25 WEATHER Yesterday's Highest Tmp . .51 Last Night's Lowest Temp 49 Itain Tonight & Saturday VOL. IV i:csi:iu:iti. i)oi ;i,as emw.TY. i..hi;i,n i hid.w, o; .tohkk :u. tout. Xo. 310 EIGHT I NJU While Working at Winchester Light Plant. BIC PLATFORM GIVES AWAY Men IMtinge Into Cement Pit, a Dis tance of Thirty -Kour Feet Frank Cilliam Itt the Most Seriously Injured. Eight men were quite seriously in jured at Winchester this morning,; when a platform, on which they were; working, gave way under the strain1 of a heavy piece of machinery, and allowed them the fall into a cement pit thirty-four feet below. The injured are: Frank Gilliam Injury at base of brain, shoulder dislocated, cut and Tjruised. Grant Tipton Left leg and right thigh bruised and cut. W. Johnson Left shoulder mash ed. Minor bruises on body. H. Whltcher Bruises on right arm and body. Jack Decktr Bruises on legs and body. L. Woody Sprains and bruises of Tight shoulder and right leg. Nose1 cut and bruised. 1 Ory Woody Minor bruises and cu ts. Joltn Minor bruises and uts. The accident occurred at about . S:;.0 o'clock this morning and shortly thereafter word was (tele phoned to this city. Drs. Seely, Sot her & Stewart were summoned and left for the scene of the accident immediately by automobile. Tem porary relief was administered by the physicians, and the patients were later taken to their respective homes where they are now resting as easy as could be exected. Gilliam, who was one of the first to fall into the pit sustained the most serious in juries, and it will be some time be fore the physicians can predict the final outcome of his case. (litliam appears to be playing In hard luck having been one of the men who was injured a few years ago when the county bridge collapsed at Dmp (iu;i. Following the latter accident Gilliam was incapacitated for several months. According to reports received from Winchester today the eight workmen had hoisted a pnrt of the heavy tur bine upon a high platform and were about to lower the same into the ce tuptit pit for emplacement. The weight of the platform and men was ton much for the plattorm, and with out warning one side of the structure nsdilenly collapsed. Cnable to grasp npuiby projections the eight men slid off from the platform and plunged , ! ' V ' . ' I ra?es the fall of the men was broken by iron beams, and thereby averted tt.rious Injuries. Fortunately the machinery, which weighed about a half a ton, became wedged between Fome projectments and did not de scend into the pit. Had the machin ery have fallen into the pit it is prob j'Hy that every mnn working on the ,V;h would have either been killed or permanently maimed. According to The New. Informant the piece of lichinery which was probably re sponsible for the accident was a part nf .1,,. monger turbine now l.eln in- stalled at the plant of the Douglas Cnuntv Writer and Light company. A nile the injuries of the men are tl-,. wsilile exri-litinn of Gilliam. I Tl.p extent of Gilliam's Injuries e;in- nut he determine! for Fevprid days., As swn as the news of the aecf-. df,:it was received here local offW-inls the ltouilns County Water and l.!5t Company notified phvsicians.i o left for lite scene shortly there- af'.--r. i Inip'ovemrnt work on the Win- THIS AMI l CF.STS KNTlTI.Kt Tlli: IIOI.lll.ll TO INF. Ol'V lir 1 1 1. COOK'S HOOK "My Attainment of the Pole" IFM'ltrilF.NTKD AT TIIK OFHf K fiV ZTUK KVKMNd NEWW. ItOsKMt lid, Olt KtiOX Mail Onln I Or Kitra For I'lntatn Chester water and light plant has: been in progress several months, and fortunately this Is the first accident, of consequence that has occurred. ; KXI'liKSH HATKS WII.Ij UK ! - MWHHH1, AC(Hltl)lXti TO AXXOUNt'KMKNT TODAV. ! F. ltapp (Joes To Cliifa,';o To Confer- With High Officials Of the Company. A. F. Rapp, of the W'ells-Fargo Express Company yesterday went to Portland to confer with the superin tendent of the district before he sturted east to be present next week at a meeting in Chicago of repre sentatives of the company from over the United States to confer with President B. D. Caldwell in regard to the rate cutting that takes place