The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 07, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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Yesterday's Highest Temp 53:
Last Night's Lowest Temp 49
Occasional ltain Tonight
anil Saturday.
No. a
Monster Rally of Citizens at
Commercial Club.
Every Citizen Who Wants the Big
Convention on Decern l?r 4 to
' Jo a Swcetss Should Come
Out and Hear iloosons.
Oregon business men who have the
advancement of tlie state at heart to
the number of many humlredsl have
elioen iloselnirfc as their capital.
Thursday, Decemher 4, is the date
when they will assemble.
Iliere is every assurance of big
deV'Kal.tons from every town between
3it'Vmd and Ashland, itOMeburg is
not. asked to put up a cent. Xo en
tertainment is desired. Every reader
of The News is urged to he at the
Commercial Club tonight at eight o'
clock, when Tom llichardson and the
memlMJrs of the Ilosehurg delegation
to the Grants Pass convention will
t"IJ what ist to be accomplished.
What Tom Richardson says was
the best meeting of the kind held
in Southern Oregon In the past three
years was held in Grants Pass yes
terday. Five hundred enthusiastic
business men attended the meeting,
and at least two hundred ladies. The
women's club of the counties of Jo
sephine and Jackson took advantage
of the date and were holding a fed
eration in the Commercial club rooms
but by a special request adjourned
and attended the general meeting in
a DOdy,
Mayor R. G. Smith, of Grants Pass,
was elected chairman of the meeting
and (i. P. schlosser, of Roseburg,
The delegation from Douglas coun
ty was composed of Dr. A. C. Seely,
Henry Harth C. D. Shoemaker, Clark
Bargar, A. J. Lilburn, T. A. Raffe-
ty, L. YV. Himes, J. D. Zurcher, Judge
Kiodle. F. s. Hamilton. F. E. Rannev
S. P. Schlosser and J. K. Coe mayor
elect or Glendale. All the delegation
from Uoseburg expressed themselves
as thoroughly well plasecl with the
reception and entertainment received
at Grants Pass.
, Special invitations will be sent to
all the commercial clubs in the va
rious communities In Douglas county
to fcavo delegate,- present at this
meeting. It is hoped that the citizens
of Roseburg brush up their nark
lugs and otherwise add to the beau
ty of this already beautiful city in
honor of this convention, as Rose
burg has much to gain by impressing
favorably the bunch of live wires
which will visit Itosehurg on the 44th
day of December next.
Following is the secretary's report
of the convention:
-Morning Session.
Committee meeting of the South
ern Oregon Gel; 'Together club held
at Grants Pass-November 6, 1913, at
10:30 a. m., in' the Commercial club
rooms, W. M. Colvig presiding. Geo.
E. Boss was elected temporary chair
in nn . -
Tom Richardson being present was
called upon to state to the commit
tee the purposes for which the meet
ing was called. Mr. Richardson ex
plained and outlined a proposition
for a state wide-exhibit of Oregon
products, to be exhibited at the city
of Ashland. He also suggested a
form of procedure for the afternoon
G. P. Schlosser of Roseburg, was
called upon fcnd stated that Douglas
county favored the movement.
Mr. Greer then offered the follow
ing resolution, which was carried,
piid resolution being presented to
the general meeting called at 1:30 p.
"To the delegates of the Southern
Oregon Get Together club:
We, your committee on organiza
tion, beg leave to submit the follow-
Inc- nrocam fr the conduct of this
convention: That this convention he
organized by the election of a chair
man and secretary; that this conven
tion a sit the commercial bodies of
tVe counties of Douglas, Josephine
nd Jacltson to write letters to all
prevent members of the Oregon leg-j
H'-tture and to all of the commer-J
v':i c'nbs of the state setting forth'
ih object of this convention a fol
lows: To crystallize sentiment in
fiiv'-r of ji state exhibit of the re
V'Mrees nf the state of Ore Ton at Ash
hnd with a view to forming a con
crete orcrinlznfnn for (he purpose nt
; "onvpTition composed of delegates
fr hi n' the commercial bodies of
the slate to meet n a f-'
m devise plans of advertising thru-
n;ir the eastern states with a view to
in.-lur.fng the Pnr-if'r rw tr-u- :.)-U-i--
1015 to hev their Vlptq rnr.ft
ih-M the St.'tte nf Or "
motion of Mr. Boos the meeting
f ' ifiurned. after reauestine J tides
C'viir. of Mi'dford, to act as tn ;:i o-1
r'."v chairman of the afternoon meet-1
Afternoon Session.
