o NEWS WANT ADVS GET RESULTS .: . 4 MISS SAME HOHNIBROOK INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO Room No. 8, Roseburg National Bank Building. ZZZ v Hl'KDON A. FOItY, Vocal Ijt'KKunn. Studio 312 E. Cass Street. Phone 191-J Roseburg Ore. 4 (.4444 ' MRS. CHARLES 8. HEIXLINE Pianoforte Instructor Musical Kindergartener Studio 423 Ella St., Phone 33-R DR. GEO. E. HOUCK physician and Surgeon Office Perkins Bldg., Phone 3. Roseburg, Oregon. I)R S. L. DeLAPP Osteopathic Physician Su-.cessor tc DR. J. L. CALLAWAY Perkins Building I Office Phone 119 Residence Phone 276 DR. SEELY, S ETHER & STEW- ART Physicians and Surgeons. .Suit of offices, Rear Douglas National Bank, Ground Floor, riiono 307 Roseburg - Oregon Z DR. B. R. SHOEMAKER riiySician and Surgeon Office Rooms 209-210 PerklnB Ttulldine. Phones 4 Office 194 Residence 417-R , ! DR. D. E. SXELL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Diseases of Women and Clul dren a Specialty. Phones: Office 119, Res. 138-L, 4 301-3 Perkins Building ROSEBURG, ORE t DR. J. L. CALLAWAY 4 Osteopathic Physician Graduate American School of Osteopathy, Kirksvllle, Mo., un- der founder of the science, Dr. A. T. Still. Upstairs over new First Trust & Savings Bank Building. Corner Oak and Jackson Streets. 4 Hours 0 to 12 a. m.t 1 to 5 p. m. Phones: Office 82. Res. 149-J CHAS. F. HOPKINS Attorney at Law. 4 Room 420 Perkins Bldg. Roseburg, Oregon, 4 Gspeclal attention given to con- 4 veyancing and the examlntlon of titles to real estate. Prac- tices In all state and federal courts. TAXIDERMIST AXD EXPERT TANNER Prices Reasonable Work Guaranteed P. O. Box 207, Roseburg, Ore. AtA 1 1 1 HOUSES TO RENT I have a 4 number of good houses to 4 rent; also furnished rooms. 4 If you have houses or rooms to rent, list them with R. II 4 Leadhetter, Phone 162. Cor- 4 nor Ca:3 & Jackson 1140-tf I. TUA.WKIt AM) STOKAfiK O Household goods, piano, bag gage, lumber, wood and a general transfer business. Baggage checks called for. All goods carefully handled, und stored at reasonable rates OfticeP. 102 Res. P. 308 Both the American and Eu- 4 ropean plans will be in use at 4 the Hotel McClallen after this 4 date. Luncheon and dinner only 4 40 cents each. Special rates to 4 guests by the week or month. 4 4 Sunday dinners 50 cents. tf 4 4 WANTED. WANTED 100 bushels of corn on ear. Phone 14F25. ,2039-tf WANTED Girl or woman for house work. Harry Pearce. 2037-tf WANTED Board and room for man and wife. Apply at this of fice. 2044-nlp ('ANTED Man with team to haul wood. Call up 14F25 or address box 62, Rt 1, City. 2024-tf WANTED 10 or 15 hogs suitable for fattening. Address box 361 city, or call at Rochdale Store. 2026-tf WANTED Middle aged single man. for general farm work; must be a good teamster. Enquire the News. 1996-N1-P WANTED TO TRADE 160 acres of timber in Southern Oregon for a first class automobile. ror parti eulars enquire at The News of fice. 2035-ti WOOD WANTED The News will gladly take on subscription wood for office and residence use In any amount. Call at The News office. tf WANTED Po8ltroiPbyyo"ungmnr rled man In the' city. Have ex perience with aiftos and horses, and other general work. Call 290-J or address H. H. S. 335 N. Rose. 2042-n5 FOR RENT FOR RENT One good room; board furnished If desired. 410 W. Doug las street. 1963-tf OR RENT Furnished bedrooms In new bungalow, with bath. 737 E, Douglas street. 1960-tt FOR RENT A farm of 200 acres, 60 acres under cultivation, rest good nasture. Inquire at News of fice. 2008-tf FOR RENT Partly furnished 5 room modern cottage, paved dis trict. Inquire M. J. Gray 240 E. 1st ave. N. or News. 2004-tf vnn rpmt Twn furnished irnoms. with or without board; v.?o o. bath; down utalrs; pleasant view. W. A. Terhune, 827 Houck st. io-Jl-tf BLACKSMITH SHOP for rent; part of tools and stock for sale; best country location in Douglas coun tv. For particulars write Care of News. 2005-tf FOR RENT A fine large moaern 10 room house, stable and wooa yard close in on eight lots, only half block from R. R. Fine gar den land and several bearing fruit Drees, good location. Inquire Per rlne real estate office. 2029-tf FOR RENT 7-room house, good barn, and other outbuildings, Willi 2 acres of around. Strawberries and other fruits, nice lawn, 1 aci-oj poultry tight fence and good chick-; en houses, city water in resioemv--. This property at Riddle, lmiuir J. S. Cherr'ington, at Hlmes ft Oliver office, Roseburg. 