The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 12, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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yesterday's Highest Temp 46
Last Night's Lowest Temp 45
I'l-ahably Italn Tonight
or Tuesday.
VOL. v.
Two Teims Will Hunt New
Members For Club.
John Oliver is Captain of One Team
and Robert Smith l'iul Tile
Other Team One Side
Reds; One Greens.
What promises to be the most in
teresting contest ever conducted "in
Roseburg was started last night when
John Oliver suggested that the Com
mercial Club Start a campaign for
membership. His plan was adopted
and provided for the selection of two
rantains. each to lead one team into
the field for new members. Mr. Oliv-j
er was promptly appointed captain
of one team and Robert (Deacon) ,
omun was appointed capiaiu uc me
other team.
The two captains then announced
the other special members of their
teams. The Oliver team is compos
ed of J. E. McCllntock, A. G. Suth-
erland, Henry Harth, Harry Pearce;
anu j. r. nuicunsua. iuh ohiili .
team is made up as follows: Josepm
Micelli, CUirK Hargar, l . A. Kartety,
J. Wendell Wright and B. W. Strong.
The Oliver team will be known
as the Greens and the Smith team
as the Reds, on account of the rib
bons or badges which each member
will wear. Whenever one team gets
n noni mamlia, fni II, Q 1,l)t a I-t h.
ijon of the color of the team which i
geis mm is pinneu on mm ana ne
henceforth becomes a member of that
The Commercial Club has now a
two teams' me, this afternoon and
each chose m sides and enlisted the;
entire membership in one or the oth-j
or ten ni s 1
The contest will continue till about!
the middle of December. The losingi
team and Us members will banquet I
the winning team and Its members
at the conclusion of the contest. i
Tho teams, although not complete-!
v r mnii!r.?;l en yet, have already;
aiiinod up some fifteen new members.
It ?s expected that this campaign
will bring about a great revival of .
interest in the club and will bring ;
tile membership up to over 400.
rorxTY cornT makks
ivjii okiikis i,tk vhs-
t i: i t i . v a doit i ; i : i ( n t i
. . ... , . , . ently. Judge Hamilton Imposed aen-
HMri.t No 1 I Alvme-1 to Pro- tenCe without comment.
ei-(l and KvpeiHl Special lav linronte from the courtroom to the
1,1 1 "veincnts. ,.0llnty jail Hansard Informed Sheriff
I Quine thut "he got off lighter than
The county court late yesterday af-( ,0 expected". In fact, Hansard told
ternoon approved the special tax lev- the sheriff that he expected a fine
led in road district No. 43. The tax' (,f n(,t less than J500 and a Jail sen
raited approximately $1,200, which! tence of CO days,
will be used in improving the roads, Hansard was locked In the county
ami erecting a bridge In tho said j jn il immediately following the pass
district, jne 0f sentence and will occupy what
Reconsideration of a former pe-l
inion or .i. m. mnningnam et ai
was denied.
(Vmmlttee ltcMrt Thart the Concern
Im All High! but Tho Mcth.Kl or
Organiyittlon Is Not
At the regular nietllng of the
Commercial Club held In the club
rooms last night the committee which IHVIXK (i.MtDXKIt AMI SKV
bad in charge the Ever'resh matter Kli.M, OTIIKIIS WIN AI-TKIt
reported through iu chairman, Mr.' .MONTHS OF I.ITKi.VI'ION
A. .1. Lilhurn. that hile the company!
and Its business was a good one, still Uovcrnniciit Hccldcx that lioniestoad
the committee could not recommend: -s A Kntitlcil To Their
th,. ,,r,,, null inn nimlo liv tho pnin-1 lleMMTtlve 'I'lWtM.
i:mv 't will he remenihered that.'
about a month ago the company's of- to,lay fr' t,le secretary of the In
f leers were here and offered to take 'rlor, Irvine Gardner and eight or
r.t oer cent of the ritock of the "ine others have won their cases
local company should it be organzed. against the government.
In navment for the use of the t.aicnts Mr. C,ardnr and the others re-
of the parent company. It was this
ie;ntTR or urn I'lopuHu, imu
j - i At--
cuminit fpp could not nccent
While no particular action was tak-
en on the report It is g-nerallv un-
d-rstood that no further effort will
he made to locate here.