"Xletng of the Southern Oregon
'-'t Tneether c'nh. Grnnts 'a?s Ore
im, Nov. fi, 1013, in the Opera
,r ''jRe. Meeting called to order at
1 "0 p. m.. by Judere Colvig, of Med-
rd. temporary chairman. Mayor
P. G. Smith, of Grants Pass, was
cted chairman of the meeting and,
' P. SchloMer, of Roseburg, secre-
A crliee con,pDed o' Mes?r:t.
Colvig, of Medford, Gilmore, of
Rogue River, Demaree, of Grants
Pass, was appointed to visit the Fed
eration of Women's clubs.' then in
sepsion in the Commercial club build
ing in Grants Pas-a, and invite them;
to attend this meeting. '
The Gold Hiii band entered the ;
convention nail playing a selection, i
Business was tenioprarily suspended
to await the arrival of the reprc-i
sentatives to the women's clubs, f
Judge Colvig reported that tl'e la-1
dies hud accepted the invitation, had!
adjourned their meeting and would;
be present promptly. !
The following was the program of.
the afternoon: . , j
Vocal solo, Mrs. Walker, of Grants,
Pass. i
A communication from O. H. !
Johnson, mayor of Ashland, express-;
ing his regrets that he was unable
to be present, and wishing the con
vention much success.
Address of welcome by Hon. R. G,
Smith, mayor of Grants Pass.
Address, Federation of Women's
Clubs, Mrs. S. L. Wykie, of Fresno,
Address, Tom Richardson, of Port
land, on State Wide Exhibit at Ash
land. -
A telegram from C. C. Chapman,
of Portland, congratulating Grants
Pass on the success of the meeting
was read at this time.
Address, R. A. Booth, iFigene,
member Oregon ,State Commission
San Francisco Exposition.
Reading, Mrs. Baker, Grants Pass.
Address, A. H. Carson, Grants
Pass, Diversified Farming.
Address, Prof Sowers, University
of Oregon, Eugene.
Address, W. W. Trnax, Gold Hill,
Attractions of the Rogue River Val
Address, p. R. Greer, Ashland,
Value of Cammunity Co-operation.
Address. W. M. Colvig, Medford,
The Get Together Movement.
Address, Addison Bennett, Port
land Oregonian, Value of Dversffied
l' arming. -
Address, Hon. C. D. Watson, Ash
land, Community Co-operation.
A resolution was then adopted
3tating that it was the sense of this
convention that the State of Oregon
should maintain a comprehensive
Oregon exhibit at Ashland during the
year 1915.
G. P. Schlosser, .on behalf of the
Roseburg Commercial Club, Invited
the convention to hold Its next meet
ing In Rojseburg, and by unanimous
voto of the convention it was agreed
that the next meeting be held in
Roseburg Thursday, December 4,
Suffers Two Knife Wounds at
Hands of Mexicans.
A1sailunt Arrested by Havana Auth
orities Conspiracy of Mexicans
Revealed Diaz Wanted
lead Or Alive.
HAVANA, Nov. 6. General Felix
Diaz was stabbed by a Mexican at
1U:30 o'clock tonight. He was
wounded twice, probably not fatally.
The attack on Diaz occurred whl'e
he was walking on the Malecon, a
fasfltionable promenade. He was
wounded behind the ear and in the
neck, besides receiving several blows
on the head from a cane. Diaz was
removed to a hospital. His assail
ane was arrested.