2033-lf FOR SALB. FOR SALE Gentle family horse. Also wagon and harness. Inquire this office. 2U30-tt FOR EXCHANGE 20 acres irrigat ed land In Merced county, Cal., for Douglas county, Oregon, property. Address Ernest W. Jordan, Win ton, Merced Co., Calif. 2016-n22-p FOR SALE Draft team, weight 3,- j . 200, good workers. Will sell at a : bargain. Address box 492 or phone 27F14. tf-1714 ; FOR SALE OK TRADE One nearly, new Petaluma incubator and some: thoroughbred Ulue Andalusian: cockerels. Excellent- for mating; with heavier breeds. Call 504 K. Douglas street. . 2017-nOpi FOR SALE 300 acres of farm land partly timbered, four miles from Roseburg. 7-room residence, barn and out houses. Water piped in house from springs. $.'10.00 per sere, easy terms. P. O. Box rt;3 linseruri''. Ore. 202-tf M.W HOME l'Olt SALE HuiiKai.i'V finely located t,n lare lot. nil im provements, gits, electric lush';:, hot water, cement basement and walks, garden and ehirken yard. Will sell cheap. Part on Ion eav terms. Inquire owner 4r,1 S. Jackson E'.reet. 203t-if Ii. Sit now Cor your Holiday Fotos All the latest novelties. CLARK & CLARK. iOU SALE. FOR SALE Span of 1250 lb. mares; good farm team. and excellent foal getters. Work anywhere. $230. Inquire News. 196(1 FOR SALE A nice small dairy prop osition. If interested in a chanco to make good money, inquire at News. 19'! 7; FOR SALE One high grade piano; ' almost as good as new In first class, condition. Call at News for own er's name. 2020-tf - I FOR SALE Fine Studebaker surry, slightly used, with almost newj double harness, at a great reduc-i tion. See J. F. Barker & Com-! pany. 1807-tf; FOR SALE One span horses, good; reliable work animals, weight about 1300 each; also wagon and harness, cheap. Call at McClallen hotel. 1930-tf FOR SALE The best automobile in Douglas county for the money. ; Combined runabout, truck and 5 passenger tourist. Every bearing new, at Fishers Paint Store, corner Oak and Rose. 1735-tf S. C. WHITE ORPINGTONS Cock-j erels of the royal blood of William Cook & Son, of N. Y U. S. A., Or-1 plngton, England, the originators; of all the Orpington fowls. Prices $5.00 and up. Address W. H. Dlnsmoore, Sheridan, Oregon. i 2010-n27p A GOOD PROPERTY CHEAP Six lots, small house fruit trees, big oak shade trees, city water, garden plot, beautiful location and view of city, close to paved streets, and a rare bargain at $1,000. Inquire News office. 1733-tf FOR SALE Part of the "Orchard Valley Fruit Farm", 9 and 10 year old Spltzenberg and Newton apple trees, at $200 per acre. An unusually good bargain for cash. H. H. Olcott, owner, Canyonville, j Ore. i3 7-nnp FOR SALE New, modern bunga low, 28x50, on lot. 50x320, S. Main street. Five large rooms, and i bath, with hot and cold water, etc.! Will sell for $600 less than real cash value. Terms If desired. Address Drawer R. City. 1702-tf TeiRRACE PARK VIEW LOTS Let us show you the most beautiful view lots in Roseburg, new streets now being graded, city water in. large oak trees on each lot, we nave a few lots 60x280 feet that we can sell at $375 each, on easy terms, splendid free soli. Coast Investment Co. 1519-tt FOR SALE Land in amall and large tracts; suitable for orchard, berr; grain and poultry ranches. On f P. H. It., 6 miles from Roseburt Within Vt, mile of cannery, &, the new growing town Green. Reas onable prices, and easy terms. Ad dress, L. O. Maddux, 229 S Main St., Roseburg, Ore., owner Phone 41-Y 1703-tl MISCELLANEOUS. CEMENT BLOCKS Six or seven hundred fine cement blocks for building or use In retaining wall. Will sell cheap. Inquire News. , 1976-tf RICE & RIGE REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS Insurance and Notary Public. We solicit your business on our past record. We have a fine line of all kinds of Investments: Farms, Fruit Farms, Berry, Stock and Dairy KancheB, City Property and Business Chances. Severn! good businesses for salo: Rooming Houses, Butcher Shop, Confection ery Store, Drug Store, Art Store, Grocery and many other good bargains. If you can't come In write us for full particulars. RICE & RICE Assurance of Accuracy! WE WANT TO HKLL YOU an Elgin watch, because we know it will keep time. During forty-five years the Elgin watch makers have ac cumulated experience and fa cilities that are beyond the reach of smaller factories. Original quality guaranteed by the makers. We. too, stnnd back of them a double guar