The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 04, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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; CITY NEWS Trip Thru Kut. 4
1 1 4
flood assortment of pattoms. Kach simple in design and strong in
rou struct ion. Kor a time th ovcr-Bcrolted, fancy designs in
limns Hods killed their populn ily in many stores. These night
mares 8(111 ruiiialn; a fearful 1 'ttrf'm in how not to make furniture.
Two things are required in th rinht sort of Brans lied; first, sim
plicity and harmony of doslg i, wli.rii Is art; second, strength in
.Tudgf thodt now samples on o ir floor by these tests, hut do not
wait too long to Judge the po nihility of the patterns for this year
Hra;s Mm1k are coming into their own.
We Give Roseburg Trading Checks
Complete House Furnishers
I ) I : i I : X I ) A 1 1 1 ,K M K I !C 1 1 A N I 1 I S 10
r iu j.t
Good clean comfortable rooms at
i McClallen hotel, $2.50 per week and
i up. tf
! O. M. Jones an1 wife went to ft'il-
bur tills meruit:'.; tc spend a few days
i v. il, j friend.
l)rcmaklng by the day or at
home. The .Misses Lux, 113 V. Lane
street. Phone 404. n8p
and Mrs. J. F. Barker
and daughter, Miss Velle, leave
here Sunday for an extended
trip through the Kast. They
will first go to Providence. K.
where they will visit with
-Mr. Barker's relatives. They
will then proceed to New York.
Mr. Barker expects to return to
Hoseburc within about six
weeks, while Mrs. Barker and
daughter. Vclle, will remain
in the Kast during the entire
; P. F. Leach, of Olendale, was a
business visitor In Koseburg lor a
low hours today.
Four reels of pictures and a mitsl- . . . ,
i-al act at the Antlers'. Come and en- c,;"' ' 0(1 u"s winter barring the
; joy yourself. 10 cents. t( nslbiluy w ...i;;, bail weather.
I T. T. .Moore left for his home at I (e V',",',' tS' , ",'e f'r3
Dnc Creek this illuming al ter a cou-! tHwn' at tlle 1100 Hlv ot courso).
pie of days spent in ltosebiirg. Flunk Long has just completed
i Mllledge & Pickens, the grocers, j f'",n 1,1 '"? lot, al the ewuer ui
I , . , ,,,, , ,, , I I' ou ter and Iiouglas streets.
Perkins building, give Hoseburgi ...
i it" rs- A- IlrK-s returned to her
I fading chocks. tt home at Cilendale this morning after
j William Cobb Is spending a few I a couple of dajs spent In Itoauburg.
iluys at I'd! Hand and other northern. The doors at the Antei-s' nr.. nnm
cities looking alter business matters. at 2 In the afternoon and 7 In the
'i'mo price Is always 10 cents at the; evening. Best moving pictures, tf
miners except tor roau snows aim i r. . pn(nHtn r,llt.n,i v,,. i,i..
Splendid inovlng pictures at the
Antlers'. 8eo tbcni. tf
Homer Johnson, of Boston, was a
business visitor In ltosebiirg today.
0. L. Sellers, of Myrtlo Creek, wiib
a business visitor in Koseburg today.
Mrs. A. I). (Illes and child went
to Oakland this afternoon to visit
with friends.
Mrs. James Inman left for Spring
field thin afternoon where she will
visit with friends.
1. S. Weaver ciinio up from Myr
tle Creek this afternoon to look uf
ter business matters.
Mrs. Andy Ford left for Browns
ville this afternoon whuro she will
visit with her parents.
!. A. Smith, of Camas Valley, left
today for points In California where
tie experts to spend tho wlnler.
Tbo best Xinas gift Is n photo;
made by darks'. Koseburg Trading
Cheeks as g 1 us cash. Sit now for
your Xmas photos. tf
Mrs. F. W. Bnb'o relumed to her
lionio at Sutherlln this afternoon aft
er a day spent In rtoseburg with
.Mrs. Jack Pclton contemplates a
trip to California within Hie next
few days where she will spent sometime.
Mrs. L. G. Barnes, who has been a
patient at Mercy hospital for some
lime past will leave that institution
Mrs. Joseph Sheridan returned
from Dillard w-here she spent the
past few days. She was accompan
ied home by her mother.