HAVANA, Nov. . 7. Physicians
have been on the alert for signs of
poisoning in the wounds (inflicted
upon General Diaz last night, but1
nothing has developed to indicnte
that the knife used was poisoned,
and a speedy recovery is looked for.
Diaz and Cecilo Ocon, who fled with
him from Vera Cruz, with a party of
triends, were chatting in the park
when five men rushed upon them
from behind and Diaz was stabbed in
the neck and through the ear. Sev
eral shots were fired during the at
tack. Three Mexicans were arrested
for the attempted murder, but two
of them escapd. Guerrero Mendez.
one of the prisoners, was shot
through the leg.
General Felix Diaz made his es-l
c:ipe from Mexican soil on October ;
2t taking refuge on board the Cnlt-j
ed States gunboat Wheeling at Wr:
Cruz. He was transferred to thej
Louisiana and from there to t ho but-1
tlrship Michigan, later being put'
aboard the 8teaniHr Msn'-nutM, which!
I reached Havana on Mumbi - ;.ist.
Cuiutii GovernuM'jit W'm ned. j
' As long iko a October 1 ' the Cu
t ban government was warned that a
ind of Mexican conspirators w "re
Manning to kill Genera! Diaz, who
was then on his way from Europe to
Mexico. The Cuban government
took preen ut ionary measures und
DIpz was closelv guarded when be
landed at Havana on his homeward
There were rumors of oth"r ploU
: against his life, when it was ler.rnedj o;era!lnn In building a gre;it r Ore
I thf.t he was to return to Havana. A; gen. The travel Is rninlne to the
late Vera Cruz dispatrh reported
Diaz had left behind him there alleg -
ed proof that an agent of the gov
ernnient was on his way to Ver.i Cruz
with orders to take Diaz to Mexici
' 'Jity, Ccud tr all.t.
Road Taxes of 1912 Declared
County Court Denies Granges Peti
tion Asking For ICstnhlishmciit
of Kcrimeutil Kami in i
Douglas County, 1
Acting upon a recent decision of
the Oregon Supreme Court to the ef
fect that the road elections held In
the year 1912 were illegal, the mem
bers of the county court late this
afternoon prepared an order author
izing, or rather instructing i the,
county treasurer to return all road
taxes, collected on the assessment
for the year 1!)12, upon the presen
tation of the sherff's receipt by the
person paying the tax. - j
Several thousand dollars Were
paid to the sheriff before the toad
elections were declared illegal, and
as a result this sum must be return
ed. Other than hampering road work
of the past year, the procedure of
the supreme court In declaring ilast
year's road levies illegal will rdsult
In considerable unnecessary work at
the hands of the sheriff and treas
urer. . j
Appointed Fruit Inspector, j
The county court today appointed
Dr. Bailey, a member of the Doug
las County Grange, and one of the
best known ranchers and fruitgrow
ers in tliis section, county fruit1 in
spector. Mr. Bailey vyiU' assume the
ttu thy heretofore looked after by F.
A. McCall. The latter official recent
ly resigned his position after serving
for several years.
FiXIKwIment Fund Denied.
(The petition of the Douglas Coun
ty Grange asking that the county
court set aside the sum of $4,000, to
bo used in establishing an experi
mental farm in tins county, was i de
nied by the court this afternoon. Al
though farms of this nature arei of
some benefit to ranchers and fruit
grower the court did not deem such
an expenditure In keeping with the
economic policies of the admlnistra-,
ti'.n it may be possible that'thoi
rnrm will ue established at some later
C. O. White was today appointed
justice of Hie Peace, of the Myrtle
Cietk precinct, George W. Fairbanks,
the regularly elected justice of the
recti?r rJ?Bnidrtl0 C''ck "recl,,ct
C. H. McClume has been appointed
ccnsluble of Pons Creek precinct to
'-urcneil L. K, Kussell, who recently
1 lie county court Is still in nesBion
this afternoon mid it s not likely that
final adjournment will be taken be
fore some time next week. At any
rate, -there are a number of import
ant, matters yet to be considered by
the body during Its present session.