antee. A splendid watch for men Is the Elgin B. W. RAYMOND 19 jewels adjusted $60.00 $38.00 in (iold rases in Filled cn-'les Three sizes for men of differ ent occupations, A. S. Hl'KV COMPANY Elgineers. Fern Island Greenhouse Mrs. F. D. Owen, l'rop. Roseburg, Ore. ' Phone 9F12 Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Ro quets, etc. JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF FERN'S -OF ALL KINDS On Salo At The Rose Confectionery THE WAY TO BETTER LIGHT You are on the way to better, cheaper, winter light when you get MAZDA lamps In this car ton. Your hours of ease are easier and your bills for light are lighter. SHELBY HAZDA tso home can afford to waste cur rent In carbon lumps. They are the must expensive lighting de vice you can use, even when you get them free. MAZDA lamps give three times as much light at the same cost. Kelump your entire hfv.o now, before the nights get longer, OSBURN PHARJVIACE OppouMe llotol UinMiia. REAL ESTATE & Notary Public Do you want to buy a good stock ranch, a good general farm, a nice orchard tract, a paying chicken ranch, town property, or large tract for colonization, or good invest ment of any kind, If so see E. B. PERRINE "The Ileal Kstate Man" Corner fa and Pine Street It'' ullrg, Oregon. 1 IP) tea 1 PS antgs REAL ESTATE FARHS From flvo acres to twelve hun dred acres. Large tracts, some with fine Improvements, (10 to $30 per acre. Bargains In city property. Timber lands. GEORGE RITER 31 1 l'KUKINS I!L1)G. ROSFltt'ltO - - - OHKOON "The Wardrobe" 407 Cass Street FKEXCH DKY CLEANING REPAIRING CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS MADE TO ORDER GIVE ME A CALL. PHONE 803 C. F. WILLIAMS, PROP. C. F. Williams, Prop. INSURE IN THE Mutual Life OF NEW YORK Oldest In America; Strongest In the World. Lead In Oregon in 1912. Lowest net cost to you. Largest returns to you. No stock holders. For full particulars see J. F. HUTCHASON. District Manager. First Xrust & Savings Dank Dldg. Phone 274, SPECIAL-JUST ARRIVED Wool Overcoat $10 SSS SIMON 450,000 . First Class Quality Trees APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, PRUNE, CHERRY and a lull assortment of other stock. To sell them we will have to put the PRICE VERY VERY LOW Hate to cut pricea for high clasfl stock, but a Black demand with OVER PRODUCTION REQUIRES IT Southern Oregon Nursery, Yoncalla, Oregon Small Bonds For Investors There are certain well defined features that aro absolutely essen tial to every wise Investment, such aa: (1st) Safety of principal. (2nd) A just Interest return. (3rd) A regular, known Income, I am offering bonds In $100 and $r00 denominations and mul tiples thereof which possess all these essentials In the highest degree. Safety Is the first consideration In every Investment. This Is equal ly true, whether the amount be one dollnr or a million dollars. $100 Invested at the beginning of each year for forty years will at 6 per cent compound Interest amount to $16,405.00 Total investment 4,000.00 (lain $12,405.00 You can commence the fortuno you hope to have someday In no better nor safer way than by Investing In good dependable bonds. When you Invnit In this claas of securities the Inlcirest is paid In CASH on TIIK IJAY IT FALLS DU10, and the principal i as safe as good government can mako It. The Oregon Illuo Sky Law and the careful supervision of the salo of stocks and bonds by the Commissioner of Corporations Is a valuable Bervlce now being given to the people of Oregon, None but approved securities are listed by mo. Invest today your Investment begins to earn Interest from dato of purchase. W. H. RICHARDSON, Agt. MORE THAN FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN REPAIR WORK Guns rabored, stocks made, etc. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Dlcycles, Lawu Mowers, Locks and Umbrellas repaired. Also saws filed, keys made, razors, sissors or any other kind of grinding done here. All work guaranteed at Crouch's Hardware Store, Pluo street entrance. H. E. SCHOENFELD What Is the difference between an hones farmer and a thief? 1 One tills tlie soli, the other soils the tllll Wo dislike to mention the fann er with such n disreputable character, but the farmer shines iu comparison. Wo want all formers to kuuw that wo want their choice ft stock, hide and tallow for which we pay market j price, rash. . I Phone 08 THE ECONOMYMARKET GEO. KOI1LIIAGKN. Prop. - AT CARO'S A