WEATHER Yesterday's Highest Temp . 46 Last Night's Lowest Temp 41 Fair Tonight and Friday VOI,. V. KOSEBUIIG, DOUGLAS COUXTY, OUKCiON TIUHSDAY, NOVKUHKK 13, 1013. No. tl GETS SENTENCE Charles Grider is Given Six Months in Jail. PLEADS GUILTY AND RECEIVES MEDICINE None of Those Indicted By The Grand Jury Are Arrested Today Jury LHschurged by Court. Charles Grider, Recently arrest ed at Winnemucca, Nevada, and lat er returned here on a charge of non support was this afternoon sentenced to a term of six months in the coun ty jail by Judge J. W. Hamilton, in the circuit court. The sentence im posed in Grider's case is the limit provided by statute. After Grider returned here the woman responsible for his arrest re cinded the contention that she was his wife, nut admitted that they had been living together, 'i flese facts were submitted to the grand jury and a few days ago Grider was in dicted on a charge of lewd-cohabi-tat.on. Ho plead guilty to this charge and received his sentence to day. In imposing sentence Judge itiiiltwi Unarmed the prisoner that he would be expected to work on ihe county roads in accordance witn a new law passed at the last ses sion of the state legislature. Grider accepted his sentence in differently, and refused to make any statement in his own beTialf. Four 1 lulktments. Although four indictments were returned last evening by the grand jury, no arrests were made today. Consequently, it is the general opin ion that the indictees are non-residents and that some time will elapse before they are apprehended. Judge Hamilton this afternoon ex cused the jury, and court has prac tically closed with the exception of passing on miscellaneous motions. XLW PACIFIC HIGHWAY KEPOHTEI) llETTEIl THAN THE PHESENT HKU1WAY Crew Working on New lioad Itclleve Change Should He "Effected at Once. The crew that is workklng on the new route from Black Butte across the Calanoova range to Sutherlin are much enthused over the prospects' of the now route, says the Cottage Grove Leader. Thev claim it cuts off I eight miles of the distance between Cottage Grove and Sutherlin in Doug- l'is county end gives us a water grade all the way except about four miles amiss the Calanoova divide, which is a verv low pass and will make an ideal road for through traffic. This ' .... , ,,, ,i, i... L.,1, n tlio Willamette river and traverses one . . . . . of the finest and most productive , little valleys of the state a distance! ! seventeen miles from Cottage Omve to the Black Butte mines and is one of the liest country roads in l.nne county. Trom Hlack Butte it will follow up a small creek to near tlie summit of the divide, which is the line between Lane and ttouRlaa county a distance of about two miles, then It will follow down a small creek that empties into the Caloopya near where Sutherlin gets Its water sup ply for city aud irrlKatton. There ; Is' also a fine graveled road fronM Sutherlin to the intake of the water! siMply, which Ib oir.y atiout etKilt miles from the Black Butte mines and it would onlv renuire efcht miles to finish and would cut out forty miles of the worst road between Portland and San Francisco. FOHMKIt HOSFHUKG KLFC- : TIHCI AN GKTS 7,0(M) FHOM OltKGON POW'FK COMPANY, O. C. Caruter Sues for Sr.O.OOO Ijili-r Scttlr, W Satisfactorily to AH Concern.-.!. Seven thousand dollars Is the price conceded by the Oregon Power com pany yesterday for maiming a man. for life by Its high power wires, and which was accepted by O. C. Cir-cn-1 ter. but who had suoil for t'l '!)), y:iys the Knirene Heirister. Ti " trial of this case. In which HaTf-M & lav;4, of Portland, figured, cr.m to a sudden c'opc yestev-!:!:- after one v i nes had been e ;im::ie 1 ier the rV' The offer lefide by lie power company airl was i-.;i?k1y; ,1. t j.ted by t lie attoni 's lor tiio : idiirntlff. i The case was of considerable in ter st a'!Hng attorneys, partly be ta it ?e of the larco sum nked and partly becau?e the party sued was i'it the em ployer of the man who direrted to wmk on -. :f brdire The phint.lf f t d. 1. nv eT. that the hich t:i?ioii wirs worn ffirung too close to the bridge, and l .i rt were not properly marked. There is some speculation ,:s to whether the power cumpanyj V.isQjkV recourse on the county on wi-fip liridge the wires were placed.; One other case of considerable tn-t-Tt was nlfo settled by