W. C. Il.i;il(; KKTl'KNS
!ii;iti: i i i;u months simint
i;e:i1 1 State Agent Hbh Oi-gon tli
limit is Knr SuiMrior to 1 iuit
AV. C. Harding, for several years
pr.aaeed in the real estate business
jn Hoseburg, hut of late of Mexico,
arrived here last evening. He left
i t!ie midnight train for Portland
wNj-re he has business matters nevd-
. li s attention
When seen at the Vmpqua hotel Wtene! to the evidence Jn the caw
l nigh.:. Mr. Harding said that ' of th H!dd!e State Hank vs. It. V.
sinesp was p jod in Mexico and that
country was fast developing un-
. ns. While itfe climate cannot be $121, alleged to be due on a prom--
mpared with that found in Oregon,' Issory nolo.
'r. Harding says the opportunities, Late this afternoon the jury decid
er making money are probably bet-t ed in favor of the plaintiff, award
ter there thin here. Ing a judgment in the sum of $125.
Ai.liough er.Siiged In active bus!-. H'-j attorney fees.
nesB In Mexico Mr. Harding still rec
ognizes Kuseuurg as his borne. In
fact, he Buys he intends to return
here at some future date with a
view of remaining permanently.
flcncll AVuiTiint In InaikmI This Morn
ing Portland Officers Wired
to Arrest Accused.
The grand jury last night returned
an indictment In the circuit court
charging F. W. Jennings, of Port
land, with shooting and seriously in
juring a valuable dog belonging to
Ike Gervnis, who lives near Reston.
It appears that Jennings and a
party of Portland friends were en
joying' a hunt at Reston last summer,
when one of their number challeng
ed Jennings to shoot the dog. To
Illustrate his marksmanship, Jen
nings took aim and fired. 'The bul
let struck the dog with the result
that the animal will be maimed for
Since that time an effort has been
made to settle the case through a
monetary consideration, but as yet
tne parties involved have failed to
reach an agreement.
To bring the matter to a focus
i Gervais appeared before the grand
i-jury, and an Indictment against Jen
nings followed.
.Tenninnu will he nrrpstpd. nrnhnh-
ly today, and will be brought here
tQ stand trial.
Brown Hansard, Bootlegger,
Gets a Severe Jolt.
" Informs Sheriff Onlne That
He tiot Off Much Lighter Thuii
He Anticipated I'rc
vioiisly ronvicted.
Brown Hansard, of Yoncallu, re
cently convicted in the circuit court
u" , Bh , .7
Hamilton to pay a fine of JKfiO and
serve a term of 30 davs in the coun-
ty jail.
i When arraigned for sentence Han
sard remained silent, and appeared
to accept the punishment iiulifl'er-
(g known as the "bootleggers quar-
ters on the second floor
Practically without money, Han
sard will probably be compelled to
serve 180 days in Jail, such repre
senting the fine and imprisonment
Imposed by the judge.
Hansard Is an old offender, and
was twice convicted of bootlegging
while living at Lebanon. Later he
wns arrested and convicted of "boot
legging" in Lane county and served
a term In jail.
According to a decision received
ferred to above took up homestead
in Mm IliwL-n Lnrlf V fin v fin v fl
- - . L.
rumeni on uh? gruunua mm uy
hai not complied with a new law
in clearing m) acreu of their P'spec-
tivo tracts,
The litigation was Instituted in
the local i'nited Sin'e land office.
! and was later appealed to the com
missioner of the (ieneral land office.
, In final determination, the c;ise,t
reached the seen
larv or I re interior.
0 , ... .
( t)t i;t m kix(. un; dav;
('use fiiven t the) .hnr a n Ijitr;
Hour This Afternoon MIht
ae : t. Hn
A j 1 1 r v In the (ircii: court today
Hutchinsr.n and The Alder Creek
i.umtier Company. I be plaintiffs
OVER $150,000
Sheridan's Liabilities Total
Princely Sum.
Asset Will IVobably Total $30,000
Which Will (iuuraiiUH Pay
ment of About 15 Cents
On -Tho IMhir.
A complete Inventory of the liabil
ities and assets of T. it. Sheridau and
wife, who yesterday made a volun
tary assignment in favor of the form
er's many creditors in this vicinity
shows that his liabilities will total
something over $152,000, while the
assets will probably not 'reach a to
tal or $30,000, busing a settlement
on these figures, after deducting the
expenses Incurred in effecting a set
tlement of the assignment, it does
not appear that the creditors will re
ceive over IB cents on the dollar.
inspection of the liabilities shows
that the First A'atlonul Bank, of
Portland, will be the heaviest loser,
Mr. Snerldan having owed that insti
tution something over $20,000. In
many instances the claims are for
borrowed money, notes having been
executed by Mr. Sheridan in favor
of the loaners. f ollowing tne as
aignment these notes are valueless.
