LOOKS COMFORTABLE Feels Better Than It Looks A koi1 bed equipped with one of our special Floss Mat treHHOs and Imublo-Deck Springs is Rood enough for a king, or a Kond American citizen. Comfortable sleep is necessary to good work. So give your bid room outfit the consideration it deserves. We have the moat complete line of bed room furniture shown in Southern Oregon. We have Ii;isers and Chiffoniers, Dressing TtihlcH, iiddti and lied Room Chairs. In White Knarnel and Bird's Eye Aiaple; Dressers and Chif foniern in Oak, .Mahogany, Circassian Walnut, Ash and IMicifie Oak. Also complete lino of llrass and Iron Beds, Mult reuses Spring, PIUowh, Illunkets, Spreads, Comforters, etc. In fact everything that Is required to make the Bed. ltoom homey utiil comfortable, f Dependable Merchandise, Lowest Prices A. J. LILBURN & SON Complete J louse Furnishers (.rrv news Now croii walnuts, tile first In town, at tho lino Hive (of couihc). Mrs. A. A. Kinney returned to Green IhhI evoiihiK after a day nient In Itoseburg. Mrs. C. F. Ilafer returned to Dill aril last evening after a (lay spent In lloKeliuri;. Mrs. J. II. ilnlley and hoii, Arthur, went to Myrtle Creek on lust even ing's train. Pearl Wilson roturned to Hdidlo last ovenins after a lirlet visit with friends In thin city. E. W. I'nKo, tho lumberman, stent Ilia day nt Drain looking after var ious business mutton. Scott MoniBon, of Peel, Is upend iriK a couplo of days In Hoseburg looking after business matters. Mrs. Kvolyn Foley, of Mrtle Creek, catno up tbls morning, to upend a few days with friends Mr. and Mrs. Itoy llailey arrived hero last evening from Huleni to visit with friends and relatives MAStrE F. A tt'KY. Hoseburg Monster, ITS TIIIO I'liAfH WIIHItK K IlltVllOIIV i()HH. g La t Time Tonight pi Breaking into H h the M League II 2 REELS 2 1'iv.MMitiiitc Mgr. Met; rim'. hi'My M at be w son unit oth er (union New York (iiant V-Af a' li 4 -. .-iiu-i LI F 1 A Tlmi-li- I ivitmv in I f. ; r.no. A (.il..inu Slory ft' i mMIi Si ortvs ti I lu-i I W anil iA.i-i lrfinj;lis. U The Suffragette I Ministrels I I5 I'.iui;! ,'ipti I 'a i o ( 'onuM. b U I II Short Stops I Double t ? 1 i.ll of I xiileiin-nt; ll tiii-.il. I 3 1 Fathers Chicken M Dinner 5c and 10c ' tin in; I'riilay V Sat unlay millet tilt Art, tlx komeilv Ifo IvIiIn; Utile Wondrm, Miliedgo & I'iekens, the grocers, Perkins building, give Hoseburg trailing cheeks. if (leorge V. .Meyers, of Camas Val ley, was a business visitor In Hose burg for- u few hours last evening. .lohn Spaugh, of Looking Glass, iipent the day In Hoseburg looking arter business affairs. II. II. Hunt anil wife, of Tiller, wore, visitors In Hoseburg lor a few hours today. J. M. Kngle, of Oakland, came over last evening to look after busi ness matters. O. C. Sethcr returned to Glendale last evenng after u day spent in Hoseburg. Simon Caro, tlio clothier, returned here yesterday utter a day spent at Portland. h. W. Englos went to lireeen this morning where he spent tho day on business. It. C. Story and wife, of Oakland. Oil., spent tho day in Hoseburg visit ing with friends. II. V. IClllott, of Medfnrd, trans nt'tod business matters In the city for a few hours today. George Stearns, of Oakland, spent the day In Hoseburg attending to busiuiv n mm tors. Kthol Pachock left for Oirnua this morning al'ler a few days spent In ItoHi'lnirg and vli lnlty. Charles Marks, of Gardiner, has ret hi ni d home after a lew ilays spent In Itoseburg wilh friends. O. A. Gnoili'n relurned In .Myrtle Creek last evening afler a day spent in Hoseburg wilh friends. Mrs. A. T. Thompson has return ed rroiii the Sunshine ranch, where! lie speul lite past few weeks. W YV. Tliaikrali and wife have reiuriieil from Collage lirnve where j they spent the past two weeks. 1. S. Xii hols and w ife returned to their homi, at ltiddle last evening ;.I:er u day spent In linseburg. Mrs. O. ll. .McAllister left fur Poll land this mot-nuii; where she will sp.