stipulation yesterday. This was the case of the Orpin in & California against Smith, In which the Southern Pacific, com any sought to condemn 42 acres in ;;ringfield for yardaee purpo- It' r.nng railroad men that this suit is one of the last 4 WANTS A 1HYOKCK. Mrs. Lillian Purdy this af- ternoon filed a suit in the cir- i cult court, in which she asks that the bonds of matrimony now existing between her and Wilbur V, Purdy be severed. Cruel and inhuman treatment are the chief allegations con- tained in the complaint. Specif- ically Mrs. Purdy recites the de- tails connected with an alleged assault upon her, which occur- red on a business street of the city several months ago. Purdy, she say si, incited the assault through jealousy. Attorneys Buchannn & Porter appear for the plaintiff. steps in the preparations to build the railroad shops and yard facilities in Springfield. The agreement was made yesterday to pay the Brattain heirs $400 an acre for the property and the case was dismissed. KAC H EK 1HCCII) ES TO llt'ILI) HKAl'TlFl'li KKSIIKNCE JCK1NG PKESENT WlXTKIi ICstimatcd that llesideuee Will Cost From $3.1MH to $5,000 In Overlook Addition. G. J. Bachr, who returned here yesterday after spending a few days at Portland says he will begin the erection of a modern home In Over look Addition to the City of Kose burg, within the next few weeks. While at Portland Mr. and Mrs. Bacher inspected a number of mod ern homes, among them being resi dences representing a cost of from S2.000 to $12,000. After securing on idea as to the nature of n home they desired, Mr. and Mrs. Bacher employed an archi tect, who is now preparing the plans and specifications. Work should be gin on the residence, according tJ Hr. Bacher not later than December 15. The residence will be situated In Overlook Addition, which is consid ered one of the most attractive building sites in tho entire city. 4 COTTAGK GHOVE YOUNG PEOPLE A It E AltKESTEH FOR DANCING THE RAG City Marshal IiiHlrutiK IO Young Peo ple to Appear Hefore City Re corder. A company of about 40 young people who were conducting a dance in Phillips hall Saturday night were requested to appear before City Re-; cordcr Young and answer to a charge; or indecent and immoral conciuci uy ragging nnd engaging in other freak dances by City Marshal Brown, says the Cottage Grove Leader. Some of the lenders of the dancing party have left town, It Ib said, nnd others will be given a hearing today or tomorrow. The authorities seem de- tnrmmed to discourage UoDTHnnni ! .lo.mlnrr In Ml In W v An nrdliinn frtx has been drawn and is under consid-' ... , i eraiion covering mis matter. , GIRL BLAMES . The grand Jury yesterday began an investigation of a complaint w-hich involves two young people of this city one. a female charge of a; ramily residing on a small fruit j ranch west of Hosehurg, and the oth- er, the son of a highly respected J Koseburg family j Inasmuch as the charges preferred uhum.m . ...,. ,nrf,i . r nwitioniiI nature, everything pos-, """ proceedings with the greatest of sec- Nothwithstanding. however the !'an'"9 thL' l'r cipants have been learned Ha has the nature of lie H'llljlllllHl, I "t! &JII III IIIU case, it is understood, was taken to Portland yesterday afternoon where ' he will be admitted to a charitable' institution. The young man is quite promin- ent locally, and as a result The News' withholds all names connected with j the affair. Just what action the: grnnri jury will take in the cusp is a matter of mere conjeeiure at this, time. SHI 1(11 I-' ) INK H I N U1LK i ' TO ASCKltT 1 CHAlUiK ! a; :isom;h Man Proimlit lleit- I-'n,; Iw Serve I on ! : Not Stated. (ianliner' Sheriff Quine confnjnted by a WiP this afternoon prohicm (tf A n tabling for what offen-'e one -f bis t-rionets in confined the .county J iil. Tlie prion-'f n$ troutfht here this tnnrning from ci-irdiner and fbe romniittni"nt was fi with the f-heriff. loiter when Sheriff (i'line scanned the document m failed tn f nd tf!e nature of the (Que charged against the prisoner. As a last resort. Sheriff Quine this afternoon sent n in ess a ire to Gardiner asking the commit tins: magistrate for Information regard-' Ins the prisoner and his offense. i "r f"5!' "im- is Merneus' Boss, and he talks little English. YOUNG MAN E LEVY County Court Fixes Tentative Levy at 14.29 Mills. STATE LEVY IS