taetiitig WEATHER Yesterday's Highest Temp . 57 Last Night's Lowest Temp 48 Cloudy Tonight and Tues day ; Probably Rain. ' KOSEHUKG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OKEGOJi MONDAY, XOVKMllKK 10, 1U1;!. No. 8 i 4 i f FOR DRY STATE Mass Meeting Held at the Odd Fellows Temple. PERMANENT ORGANIZATION IS EFFECTED IV. 1. Cobb It Kiectfd County Chair limn Mrs. i. XV. llidille Will lluve Cluiiw ut All Pub lic Meetings. A mass meeting of temperance workers was held at the Odd Fellows' hall in Roseburg Friday Novenibor 7, for the purpose of effecting an or ganization of the temperance' forces of Douglas county preparatory to the la 14 campaign. The meeting was well attended and waa representa tive in character, ana an orgamza- tion to be known as the Good Citizen's, league of Douglas county was tormea. The following officers were elect ed: Countv Chairman, W. L. Cobb; assistant county chairman, .Mrs. A. C. Marsters; county treasurer, J. K. McClintock; county secretary, A. J. Derides; assistant county mipretury, Oscar J. Lindsey; chairman organiz ation of voters, XV. 1.. Cobb; chairman of finance, J. E. .McClinlock; chair man press and literature, B. L. Eddy; chairman public meetings, Mrs. G. XV. Riddle. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted; "Whereas, by carefully organized co-operation and the help of the wom en's vote forty thousand net gain of population in Oregon dry cities wasj made this week, and whereas eleven cities, including the state capital,! three county seats and eight other cities and five precincts in Portland I were won, and whereas these victor-1 ies indicate that the people of Oregon! are taking heart and preparing to I siart again toward the ultimate goal' of state prohibition, and whereas or-j ganization multiplies power, be it Resolved, that we organize. Doug las county with a county chairman, vice .chairman, secretary and assist ant secretary and treasurer and heads, of tho following departments; Organ ization of voters, fiuance, press and literature and public meetings. it is further resolved that we! 1'nUte our hearty co-operation to! v:.-.eer stale-wide campaign, may. he determined upon for next year. Whereas, a Jubilee rally of all j Christian and temperance forces of, America meets In Columbus on Mou-i day next. Nov. 10..1'J13, to launchl a national Prohibition campaign. ' Resolved, that we endorse this cam paign, ant! Resolved, that we telegraph our approval tills day. and Resolved, that we are led to the conclusion "The saloon must go," and the dclaration "The saloon shall go." Oregon and America must and shall be free within the next ten years." OIllllX AXf'K I XCOXHTITIOXAL CLAIM OF ATTOKXKYS I'Olt I'll F. SOl'Tll MIX TACIFIC CO. Caw lirouglit by Jolm llusenlmrk Promises to Itt'arh' the Higher Courts. Attorneys for the Southern Pacific Railroad company this morning filed a demurrer to the complaint in the case of the City of Roseburg vs. The Southern Pacific Railroad Company. The case was originally brought by the city upon a complaint filed by John Busenbark of Melrose, who claimed that the Southern Pacific company violated the city ordinance providing that no railroad crossing within the corporate limits of the city should be blocked for a period of more than 10 minutes at a time. The railroad company contends that the farts set out in the complaint are inrtLfficient to constitute a cause of action; that ordinance No. 352. under which the rase was filed, is uucns'itutional, and that said ordi nance is against public policy and la an unreasonable restraint on Inter state commerce. Tlie questions raised by the rall r':ui company are cnnsiil.-rt'd imoort rm; uncs. and it looks as though the pr-Vn will reach the highest cour's 'r,f r!,c state before a final decision i-- i,f rtlicoining. ' KtKHCIKi A M.l I'STM F.T CO., opens m i ices i pekkins LI ILIUM. IX THIS CI TV J. 11 rands and E. C. lb mm Are I,nili'T' of the I- Irni General .Adjustment Ruincs An important business deal waa (vt'j su initiated in Uosviui: y .-: . ';-'" y , m. hr-n .1 .1 It ran ds until rcft-ii 1 1 v rrtiployi'd in the local Southern Pa-I (;'; freight offices, and E. C. Hoom. fi-r th' past few months employed asj ? ! Lilian at the " Hooterip" formed it will bp known as the "Rose-j buri; Adjustment Company". The1 ::r:u has teased rooms 207 and 1;''. In :'ip Perkins bntldine, where rhv are now in readiness to look af-t-r the wants of their patrons. The company will handle collec tion accounts, adjust claims of all Vnds. oen and elope books, conduct alvag sales, look after assignment. 