C1HITIT OOl'KT DOCKET Roseburg Trading Company Checks Good at Fifty Stores for Merchandise giv en with Every Five Cent Purchase The Rochdale Store Phone 145 GET THE BEST BUTTER DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY "PATRONIZE A HOME INDUSTRY" You Are Entitled to the Best AND THE Roseburg Steam Laundry Is where you get the best. Try us and be "convinced. 438 N. JacKson Street Phone 79 FOR ONE. WEEK ONLY You Will Get $1.00 Worth of Green Trading Stamps With 25 cent Box of Writing Paper At JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE PHONE 51 NORTH ROSEBURG (Continued from Monday) 1232. Eugene Ambrose vs. Junius Ambrose et al; to cancel deed. 1234. O. K. Carr vs. Helen W. Ott, tinman led, C. F. Bennett and June Doe Hennett his wife; foreclosure of mortgage for confirmation. 1236. O. E. Carr vs. Geo. E. Qulg gle et al; to foreclose mortgage. 1230. J. C. Kullerlon vs. John H. Sutheriin and Martha A. Sutherlln; foreclosure of mortgage. 1237. Willamette Pacific Railroad Co. vs. Henry Wade et al; condemna tion suit. 1235. P. C. Walters vs. Paulus E. Newell and F. E. Alley; to quiet ti tle. 1244. A. S. Chappell and Frances E. Chappell vs. L. Piatt; to cancel contract. 1245. Amy Merriam vs. City of Drain; action for damages. 124ti. Douglas Creditors' Associ ation, a corporation vs. Adolph G. Boesun and -Mrs. Adolph G. lloeson, his wife; action for money. 124S. Douglas County vs. Simon Caro and W. Huleu; action on for feiture. 1250. Macdonald Potts vs. C. W. Pairott and Delwin P. Jewett, ac lion for money. 1254. Irfo M. Travis vs. Ed. Dohl and Emma Dohl, his wife; action for money. 1255. Douglaa Creditors' 'Associ ation, a corporation vs. J. 1. Spring stead; action for money. 1258. Kelldel Sutheriin vs. Dick Gilvin; action for damages. 1262. Jerry Ruben vs. R. V. Hughes and Catherine A. Hughes; foreclosure of mortgage. 1263. D. S. Morrison vs. J. D. Roberts and Naomi Roberts, his wife; suit in equity. 126G. Cal Neal vs. W. B. Alexan der and George Dandle; action for money. 12t8. J. F. Hamilton vs. Mary Philips; motion to renew judgment. 1274. Tabltha J. Fordney vs. Low is B. Thrush; to tet aside deed. 1282. W. E. Chapman vs. First National Bank of Roseburg, Oregon, a corporation; action for money. 1283. Annie Pearl Beale vs. Christopher C. Beale; divorce. 1285. J. L. Casebeer as adminis trator of the estate of Sylvester Case beer vs. O. M. Sherman;; suit in equity. 12S7. Thoilias Jennie vs. The Pa cific Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Los Angeles, Cal., a corporation; ac tion for money. 12S3. B. V. Weaver vs. Kittle Brown, C. W. Brown and J. A. Cop len; suit to quiet title. 1291. E. L. Hooper vs. Frank Al verdes; action for money. 1292. Page Investment Co., a cor poration 'vs. Frank Alverdes; action for money. 1294. E. C. Marks vs. T. R. Sheri dan: to recover money. 1299. State of Oregon vs. B. Han sard; indictment, unlawfully selling liquor. 13U2. J. Van Sickle vs. E. H. Lough; action for money. 1303. Ieona Stinnett vs. J. W. Stinnett; divorce. 1304. U. C. Coe vs. Ed. Pntras; to recover money. 1 3'Jn. J. J. Lutz vs. Henry T. Wll icy a.ul D. A. Morrison; foreclosure of chattel mortgage. 137. Kittle Brown vs. The Farm ers & Merchants Nationnl Bank of Eldorado, Kansas and E. V. Weaver; 1 Cicss lull in equity. j 131K1. William K. Fry vs. C. M. llnrlburt and Evelyn llrulburt. Ills wife and George lluurbnch; foreelo-l sure of mortgage for confirmation. 