MATERIALLY INCREASED Taximyers of Hosoburg Will Fur Total Ix'vy of 34 Mills Valu ation of County Estimated ut $:I7,(MK),0(M). TENTATIVE TAX LEVY County . . . . . .2.9 School 1.6 Library 002 Soldiers Indigent 002 Roads and bridges 5.50 State, estimated 4.25 Total 14.29 After several days of diligent labor the county court late last night con cluded the task or compiling the budget of expenditures for Douglas county during the year 1914. The budget will be published in Mon day's issues of the local press as re quired by a law passed at the last session oi tne state legislature. Sometime later, the exact date of which will be published soon, the county court will convene and listen to complaints or remonstrances against any and all of the proposed expenditures included in the budget. As will ho noticed by the tentative figures published in the above box tho levy for this year is increased something over four mills when com pared with last year's levy which was 11 mills. This Increase, so the mem bers of the county court claim was necessitated on account of the In crease in the state levy. Last year UiR state tax was 1.25 mills, while this year it totals 4.25 mills. The court has also levied a road and bridge levy of 5.25 mills, which they deem neccssnrv on nreonnt nf t he many contemplate dimprovements in ! various sections of the county. According to the budget of expen- (Manes complied by the county court i the expenses of the county for the year 1914 will total something over $107. 27. 00. Exactly this sum will be raised by the county levy as fixed 1 y the court. The rond and bridge ljy t;f r.25 nrills will raise $202, Ooo, while the school levy of .002 will raiiie $5i,00O. These figures are bused on a tentative county val uation of $; While the county court anticipates some criticism as a result of the high levy, iis members declare tliut the increase was necessitated on account "1 UlC eUUnilUHH lIlCrrilSK III lilt! MillU Uv' " nt through any excessive , e neurit t nrno ut tho hnndw nf tho! expenditures at the hands co.unty olficials. In the event the levy Is made as tentatively agreed upon the taxpayers of Hnseburg will face a tax levy oi not less than 34 mills. fThis total will Include the tax levied by the county of 14.29 mills, a city levy of 10 mills and a school levy of 10 mills. In aoVdittou there (may be some special road taxeB voted prior to January 1. COMPLAINT IjOHGFI) WITH LOCAL ( I.MI I( I L H it TODAY TO INVKSTIGAT K Alleged Hint Hougliu County Fruit is poing Shipped Under liogue Itiver alley Lalnd, ... . ManaR(r George Schlos- ()f the KlHelHlrK Commercial club hl morninK received a message from , WRfh Qf R((1 jn whj(.h ,he latter contended that a Grants Pass! firm was at present buying apples' In the Kiddle vicinity and shipping! the same under a Hogue Rivevr Val ley label. I)r. Welsh desired to as-' certain whether or not there was a! law retaliating the labelling of fruit! sliiuped to distant markets for dispo sition, j Publicity Manager Srhlosser says , he will submit the complaint to the consideration of the commercial club at Its next meeting. Dr. Welsh, who lodg"d the complaint, is a I tonal n a county booster and apparent ly does not believe in stealing thunder from those to whom it rightfully In-let,. .11 IK K M. LL. Of ( (H)S t ocntv, to 1:1 rnti: ai ti:u vi;.iis or si;i; k k Cue of the iUt iludgeM in the Stiite Will Letitent pi; o 1 1 it Term. A 'i ;rt ide appf,.;riJ'X in 1 1."- Co-(;-. i 1 1 r Sent iiiid Im of more than1 c:.v:e-r i'ltfrt hI l" "iirie it foi,iirmf . yory which h's been a'"it tor i:n;i:p week r li.irdlf.g ihe del-:! ruina tion f-f .ludgn Mall to decHrie to run for fn.uily jude another trm. Tlie r rt ii'd bavs: County .Iiidti John V. H;.!l will r -st i o a candidate for r"-"le t ion. WiiCn his present term expire he will voluntarily mtlre from office and resume his law practice in MarrMioh). This statement was made by .Tudire t '', while in Coquille on Monday. Tiie remuneration for services ren- ins dered is not sufficient to warrant a continuance in the office according to his statement, and In which many support his contention. Few men of Judge Hall's capabilities can afford to devote their time to tho public for $1,000 per year. During the past twelve months attorneys fees of more than $4,000 havo been turned down by the judge because of