'n. but not least attend to all .opositions handled by a company of C 'OATHS lUVOltCK DKMKI). Cruel tind Inhuman I'h'a fails ! to Win Juile. 1 PORTLAND, Nov. 10. De- cree of divorce was deuiLd C'iuis. A. Coates yesterday, who ! brought suit against Uoe AI. Coates charging cruel and in human treatment. The case was heard by Judge McGinn, ?! who said he could not come to rescue of those who are parties p to an improvident marriage. 'Tlie couple were married in Ore- gon City November, liill, and separated in July, 1913. Mrs. Coates testified that she had learned by cards that her hus- band had been associating with other women. . this nature. Both -Mr. Brands and Mr. Boom are well and favorably known in this city where they have a hoBt of friends who wish them success. Mr. Brands has been employed in the capacity of chief revising clerk ut the local Southern Pacific offices for eight years, and as a result he is well vers ed in handling adjustments. Mr. Boom, who was admitted to the bar of California 23 years ago, and who expects to soon gain ad mittance to the bar of Oregon, will handle the legal end of the business. .Mr. Doom is at present acting secre tary of the Roseburg Merchants As sociation, and in tills capacity he has made good. Both Mr. Brands and Mr. Boom are gentlemen of pleasing personality, which, coupled with their business ability, guarantees the success of their late venture. ItHOXVX- IIA.XS.Xltl KACFS COIHT OX A CilAIMiK OF VIOLATING TIIK LAXVS Sta-U' Claims That Hansard Sold Itoliert X'enteli tt llsilr Pint 1' ta.sk of XVIllskey. Brown Hansard, twice convicted on charges of bootlegging in Linn county, and a few niuuths ago ar rested on a similar charge at Von calla, was on trial before a jury in the circuit court today. Hansard was represented by Attorneys XV. XV. Cardwell and Albert Abraham. Dis trict Attorney George M. Brown ap peared on behalf of the state. The most important witnesses In troduced by tho state were Robert X' catch, a local detective, and Deputy Sheriff Daugherty. or Yoncalla. Air. X'eatch testified that he was em ployed by the slate to investigate Hansard's resort at Yoncalla, and while acting In su"h a cupacity he purchased a half pint flask of whis key, for which he paid Mr. Hansard 25 cents. Tills whiskey, X'eatch said he placed in his pocket and left the resort. Going directly to the Yon calla State iiank ho met Deputy Sheriff Daugherty, and according to pre-airangement the. latter took the whiskey. Hansard was later placed under . arrest and brought to this city where he was given a prelim inary hearing and held to appear be fore, the grand Jury serving during a previous session of court. In ad dition to the oral evidence intro duced by the Btnte a revenue license, Issued by the Portland office of the government, was admitted In evid ence. This license, so the law states. Is (prima facie evidence .that Hho holder is engaged in selling intoxi cating liquors. Hansard failed to go on the wit ness stand In his own behalf. Tho arguments, which began shortly after 11 o'clock were still In progress at three o'clock thlB after noon. Attorney Albert lAbrnhani made the opening argument for the defense and in a brief way covered the evidence as Introduced. He was followed 1 Attorney Cardwell. District Attorney Brown delivered both the opening and closing argu ments for the state. During his lat ter argument he was repeatedly in terrupted by Attorney Abraham' who Interposed objections. As often, At torney Abraham was sustained by Judge Hamilton. Notwithstanding these objections, however, the dis trict attorney made, a masterly plea in wliiih lie vividly pictured the re sort alleged to be conducted by Han sard. The defense raised some questions' as to the. amount of money that the; sta'e had paid eatch, the detective, ! tilings. Wednesday, ail out of breath, and this was ahwerid by tlie dis-j be ran into the San Mateo depot and niit attorney with tiie following re-' jumped on what lie thought was the nmrk: "Hefore the grand jury ad-: S: lo train to San Francisco. The joiirns you gentlemen will probably conductor informed him that, it was learn what has been accomplished by the, 9:40 express. Mr. Veatch." ' A btakeman in the vestiii'i'e saw This statement, upon the part of him t-asp and fume, and nw the the district attorney, led the jperta- watch l'o Hying out between tueears. tors in roitrt to believe that a num- He bean! We-tet hro'k hd . there her of "booae" indie-ments ar yetir;ies that watch," and other to be returned against alleged of-' words, not reported. "Hey, be jelled fenders. to a signal maiiitainer, J. A Hunds, 4 . i -, ,io was standing along the track. MTCST'S SKCRKTTRV IS "'let that watch. A fellow h- re Just 11,1, AT WASHINGTON dmpi.ed it," ! And so It came hack. Cue hand Physician Say Thrum mmmI Attack ! 