1310. The Riddle State Hank, a! t-'u iioratiun, vs. r.ino c rtneli et al; .'v. ioju;e of mingagu for conl'lnna-i lion . 131 1. In the matter of the Eslnte of J. Green , deceased. Ollie F. Cas tlo vs. F. W. Ilaynes, admiiistrator of said estate; appeal from County Court. 1312. F. E. Melvin vs. C. II. T. Atwood and Edith D. Atwootl; action for money. 1313 Southwestern Surety Insur ance Company, a corporation vs. Ed. llolcom and Marie A. Ilolom his wile; suit to declare a deed mortgage and to recover money. 1314. L. Mel. Hyde and Harriet K. Eves vs. S. R. Brishin and Sarah C. Ilrlsbln; suit to cancel deed. 1317. Douglas Creditors' Associa tion, a corporation, vs. I. W. Bailey and Itosey Bailey, his wife ;at:llon for money. 13 19. Alia Monro vs. A. F. & A. M. Mining Conipaii), n private coriior ation; foreclosure of mortgage. 1321. I. x. Johns vs. J. I. Sprlng Etead; action for money. . To J.eave Douglas - ; After a continual residence v of more than 23 years In Doug- las county, A. B. Camp, of Deer C-eek. accompanied by his wife and daughters, leave for Port- ; land in a few days where they ' will make their permanent homo. Mr. Camp recently trad- ! ed his Deer Creek ranch for i v Portland property. Mr. Camp's daughters are trained aiurses i and believe that Portland offers : belter opportunit!'.s in tills line ; than the smaller towns of the state. i 1322. F. S. Fisher vs. C. E. Short; action for money. 1325. Gertrude E. Burchard vs.! L. W. Crocker; suit to cancel con-j tract. 1326. Thomas Jennie vs. E. K. Thornton and Harry Fancher, part ners doing business as Thornton & ! Fanchev; action for money. j 1327. Douglas Creditors' Associa- j tion. a corporifiion, vs. Charles R. McGee; action for money. j 1328. Douglas Creditors' Assocla-i tion, a corporation, vs. Hitand Rlne hart; action for money. 1329. Broderick & Bnscom Rope Co. vs. Albert Abraham and Edmund DcKeater doing business under the firm name and style of DeKeater & Abraham; action for money. 1330. Lura H. Grout vs. Georgo C. Grout; divorce. 1331. William W. Penrec vs. II. G. Soik et al; suit to declare a deed a mortgage and foreclosure. 1333. Keru Beals vs. Ajrchie R. Reals; divorce. 1334. Jay C. Fry vs. Francis S. Browne and Effie Brown, his wifo; action for money. 1335. Fred Yocom vs. II. B. Eat-l on and O. F. Haskoll; foreclosure of loggers lion. 1340. Hood River Banking & Trust Co. vs. Frank M. Baker et al; suit In equity. 1341. Melvin Dean vs. John C. White: foreclosure of lien. 1342. J. C. Fullerton vs. G. W. Wonacott et al (County Court) and Portland Bridge Co.; Injunction. 1346. State of Oregon vs. E. W. Franklin; Indictment. 1347. J. L. Clough vs. George W. Puckelt; to recover money. 1348. LouIb Elliott vs. Pearl El liott; divorce. 1349. W. A. Bogard vs. C. A. Ott; action for money. 1350. Zella M. Brndliurn and Geo. A. Brndliurn vs. Ada C. Harding and W. C. Harding; suit to amend plat and correct deed. 1351. Douglas Creditors' Associa tion, a corporation vs. J. V. Bren heizen; action for money. 1353. Howard C. Waddell vs. Male H. Waddell; divorce. 1354. Douglas Creditors' Associa tion, a corporation vs. J. V. Brenei sen: action for money. 1355. J. A. Rice, II. P. Rice and H. A. Adatiu, pnrtuTH Mollis busine-'s as Rice Bros. & Adams, vs. Frank Ketten; acitnu for money. 