JtKl-OltTI':!) AT Kl'UKXK
Knter Store Thrcuuh Item' Checks
Are Taken. ,
Burglars entered the shoe store of
Burden & Graham and the art store
of Allen Eaton last night through
the rear. From Burden and Gra
ham's they secured $51 in checks and
$19 in cash, from Eaton's they got
but, $1.50 In cash, having missed the
bank book in their hurried search of
the desk, says the Eugene Guard.
Both of the store buldngs extend
but half way to the alley and the
pocket behind them served as a safe
place for the robbers to ply their
trade. The store of Burden & Gda
ham was entered through a fire win
dow that had not been opened for
eight years. This they pried loose
and then climbed through the
shelves inside.
They got $4 from the cash reglB-
1013, being called to order at 1:30
p. ni.
By rising vote the delegation from
noints outside of Grants Pass thank
ed Hie citizens of Grants Puss for
I .eii i u en cnHiumeni enjov u iy
the y siting delegates, after wh..-h the
nee. ing aojourneu to meet in nose -
V,. i
Roseburg sent the kind ( ,!eeKt,.( Mexican Ouetlo.i!. ,
tl' ii to Grunts Pans vslerd:.y lliati WASHINGTON. Nov. 7. -The ltu
tironsht back the bne'ein," aM Tom alien in Mexico was the sole topic of:
IticliHrilson this mnrn'ng. Now I disce-sinu nt a cah.n.-t meeting to-:
inn 'to meet n bii; nudlence of the day. ill yau ad milted thin much after ;
men end women of Hwbutu' at the! meeting was over. "You run say,".
Comnier. lal Club nt rlL-lit o'clock to.1 lie Htliiell, "that the Mexican sitllU-i
n:--;t," continued Mr. Richardson .!
"The next hit' ttevol m.iit 'iifcttutr
! to be held hm In Roselmra;
Thursday, December fourth and I:
j u ;nt to lei! you toitic'tt nf !;h pur-,
i j-o-. a, llofiebtirg without the i xpen-j
; d t'tro of a dollar can ret tlrusandn j
j of dolbiri, worth of aflvertisitu.'." j
' "Tile crowd romlnc her,' don't
j wtit any free feeds, they dim't want
i en'ertalnnii-nt, they d'Mi't wan your
rv.f:?iev bet Ihev iln w:,nt vniir rn.
Pacific con.t In 1915. Ninety per
t cent now eoes through the putn with
- ' no ston but at Portland. Ve must
rton this If Oregon Is to grow.
t'Kivi. come out tonight and let us
J tail: it over."
ter und the rest they secured from
the desk which contained the bank
hook. None of the stock was tamper
ed with except that they pushed oft
the shelves when gaining eniri-.iuo.
At futon's they removed some
bounds, . which were nailed over a
fVnr door and removing tlw glass,
gained easy entrance to the office in
the rear of the store. The 'police
have no clue to the robbers and
the night policeman who covers that
beat says the doors were all right
at about 4 o'clock this morning
when tried.
Mix, AM) MRS. .1. C. IK MK
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hume enter
tained last night twenty of their
friends at five hundred' in honor of
Mis. K. U. Pengra, who leaves Sun
day with her mother to join her hus-
lw ..! j.. li'.i ,l urn -. .,!,, I l.ilii. U
ful refreshments were sorved and the
gueyts left at u late hour after spend
Ing a most enjoyable evening. thk fairs clkax.
Wild West Shows, Bucking Contest
and MiiiwayN Unprolttiible.