'is riiisMiitf, and tic cr-. -' ;il and of irlp I Due To .Mental F,crl Ion. WASHINGTON, Nov. fc. Miss Fern Hobbs, Governor Wcnt's private secretary, is confined to her room, under the orders of a physician, and is not expected to-be abie to leave Washington before Tuesday. It is be- lieved that the strain Incident to her! work here before the department is. ly as before. You surely hae a n va in part responsible for her condition,' tern, when a man can't even throw which the phys clan says Is a threa'-j an.Mhing away without your reenver jtttaek of grip, superinduced j ing it for him. Reminds ine of the by mental over-exertion. ' auitlde law. Can t kill youiaelf and FOR GOOD GAD I I :: ,,f ..c l'm,l,l V,il.-.! .l 111. Vll.I vi vuuj VI UU1U 1 ui. $400,000 Bonds. ORDER FOR ELECTION IS DELAYED ; i Cimis County People Desire to Know What Douglas County Intends I to lo Regarding u Con- ? netting Line. In order to determine what action' Douglas county contemplates taking in the matter "of a permanent high-! way between Douglas and Coos coun-j ties the county court of the latter! county on Friday postponed calling a special election to vote $40U,uuu road bonds until the next terhi of court. The Coos Bay Times in a re cent issue has the following to say with regard to linking the two coun ties with a permanent hikhway: "The filing of the petition of the C003 County Good Roads associa tion asking tho Coos County court to call a special election to vote on the issuance of $440,000 bonds fur constructing good roads was today postponed until the next term ; of court. The petition with the requis ite number of signers had been pre sented to Clerk Watson, but it had not been f.led and tills was deferred until a new apportionment for ,the money could be worked out. "The matter was taken up with the cotmty court and others interested at Coquille this morning by H. C. I Hers and Peter Loggie of North Rend. They pointed out that owiag to the new demand in Douglas county that the road via the Umpqua to the sea be built Instead of the Douglas part of the Myrtle Polnt-Rosouurg road, that it would be unwise for Coos county to spend a large amount of money between Myrtle Point and the Douglas county line. They pointed out that if Douglas county did not build its portion of the Myr tle Point road, a large amount of money would be spent almost useless ly by Coos county. "They proposed that instead of spending the bulk of the $440.1)00 between Myrtle Point and the Ikiuff ins county line that it be used in cpiifdruetion of roads in Coos county that would accommodate the most people. Their idea was to have the money used to build from Handou to : tie Curry county lino, -then build a permanent road from Myrtle Point via Coquille to Marshfield and North Rend and also to expend some of the money in building a road to Ten Mile. "Willi this work done in tho county they' -stated that Coos county would lie in a position to connect up with either road that Douglas county fin ally decided to build, whether it is llu; Cmpqua route or the Myrtle Point route. "The county court, Dr. Hurtle stat ed, took a similar view and no action will be taken on the special election until the next December meeting. "Chns. T. Dennis, of Ten Mile, Dan Walker, of Templeton, and John Ol son, of Kenluck Inilet, were also over to Coquille about the same matter.' LIK E TIIK PROVERRIAL CAT .MAN'S WATCH COMES HACK LITTLE HA TTEHER Watch Lost From Southern Pacific Train Turns l'p Through Ijost autl Found Department. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 10.- Chas Craig Westerbrook is today the proud ( ? I (possessor of a much bat tered watch, still going, but of doubt ful use, and through no fault of his own. He did his best to throw it away on a Southern Pacific train, but, like the proverbial cat, it came back, t hunks to the vigilance of a signal maintafner and tho railroad's b'ft and found bureau. When Westerbrook bouuht the watch, it was a perfectly good time piece. Something happened last week ami it started to lose an hour or so every day, no matter how well he wound it or how carefully be re- set tl We.;irlrook is a patient man Hut there is a limit in all ! works gathered up some twenty feet i apfirr, were recovered. It was tinned ! in to the division nperinfeii'l' iit and : sent to Westerbrook by express, Westerbrook has e.xpi d his : e.