F. G. Lone, who formerly con ducted a fruit stand In the buildlne now occupied by K. M. -Mears, the real estate agent, today leased the store room formerly occupied by It. W. Bates, the printer, and situated in the Hildeburn building on Cass street. Mr. Long will again engage in the fruit business. The location Is Ideal for such a business and Mr. f.ong will no doubt make a success of his late venture. The price is always 10 cents at the Antlers' except iur road shows and s'-fci!:! vaudeville acts. tf L ROAD IN AT The Hat Shop A few beautiful new dress shapes in Hatters plush. Very reasonably priced Reductions on all trimmed Hats. Beginning Thursday Nov. 13 for ten days we will have for sale a drummers sample line ot furs. SEE THEM Roseburg Trading Checks. Assemble at Chicago to Secure Contract. xotick- to rntuc. We, will not bo responsible for credit extended to any one representing themselves to be interested in this company or I P us.ng our name in any way for this pui pose. 111:! TUB HEAVENS CO. 1 INCREASED WAGES ONE OF DEMANDS ltailixMids Will H'fiise to (it-ant Con cessions Strike is Femt'tl By Those Close In Touch With Situation. CHICAGO. Nov. 11. Vuk6 scales u flee tin i; men employed on the runs nnd enforcement of the full crew law in those states where such legislation has been euiieted. The men will argue for Increased wages on the ground that the increased cost of living has not been met with wage! increases In the past, and that be-j cause of superior transportation fa- J cilities each Individual employe is i trunk railroads west or Chicago were; uow contributing more to the profits to bo fixed when of the railroads than at anv time in pioyea and the Railroad Chairman's) association met here t6day in a con-j frence that may be prolonged for; the past. The railway chairmen are expected to argue in reply that legis- ; lative enactments have decreased " " Ji ,., they ate not able to meet the demand men will demand increased wages, tor the increase. The three organiz- saoner orhiiis uou , , " utions represented at the conference suuices and improved working con-i , ' , ki.i.. e Are You Loyal? Are You Useing a Roseburg Broom? The best on the market for the money. They will last longer, and your work will be lighter. You will be helping a home enterprise and making a greater Roseburg, Every merchant in Roseburg is selling them; so be LOYAL and demand the home pro duct. Whist Brooms at all Drygoods and Drug Stores. All are sold with money-back guarantee. Free Seed For Planting. ROSEBURG BROOM FACTORY have a combined membership of about 150,000, but the wagrf scales to be evolves from the meeting will affect not on only those but nt least 100.000 more railway employes, ac- Preliminary to the bill conference " 7ol.V of the uroiner- '" ' nnto 1o i, tua ditions. The representatives of the. roads publicly announced that if the , present wage scale is to be altered; at ull, they will demand that wages j bo lowered. six representatives hood of Railroad Conductors, neau e d by P resident A . B . Cm r r ot so n , ' have 'been in Chicago for two weeks attempting to agree upon a definite wage program to be submitted to the representatives of the roads. During the same period the railroad chair men have been in almost daily con ferences preparing to meet the de mands of the men. With the arrival here today of President Warren S. Stone, of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Enginemen and Firemen, and representatives of that organiza tion, the stage was set for the big battle. The enginemen and firemen are expected to come to a formal agreement upon their demands with in a few days, and then appoint a Biib-cominittee to confer with sub committees already appointed by the other two organizations. While the nature of the demand to be made upon the railway chairmen by these three sub-committees will not be known until they have met In confer ence, it is understood that the men will demand an increase of wages averaging from 5 to 7 per cent, strict enforcement of the federal hours of service act, shorter hours on many win iiuhui chiming hiuimii umi will have nil expired nearly next year. Employes of certain of the roads are backing a movement for "consolidated contracts." They want the order of Railway Conductors, for instance, to sign one contract to which all roads are parties, instead of signing a contract with each-individual road. This movement has the opposition not only of the railway chairmen, but also of a largo share of the men, and is not likely to succeed. XOTICM TO POULTKYMKX. The directors and all poultrymen interested in the Douglas County Poultry Association are requested to meet at tho Roseburg . Commercial Club rooms next Friday, November 14, 1913, at 8 p. m. for tho purpose of adjusting the finances of tho last show held Docember, 1912, and also to plan for the year 1914. Ho on hand without fail. It is important. EDGAR A. MILLER, Usw-nl3 President. You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See PAT You Are Entitled to the Best AND THE Roseburg Steam Laundry Is where you getithe best. Try us and be convinced. 438 N. JacKson Streef Phone 79 For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalks and Cement tvorll of any Hind. J tmvo five or six houBQi I will sell chenp, as 1 want to uho the ruoroy la other business. See my burglar proof window lock, ltB O, K. See Pat's Eltiatic roof taint for leaky roofs. We build, move ur ipjiulr your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience in bullfflnx,- F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Meritol Remedies And everything else in the Drug Line JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE . PHONE 51 NORTH ROSEBURG We GiveS.&ii. GreenTradingStamps i'lioue 845 AU work flrat-cliws Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds oi all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm'Property Rear hirst Trust & Savings Hank Illiljr ItOSEHUKG, OltKflOX Trading Stamps We give the new Roseburg Stamp Company's trading checks with every cash purchase sold at regular prices on all 30 day accounts, execpt sugar by the sack. These stamps are interchangable for an' article at 50 business houses in Roseburg, frum anything from soda water to a threshing machine, and also for any article displayed at the com pany's premium parlors. Ask for particulars. HARVEY-EASTMAN Phone 103 Just Received One carload of Imperial and Golden Crown Hard Wheat Flour. Try it. We guarantee every sack to give absolute satisfaction or your money back. PHfVVR IRA X- MARSHALL'S The Pure Food Store ASK FOR RoseburgTrading Stamps c mm mm 3 !k Why Not Trade Where You Can Save Money? . THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1 lb. can Baking Powder, regular 25c seller, and one 10c can spice, . . Both for 25 Cents GIVE US A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED "THE CASH STORE" VK SAVK YOU MONEY 125 CASS STREET. Church Brothers BAKERS Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the very best of materials. Tr' them once and you will always be a customer PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST. Against impure bever ages by insisting on be ing supplied with Rose burg Superior Sodas. All ilavors. They are just the thing you should have in the house to serve to the unex pected gucst.yrhey are best because they combine excellence of flavor with absolute purity. Try a case today. ROSEBURGSO DA WORKS Phone 186 Checks With Every Purchase We will giv.e Roseburg Stamp Co. Checks with every cash purchase of 5c or more, or when bill is settled. These checks are worth 3 per cent in trade at any of 50 stores in Roseburg or may be used in selecting a premium at our Premium Parlors. Keep your eye on our window for good things to eat. MRS. A. C. KIDD & SON Phone 283 Oregon Bakery Everything in the Baking Line PHONE 241