In the current issue the Rural
Spirit says it is by no means alone
in its criticism of turning the fairs
and Btock shows of the Northwest
into so-called "Wild West" buckaroo
exhibitions and in its contention
that even the amusements can be
made of an upll'tlng or educative
character. Webster, the well known
correspondent of the American Sheep
Breeder, In Mb account of the Ohio
State Fair at Columbus, has the fol
lowing to Bay: "There has been a
groat demonstration of everything
that contributes to pleasure and ex
citement from a bird whistle up to
the most spectacular production of
tne pyrotnechntc art. All that hu
man beings can feel and think, hear
and see, was produced and handed
out in large doses to satisfy the crav
ing of a twentieth century people,
gone mad for pleasure and excite
ment. They tell me man cannot live
without a certain quantity of pleas
ure. Perhaps so, but it should be the
pleasure that Inspires and elevates.
The substantial foundation of Ohio's
wealth and influence is her vast ag
ricultural reaouces and her live
stock industry. . These will continue
to build her homes and citizenship,
while the glitter and glamor, the
noise and the deceit of the gambling
midway, will destroy character,"
Huerta Says United States is
'(m-criimciit Officials at Washington
Consider The .Mexican .Situation
I, ind Visits MexieoClty
For Conference-.
(Special to The Evening News.)
iMKXICO CITY, Nov. 7. That
lluerta has decided at a meeting of
his cabinet last night to reject the
demand made by the United Htutes
requiring bis retirement, was report
ed here today. lluerta, It is said,
pointed out to his officers that the
linked States hug no legal right to
make such a request, nor has ho the
right to grant it. That lluerta, to
hack his position, is planning to re
cruit the Mexican army to a half
million men, is the report circulated
Lluil nt Mexico City.
MUX ICO CITY, Nov. 7. Special
Emissary I, Ind, accompanied by
Chaplin llurnsldo. military attache of j
the American Embassy here, arrived!
from Vera Cruz this morning. Nelson J
I) HhaughneHrty, in charge or tno
AmbapHey, Immediately called at tiio
hotel where Eind Is stopping, where
a cunference lasting all the forenoon
was held. .Neither would divulge tile
subject nf the conference. Emissary
Mud neilher vlHiled(the nalional pal
ace or received Mexican visitors, it
, , t.onj,.,r,., that he ca
o shaiighnsys verb.
he came to buck
up O Shaiigluiessy s verbal rep resell
, lnli(mii , Hll,.,., t!,i he ought to re
tire from the presidency of Mexico.!
"on was dincm-hed. but that no fur -
tiler 1' II null Iicement Will be lllildo lit
. IIiIk time. Iiiyau
would not Kiiv
whether Emite-ary 1,1ml had gone to:
.Mexico City or not. It was undcr-j
stood that every phase of Iho sit u -
at.on was ione over
at the cabinet j
l liiM-,-!ate Manufacturers Explain, j
WASHINGTON, Nov. ".--Cocoa
and choi-olate manufacturers today
argued to the depai , I. tent of agricul
ture that cocoa and sugar constitute
"sweet powdered chocolate," al
though the depart-,te:u held that,
choeula'e Is ground cocoa without the
pits removed and theiefore It means
It will cost the. manufacturers more
money to make it and sell It.
nrirmr nrin&m
Street Car Company Agrees to
Militiamen Ojw'iily Favor The Strik
ers Four Ijos Angeles Joy
It tiers Meet Death One .
Fatally Hurt.
(Special to The Evening News.)
this aftoruoon Indications pointed to
an adjustment of the street car
strike. The company, It Is stated wilt
accopt the strikers' proposition to
submit the differences to immediate
arbitration, and the dispute wilt
probably go to the public service com
mission for settlement. An offer
made by the company won rejected
by employes on the ground that it
would be practically the surrender
ing of their constitutional rignts,
The strikers then submitted a pro
posal for arbitration, which had
been previously rejected by the com
pany. Realizing tnat the puimc was
in complete sympathy with the
strikers, the car company agreed to
accept the proposal. Public opin
ion is strongly in favor of the em
ployes, even local militiamen refus
ing to obey the order moving against
the men, and unless settlement of
the differences soon transpires all
of the union men In the city will
doubtless walk out in sympathy.
jTroops were not called out, neith
er was marshal law declared. While
President Todd, of the street railway
company, has not accepted the oiler
of arbitration, it Is believed that he
will do so.