-titiide In the following letter: ; Mr. T. A hem, i Division Sun't. S. P. Co., "I got the watch. Thank-. It is running, though I believe not o bad- IX COliltKCTlO.V. In the article dealing with tlie meeting held at the Com- mereial Club on last Friday night and which appeared in Y ilson Hopes I hat Intei'Ven- The News Saturdav night an , u c I unintentional omission whs, lion JMay DC OparCU. made. Dr. A. C. Seely was tho ! second sneaker of the evening ' " X'Ztrirtmm GALE RAGES IN THE EAST to the benefit which Roseburg . would get out of the big meet- ! ing here on December 4. can't throw your property away. Next time I want to get rid of that watch, I'll try some other road and watch for a desert and a dark night. STC 1 !; X TS A PPItFCIAT K WORK OF ORFAiOX IMiKSS Resolutions of Thanks Fxpress Ad miration for Way Referendum lssuo . Was Handled. VX1VKHSITY OF ORKGON, Eu gene, Nov. 10. "Wo express our ad miration for tho able and loyal sor vices performed by the pre,ss of the state, which wtis all but a unit in clearly understanding, and effective ly and truthfully presenting tho im mensely important issuo tit stuke." Tho above was the opening para graph of appreciation in resolutions passed by the students of the Univer sity of Oregon, after last week's elec tion, in which tho University's two appropriations were upheld by the people. The students proceeded to thank also tho student body of the Oregon Agricultural College for its support, also the pqople of Corvallls, and to renew the famous University of Ore gon pledge of loyalty to the state in return for the partially free edu cation available at (his institution. (The University's program for the next year includes much beside the mere instruction of the students in attendance on the campus. Inquiry from anywhere In the state, if direct ed to tho Kxtension Department will bring quick response as to courses available by correspondence, or by means of visits from lecturers to clubs in town or country. The, university is branching out this fall on a most am bitious line of service to the state. Federal Officers Take Hand in Situation. GENERAL STORM RAGING IN EAST Sup.emo Co utt Holds Tluit Tho 1(1 Hour Law In Valid Attempt of Life Saving Crew Futile Iteili.s Acquitted. MOW KB, Del., Nov. 10. Two reve nue cutters raced for the Deleware brakewater this afternoon to rescue the officers of the bark, Mauaga Reva, held prisoners by a mutinous crew. Two federal marshals were sent to the scene. Mutiny developed several days after the bark left port, bound for San Francisco with a cargo of government coal. The captain be came HI, and the crew tied him in a b e rt h . The ca pt a I n m a n a ged to uotify tlie government of the plight. Storm Is General. WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Practic ally the entire country east of the Mississippi from Florida to Maine is -:toniibounil. High winds and driving snow is general. The, weather bureau is unable to promine immediate, re lief, asserting tlie storm will probably pass to se via New Kngland within thirty-six. hours. Law Deolwireil Valid. WASHINGTON. Nov. Dl. -By de claring valid the federal ''hours of service law. prohibiting railroads, Hi consecutive hours, the supreme court has confirmed the convictions of the Missouri, K a ns. is & T vas It. R. I or allegi d violations of this act. Attempt Is I utile. I A fu- Eai-'lci CALUMET. Mich, Nov.lu.--tile attempt was made by tb harbor life saving crew to reach Hie large uni ieiiirf jerl hike liner arroiind off . :..,ou Is) and. in Lake Super ior. A mile izale prevented the life saver from reaching the mthc, The liner Ik beliewd to he pound ing to piece. Indb intent Set Aside, WASHINGTON Nov. in. The su preme court b.'is n't aside the mmi tence of '(.'. M . Su turner, 1or ne.-r banker, of .lum an, Alaska, servini: years imprisonment fur alleged bank frauds. In effet, the court's r ilt n e dinmires t J-j o indict men t again-t Summers. Ueilis- Not Guilty. KIKI-T, Russia. Nov. 1 ).