The assets set out by Mr. Sheridan
include a few parcels of land, from
wh ch mav be realized several thous
and dollars. Most of the personal
property assigned by Mr. Sheridan
includes Block In various mines and
milling companies and are considered
of little value.
All attachments levied on property
of Mr. Sheridan within four months
prior to the assignment nre rendered
void, and consequently tnose respon
sible for the attachments are without
legal redress.
A complete list of the liabilities
ana assets of -Mr. sneriuan roiiow:
Sclmllilo of Liabilities.
Oeorge A. Smith Camus Valley $7,
Mrs. Sonnemann, Portland, $5,000.
A. Walsh, $2,000.
Fiist National Bank, lloseburg,
K. W. Mlnard, Portland, $2,500.
. P. Heed. Gardiner.
10. !1, Preble, Hoseburg, $4,000.
.1. P. Sheridan, Hoseburg, $1,500.
.1. H. Keating, $10,000.
K. 11. Walte, Sulherlin, $14,000.
K. G. Young & Company, Oak
iaml. $10,000.
Douglas National Hank, Hoseburg,
Dr. Little, Oakland, $8,000.
A. .1. Knberts, Hoseburg. $750.
Mrs. W. II. Carroll, Hoseburg, $2,
000. William Carlon, Itoseburg, $1,500.
Mrs. John Byron, Olulla, $3,000.
Mrs. Boggess, $2,000.
11. C. Ago, Hoseburg, $,000.
Mrs. Fitzgerald, $4,000.
W. K. Chupmnn, $000.
David Hull, Hoseburg, $1,312.50.
H. K. Hnlnes, Elkton, $2,000.
M. S. Doerstler. $0,500.
W. A. Pearce, Roseburg, $9,381.
Kmma Arzner, Hoseburg. $1,000
Henry Lander, Hoseburg, $4,000.
K. C, and J. C. Marks, Hoseburg,
H. C. Mnrks, Hoseburg, $937.57.
A. .1. Roberts. Hoseburg. $754.25
.1. E. Pelton, Hoseburg, $2,500.
.1. M. Mostof. $500.
First National Bank, Portland
List of Asset.
The northeast quarter of section
19, township 27. south or range a
Coob county, Oregon.
An undivided one-half Interest in
lot No. 5, section 17, and the west
one-half of the northwest quarter of
section 18, township 29 south, range
8 west.
An undivided one-fifth Interest in
trnct of land opposite Mnislificld.
An undivided one-fifth interest In
tract of land near Light House, In
Coos county. Oregon.
An undivided interest in
trail of bind in MarshfMd. Ore.
An undivided one-half intercKt in
Inunn .luck son utreot. In llosebnrtf.
l.nt 10. la Oaks Addition to Uose-
burg. 1
I...I S l.!nfk Tfc.di.firl llr'.nir-l
ma countv
j One-fifth IntreHt In city lots and
j nthrr hinds at Myrtle Point.
! An undivided one-half Interest In
AO ; ' 1,1 ,A .
' ,
! S in blfM'K K. 1 lot In bl"fk
fni z p;'o in thock .vi. near
h'.v. MnTe f if California.
Contract to purchase for '-t The yoenu ladv, who ai!arr :il ly
and 24 In block .1, Miller's Adrii:ion; about is years of age. deilaies that
to ti.e City of Hoseburg, upon which! she was soon to he married lo u
the total sum of $1!i0 has been paid: young gentleman friend at Myrtle
:n . ontiact price of $:(HI. Creek, and that j rr parationn for the
''(;:-'na! property - i -.ved-Png ivi' ;ti pievii! iindT way.