his inability to give the cases the required at tention, and others would naturally accrue to him had he only the one iron in the fire. When he completes his present term Judge Hall will have served the people in his present capacity eight years. Originally he defeated Judge Harlocker of this city after that gen tleman had occupied the office eight years, and at the last election 13. A. Anderson was a candidate against him. COM PLICATED SITUATION CONFRONTS LOCAL JUS- TICK TWO IX CUSTODY . G. Waters Charged Witli Statutory Offense FJn'r Sawyer Is Ac cused of lilt. Returning home last Sunday after being away for nearly three months, Eber Sawyers was this morning plac ed under arrest by Constable Edward Singleton on a charge of assault and battery. The charge was preferred by his wife Mrs. Flora Sawyers. Mrs. Sawyers, it will be remembered, is the woman who recently appealed to ance, And was given a large quantity ance, nnd as given a large quantity of clothing and food. She has sev eral children. To complicate the troubles of Mr. and Mrs. Sawyers, the former late last night visited the home of Jus tice of the Peace Reuben Marsters, in West Hoscburg, and complained that his wife had been intimate with H. G. Waters. Acting upon the ac cusations made by Mr. Sawyers, a warrant of arrest was issued by the justice of the peace charging Waters with a statutory offense. He was arraigned In the justice court this morning, and upon furnishing bonds was released pending his preliminary hearing. Sawyers claims that Watery was very friendly with Mrs. Sawyers during his absence from the city, and consequently he asks that the accus ed be prosecuted. Sawyers, who Is charged with as saulting his wife, left hero about three months ago and since that time Constable Edward Singleton has been making a determined effort to as- certaln his whereabouts. When plae- d under arrest thiH morning Sawyers appeared somewhat surprised and pioiesieu mat lie nau done noimng lor which he should be ashamed. With warrants Issued for both Saw yers nnd Waters it looks as though tho officers will encounter consider able trouble in bringing about a set tlement of the affair. . of Fatali: ies on Great Lakes Grow Hourly. S iVERAL BIG FREIGHTERS ARE LOST President Wilson Admit That Mexi can Sit nut Ion In Improving Delay of MeNKiige Is Noted. (Special to The Evening News.) CHICAGO, Nov. 13. lOstimates of the number of sailoiB drowned in the storm on the Great Lakes has reached 150. At luast five big sLcamsiups are lost. Of the number ure several smaller craft. The extent of duinage to lake jxjrts Is impossible to deter? mine, A majority of the fatalities m rti i rpi mi Ln kn 11 n mil . V iolenco of the storm was such that the staunchust versels were dashed on th ri.flfH et in I iltn lliii'on tin storm was worst on Lake .Superior. The seas aro rapidly subsiding. A! systematic search of the shores of alii the lakes has begun for wrecks. The; steamship, II. M. llauna, bus bein added to the list of wreck.;. The i waves plied the sieanier on the beach nt Point Aux IJurqites, and broke in' two. Itig freighter l-t. ijKTItOIT, Nov. ia. That the sleamship, Jcjhn MctJlean, the finest; jresgiiier on the (in at Lakes v'n lost j wilti all on hoard Sunday or Monday seemed cTt;iiti wiien Hie. coipnew oi l iwcntj-one of the crew were washed i - :ir Port Huron. 'The M -1 tiieiin cairnd a crew f twtinty-eiglit 1 tniil had accommodations for twelve1 j'i(-iigeiH. It to leered ot lit i s !)-; si.i s Wie cie-v vvi'te druWh-d. j 1 i'i:i '.im'lioit the hi or in -swept region I : .ft y-ene rorpsi s (n. ve liM-ii r'iov4-r- ! -il, iii'mti iii Lithe Jlurun. Ili'iiMiis,; ;i,(j;n jr,i-iiilMi pouits In Northern, ! .iulii:;an, aiong ti o Canadian hire,; j us itjri -a-iii t ' e fill ah ties injuris i j .lesy:ig( Is leaj il. j j WASHINGTON, Nov. LJ. -After it j was admitted ihat the president, wa. ; nr. j,;riii h stateiDt.nt concerning tin; j Mexican situation, tlie executive stid- denly antiOMticed its iHsu.tnee would b, temporarily delad. Tills action followed the arrival of ruej-feinj'-s ' from O'Sha'ighn py nt Mt-xico .'ity. I and Male at Norths. Ti'e change of pians is constrtied to mean tuat I the admliURtraticu believes (in Im provement in the situation is ahead. MANY IF IMF HOLD MM Road Supervisors Will Attend County Institute. ROAD BUILDING WILL BE