December 1, in all express compan ies following an order issued some time ago by the Interstate Commerce Commission. That the Wells-Fargo Company expectB to compete actively with the Parcels Post is the announcement made by George C. Sewell, local agent of the company. For some time plans have been going ahead for the abolishing the present sys tem of rates and arrange the ter ritory of the United Stntes into zones after the manner of the parcels post which is divided into eight zones. Such a lowering of rates and estab lishing of zones will reduce the pro fits of the company on merchandise packages by one half. As an example of thiB the present rate from Seattle to San Francisco for a two pounds package costs 16 cents by parcels post, and 35 cents or over twice as much by express. After December, this difference will be done away with and the express companies will reduce their rates. Confronts American Officials In Mexican Trouble. UNREST SEEMS ON INCREASE Relieved That Actual Warfare Will Ho Delayed at Least Sixty Days Minister To Mexico Met. (Special to The Evening News.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. Confi dential advices to the state depart ment direct from Mexico City indi cate that there Is the greatest ac tivity among followers of Huerta. Wholesale arrests are being made in connection with an alleged plot to assassinate the dictator. It is un derstood that Huerta plans to have all of his leading opponents in the metropolitan district locked up be fore congress meets tomorrow to canvass the election returns. Hu erta's rivals freely admit- that they aro defeated. Tho president conferred this fore noon with Bnaz Long, head of the bureau of Latin American affairs concerning consular reports and con- ditfons In the Mexican interior. For mer Solicitor Genernl Moore, who handed the Mexican situation under Taft's adminisl ration, also confer red but refused to reveal the nature of the conversation. Moore origin ally favored recognizing Huerta but It is understood he now favors ex tending recognition to General Car ranza. the rebel leader. The emissary of Carranzn is ex pected here late today to submit the hnren '', 1S, ,, amnulniMon ,ie rnlny' B -I ,, ,1,,.. t I. lifted by the United States. The em- SiTi Itotnaro. their confidential agent but will p:edge Carranza's word to MinlMem Are Kmktu-iI. VI'UA ClitV.. Oct. 31. German, Hi'TSian and S'dish nilniMers. whose stations n?e nt Mexico t'ity, are evpected here today to confer with Kniissary l.ind eonicrnlnt? the prohahle action 10 he taken hy the Cn'tcd Ktates toward Mexico In eont 'lem-i al Hlano ii"t Is declared rel- dent to succeed Huerta. NEW SITUATION COUPON I it i UN APPLES - - J Will !ip 9npri:ili7Pii in Orrdtm on November 18. APPLES IN EVZ3Y FASHION HouLs ami Kcstamaiitt Will Serve Apples in All Style., .'.cording; to Agreement-Hosebuig To Feature- Apples. The Commercial Clubs of the state of Oregon, in order to assist one 'of Oregon's most Important in dustries, have established November lSth, as Oregon Apple Day. One that day every loyal citizen of Ore gon is expected to eat nil the Ore- PKODl't eon annles he can contain. All the hotels, restaurants, board lug houses and smaller eating places are requested to serve apples in the various forms in order to aid in the establishment of Oregon Apple Day. With the exception of a very few unfortunates, everybody can eat ap ples. Not everyone can eat such apples as are growii in the Umpqua Valley, and as the residents of this .favored valley will have the oppor tunity to eat the finest apples grown in America, it should not be neces sary to more than call attention to tho date. At Easter time the children, es pecially the boys, take great pride in telling the number of eggs they ate for breakfast. A more whole some diet, and one with greater rea son lor pride will be the similar ob servance of Apple Day, and it is hoped 'that every boy in Dougals county will eat at least a dozen ap ples on that particular day, thus setting a good example to his elders. Remember, November lSth, Ore gon Apple Eat all the Oregon applos you can, and wherever you happen to be. Include Oregon apples os a part of each of the three meals served to you during the day. Hotels and restaurants of Roseburg will lie asked to feature Oregon apples on this date, nnd quite a little puhllcltv -i. -. 