It Will Be Daylight Until 9 P. M. NEXT SATURDAY EVG. In fifty business houses in Koseburg. No phenomenon of nature. They Light With Gas Installed at Cost. Maintained Free. Cheapest and Best Light on Earth. Let us call and tell yon about it. OREGON GAS & ELECTRIC CO. ' v - CANDY HELPS Now Is the time to make up your Holiday Cnndlos. We have ev erything the home candy maker needs and will sell you at whole sale prices anything in our stock, such as Candled Fruits, Dipping Fruits, Maple 8uBfir, Blttor and Sweet Chocolate Coatings at 25c the pound, the very best Walter Baker'a, none better. Candy Boxes In all sizes from pound up to 6 pound at 3 cents and up, Ther mometers, Dipping Forks, Wax Paper, In fact everything in the Candy line. Formulas and instructions for making all kinds of home made candy free. Mrs. TILLIE ADAMS 820 Pine Street Phone 190 Party J The First Require ment Of If ltd To V(tr tnliie GROCERIES THAT GIVE SATISFACTION Is The Quality When You Have Secured Why , Not Without Additioral Cost Them a Trial Money Cheerfully Refunded We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps To All our Customers Yours to serve and please R. STUBBS The Grocer Phone Thrce-One-Seven I'KI.WK OK TONKaiT" HKC 0.mi:.lKI IIK.III.V IJV THK 1MCKKH ftl'' TDK (Ol'XTHV ChortiH Clrlh Are Kiiid to Hi Prrtty i UIIH-rollN I llll'liy MlflKN Will Kulivcii KveniiiK. Girts, In all their variations, In all! tlielr poHHlbllltiea, In all their prob-l abllltltM and iu ail their charming at- j titndes, occur Incessantly in "The! Prince of Tonight," In the tuneful fantasy coming to the Antlers on Nov. 13. Ho much comment Is being evoked by the beauty and activity of the cho rus in this attraction that these Kirls ure in a fair way to become known as the best chorua ever seen with a touring company. "The Prince of Tonight" is by the well known trio, Adams, Hough and Howard, authors of "The (ioddess of Liberty," "The Honeymoon Trail," "The Stubborn Cinderella," "The Klower of the Hunch," and "The Time, The Place and the Girl," which have all proven great successes. It depicts the ad ventureK of Jim Sutherland, a wan dering college youth without funds, who woes a rich girl he meets at Palm Heach, while occupying the po sition of life-saver and swimming instructor at the hotel "Breakers." The young heiress loaea no time In telling him that without wealth and position his is a hopeless case. Brok en hearted but determined to win, he seeks the aid of an old gardener, who has learned new mysteries of nature from the plants and trees that he at tend?, and through the blooming of a century plant at the time he can transform him Into a mythical prince of the wonderland of Lunitania, for one nlsjht only. He assumes this dlsgulso with the understanding that he (lief at sunrise unless he meets and kisses the right girl. The man ner in which he ecapes the fate threatened him and wins the girl gives the autho-e abundant oppor tunity to link modern character av.A fantastic situations. Among the ong hits are, "Tonight ".U Never Come Again," 'Follow the U.illibow Trail." "You're -i Dear Oi l V ir'.d After All," "The .;:rls That Can Nev er Be Mine." "I Don't Want Har ry Your Family,'' and "Can It Be Love? The utuHence Is tilten through the transformation scene of marvelous beauty, made possible by the lavish scenic production with which LeComte and Flesher huve pro vided this att'a;t:fr.. Don't wait any longer to start your Xmas needlework. You will find a complete line of everthing new and up to date at Graves Art Emporium. Free Instructions given with every piece purchased. n8; O. JACOIISO.V Telephone 203 The Bellows Store ROSEBURG'S SPECIALTY DRY GOODS HOUSE OUR SUIT DEPARTMENT Invites your Inspection of our showing of new mid-season styles of SUITS, COATS and DRESS1CS. Never have we shown a more handsome line. Sl'JTS In nil this season's newest colors, $12 to $4 0 COATS, both for street and ev ening wear, $10 to $50. DUKSSES Silks, Kiionge, Serges beautiful styles, $10 to $35. SILKS & DRESS TRIMMINGS We a io the lenders In showing the newest wanted niaterialK In SIMCS. Our Bolectlou comprise all the new ehndea In Crepes, Crepe Meteors, Charmeuse, ete. lloth Plain and Brorades; pric ed $1 to $3 per yard. 'Mil VN. Vi Try Our Mail Order Departmenti YOU'LL LIKE IT THE BELLOWS STORE, ROSEBURG 324 JACKSON STREET Panitorium Dye WorRs All work fully guaranteed. Cood'h called for and delivered. 1'rac tical dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of Ladies' anil Gents' Cloth 'lug, Cravencttes and Tortiers. Roseburg, Ore i MM) V K4k n1 fOKNKK OAK. .JLULL-imT". r? nf7m'rmmr'' 1 """I Bicycles, Bicycle Tires, Base Ball Goods Just received a large shipment Bicycles. Bicycle Tires and Ball Goods. Call and see what I have before you buy elsewhere. If you buy tha hicycle. mw, 1 can make it an ob (Hfi to you. J. H. Syke's Gun Store Ol'TOSITE FOSTOKFICE KOSKBURO, OREGON Ladies' Short and Long Kimonos, Ladies' Fleece Lined Dressing Sacks The regular 75c value for 49c Ladies' Dressing Sacks SI value for 69c A Good heavy one, 51 .25 value for 98c Ladies' Long Kimonos, a dandy value else where at $1.25, our price 68c A better one, the regular $1.50, our price $1.25 Fleeced on the outside, 52 value, our price ... 1.49 A gocd heavy Kimonp, $2.25 value, our price 1.69 LADIES' GOWNS Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns, regular 75c value, our price 49c Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns, regular 9Sc value, our price 69c Extra heavy Outing Flannel Gowns, regu lar $1.50 value, our price 98c Be sure and get the Golden Rule Prices before buying The Golden Rule Store Roseburg, Oregon One of tha 48 Busy Stores Iron lc F i i i i rrzr Washington 5t. Business. -On S a u " -j 9 ) u . . r i- Y . U . S u y h " r- u: c K0 9 a if) (O rwrofficr S H school. iu to o c S (0 3 03 D0ll cnTHOLIC I I tMVNESSeiOCK. P.IMH. ,mnoxy. i uak. ox o0n. J H s . lp 2 : r6 ! i M h 1 " ? . K ' I r'-mnf-. miV j ,., ,v, .c.r. I IteSlOINtn. JC, Jl LQQ-f A Tf ijll i Cflss st - II xri fcz "trl I I F7 I I i "'lfi&L 7 ui 1 s 2 !J(i I . muctncci. irenprncrs. fteswences CJ c.-u.n s -Matt j.m nnftiiron. Lx&r . , . iMPII..,r rM-. 1 I D I ZTZTTZ 1 I" ill 1 I j j l"'HC" Cij I " j j o'.yr Real ? TO THE PUBLIC: This beautiful addition will soon be ready for YOU. Have you visited OVERLOOK? If not do so at once and note the grand view, the nearness to the center of the city, size and beau ty of every lot. First of its class ever platted in Roseburg or Southern Ore- jraveu avenues, sewer, water, drainage, electricity and gas. Build ing and other restrictions will al ways preventthis addition from be ing other than the best. HIMES & OLIVER Estate and Investment Offices adjoining Grand Hotel. O