Four Victim of Joy Itltlo.
LOS ANGELES, Nov, 7, Four
were instantly killed, ono - fatally
1 flirt, and puverul Heinously hurt
early today when two autos collided.
The dead are Ervlne Chapmun, W. It.
Sanders, Harry li. Curtis and Mrs.
Virda Eimoro. Tho victims wer ried
ing In a high powered car and rid
ing at h fast into when their ma
chine collided with a smaller car. All
of the occupants of the small ma
chine were Injured to some extent.
Drmon-iitlc ha-imao Weds.
i -LONDON, Nov. 7. Willlum V.
McCombs, who us chairman of the
democratic national c.miiinlltco, m.
agdd the Wilson campaign last tall,
wu) married here today to Miss Dor
othy Williams, a sister of Mrs. Joe
Loiter. The ceremony was a simple
affair, only thirty Kims's being pres
ent, Including Ambassador Page.
As (.111 Sleeps Ill-other Steals 1,000
ton or inns.
NEW YOIIK, Oct. 31. "I want u
ticket for San Erunciseo,' a boy of
I lold tho llcket agent at the
I cnii'jlvanla depot "llo.v much Is
"One hundred and forty dollars,"
replied the agent, and the boy
brought such a big roll of hills from
his pocket that the agent became sus
picious and culled the police. Ques
tioned, the boy broke down and snld
that he was Charles Canloco and
lived Willi his sister, Miss Lillian
Knlso. He told the police lie waited
until his sister was asleep and then
cut her garter and took $1,00U rrom
her Blocking without waking her.
The boy was armed r'lth u revolver
and a bowle knife.
.Mrs. I. S. Weaver leaves a HiisIniiiiI
mid Mite Chlldn-n To .Mourn
Her HctniHf.
if,,,. iti,.n. nt Kv,.i-nl weeks.
Mrs I. S. Weaver, wile of a Myrtle mar., woman and ciiild, whllu In the
Creek liveryman, died ul the home: United States each would .receive
of her daughter, Mih. Itoy, on $1,1100.
Ci.lib street, In Robbing, a.t .... The annual Income of the German
early hour this morning. Una III was people Is given by llelteiich us up
tbe "esiilt of u coiiiplli lltlon ot ills- pr.ixilulUely $ I U.000,000. Approxl
casi ! Iiiuicly li, illio.ODO Is expended llll-
Tl, deceased was boni near Myr- nt. ally tor public purposes. Tne Ger
tie !ck and was tiboul .,a years,
of age
She bud lived In Douglas;
eoi'l.t.v nractlc
llv all of her lifetime.:
Other than leaving a husband, Mrs.
Weaver is survived by the following
children: diaries II. Mrs, ,1.
I,, chaney, Mrs. W. I,. Starr. G.
E. Trunk, Mrs. Key Elinor,, Mis.
, Ralph Wen
I' elleniiail
ei, Mrs. I,i
Swailer. Airs.,
and MIhs Zellli Weaver
She also leaves several brothel u ami
The remains are no,v at the Hose-
1 hu tg 1 tl.IertaKillg t'nrloi s v. i.e. e li.cj
are being prepareil lor snipmeiii i"
Mrlle Creek, where the funeral will
he held at the family home on Sat
urday afternoon at two o'clock, A
Eugene mlniHier, with whom the de
ceased was well acquainted will con
duct the funeral services. Interment
of the remains will tollow In Hie .Myr
tle Creek cemetery.
Mrs. Weaver was one of the best
known . m In the Myrtle Creek
vicinity nd the news of her death
Is received with profound regret. She I
of .'xcellcnt character i nt!
nmw.i; injunction'.