-lld a few tluM wilh relatives. Hoseliirg trading checks are given at Mllleime S Pickens' I he grocers, Pel kins building. f Mis, .1. Ho hurt and children left lor l.on-iia this morning after some time spent in Itoseburg visiting wilh I ticnils and reial l t-s. linseburg leading checks will buy hum -chaiidise for you. Mtlledge !' kins, the grocers, give iheiu awav. ,lr. .Maginnis. of lb,, firm of Ma ginii! Itrolhers. left last nielli for I'oillalld afler few dais sp, lit III x Iciiilly. Kl-ie Norleti .,11,1 l.i r friend. Miss V I v 1 1 1 - tiiliihtre. ar-uc! l;,-ie 1 a 1 e -1 " i - I will Pen laud la visi: willi 1 l.-rmi-r't. sister. Mis. t)lit - .lelin-sen. i'lead in. ni,. !u Uoseimr -It. r. ,m could do your i: in Portland: laundry rouM ' I'leio; dry roods bought I'ut Ii is not good business Sen,i our money at If li-T.i Nelson, of Pallas, has -l eioi in- several das in Cor M i s Nelson Is I lie lie ol a S.Mil in n Pai il u- eniplove, and was ' 'i 10 look for a location in ibis ' t ilic family comes here to re s'" : : out Hie firM of November, a i :.a-o. .. ta Mr. Nelson's run causing I' .'in to .emove to Corvallls. Tli.n an- people of idoas.mt a ppearance. and doubtless will m,.,. ih dial reception.- Corvallls Gillette (Mr ami Mis. Noisen w-Tfl fonueib rtssidems of H -e!.iim where lllev an well known ! O i 1 C'lTV NKWS. Warren Heed, of Gardiner, spent the day in town looking after busi ness matters. County Judge Dexter Kite has re i turned from Salem whore he spent a couple of days on official husi ! ners. i County Clerk Kdward Lenox is 1 buy today making up the docket for ti e November term of the c loin. cocrt. Kred Day and Attorney V.'. V. Caldwell returned heie last evening alter a day spent at Oakland and vicinity. W. W. Hrown, of Seattle, who has been vlsltng here for a few days, left tills morning for Crescent City, Oil. Attorney I). L. Eddy retunred here this morning after a dliv spent at llnrrisliurg attending to legal mat- ters. j .Milledgo ic Pickens, in the Perkins j building, give Hoseburg trading j checks. Save them they uro worth j money to you. tf i .Mrs. .M. J. Hrown arrived here I this, morning from Spokane, W'n., to J i 3! end a ''ew davs vsiting vith her daughter, Mrs. Kdward Hillings. Mrs. G. Smith and children, of Oakland, Cal., who have been spend ing the past few days here went to Onklard, Ore., this morning where they may locate. An inventory and appraisement in the estate of Kvolyn K. Smith and Samuel Smith, minor children, was filed in tho probate court this morn Ing. The Douglas County Fair Hoard held a meeting last evening and closed all business affairs connect ed with the last fair held in thii city. Mrs. .1. A. Saucerman returned to Siitherlln this morning after a day spent In Hoseburg. The Saucor nian family expect to remove hejfe to reside within the next few days. Dr. J. K. Shoarer, .ftymerly of Medford. hut who has resided in Glendale for the past two yeai'B has removed to Grants Pirss where lie will practice. A. B. Henseley returned to his home at Ashland this morning after a few dnys spent In Hoseburg. He Was accompanied to Ashland by his mother. Mrs. J. Ilensley, who will remain there for some time. K. llosserman and wifo went to Cottage Grove this morning where they will visit with relatives. .Mr. Itosserman will return hero tonight, while Mrs. iiosseruian will remain at the northern city until Sunday. C. V. Hodger.-i and wife, of Salt Lake, t'lah, who have been spending tile past lew days in Hoseburg. left lor Portland this morning. They are much pleased with Hoseburg and may return here to locate at some future date. It seems a little enrly to talk ptiout turkey, pumpkin pie and Thanksgiving, but the big day will soon be here, and the November number of Ibo Ladies Home Jour nal will help you make it a suc cess. It contains TKntuksgiving stories, seggesllons for decorating, new recipes etc. tlet a copy at the Itoseburg Urok Store. tf .Mrs. J. II. Wheat, who lias been lsitlng with relatives hero for some time past left for