J. G. Hollacc, who was recently
Injured while operating a woodsaw
near Olalla, is said to lie improving
at Mercy hospital.
K. P. Wheeler and wife, of Myr
tlo Creek, are expected here tomor
row to spend a few days visiting
with' Hie 'former's brothe., J. P.
The '95 Mental Culture Club held
a very Interesting meeting at the
parlors or the First Presbyterian
church this afternoon. A full and
detailed report of the meeting will
be given in The News tomorrow.
Upright, Grand
and Player
R 'presents I hi' Highest Slaiu!
anl Kvt'r Au.mieil in lite .Art
of I'Liiio luiiWine;
C. S. Heinline,
Iiitnil Assent
Pimm . - II
Mr. Xmiry .hi no WVIkcr Smriinibs
AIUt Illness Lasting Sev
eral W'eoks.
Mrs, Nancy June Wellter. nm'd 7.1
years, and lor morn than half a cen
tury n resident of Douglas county,
died at Mercy hospital shortly after
noon today. Death was due to -a
'uniM, (ration of disenKoa.
Mrs. WHker whs horn in the
Statp of Tonncny-tM, and en mo to
Hoimj.s ('"nitty In tlio year INfil. Her
husband dird hero about U) ywirH
i' K. MfH, WVIkor was tlio mother
of 12 chililrcn. all of whom have
I'rsod awav with tho exception nr
wl'o Is a wnll known resident
of thin city.
Tho deceased is survived by Ihre
brother, .ltthn and William Tipton.
Itoseb'-rtr, and l-'red Tipton, of
HaiMn-v cdiint v. Sho nisi, leaves a
L-nimlsnn. Willie Smith, of Rom-lini'iy,
and two prnmliliiimhtpr?. Mr;. KHa
imnhani. and Mrs. Ktta Sbai't'er. both
of whom reside in Washington '
ArnuiKotnenls for the(funea will
I'ot be cnnideted until late this ev
ening. Mrs. Wolkrr was ono of Douglas
county's most, highly esteemed woni
and her death i deplored by a
lr"e etmourso of friends and nc-
Bpi cial vaudeville) acta. tf ;
You'll nevur miss the monoy, hut;
you will miHH the fun if you don'tj
cuiiio. November tenth 1b the date, j
n-5 j
.Mrs. 1 (i. Ileiiilrlcks left for (.'res-'
well t hit morning where siio will '
m;.l-p her permanent home. !
I. H. Smith, formerly owner of
the MonoK'ram Cisyir Store, arrived ;
nere last evening to Bpend a few
morning after a couple of days spent
at I'ortland and other nu. tnern
C. R. Larson, who has been In
charge of the local Western -Union
Telegraph offices for some tunc past
leaves lonignt lor I'ortland,
John Metz and Steven Sanford
have returned from .Millwood where
they spent a week hunting. They re-
j port good luck and a delightful time.
The host Xmas gift Is a photo: Mrs. C. H. Cleaves and children
made by darks'. Uosehu,:g Trading left this morning for Grants Pass
Checks as good as cash. Sit now for wnere they will spend a couple of
your Xmas photos. tf weeks visiting with the former's
Verne and Jilanch riurnctto, of j inothe..
Round Prairie, came up this morning J. 1,. Chambers, until yesterday
to spend two or three days with j night police of the city has atcept
frionds. j ed a position as engineer at the lo-
We make a specialty of develop-, cal plant of the Koseburg Brewing
ing and printing for amateurs. Noth-i & ice Company.
ing but first class professional work j C. 0. Lloyd has returned from Sa
turned out at Graves Art Emporium, lem where he spent a few day? on
n8 business. He says the "wet" and
William Wilson, night clerk at tnej "dry" election is a veTv spirited af
Grand hotel, has been ill for the past , fair and that both sides claim a
few days. Louis Mimes, Jr., is look-; victory.
ing after t lie duties usually falling
on Mr. Wilson.
Koseburg trading checks will buy
merchandise for you. Milledge ic
Pickens, the grocers, give them
away. if
George Cole, proprietor of a Myr
We Give Roseburg Stamp
The Stamp that keeps the money at home. You
can use them at 50 different stores.
Or Premiums at oit Premium Parlo-s.
At Roseburg's Leading Shoe Store
The Shoe Store for Foot Comfort.
The Shoe Store for St7le.