Tiiirteen chares o' the cn'-itah " h ii taken in ennio-iy sbo was t
fterlt r f the Kir-t National Hank, of - tending a inovinu picture tlieaM-o a
thareg f)f !fe riplfal
j Athnmre. San Kraitcisco,
Ki.fififi shares of the caidtal
of (Uendale Mining and Milling Com-!
pany. j
One thousand share of the capital
stock of the HunMU mine. i
One share of tho capital stock of
he Kelieher and Bkelly Lumber'
Company. I
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Kelly.
well known residents of Hose-
burg leave in a few days f;ir the
former's old homa in Virgin: a
where they will upend several
weeks visiting wUa friend ii aid
relatives. Mr. Kolly has not
visited his old home for mure
than 30 years, an. I .-tuff lea to pay
that he Is looking ahead to the
journey with delight. Mr. and
Mrs, Kelly expect to be gone
for several weeks.
Little. Son of Mi', mill .Mrs. II. W
Hates Painfully Injured
While 1' Laying.
Ross, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
B. W. Bates, was quite painfully In
jured last night while playing about
the family residence at the corner of
Douglas and Ella streets.
It appears that the child was
romping about tho floor of the living
room, when he stumbled In such a
manner as to allow a toy gnu to
penetrate his throat. The flesh of the
throat was torn, and the Injury prov
ed very painful.
Physicians were summoned, and
the child is now resting as easy as
could be expected.
Says He is Guilty of Lewd
Woman Willi Whom UvUlvv Is Al
WfivA to Nave MviMl, Will lie
Tnlieii to rnrtlanri nnd
(ivt'n Kin.-oniem,
.John liurnelle, who was arrosted
a tow weeks' ao on n charge of
stealing a motorcycln from Shirley
Goodman, a local electrician, and
who yesterday rnneredi a plea of
gniltv, was this morning wnteneed
by Judge ). W. Hamilton to an In
determinate term of from one to 10
years in the Btato penitentiary. Sen
tence was suspended during the good
hthr.voir of the accused.
When arraigned for sentence Hnr
nelle had nothing to say. District
Attorney Drown, however, made an
appeal for the accused and- nnked
that sentence be suspended. .The
wish of tho district attorney was
granted. Uurnelle Is a half-wittod
lad. and the district attorney con
sidered that he had already received
sufficient punishment for his crime,
(irldor I'leadN Oiiilty.
Charles (Jrider. recently returned
here from Winnemucca, Nev., on a
charge of non-support preferred by
his alleged wife and yesterday In
dlctiMl by the grand jury on a charge
of lewd-cohabitation, appeared In the
circuit court this morning and enter
ed a plea of guilty. Sentence will
he passed by Judge Hamilton tomor
row. The woman with whom CJrlder Is
alleged to have lived as man and
wife, und the latler'a child will be
taken to Portland where the child
will he admitted to a charitable
home. Tho mother will be furnish
ed employment In order that she may
support herself and offspring.
.Itist two wfeks prior to the date;
sr,t f .r her wedding, a vouug lady by'
iiamo of riwe;it. was taken In
- i
j rpptody by H. Mel,arm. of I'oit-Mbe remit would Inevltabiv ! ();'
j land, hist evening and brought lo' ov.-rv nierchanl emplojing women
j H ebmg where nil" today appeurod- wmipl be compelled, to defend him-
j a neioro uie granu jury.,
! " -u
re e-,i' 1 - came lo )(: eburg to In vesM-
, rule a mntiner of (lejsn'juvnt ctni-
.My Mb Crck. It i understood that
the young lady's t' fiiimny befere
1 i
the i:raud fttrv mav In l iuiinate one
or more Myrtle Creek young men,1
and that Indictment may follow.
The irl Is at present hotipe at
the redd-nre. of Sheriff fienrte
Qulne. Ik-r mother liven in Southern
The officers refuse to glv out
any Information regarding the can,
Local Merchants Present Facts
to Commission.
Resolution Is. Passed Crgiug All
Stores To (Mono on the After
noon ir DtH-eiiiln'r -I
OtlM'r Business.
Tho members, of the Roseburg
Morchants Association held a very
enthuslnstlc meeting nt the Roseburg
Commercial Club rooms last evening,
at which time a number of Import
ant matters were discussed.
Ono subject, which was consider
ed at some length was the contem
plated action or the Oregon Indus
trial Welfare commission In fixing
the minimum wage, maximum hours,
and the latest hour which a woman
or minor may be compelled to work.
Acting Secretary Boom reported
that he had received a letter from
Mr. Merrick, secretary of the Ore
gon, Retail Merchants Association, at
Portland, asking for an expression
of the merchants of DouglaB county
relative to their attltudo in the pro
position. The merchants of Roseburg are In
different as to the maximum hours
whtch a woman or minor may work
but protest against the contemplated
action of fixing the latest hour which
a woinun or minor may work at six
or even eight o'clock lit the evening.