1357. Gertrude 10. Burchard vs. Wilhelmlne C. Anderson; Injunction. (Continued tomorrow.) CARD OF THANKS. Mr. W. II. A. Williams and family wish to express their sincere thanks for the many favors and kind sym pathy extended to llicin during the Illness and death of their wire and mother. TIIKIIK IS JIOXF.Y IX IlAlltYlMi According to the best government statistics available the dairy products produced in this country exceeds JSOO.ooo.OoO proving conclusively that the dairy cow is a larger factor in the prosperity of the farmer than even our great American wheat crop, and the first thing to consider after you get good cows Is a gotid separa tor. Von want the separator that gets all the cream, that runs easy and lasts the longest and that separator Is the DcLaval. The reason we make this statement Is that 98 per cent of the world's oreainerlesj and butter factories today use DcLaval machines exclusively and that there Is more than 1.250, OHO DcLaval machines, many times all others combined, have been sold to date. Buy your DcLaval separator at Jack Dawson's Poultry Market, 507 N. Jackson St. nl7p The best Xmas gift is a photo made by darks', ltosebu'.g Trading Cheeks as good as cash. Sit now for your X iiuiH photos. tf il WEST ROSEBURG GROCERY We can save yon money on jour grocery bill. Our stock is KKFi H and COMPLETE. Phone your need. Prompt delivery and satisfac tory assured. Alll our goods guaranteed. "We Give Itonobmn Trading Checks" DOWELL & FOSTER PHONE 29. Trading Stamps Beginn'ng Saturday, Novembei 1st, we will give the new Roseburg Stamp Company's trading stamps with every cash purchase sold at regular prices on all 30 day accounts, execpt sugar by the sack. These stamps are interehangable for any article at 50 business houses in Roseburg, from anything from soda water to a threshing machine, and also for any article displayed at ;he com pany's premium parlors. Ask for particulars. HARVEY-EASTMAN Phone 103 Come In! Now Is the time for you to buy your corn husks and chill peppers for hot tamales. We have received a fresh supply of both, and are aure they will give satisfaction. Have you tried our Diamond W Mince Meat? If not, then try It now. You are missing something In fall ing to use It. For Satisfaction in Groceries Try Marshall's Hams, Bacon, Lard THE FANCY PACKING HOUSE PRODUCT Reg. Our Price I'ancy Bacon 30c lb. 25c Jb. Fancy Hams 30c lb. 23c lb. Picnic Hams 21c lb. 17 I -2c lb. Lard $1.75 10 lb. pail $1.60 GIVE US A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED "THE CASH STORE" WE SAVE YOU MONEY 125 CASS STREET. . Church Brothers BAKERS Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of. the very best of materials. Try them, once and you will always be a customer PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST. Against impure bever ages by insisting on be ing supplied with Rose burg Superior Sodas. All flavors. They are jusc uie tiling you shouldhave in the house to serve tothe unex pected guest. They are best because they combine excellence of flavor with absolute. purity.. Try a case today. ROSEBURG SODA WORKS Phone 186 Checks With Every Purchase We will give Roseburg Stamp Co. Checks with every cash purchase of 5c or more, or when bill is settled. These checks are worth 3 per cent in trade at any of 50 stores in Roseburg or may be used in selecting a premium at our Premium Parlors. Keep your eye on our window for good things to eat. MRS. A. C. KIDD figSON Phone 283 OREGON BAKERY Goods delivered to any part of Roseburg on regular delivery routes. We cattr to orders from narties. weddincrs d other social affairs. PIES, CAKES, BREAD, SPECIALTIES PHONE 241 an