The Shoe Store for Quality.
The Shoe Store that Fits Your Feet Right. 4,
And the Shoe Store that Treats You Right.
Perkins Building
Roseburg Oregon
James Wright has anrived liere entitle the holder of the first choice
ufter several months s;ent at Wood- to $25 in merchandise at Pearce's
ville. He will niaka his home with i harness shop. The holders of the
his son, Kred Wright. (tickets, not more than 100, will de-
, j cide the choice among themselves by
l or the next b0 days Dr. R. E. , a popular vote. This offer and corn
Hunt will Kive a premium with each! petition will close on December 31,
case of horse dentistry which Willi 1913. t(
Wendell Hell, son of William Bell.
the local weather observor, has re
turned from California whore he
spent the past few months. He lr,
visiting at the Hell home In this
Ceorue filter, the insurance nwnt,
this morning received a telerram
lie Creek sanitarium, left for his that his father was very III, and that
ui'iiit? mii inuiiiiiiK aiierr a uay Mjieni ; an operation would lie necessary. Mr.
Hiter will leave for Albany tomor
row wnere his fatner resides.
J. V. Haas, inspector of the north
west for the Western Union Tele
graph Cnmpimy left for Portland this
of (lavs
spent in llnscburg checking over the
accounts ot the local office.
its tiii: win::;!-:
i:Kiivronv nmcs.
i. 'nil-, xi'.w ki.k's lU'ii.Diw.
Program For TnsJay Niht
One Two Roi l I'huto Play
The Power of Conscience
A 1 )i .1 111 ;i t Masterpiece. Kssanay
I'Sie Orei'ii' X ii;hiiue,a!e in Popular Souys
FRANK L. LACY, Pianist
One Keel Bioraph
Under the Shadow ot the Law
Oik- Reel Kdison Comedy Photo Play
The Riglit Number, but the Wrong House
PRICU 10 and jc Door opcti at 2 and 7 p. m.
ill KoKotittrt'
n.-avolhiK Panscnscr ARcnt Jenkins
arrived here thin morning from Port
land to spend a few duyB looking af
ter official matters.
I.uni Hunt left for her hon;i at afternoon after a couple waits louay aiir spenunu: aom'!,
iin.c fn Koseh'irg visiting with her
friend. Mi's. Gammon. j
To TKLKUUAM Siibsrrihers If .
your papiir is not delivered prompt-1
I phone bursters drug store. Phono
S. a047-,i30
.1. M. Henseley went to Ashland
this morning where he will spend a
few days with his brother who con
durtK a moving picture show at that
C. V. Hopkins, owner of the build
ing occupied by the (Irand hotel, ar
rived hern this morning from I'ort-1
luml in spend a few days look.iig
al ter business mat t re.s
The latent and the best huokn ran
be rented at the Kuselmrg Piciinn
Pibraiy, upstairs in the Parrot t
tu i!d ing. Dver nineti-en hundre.l
volumes to select from. dip
P. It. Waite, rf S.'.itlieiiin, spent the
nicirning in Koseburg with friend;;.
Mr. Waite recently returned inmi
San Kraneisru uiieri' !h ppent a few
ii.y. He repnr'i- 'he v en. Poilolio
a .i;.ml Mice-"''.
(lames for everyone. Flinch, Ttook,
Pit. Authors. Old Maid. Hoodies.
Pound Pp. CheeKcrs, t'hess, Domin
os, I'ort une Teliing C.irda etc. on
u;le at the Kosebunr Hook Store.
We give S. & II. tirecn trading
stamps. tf
I. .1. Norman, fonm rlv marshal of
this city, but for the p.t few years
residing on a ranch abme Drew came
down last evening to look after busi
ness matters.. Mr. Norman's pres
ent visit b, re is his fi: .t in several
Colliers! Invigorate your Nock
by breeding from Virginian half
wild TmiH at Jl'o.on, ur quarter
wild at $lit.i'. Km- AC iy ,. C.
Snlle. Pmp'iua. Or. K.'t'. rence. K. (J.
Young & t'o.. Oakland Or. IM.'.O-dltp
Sb.Tiir Hi'iiiX'' iu i tio went to Dix
"iivilb' early tins nnuning where he
pitched a tent, near tho lUxonville
tu-e. Tt;i. i being used as a
vi King boot h, and run 1:1 Ins all the
ee-iivi'iif-nces atieadant to the coni
fer! of tli voters.