CISCUSSEO Several lVaeticiU Head Builders WUI Ho Present to Relate Their Ex perlonoes Uniformity In ( ltonris Is Aim of tho Court. Just prior to final adjournment this morning the members of the county court decided to hold what will be known as a road supervisors' Institute In Roseburg late in Janu ary or early in February of next year. Inasmuch as the road supervisors for the year 1911 will be appointed by the court in December It 1b probable that the institute will be held in Jan uary. The institute will be held for the express purpose of discussing road and bridge nmttors, and the court will insist that every road supervisor In the county shall be present. No excuses other than Illness will be ac cepted by the court from supervisors Invited to attend this meeting. Speaking of the proposed insti tute this morning County Judge Rice said the time had arrived when a uniform system of road building would have to" be adopted In this rximilv In thn iin at tho nnvflrnl rnnd supervisors have constructed the j roads of their respective districts with out regard to uniformity, and as a result the roads are not nil that could he desired. At the prwl'osed institute roud building will be dis cussed in all of Us phases and some plan tViiU he outlined whereby the roads can bo standardized. A num ber of experienced and practical road builders will he invited to attend the) and give their exHrlcnrcs j regarding road construction. In the: past it has been the practice of many! pprsons io criticise ine roau minor - visors raincr man cooperate witn . Knr a Umo u wna thouK,lt that them In improving the highways. Tothcre wus atl.onK evmence th(lt she pvdd f..tur". crlHclsms and idinwt hiu UReu ,urdoreii. but dovelop tbe supervisors that the people arojlnentg t)J(lay mny b1iow thut she was behind them in their efforts to bring phoiit tnmrovpfl enndtt'ons is one of the objects of the institute. Ti'e newly admiied r.vslrni of (in diting all roud Mils wll! U.n ho e?; nljiini'd to the miiervinors during tho inst'tiite. In the pnut t has bm ''in custom to turn over nil money do rived from rr"d tit: io Ihe mad su pervisors of the respective: districts nnd as n result no check was kept en the improvements and expenses, other than a statement fited by the supervisors at the expiration of their respective terms. Under Ihe new sys 1 fm adopted by the court nil bills must be sent to tho county court for fti'diitug. If found correct, the bills will be allowed and the county clerk will be authorized to draw warrants for the respective amounts. Through thin system (lie court will lie In a po sition to know the exact amoent !t cnsls to bring about any particular linnrovement In the. roads. County Judge Hire Is determined that the county shall receive full val ue for every dollar expended, and in this he has the co-operation and Blip- port of every taxpayer. I"', That the proposed institute w suit m much goou, immh io ine super - vwHiminnn i" -ra nrnun.y, cniirt. is the hel"f of those in touch' with the proposition. mum. i: a.v u imi u i;NTi;n tains r(i;it'n:i; I itn:ns AT A PAItTV IILIIK TOOAV Im Served by Hostess Itesldenre PentMffiilly Peroral- el I'Or The OrniHfoti. Mrs. Kvan WImer entertained fourteen of her lady friends at a niiHJicun, at ner nouiH on nasi inie Mr':?t "H afternoon. The home was beautifully decor ated Tor the occasion and present e 1 a int. t al t raclivo a prat ance. 'ry.n t'fmtern wns npsifted In K'-rving b; Mrs. Harry Slociiut and Mrs. W. A. I'e'lit. ktiean;i:k icons stokk in IIItOMl AV LltiMT oi IT- i;i;s pi itsi i: iiik i i;llov Ctilei-ti Itnir Itonin of the Noith-lde (jimrry mi I .ppropriHle-4 Siick of Co i fee unit other Supplies. T! n t tI ir k Ihe rear of ti'e Northsidf (I :'nrery .-tore, i,t li'.on Tuesday, nn unknown man ransacked (tie nlore n to m and o-u pt d wit it a quantity of roffi'i' find oflicf HiiiMillt'K u,;ualiy keni in first rlaH ni''i' an t lb: 'Mali linhmentH. The fellow was deteeterf leavli.g th' siore hy nne i.f Hie jir(jjrielof'-i ftff! H'O'iiff ''i.;r- Co. He Wm no''-, 'i. !. r 'omp'iiiie t y "x-flmi' V.'.ir j (Jen frank !o--- :!, ;"''enf f inint 1 v.-i'd the scene of i;.- robhe-v iMid -?rt.T X"' It llr.' a !! -f l''"-M-'f!l .if; the (.', I.r. i' : . '. pursuit i :ic;miv-r i 's fo'.,i.'i i ft r Jiimr ' .