Local merchants argue that they
have made a practice of 'keeping
their respective establishments op
en, until nine o'clock on Saturday
nights, and will continue to do so re
gardless of any nctlon that mny be
taken by the industrial commission.
Mr. Boom reported that he had
.. '" ."7
H.I, Wllll-ll Will UO ll CBBIIll.U IU ItlU
industrial commission at the time of
Its meeting on November 11
"Mr. h. H. Merrick, Secretury,
Oregon Retail Merchants Assn.,
IJertlnnd, Oregon.
"Dear Sir: On behalf or the
wonin and minors employed by the
retail merchantf! of the city of Uokh-
biM g. as well ns en behalf of niifh j
em clovers, we do herein most eini-l
. . . "V." ""I. . I
I Ho industrial weitaro uninm Fsinu ;
of nnv hour as the h-mst hour that
wrmen and minors mav work during'
anv evening I
:"ri. n. fiu!
a minimum wauc Is of little or no in
terest to us, for whilo overyono con
cerned, both employer and employe,
jn this city are entirety satisfied with
tho existing icoudlflons, ithey also
feel certain that the wages being
paid nre far in excess of any mini
um in that would' be fixed hv the
commission; hut It must also be re
membered that a minimum which
won Id be necessary and proper for
cities like Purtlandi might he entirely
unnecessary and Improper for cltieH
liko UoHoburg
v..- ,v,, ),i i. ,,utt t.n
maximum number of hours whirl. I The meeting waa well attended ami
the employe should work Tor the mln-1 l"troKt manifested in
imum wage be of such vital Interest: n" matters coming up for discussion.
lo!"r3in. ,U(lIi Jkimmvc.-stk,m M A
fix the time In the evening of any
day at which the maximum number
of hours work for the day shall be
completed we are pertain that not
only would every employer of wom
en and minors In this city he affected,
but that the welfare of every woman
employe would also bo seriously and
adversely affected.
It Is the practice of every store
in this cHv where women nro em-' yesiernjiy ruiuriit-ir u v .u a i.. u.
plovod and otherwise, to Hoso on ev- 8- Joh" v- 8Mrl;
-rv day In the week, except Satnr-j lf!'1- ' the verdict the jury allowed
day, nt fi o'clock p. m.. as It Is the; Sprliustend. the defendant, a judge
Practice also to keep open on every; ,m;n' f fr'4" ., .
Sau.r.iay until ! or ih.'to p. m. , r u ,l,' wa lnnlly roK t
"This Ueulng open is al.Holutelv bj; J,,1'" to rwovnr the sum of $ t9.
necessitated by the fact that a great ""''K'1 l (,H" 1 ,r?nKf vurlmm
part of t lie day's business Is dono
after p. m. on Satiirdtiys, and nw
lug to the conditions which exist hen
lug to the conditions which exist here
as well as In most of tho other
it .wi in i).n 1 1 . t
will always he the fact, renHtdleas of
what iliji- In the evening the cutji
m:s!on mnv fiv :-s the thue when
w cine ii slnill cease work lug.
"If, therefore, tho i immiifHion
Phnuld see fit to both fix the Minxl-
tni'm number of lo:fiH wht'-h woiu n
should work and the time in the
' evctiiiiL' when vuch work fbould n:;s"
& !f aua'iiHt nts ci'iiinciHorn in ohm-
n ,,,, ,,,, )IUi '"inni ui m,
d'ei-epyitiij wi'h tile ti-rvwH f.f l.u
wnmen etuployes so far as is p(ilb'.
; f .r it m certain that few, If any, of
.r!iid l e i'er:i. :-tivl
ttirtt ti!,rht. be f ve'i.'
s.ain:-' rni'!t i.i,ipbr.e4. the bti ter , i .une r I m l;r:;t night,
not heinir handi'- ip;ed twid rejd ricfe In an apparent attempt to remnvo
bv ,m aibiiraiil fivd hour not olthe large glasa from the front d'ujr
Mt- lr clioos'iii: !( which their iii'ixi-!o( the rejid"nce they allowed somi
lM'tm dav phnH have n cmipb.ted. j of the ylass to fall to the porch with
"TN c'lliief' ce-'d-. itlf. tlieie-!(t crash. Tho nolso undoubtedly
fore, into the nminMon as to whether;
tho Industrial and Moral welfare
of the women and oiitiom of tbi
r'tv would be he! fubferved U rnak-
Jnu- tle-tr employment praetieallv
prohibitive, or by permitting their
em ep.yuient or a nrtx;inuin number
of bourn per day. such hours to be
of theii own choosing.
