bers be present. ROY ROADMAN Secretary, PRICES LOWER C. W. CLARK. President. auiiue to riuiau. A meeting of the members of the Roseburg Gun Club will be bad on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in Clark Brothers studio. It is desired that ar rangements be matin for a Thanks giving turkey shoot. Let all mem Just Received One carload of Imperial and Golden Crown Hard Wheat Flour. Try it. We guarantee every sack to give absolute satisfaction or your money back. We, will not be responsible for credit extentlod to any one representing Uieniselves to be interested in this company or using our name in any way for this purpose. D12 THE HEAVENS CO. A stranger entered Clarks' Studio and had his picture taken for Xmas. Avoid the rush and sit now for ycur's. tf New Tariff Reduces Cost Keligiour Supplies. of i AT MEN SHOULD NOW ATTEND IiOOKINC Class VALLEY. NOTICE. The Hat Shop A few beautiful new dress shapes in Hatters plush. Very reasonably priced Reductions on all trimmed Hats. Beginning Thursday, Nov. 13 for ten days we will have for sale a drummers sample line of furs. SEE THEM Roseburg Trading Checks. Are You Loyal? Are You Useing a Roseburg Broom? The best on the market for the money. They will last longer, and your work will be lighter. You will be helping a home enterprise and making a greater Roseburg, Every merchant in Roseburg is selling them; so be LOYAL and demand the home pro duct. Whist Brooms at all Drygoods and Drug Stores. All are sold with money-back guarantee. Free Seed For Planting. ROSEBURG BROOM FACTORY You Are Entitled to the Best AND THE Roseburg Steam Laundry Is where you getjthe best. Try us and be convinced. 438 N. JacKson Streef Phone 79 Meritol Remedies And everything else iri the Drug Line JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE PHONE SI INORTH ROSEBURG We GiveS. & H. GreenTradimStan?ps Xew Tariff Law Jteduces Price of Orguus, Stained GIuas, lliblcu nml Many Other Articles. WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. The American husband who lms been wont to settle himself in his easy chair, plant his feet on another and spend Sunday r.iorning reading the newspapers, and also the husband who plays golf whitest his wife and children represent the family church, will have less excuse hereafter than ever before to "cut" divine sorvice. The new Democratic tariff law, it is confidently believed, will make cimrch-going cheaper. For one thing, the import tax ot; twenty-five per cent, which amounts! to about BO cents apiece on the pop-j ular editions of foreign made bibles, is removed entirely. All down the- line of religious supplies the new tar iff aims at retail reductions. Organs are reduced ton per cent In import duty, stained glass windows should be some cheaper owing to a ten per cent tariff cut; music is reduced ten per cent and church furniture from seven to ten per cent. Another series of reductions in the tariff which should make all church supplies cheaper is aimed at all tracts, pamphlets and religious paraphernalia, from which import duties have been entirely removed. Going on the theory that the Demo crats, as they promised, would re move or lower Import tnrlffs on all "necessaries of life," the new sched ules on religious goods of all kinds show that the National Congress is at least religious and believes relig ion a "necessity." Grandma, by the way, Bhould be able to get along with less expendi ture, since the tariff has been uct on spectacles and pepermlnt drops, that the former should be about fif teen per cent cheaper and the latter aloniBt as much so. Splendid moving pictures at the Antlers'. See them. tf The Grange will hold an open meeting on Saturday night. Nov. 29. The program will be announced in the near future. j Peter Jones is spraying his orch- i ard. I Geo. Best is grading and maing i other preparations for erecting his new drier. I Mr. James Morgan Is on the sick ' list. Miss Grace Miller was thrown from 1 a horse a few days ago and had her j foot badly crushed. Sho Is getting along nicely at present writing. j There will be a dance at the t Grange hall Friday night, Nov. 21.1 UoBeburg orchestra will furnish mu-i sic and a midnight supper will be! served at the Howard house. Mr. Wm. Voorhhies Is In Roseburg serving on the jury. Ed. Johnson is having his black smith shop shingled. J. C. Moore is doing the work. Wo are pleased to lcnm of tho appointement of Dr. C. H. Bailey to the position of county fruit Inspector. Brother Bailey Is an enthusiastic grange worker and a progressive grower, and we feel assured he will discharge the duties of his office In a fair and Impartial manner. Professor E. B. Fitts ot the exten sion service of the Oregon Agricul tural College, will give a talk and lead a dlscussioti on the subject of dairying on the small farm. At Grange hall, looking Glass, Satur day nlgnt, Nov. 2. All interested persons are invited to be present. DAXCH AT TXWUrXG CLASS. Dance at the Looking Glass Grange Hall" Friday night, Nov. 21st. Roseburg Orchestra. Supper at the Howard House. Everyone Invited. LEE WILLIAMS, IRA B. GOODMAN, W. H. DOLE, Committee. 2078-n20 You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See PAT For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 35 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney block's. Cement sidewalKs and Cement wcrl of any Kind. I have flvo or six bouses 1 will sell cheap, as 1 want to use the UHr f-y Ir other business. See my burglar proof window lock, ls fi K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. 'e build, move 01 repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience In biilldiug. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER I'Uuiie 248 All work first-class Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds ot all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on ImprovedFarnV Property Rcnr First Trust & Savings Bank llldg IlOSKllUItG, OIIKGOX ill Trading Stamps We give tbe new Roseburg Stamp Company's trading checks with every cash purchase sold at regular prices on all 30 day accounts, execpt sugar by the sack. These stamps are interchangable for any article at 50 business houses in Roseburg, from anything from soda water to a threshing machine, and also for any article displayed at the com pany's premium parlors. Ask for particulars. III Come in see us MARSHALL'S The Pure Food Store ASK FOR RoseburgTrading Stamps Why Not Trade Where You Can Save Money? THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1 lb. can Baking Powder, regular 25c seller, and one 10c can spice, Both for 25 Cents GIVE US A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED 'THE CASH STORE" WE SAVE YOU MONEY 133 CASS STREET. Church Brothers BAKERS Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the very best of materials. Try them once and you will always be a customer PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST. Against impure bever ages by insisting on be ing supplied with Rose burg Superior Sodas. All flavors. They are just the thing you shouldliave in the house to serve to the unex pected guest.'They are best because they combine excellence of flavor with absolute purity. Try a case today. ROSEBURGSO DA WORKS Phone 186 Checks With Every Purchase We will give Roseburg Stamp Co. Checks with every cash purchase of 5c or more, or when bill is settled. These checks are worth 3 per cent in trade at any of 50 stores in Roseburg or may be used in selecting a premium at our Premium Parlors. " Keep your eye on our window for good things to eat. MRS. A. C. KIDD & SON Phone 283 Oregon Bakery Everything i&the Baling Line HARVEY-EASTMAN Phone 103 I-'IIONE 241