-;(;, wl n :H -race ' f-lrn w:it tr ' j Pi that he . , iie.t.Ie 1 :n ,i 1 i u- h " direr' io- i lr: sherif r it:d Mr. Morgan searched al nj the' Howl he: n Pari fie railroad rmii a far as Kdenbuwer. but without rri tiTlai results. Koturnlng ttiwurds town the officern met a boy, who in formed them that he had seen a KLKS ATTENTION . The regular meeting of Rose- burg Lodge, B. P. O. E., will be held this evening at 7 o- clock instead or at the regular hour. man answering the description of the fugitive emerge from under a bridge nnd strike out in tho direction of tho river. The officers tracked the fellow for some distance, hue were unable to ascertain his whereabouts. It la be lieved here that tho robbery was committed by a hobo -who was in search of something to eat. HPHIXGFIFLD 'DRY" ON JANUARY I, 1H OPINION OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Liquor Men Threats to Take Case to Higher Courts Drys Satisfied. Springfield liquor dealers will be given until January 1, 1914. to dis pose of their business interests In the city, accodlug to the opinion of J. H. Bower, city attorney of Spring field. The date November 17, which has been confused with the dry ques tion. Is simply that the newly elected city officers will take office on that daie and according to the state law as quoted by Mr. Bower, the saloon men have until the first of January following the election to close out. , WOMAN FOUND DKAD IV THE STKEETS OF KMPlltE SAYS COOS HAY TIMES Husband Cse Her Hody a a Pillow Now Under Arrest. Mrs. Ed Mecum was found dead In the streets of Empire yesterday morning by George Jackson and some others and her husband was lying In a drunken stupor with his head reposing on her dead body as a cushion, says the Coos Bay Times. t The tragedy wns discovered about daybreak or a little after. Mecum did not know she was dead when 1 he wa aroused to consciousness. ri-uply tho victim of a drunken car ousal. Three physicians havo examined tho body and have been unable to find any marks of violence that could havo caused death. There v ru a number of bruises about the bend and body but none that should , have been vital. Her Hkull was not fractured. I It seems that she and Mecum had been out for a little time and had made the rounds of tho saloons. As thev left tho Wnsson saloon about midnight, Mecum now aayB she slipped and foil down tho steps. Whether tho Injuries from the fnll or exposure or too much liquor caused death . reinnlns to be deter--mined. q There Is a possibility that Mecum ' In his drunken stupor might havo rolled on her In such a position that I he strangled her or smothered her. I Tho woman was nn Indian, about fifty years old and her maiden name was Kdna Tarheel. Mecum Is a brother of Mrs. WnBSon of Mnrsh- , field. Mrs. Wasson greatly regrets tho tragedy and tho reflection on 1itr fiimilv lull uha aavu it 4a n rnnn 1 of loo ,,.,, i,nlnr ngln Countv Attnrnov T.I1WU who waH nt Hoale Lake esterday hunting went to Umpire this morning and has carefully Investigated the case, exam ining all of the wttnoHseH. Whether It will be necssary to hold nn In quest will he determined tonight. So far no arresis have been made 1 u"(' no "'"V o I WIIKItK is kiii;? 4 leaving her home nt the corner of Ella nnd Douglas streets at five o'clock this morning, after receiving a heat ing at the bunds of her hus band, M rs. l-'lora Bawyers has not rtinro been seen and the of ficers entertain fear that, she has made an attempt at self de struction. Mrs. Sawyers nnd her h nn hand quarrelled during the greater part of the night, it is said, aud not until five o'clock this morning did site leave ttie home. It Is understood here today that Sawyers admits heat ing li's whe during the night. Mi'immh tin; officers have yi :: ( d thf. entire city us wel. I .' ;rini; combed the surround it ; c m nt i y t hev have been unable t.o find any trae of,the VMi!t-T, m:, (.. ;. t-tft hour thin nflernoon. Savvy. m s now. tin der arrest on a rnrc? f asait't Rit'l is being held pending toKt time jih the woman can he found. Mrs, Sawyers has sever al children, and n fmv ween mv was deserted by her hus band. Like the proverbial cat, lie drifted bark Sunday nnd Hunin yesterday caused the lit tle woman trouble, Late tills afternoon Sawyers in placed under ball In the stt'u of $I0'. This amount he was unable to furnish nt a late hour this afternoon and he will probably be reminded to Jail.