"A thoronirh nnd careful canvass
amoiig all parties fntereated both em-
The grand jury this morning
began an investigation of the
affairs of T. H. Sheridan, who
yesterday made a voluntary as-
signment. . Numerous persons,
Including several of Sheridan's
creditors, appeared and gave
evidence before the grand Jury.
ployer am) employe, fails to show a
single dissenting voice to the above
statements, and we hope you will use
this statement In whatever manner
you deem ibest in presenting the
matter to tho commission for its
"You will observe that we protest
against the fixing of any hour at
all as the latest hour that women ,
and minors may work during any
evening, even if the commission has ,
such power.
"If however, the commission has
such power and should Insist upon
fixing some hour, we would urge
for Hhe reasons given above that
Bitch hour be fixed not earlier than
9 o'clock p. m.
"Very truly yours,
"Roseburg and Douglas County Mer
chants' Association.
"H. C. BOOM,
"Acting Secretary"
The merchants also went on rec
ord last night favoring the big "boos
ter" meeting to be held here on
December 4. To oxpress their en
dorsement of this meeting a resolu
tion wus adopted urging every store
in the city to clase during the hours
of the meeting on the afternoon of
December 4.
The resolution follows:
"WHEREAS, a meeting has been
called to he held at the city of Rose
burg on the 4th dny or December,
1913, for the purpose of rurtherlng
nnd promoting the project of hold
ing an exposition or exhibit at the
city r Ashland d'iring the ear
1915, at which exhibits of the pro
ducts and resources of the State ot
Oregon mny he shown to advantage
to visitors going to and returning
from the Panama-Pacific Exposition
I L1, ... ,
? !IU hel1 s"n Francisco during
that year, and
WHICKKAS, large and representa
tive delegations from different parta
of the state have signified their in
tention to be present at auch meet
ing, the Hosehurg and Douglas Coun
ty MerchantH' Association does here-
"KKSOt.VK, that It Is heartily and
unanimously in favor of and In ac-
' nnr;l with Ihn r.lilnct niwl miriinr.
- , - - .
meeoting and does hereby
f 9 "fh association,, to
do all hi its powor to further such ob-
J'?ctn and purposes; and It Is further
that in order to
moro properly entertain the visiting
delegations In nt tendance at this
meeting, and as an expression of tho
unanimity and sincerity of purpoHo
with which wo endorse the objecta
and purposes of the meeting. It la
erged that every business house In
the city bo closed on the afternoon
of December 4th, 1013, during such
houi-H us such meeting shall be In,
progress. "
Other brmnnps transacted nt tho
meeting wan of a private nature and
In no matter concerns the public,
- KprlngHtenil I'He n CrnwM omplulnt
mid Whin ilvtn Judgment
Kor .YI.
After a dellheratlon of raeveral .
hours a Jury In tho circuit court Into
sources. Hprlngatead filed a cro
complnlitt. in which he claimed John
wf?A1,",,:7,"1 V i "l'."1 .
n"d the Inst riictioitH of the court
Ilm Inrtt fun ii .1 a I'unt Iff ttf t h n
Johns was represented by Attor
ney lluchaniin and Porter, while At
torney C, I,. Hamilton appeared for
i;oppi-:;ts vun.i i;.Ti:if
TIIK intMi: H' A Mc.r
i.mU (.Ih- hi I n. nl Door (tut I ail
Th Truer Hoiim New (
T l'erM-trator(,
vn person or perstmn
enter the honm of .Mr. and Mrs. , C. .
! ! l Tl; e1' re" , : pp-"11 titielype operator.
mitM-d (he robbers to becomo frlgh-
ten1'! and they left tho nceno in haute
Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey discover-
(I tlio attempted robbery this morn-'
I ing. Nothing was missing from the
j home, and as a result it la apparent
that the robbers failed to effect an
' Mr. and Mrs, Humphrey sleep on
'' v i-- 'rc(' ir d r- o-" 'ntly we,
not awakened by .ho c-:ruu.