Judge llfimllton late today
set. November 12 5 as the date for ;
hearing arguments in the suit
by Judge J. C. Kullnrton to en- '
join G. W. W'onueott and Coia-
missiuners Harry Pinkston and
.leffersim Wiley from building a !
bridge across tile Uiupquu. river, ;
nt the foot of Oak stioet. The
arguments will lie heard by'
Judge Calk las, of Medford. At-
lorncys J. O, Watson and 11. h.
Eddy will rupresent Judge KulU .
ei'ton, while District Attorney ,
George M. Brawn and Attorney
O. P. Coshow will appear on
liohiilf of the county.
won the highest esteem of all those'
with whom she became acquainted. .;
llooms of ' KpactouH Itivtblence Arc
Iteautlfully Decorated -Fourteen
Mrs. J. C. c'ullerton entertained
fourteen of hor lady friends at lun
cheon, at her beautiful home la
Wlest Roseburg this afternoon. The
rooms of the residence wore artistic
ally decorated with Chrystnthemums.
bunibuo and autumn leaves. The
color effect was delightful.
The hostess was aralBted by Mra.
Nathan Fullerton and Miss Jennie
Campaign -of Instruction.
HOME, Nov. 7. Announcement
was made today that during the past
two years $1110,000 has been spent in
the government's effort to wipe out
nnalphnhetism. Through the minis
try of education the government de
clares that during the coming year
primary Instruction will be glvevn
tu every Inhabitant of Unl; who at
tho present time Is unable to" read and
write. ' ,
Bert Ilrown, of Eastern Oregon,
arrived hero this morning to spend
n few days lookiny after business
matters, and incidentally visiting
with friends.
Germany Ranks Next to the
United States.
England Clainm (iroater 1-er Capita
Sum Tluill Ijilted States Italy
Will Entertain United
States Sailors, , , . , ,'
HEREIN, Nov. 7. Next to the
Culled SuneB, Oermuny Is tho wealth
iest nation in the world In lis aggre
gate of wealth. Uormauy's nntiouul
veullh, according to Dr. Karl Hofte
rich director ot the Deutclie Hunk,
ilermuny'B biggest financial Institu
tion, who lias just mudo n report to
the Kaiser, is between 7r,uOO,0(Jt)
and $78,000,000. That of the Unit
ed States, uccordlng to the lust cen
sus, Is $120,000,000; Englund B1
billions and Franco 1)0 billions. Sec
ond In national wealth, Ueriuan.',
however, ranks fourth In the per cap
ita eulth of ItB population, If all
Oerim.ny's wealth were equully dis
tributed each man, woman and
chlltl would liavo about 1,100, In
Kiiince each would have $1,425,
where the per capita wealth Is the
highest In the world. Englund and
tiio United Slates dispute which ban
the greater per capita weuim. mu
l-amlish t-ay I hey
tt-otlld uisuriuuic.
i l,i-i ween tl.250 and i,Jht) to eacu
man people, my llelleiu u, sdvo miuui
one billion dollars nniiuaiiy, winc.i
loi.cther Willi tno uuiuuiuuc
,:.".in'd value of property adds dote
i iiiiut billion dollars a year to thu
t n ll'slia l wealth 111 aggregate. Ilel
lorich n:ow,i the Kaiser that Ger
many's weaiili has practically dotiu-
led since be tiM.-eiii.ed Iho tlllono.
IiiiIIiiiih Plan deception.
ROME, .Nov. 7. Arrangements
were completed today lor a royal re-,
(-option to the officers crews ot
the American battleships now cruis
ing in Mediterranean wuters. The
American ships of war will make
topH at all porta of note on the
Italian coast. Tho battleships Coriv
n, client and Kansas are due, at Gen-'
oa tomorrow at practically the same
time that the warships Arkansas and
I lorlda will anchor In the Hay of Na
ples. The bouts will remain In port
at thoKo places until November 30.
At both Naples and Genoa tho strce'.H
today are decorated with American
('Continued on page 4.)