- The Mendel Reilis Jury returned a ver dict tonight acquitting him of the murder of 1 '-vear-o'd Andre,! Mus- chinsky, aid by the proserin Ion to have noon the victim or the Jewish rolltrlona i-i'rumnnliil rnlllnv fur hll. ' man sacrifice. CREW MED SPAR FOR TIME Daiimgo on Lake Front In Chicago Will Total Half Million Dollars Michigan and Indiana Also Suffer. (Special to The Evening News.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 10. lluerta has not defied the American adininia-' t rat ion, neither has the administra tion closed the door finally on the! lluerta government, nor has It thrown ofwn tlie door to Curranza, the rebel! leader. These facts were. made plain at the executive offices today. As far as tho, United States Is concerned, no new Mexican policy lias been adopted, it Is stated. 'The gravity of the situation Is recognised, but the president said he still harbors a faint hope that diplomatic pressure will bring the dictator to terms. Newspaper correspondents to whom the president gave a weekly recep tion, learned definitely from him that he is not preparing a message to con gress recommending recognition of the rebel's belligerency. Neither has Dind nmd(1 any final report. Tho president. It Is announced, doesn't Intend to submit the situation to con gress for at least a week in the mean time hoping events will make it un necessary to do so at all. Terrific Storm Rages. CHICAGO, III.. Nov. 10. Though not entirely subsided the storm that has been sweeping the Fast uud mid dle West for 3ti hours is abating slightly In violence. In ton stateB tho wind raged, snow fell and tho mer cury dropped. In Chicago it Is esti mated that half a million damage was done, moBlly on the lake front. Ohio nnd Pennsylvanlt uro buried in sleet and snow. With tno wind high, and the air nipping, New York, In diana, and Michigan Buffered from the blizzard. Maryland, West Vir ginia, Te u n essee a n d K e n t u c k y are and telephonic communication Is and telcphnui eonmi tin. 'cat Ion is crippled. Trains are late. Liners ,t rK'-.i,.' i v.,h- v..l- ,.,) liMut. ....! ported a terrific : gale, and mountain A "IftlB??1 solved hero t'iday ous seas. Casualties are feared. rr"ra VVoodvllle states that the post , oflico at that place was entered Sat urday night and robbed of consldor COMMJTriiE MKK'IS AND PAR- I uhlu cash and stamps. TUL1.Y.EI i-Et IS AlUcANl.K- i Loci! officers are keening a close ME.WS Hlt ROGSi Lit EVEN T, HusiiiCK ami Professional .Men of City Will Visit All Points On tlie Railroad. A meeting of the committee re cently appointed to arrange for the Western Oregon "Rooster" conven tion to be held in Roseburg on De cember 4 was hold at tho Roseburg Commercial Club rooms yesterday af ternoon. The meeting was well at tended. Numerous matters pertaining to thu f irruugemenls were disc ussed, and a general outline of the day's program was submitted for adoption. The business meeting will be held in the afternoon, according to present plans, while In tlie 'evening the guests will be tendered an Informal ban-1 que. Several noted speakers wlirbe, ai mo rreigni onices. this postuoa present, and the program will In-lis a very Important one, and oom Include, a number of Important discus-! mauds u luurativo salary. W. W. sions. The object of tho meeting is to ! further the proposition of establish ing a stale exhibit at Ashland during tlie exposition in 11 I a. Secondly, the meeting Is held for tho purpose, of starting a campaign of advertising by; which the thousands of Eastern visit ors at the fair will have their ret inn tickets routed via Oregon. In bring-1 ing the people through Oregon, lbep penpb. of (Ills Kccliou of the state be-' lieve considerable good wl!l result. I The meeting to be held on December j 4 is open to people from all sec-j Hons of West e in Oregon, and It Is ; believed that several hundred non-; residents will attend. The committee nlso yesterday dis-: d t lie pro posit ion of arranging ;( jM,,H t(, (jf ,h in I'actflc railroad In Douglas county. In the event present plans materialize I Inn junket will lie some lit in v him liar to tb.it conducted by tlie people of Itusehiirg several years ago, when every town trout Drain to G.cndab; was visited. It In believed 'nit the. entire junket can be made in five or tlx days, 'I lie committee will hold another meeting some time 1 ji 1 1 in the present week, when the "boouter' contention will tie further diM-u.ed. am: y lis and carpen ter SI 'STUNS I N.I I RV OF ! FOOT WOI .ND IS DRESSER George Andrew Suffers from Effect