her home In Sher man county tills morning. She was accompanied by her son. W. II. Hose, who will spend some time in Sherman county looking over the country. Bit now for t ' your Holiday Fotos All the latest noveltfem. CLAItlv & CLAHK. CITY NKWS. i .Mamie Hall was discharged from Meicy hospital today after some time s;.ent in that lniait.uian. W. C. Edwards, of Drain, was In Eugene yesterday on business. Ku geae Itcgister. O. L. .Mason, of Hoseburg, came into the city yesterday on business. Eugene Register. Just arrived, new Finnan Huddle and Kippered Salmon, at the Dee I Hive Grocery. tf ! I A stilendid line of nliilnlnitm kitch en ware now on sale at the Hoseburg Furniture Co. tf Handsome Hallowe'en crepe paper! and novelties at the Hoseburg Book I Store. We give S. & II. Green trad-1 ing stamps. oil 1 I Preaching tonight at the Free ' Methodist church in West Hoseburg, by .Mrs. E. Joslin, evangelist, from i Drain, Ore. I Do you want to save money on merchandise? If you do, save Hose burg trading checks, Milledgo & Pickens give them away. t'- Story lies went to Drain thv morning where he purchased a car load of prunes for the Druger Fruit Company. Dr. llouseworth, who spent yester day in Hoseburg visiting with Dr. A. C. Scely left for his home at Marsh field this morning. L. G. Morgan and wife left here to day for San Diego, Oil., where they expect to spend the winter. Enroute they will stop at San Francisco and other cities of Interest. QaraBarion Comfort Shoe A Shoe Wilh A Purpose f :5lA W&' I ALSO INSURED SHOES FOR BOYS This Certificate Insures Tk,iP..r t,fBoVSr,oForSnlufi.l D.i, Ttom 0t This I Certificate With I Every Pair ROSEBURG BOOTERIE PerKins Building Roseburg Oregon jfrcc of Cbaroc imidr of Siitij Dtji if fclumrd wiln tr.i ROSEBURG BOOTERIE P.-w. B.u..( HD&teulUX OKLCON to Mercy hospital. One potato will admit one child, hut two or more potatoes will not he rejected by the manaKement or Mercy hospital. Special reels of educational value ' all have been ordered for the matinee and tho doors will open promptly at two o'clock. Manager Bloom wants the children of Rosjelmrg to see the inside of the Antlers and Is taking this means of doins it. A new ft'utur In the .I'Mirnal that will aiiti is a st'iies of arl irlf 1'ivtty Yoiiiiu Maimhte Ladles lloinr 1 to mothers, called My r." in which i: a mot her tells how she helped her ptHty tiaituhter thrnimh crises that every pretty uirl mtist hire. Tho first, nrtu'le :tpp''ars in the Novemlier mim-; her. tlet a cop at tho Itoseluirir Hook Store. tf Mayor Joe Mirelli. of liosehurix. ' nml ltoberl K, Stuitlil ahn of lvoe bin t. ;ijiiel lu re today and I i n.iT n i r-i ;i in I mi wifli some of v,.; leml ii;s cil i.i'iis The isitors ai e i lo'.o:- d fur a lr.Mii in:; imd t ishinu t ! i Hl of I a 1 1 ! i li ' T t ii it i ect to lave liere in the morning. Marsh- j i'iei.i U, cn-d. lf .!. It. i.;or of tho- rie-i-v;, i i;in rViM'- h ill t!ii el!j th-! i t-t -; or seven years, lias resigned j fi in Hie cliiiiL;e. 11 is resignation , a: ireented (o the offieiais Li-tj iulit. wilh the ivnuest tl-::t he he n1- ! 1 a i i - I! lieve,' from duty t. 'tiitier ;;t. The lias, been in dint' 1110:1 th. -M'Tiii'-s f Games for everyone, Flinch, Rook, Pit, Anthers. Old Maid. Hoodies, Hound Up, Checkers, Chess, Domin os, fortune Telling Cards etc. on sale at the HoseburK Book Store. We give S. & Ii. Green trading stamps. tf While attempting to round the cor ner, at the intersection of Cass and Hose streets at noon today, an auto mohile lrlven by A. C. M'arsters, skidded Into '.he curh. Fortunately neither the machine or driven were injured. uougiaa bounty creamery huvtoi 1 is the hest on the markm. In-dst on yo;.r grocer supplying you with this home product, which is alwnvfr sstriet ly fre&h nnd nuaranteed. 