Tom T, r.rnn.-tt bit today for a
tw fiks' vt 1 1 itii 1 tltl nd leue
t i n ii-. 11. 1. k
I Seers & D'Aivigne
A ItrflniMl Sinuiiia Ail: All
!'"''" nf C.niil SinuliiK
Shiiillil Xnt .Mis Tlii.
Billy Backus
In l'Mo-it
'ine ami tiet Your
Tii klett.
., ....
fvit'liiN ui St an it
I'ln 10, ui.. -ill
.Mr. liiiin.'tl will vi-it
rt'iurnintc imiv nf
Miiioi-nrtil Ui'i-pr.l.
.ihss OiMin, tniin (
MmIII., Ililst iT,,l
t I1'I:m 11 In-ml w re---o
' u 1 11. thi' inllu tin
Uis-nirir. w li.-r. sln It
l iiiul :o nttcml l!io
Lnr'iiiti1 linmi'
it Sin lii'i II11.
ie;il. I'alls
Mis. .Ifiinii'
it llw II..I..I
1111: llnno in
i nci't'tiicii a
suni'nr iMixilinti w it ti th,. Hotel I'mi,
iii:i. Kiikoii,. vitlurtl.
liotitilim County rtcniiicry butter
tlio ties! mi tin. tun rk t 1 . Insist mi
Ti.'.- .11. hit mi;. i'l tun v mi willi this
lidi'.u' I'liHlui't, wlilch is tilwavs sti'U'l
!v tn'!i itii'I nuuruntci-d. Twc iimnul
mil. S5 cents. tf
riiblii'lty Miiiuiuer f;, .riw Srlilos-
r 1"' Hie Hi'si l.iii-i; ('iiinnierrtnl
CI11I1. tliis nu'.'tiitig slupi'i el n rtnto of
walnuts in I'lirtlniiil. I't -m there the
shii'ineiil Will l.o 1 iinsmn.-il to I'hiea
cii where It will lie in, imleil in tho
Orecen evliltilt at the lat., show. Wrlulit anil Arthur Junes
went to OaMatiil this im-rninK when
they are eliiiliyeil liy t'ip rortlan 1
HrliUe Coniianv. Mr. .Inneft savs l!ie
I'lcrs for the Oak street bridge nre
about completed ami that tho ork
of euiiaritn the steel .'ill hesir. in
l lew days. The bruit,. s!uiulil b"
.V! I!r)m (lit. I'ii.i ..f
V .. . w... " . . . . ' C
nil li I m -ui U lllll
tlapiH-iietl t4i Mary".
The Feudists
-SjKVial l'cjiture In Two
Part- CoiiMty I eat i: ring
.lohjt Hiinnv, 1'loin Pinch,
IHHan Walker and Siilney
- Hl ltV or IIIKP
Science and Nature
l?y meanM of this film tho
l'antifiil ifM'rt W brought
Im-(oi yMir eve.
Matinee 5, 10c
Night 10, 15c
t-oMiNt; vki Turns.
"Tho V liter ltt" Si-otlnml
Yar4i lvtivtlve l'luy.
Wool Overcoat $10
Leading QTMAM PADfk'C Umpqa
uotnier JXjL'ivyiK vrvivv O Hotel Bld
Curing Rheumatism
Is nut always the easiest thing In tli0 world. Nevertlieless we
have In our store a irlicutnnti ir:-':'.;.' 7.'!)1?'.: v.'e sincerely believe ,
has effected more rheumatism cures than any other rheumatism
remedy on the market. This rcmoily is
Dike's Rheumatic Remedy
It assists the kidney to cleanse tho blood of all Impurities and
rids the system of all uric acid, tho real root ot rheumatism
A lurire bottle for $1.00.
lietneinlier it has proven its worth for years. We recommend its
We Kive Koseburg Trading Checks.
Wednesday & Thursday Only
We Want to Clean Up Our Suits
Will Offer for Wed. and Thurs. Only
Blue Serge Suits, regular $18.50 to $30.00
NoveltY Suits just a few, regular $35 to $40
These are excellent bargains, for we are com
pelled to make more room for our spendid line of
New Dressethat are coming in rapidly.
We Give Roseburg Trading Stamps