1-t.V I UliOWX IS LAI DKI). In a letter received today from mi officer of the Oregon lnn!enunt Dealers' Association, District Attorney Geortfo M. Brown, of Roseburg, is lauded for his success in convicting and affirming um-n tin appeal ; ft- to the Supremo Court u case in which a peddler was arrested i for selling vehicle-? In Coos county without a license. The sumo peddler operated in Rose- 4- burg, but was not arrested until $ he invaded Coos county. Tho district attorney succeeded in convicting the peddler in the Coos county courts and later nf- firmed tho decision following a hearing in the Supremo Court. will be given the places that serve theso apples. US' Fltl'IT COMPANY I HUFF CARS OF AP mi n PLES TO EASTERN' MARKET ! ti .! 1 o0 ( I:v to II ultimo re, Another Indianapolis and a Third to .! Sacramento. i The local warehouse of the Prodnc- nf Fruit Company, of Sacramento.. Cal., is today preparing three curs of apples for shipment to distant mar- loaded with Spitzenbergs, nnd will be c-m-iL-ned to Baltimore. Md The see-, ond car, which w 11 contain "jlxed vaiieittes. will be shipped to Indiana- polls. Tho third cur, also of mixed VHMi'rit'b, win ut; LUiisiftiii-u ,iu ouv. ramento, Cal, The fru.t shipped by the Produc es' Fruit company this your is of the ffnrct. .,,) p.. Prlnslnir excellent pric es in the distant markets. The buy ing and parking of these apples Is I'c'ng done ui!dir the personal diree tirn cf E. C. Sk'nner. local manager for the company. in the Innmiflgo of Mr. Skinner the apple busiiienn is better this nea F.en than for a long tlmo past. Mrs. R. Tnylor left for her home at Tacoma. Wash., this morning f 'rr a couple of days spent In Rose burg nttending to buslncRR matters. Of the perilous journeys on ice driven seas in a frail canvas boat ADVENTURES IN A CANVAS CANOE From Dr. Cook's Book "We sped forward at times with quick darts. Suddenly, and to our horror, an invisible piece of ice jagged a hole In the port quarter. Water gushed Into the frail craft. In a few minutes it would be filled; we should sink to an icy death." How the starving' party, seeking security on an iceberg, were car ried adrift into the storming Polar seas. E ON GALLOWS Midford Murderers Pay Fen alty of Crime. BOTH DECLARE THEIR INKOCEKCE Doomed Men Repudiate Confession ami llhiiiio a Third Man With tho Murder History of . the Case, SALEM, Oct. 31. Mike Spanos and Frank Seymour were hanged at S:30 o'clock this morning at " tho elate penltentitary for the murder in September, 1 it 12, of George De dasklou, a Greek. Tho rrlmo was committed nt Medford. lioth men. mounted the scaffold stoically, and 1 before the black caps were adjusted each man made a brief statement, in which they declared themselves innocent of the crime charged against them. Seymour expressed the hopo that he would be the last man in Oeegon to suffer death by law. They were accompanied to the L'ullnu'u liv ("ntlinru MnnrA timl Vfi- t()r 1pe8t() of (,)e CathoUc chm.tu Seymour was pronounced dead in ,.,.,1 U.n.,,.u I.. rlftnnn ,ii i. uteB ' ll1st0.y of cvime, Spanos,' Seymour and Dedasklou met (hfl nf ,u Qf t, muri!e. fct n I irilrtl t " ia.rn-tt ti, ...,, cution alleged that Dedasklou had money and the other two planned to knock him on tho head and rob him. A watermelon was purchased and tho three repaired to an old box factory on the outskirts of the town Spanos and Seymour say that Fi'Pks was also a member of the party. Ac cording to confessions made by the condemned men. which thev l.iie' I repudiated, Seymour struck Dedas 1 klou on the back of the head with a piece of gas pipe as he was ceil lug the melon. Ho was stunned an. I thflj robbed him. Spanos, HtTord'ng to the confessions, then declared that Drdnsldou, If allowed to live, vinuld punish liim. It. was then decided that jlftln Through the efforts of Post master L. F. Keizeusiein tho postotriee department at Wash- ingtou