of Accident Which mit- ; red TiMbiy, ! The theft was reported to the of- Oe.orge Andrew, who is employed fleers latn last nluht, hut at noon to I bv the contractor In charge of erect- dav no trace oT tho thief of thlevtm I ii'K the new Methodist church, at had been found. ' the corner of Lane and Main streets.: sustained unite a lo-rioim Injury of! the right foot this morning. ; It appears that Andrews was standing on the, ground, when an axe which had been aised by one of the carpenters on a scaffold directly nlmvn f.11 . tint irrniml VI w , ., . diews had no warning of the dan- NFAVS ADS I;RIN; RFSI LTS Roseburg. Or., Nov. 10. The Evening News, Roseburg, Oregon. Ceu lie men: Our advertising in your valuable paper 1b giv- ing us such grand results that we cannot help but express our appreciation directly to you. Your paper seems to havo a wide circulation, ns wo have received replies to our advor- tlsements, not only from Oro- gon, but from points as fi?.r east as Massachusetts. Wo are enclosing herewith copy of new advertisement to take the place of. the one under heading "Roseburg Postofflce." which has been sold. Kindly kill tho "Roseburg Postofflce" ad. Yours verv truly, DOUGLAS BROS. & WALLACE, By Geo. Douglas. ger, and tho axe came in contact with liis foot. The Injured man was takeu to tho offices of Drs. Seely, Bother & Stewart whore the wound was mveu uttentlon. It was found that the patient sustained a deop cut of the foot, apparently from the edge of the Implement. HARDWARE STORK AT RID DLE ENTERED RV HORRFR8 SOMETIME SATURDAV NK1HT A 1m nit. Thr'o Dollars In Money Is Taken Knlve Arc Aluo Appropriated. Unknown robbers entered the store of the Riddle Hardware Com pany, at Riddle, some time Saturday night and appropriated money and merchandise to the value of about $10. Entrance to the store was effected through a rear window, which was pried open by a "jimmy". Once in side tho store the burglars ransack ed the cash drawer, from which they took $H in money. A number of knives were taken from a show case. Finding the outside door of the safe unlocked, tho men pried open the inner door, but failed to find any thing of value. Inasmuch as n number of hoboes woro.seon loitering about the Riddle depot late Saturday evening, the of ficers believe they woro responsible for the burglary. Up to a late hour this afternoon no truce of tho robbers had been found. watch for nil BUsidcious characters In hope of apprejiendlng tho parties responsible for the Riddle robbory. WENDELL WRIGHT At CEITS POSITION AS CASHIER AT S. P. FREIGHT OFFICES W. E. HoMsonmin Promoted to Day Ticket Agent II. IK Ferguson Accepts Night Job, On account of tho retirement ot Joseph Brands from the employ of the Southern Pacific Company sev eral changes have been mado by tho company during the past couplq of days. Wendell Wright, who for several years past has been employed as day ticket agent at tho passenger depot has accepted the position of cashier Hosserman, former night tlckot agent. has accepted tho position made vacant through the transfer of Mr. Wright. H. D. Ferguson, until recently car clerk, has accepted the position of night ticket agent The young meji above mentioned nte well Known in Roseburg und the news of their respective promotions will bo received with satisfaction by their many friends. THIEVES ENTER CIM RCH AMI APPROPRIATE OYEItrOATH HE LONGING TO LOCAL PEOPLE Guy 1 1 lack and Mrs. Gordon Fnry I.om' Valuable I oat During liurcli Services. I mi ring the regular evening scr vlce.s at the Fln.t Presbyerliin church. In Ito.seburg. last evening, some un known person or persons entered tho choir room, by a rear route, and propriiileil two valuable coats. Olio of (he coats was the property of Guy Rlaek, a well known nurseryman, ul lb- the other coat belonged to Mrs. Gordon I'ory, Wbep. Mr, RIack and Mrs. Fory en tered tl church t)i,.y left their coats In the choir room, as had been their cu til (tin. When the, service closed nhortly bei'ino jr. tic o'clock Hie coat4 were found to be missing. The per son or pors'UM rvpoiiible for tho theft are undoubtedly well acquaint e,d ulth the church premises, consid ering that tho choir room can only bo reached by one entrance. Louis JJimet. jr.. expert prtinn .W apple iier, and for the 1 picker aiWapple rnsj few dav emnlnved m nntoninhiU conductor bv the Grand hotel, lod.iv Hecepwd a position as palesman at the Roseburg 'Hooterie". Mr. I limns .... ,. ku . m tomorrow.