In vigor ateoTir- flock J by breeding from Virginian hulf wild Toms nt $20.00, or quarter i wild at $10.00. For sale by A. C. Solle, Umpqua, Or. Reference, E. G. Young & Co., Oakland, Or. 2050-dlOp1 TO 11 SALE The best automobile in; Douglas county for the money. Combined runabout, truck and 5 passenger tourist. Every bearing new, at Fishers Paint Store, corner Oak and Rose. 1735-tf FOR TRADE I will trade a house and lot In Portland in a fine resi dence district, for Roseburg city property, or for acreage adjacent, to Roseburg. See my agents, Douglas Bros. & Wallace. Phone 428. Cass St,, near depot. 3040-tf S. C. WHTfE0PlFST0NSc7ck erels of the royal blood of William Cook & Son, of N. 1., U. S. A., Or-i pington, England, t!5e originators of all the Orpington fowls. Prices $5.00 and up. Address W. II. Diusmoore, Sheridan, Oregon. i 2010-n27p FOR SALE 300 acres or farm land partly timbered, four miles from Roseburg. 7-room residence, barn and out houses. Water piped in house from springs, $50.00 per acre, easy terms. P. O. Box 503 Roseburg. Oire. . 2028-tf FOlTSALE iTacre ranch under hlgh cultivation, over 200 bearing prune and 100 nple trees, good house, burn and wood shed. City water, grapes, berries, poaches and pears. Close to city. Inquire at News of fice. 2083-tf TERRACE PARK VIEW LOTS Let j us show you the most beautiful j view lots in Roseburg, new streets 1 now being graded, city water In, large oak trees on each lot, we nave a few lots 60x280 feet that we can sell at $376 each, on easy terms, splendid free soil. Const Investment Co. 1519-tf FOR SALE 20 acres 6 miles south of Roseburg, mile from railroad station. All under culti vation. 6 acres In young orchard, good condition, balance In grain j and garden. Small house, barn, chicken house, etc. Good well. Land lies well and the soli Is fine. Price only $1800; $050 cash, bal ance at G per cent. Douglas BroB. & Wallace, Cass street, near de pot. 3 03 8-1 f FOR SALE. 40 acres of good leaf1 loam soil. 15 acres In cultiva-i tion, balance brush and timber. 3 acres In bearing orchard, fair: condition. 6 room box house, in! good condition, good barn, chicken! house, smoke house. Good well. This is a good piece of bench land.i and only 1 mile from railroad sta tion. Price $15011. $1000 cash,1 balance school loan at 6 per cent.: Douglas Bros. & Wallace. Phone' 428. Cass St.,near depot 3041-tf FOR-SALE 5 1 acres'," of' which ' 25 to 30 acres Is creek bottom, bal-i ance hill land. 12 acres in oi 1 1 1-j vation, 14 acres slashed, balance; In f and cedar timber. Good .12; year old family orchard. Extra, quality free soil. 4 room house, barn, smoke house, chicken house.; ;Thls place Is watered by crek and' spritim, and has a line well. Ill lies on a fine gravelled county; road, 7 miles from town. Priced for quick sale, $1500: $500 cash.1 balance at 6 per cent: or might; consider house and lots In Rose-; burg. Douglas Bros. & Wallace.; Phone 428. Cass street, nrtar de-; !t. O 3042lfi STOP AT Hotel Grand Cass St., Roseburg, Ore. TRAPPERS!! If you want the highest prices for all kinds of furs bring them to me. I am buying for an East ern house again this seasun. R, F. SHIELDS, Office 405, Cass Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Auto Service I will make all trains, will call for or deliver passengers to any part of the city. Inside city limits on pavement 60c; Inside city limits off pavement 75c; Sol diers Home $1.00; per hour $2.50; waiting per hour $1.00 Auto for hire for special trips or parties. For further Information call phone 336, residence phone 187-Y. Office nt Monogram Ci gar Store. C. F, HAFER, Prop. Prompt Attention! GIVEN ALL ORDERS Let us do your freighting, mov ing, baggage, piano, lumber, wood and coal hauling. Store your goods with us, we own our own storage room and can give you the best rateB H.J. DENN TUAmi ER AND STORAGE C4. Office P. 102 Res. P. 308 Upright, Grand and Player Represents the Highest Stand ard Ever Attained in the Art of Piano Huilding C. S. Heinline, Local Agent Phone 33 -It REAL ESTATE & NotaryjPublic Do you want to buy a good stock ranch, a good general farm, a nice orchard tract, a paying chicken ranch, town property, or large tract for colonization, or good invest ment of any kind, If so see E. B. PERRINE "Tho Real Estate Man" Coi ner Cass and Pino Streets ItoscbiirK, Oregon. INSURE IN THE Mutual Life OF NEW YORK Oldest In America; Strongest In the World. Lead In Oregon In 1912. Lowest net cost to you. Largest returns to you. No stock holders. For full particulars eo J. F. HUTCIIASON, L'Utrlct Manager. Flr3t Trust & Savings Bank Bldg. Phone 274. K&Pfli PIANOS Call at Roseburg Nursery Co. 'a yards and see the fine lot of fruit trees of all kinds. Also Bmall fruits, shade trees and roses. Cor. Oak and "'tin. tf Spend " Thanksgiving' With the Folks LOW ROUND TRIP FARES VIA lUfl SUNSET " 1 I IOGI)ENftSWTAl J "THE EXPOSITION LINE 1018" between all points on the S. P. Lines In Oregon north, and south Including branches; also on the C. & IS., P. R, & N.. S. F C. & W. and P. E. & E. SALE DATES November 26th and 27th FINAL RETURN LIMIT DECEMBER 1st ; Superior Train Service, Observation Curs Dining Cars and Big, Wide All-Steel Coaches. Call on nearest agent for speolflc fnros, train schedulos, oto. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. TAKE YOUR CHOICE! Cooking and Heating Schedule For Electric Ranges, Irons, Charing DlsheB, and other Mis cellaneous Heating Devices or small Domestic Power Devices. METER RATE Three cents (3) per Kilowatt Hour Minimum Charge. ..Jl.OOper mouth FLAT RATES Electric Range for Domestic Purposes $5.00 per month Electric Water Heater for Domestic Purposes 2. 50 per month The above rates are for permanent servlco only, and provides for the Installation, by the Company, of a BOpnrato motor for meas urement of current used for cooking and heutlng purposes. DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT 5dWATER COMPANY I I Yur husband, brother or father likes to fish or hunt We carry all kinds of sporting supplies and any thing you may get him for Xmas from us will be a well received Rift. Huy your Xmas presents Ilure. J. H. Syke's Gun Store OPPOSITE POSTOPICE ROSEHL'ItO, OREGON First Class Quality Trees APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, PRUNE, CHERRY and a full assortment of other stock. To sell them we will have to put the PRICK VERY VERY LOW Hate to cut prices for high clafs stock, but a slack demand with OVER PRODUCTION REQUIRES IT Southerns Oregon Nursery, Yoncaila, Oregon Tho Indies of St. George's Guild will tnke orders for comforts oc aprons. Telephono Mrs. J. C. Mama, 71 J, or Mrs. V. J. Woodward, its T. a-ST THE i a nii on 45000 j o o