has issued an order di- reeling that a sealed pouch be carried from Roseburg to Port- land on train No. 14, which leaves this city for tho north at 2:15 in the afternoon. Only mail which is directed to Port- land, Eastern states and Wash- ington will bo carried in this pouch, which will not be open- cd till It reaches the Hose City. Only first class mall matter will bo carried. Mall doposlt- ed at the postoffice before 1:30 p. m. and in the city mall boxes before 11a. m. will be carried i this pouch. The order, goes w into eneci iuomiay, isovomoer w 3rd and does not include Sun- days. Thin will give Roseburg a decided advantage in north- bound mall going to Portland and beyond. Mail carried In this pouch will be sent out on the firBt delivery In Portland in tho morning and means a saving of practically 10 hours in delivery. In Eastern mall the saving in time will bo clsoe to 24 hours. tho wounded man lie killed. It wan siiKRcsted his throat he cut. Spanos weakened, saying lie could not do !'-. hut flnully did. The stroiiKest evidence against the men, outside of tholr confessions, was tile ri ml In k of a club carrier! by Spnnos and the piece of gas pipe used hy Seymour where the men said they had hidden them. Until declared at their trials tho confessions worn obtained through duress. ft HMD FIGHT Is Waged Before Court of Ap peals Today. GOVERNMENT PROBE IS DESIRED Welfare CoiuiuIhmIoii Case In Culled Iti ( Lviilt Court nt Portlttiid Today Hocent Act in Attacked. (Special to Tho Kvening News.) CHICAGO. Oct. 31. Federal Dis trict Attorney Miller, of Indianapolis, today made a hard fight in tho fed eral court of appeals In support of the contention that the federal tri bunal was tho proper place to try the unionists convicted In indlanau oIIb, with a complicity plot to dyna mite non-union buildings. Tho point t ue court noeim-d Inclined to raise waa whether the prosecution (lid not make a mmtnko in building Us caso on dynamiting buildings, over which the courts of tho various states where dyuamli ngs occurred havo jorinilict iou. rather than on the in terstate transportation of explosives, under conditloim which violated tho fedt-ral statute. Proho !m iN'Hlrrd. ATLANTIC CITY, Oct. 31. Tho promise of it vast trust probe by tt Koviu nment was voiced by Joseph Davk-ii, federal commlHsloner of cor pora t ions In an addrctm before the Nat lonal Assoctat Ion of Manufac ture! k In convention. "It will l9 po:.MlJo to hunt tlm trusts without ':;umerh)r; ludtiHtrial devlopment or r in Davi declared. Tho next co ii i; reHrt, he mild, will deal largely with tiiiHtH. Whether lawn bo co unted providing destriK-tion of truaU or uKicly coiiti'ol of the iuonoK)liet will ho (P'tcrmiticiL he said, by tho f(tns! ion : "Dons monopoly or com petlt ion nf Mud I bo fairest method for all tho people?" it'cliai'v 'jim Df'Mlon- I'OUTI.AMi, Ort. 31. Hearing nf tiic case InstiliHal by I'rank Ktel-tl'-r, loiMiuiiirtiiier, aKultiMt the Htalo IihIuhi ii.'i I Well art; Com in M Ion to ojoin the comniiHidfiU H ruling pro viiiinn a mini in urn wane of eight dollars mid s'xty four cents werkly lor women eniptoyrd by tuatiufao t u i nitio Iiiki It it i tmiH bfKim in the cir cuit court today. Constitutionality of the a't (Hid otabllMhing the com it: 1 1 si tut is uttii(-ked by Ktetller. f iiattU'stilp U-iivi'H I'ort. V v. 1 1 A cm:, Oct. 31. T!:o hnt tlcHhip Michigan, with Dla and fugltfvi compiinioriB aboard, has loft to '(n ten ept the northbound Now York-Cuba mail BtwniiHhtp, It Ih iui dei stood, which will take them to Havana. It was originally fiitonri"u to Mend the party on the cruiser Trt cornn, but tho plan was changed. Hussell HarncKH returned here ln.it ovcuioK with a brand now Overland automobile. The car Is of tho five passenger varloty, is equipped with a self-starter, electric lights and ts one of tho finest machines brought to this city for some time. Mr. Mar newt bag accepted the agency for the Jverland car, and will sell the su .. f Ihroutchout Douglas enemy. HiuniMS drove the car ( uiu I'ort) ! oThtu ttty and rxporlenred little, if ny difficulty on tho road. NFAV MAIIj KFRVICK.