'Iv.t pi.uuu roll, 85 cents. tf The Parents anil Teachers Associa tion of the Benson school will meet on Friday afternoon at three o'clock in the Mcluiol building. There will he a program and important discussion to wnich ull parents and members are invited to be present. There will be a Hallowe'en pie social at the Fullerton school in West Hoseburg on Friday evening Oc tober HI. A short program will lie be given in connecton and there will be i ieuty of pie and sweet cider. Kv erybody invited to come. Brotei'ds will be applied to the west side park and play grounds. 20;2-o;H In (ho Lewis county superior court at Centraltti, Wash., Judge Hice gave an instructed verdict for the defend ant in the damage suit of Mrs. Frank Kite hey against the Western t'nion Telegraph Com puny. Mrs. Rltehey iued lor 1 .!!! damages for alleged non-delivery of a death message from Hoseburg, Or., to Centralia. Ore gouian. Seven million women looking for one man, in tho Thanksgiving num ber of the Ladies Home Journal. How these seven million women liv-t ed in u fever of excitement for nine weeks to learn which of them would bo lucky is told in the funniest kind of a three pail serial, called "Any body's Husband" beginning In the November number of the Ladies Home Journal, on sale at the Hose bmg Bonk Store. Be sure and get a copy. tf K. X. Kenfro, a loial Southern Fa eii":r brakeinaii, Mistaiued a severe bruise of t lie shoulder late yester day while switching in the yards at Junction City. It appears that Ken fro was hanging onto the side of a tar whiih was being shunted onto a suit track. I u some manner his shoulder came in contact with a car standing on a parallel track. I'pon arriving here last night the patien' ICEGOr; aJ. WASHINGTON ft v, -i ri A JUrct'-.y Villus. (.'ivIr.K u--Kcr:.il each plnco. bo',i 'n j (travt-. li!:-.'.iir ..r. l : alao CKss!.l"il Iilrociii.y isliicss and iJi'o:'..sl-n. i(. l'OT-K & CO., tory I i sketch of M1;.'ti, tln- C.Ji.i nlJ'Jil I. y Masquerade ball at Winches- ter Friday evening, October 31. Good music and Rood time for Auto truck will bo nt cor- ner of Cass and Jackson streets at 7:46 p. m. to take passon- gers. 50 round trip. o30 FOR RENT Furnished house of four rooms, inquire at 619 Fowler street. 20il-tf WANTEU Board and room for man and wife. Apply at this of fice, tf WANTED Position by young mar ried man in the city. Have ex perience with aiftos and horses, nnd other general work. Call 290-J or address H. H. S. 33a X. Rose. 2042-n5 DON'T FORGET Before retiring take DIKE'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS and avoid all bilious liver and stomach sickness. These little liver pills work not only on the liver but assist the stomach in its work. Don't wait until you are sick to take ' Dike's Little Liver Pills Keep them in the home take them regularly. They will help ward off every stomach and liver complaint. Besides you are sure of tho ingredients of these little liver helps. Don't wait for biliousness, of Dike's Llttlo Liver Pills. Be ahead of it by buying a 25c box We gunrSnteo the Dike Line; want you to. we believed In Its merits we KROHN'S PHARMACY Sfg STREET 'later ;ban Pe-j w:s attended by hrs. Seely, Set her & imiatb'ti. w hich j Stewart , tho lailroad phsicians. 'ill iu sever i lr. Hell's dt !: in a somewhat ill! was received by thej Manager lllooni, kf inlei-. Will (iivr, i , rvi:tvt but svm-i 4'hihtrrn a Treat -lotJitov4 pathi-tic uiulertandt.ng . Coralli! ferent way, and officials with sin ihm'ato itim:i:. (,o To l-ri-y IHwpiial. ; Tho ladie of the M. K. ! rhurcli. South, will ldd a win- d(w pah? of home cooking at the Heo Hive grocery next Sat- urday. Hot t a males nnd burnt leather cakes a specialty. o;ll ) o ! Next Saturday afternoon at the Antlers theatre the children of HoQ burg will be given a rare treat by Manager Bloom. Any child id wel come. The only admission charge for children will be one or more jwta-, toe. The potat) received al thf : doi will be crated up nnd delivered Good Enough for a Queen That's Why We Are Offering Them to Our Customers New Shipment of AFTERNOON DRESSES and EVENING DRESSES Very latest styles and, combinations of colors. THE LEADER