The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 29, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Economy in Furs
You'll ;,n predate the. opportunity of injecting f i r ! i t wmplea of
the latest ideas in fur nutde by t h largest fur man n rarxurr mi
the Kicine Coast offered it w it"!.",vjiJ1! pricei, and eum.naiin.; r H;
m,dil-mm.'a profit.
Our Mf a. M. Perry will be at. t ho l!m;)'iu:i Ifotf Monday and Tues
day. 'v. ;lrd and, and w -ii (jnote ien-aig pri'-n-s on r-u Hfv
Sfoods displayed, ami will furnish estimates for remodeling, old rum
111 me latent atylen at eennomi -tiI pi-Ve.
elf VPDPIFI IYS 236 Prison St.
JlLVLKnLLlJj p0;fj2nd, Oregon
Manifested in Murder Trial in
Wa can save you money on :mu grocery hill. Our stock is FREEH
ano! COMPLETE. Phone your ned. Prompt delivery and aatixfac
friry asureil. AIM our jfomis (ruar':inteii.
Jletti'l Tlwtt, Priwii;iin nf JfnrlH
KmUn Is Out of PliH-e Utile
Kvitlenrn xfie That of
Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble
WorKj. Telephone 251.
WorX Don on Short Notic R0SE8TJKG, ORE
A splendid property, on th main Umpqua river, and having
marveloualy fertile soil and climate conditions, with splendid timber
and excellent domestic water piped throughout house, barn and
numerous lota and feed corrals. On account of the several aur
Kical operations and the recr.t hospital experience of Mr. Enstle,
making it necesary for him to spend much of his time in hospitals,
and for financial reaaons, he has concluded to sell that splendid
country nutate. This is not an ordinary or even an average ranch;
but has all the requirements of a first class country home, where
one can have the maximum Of both comfort and profit, and live
there under excellent climatic and all other most satisfactory condi
tions. There are 670 acres, well Improved and most productive, for
general farming, stock, dairying and for all kinds of fruit and ber
ries and Is all garden land of the highest productiveness. Has about
four miles of main Umpqua River frontage. The river bottom lands
have twenty feet or more of excellent soil. No overflow. Soil on
slopes and benches Is also deep and rich, excellent for fruit and
all farm and garden purposes.
The parks of spreading oak, and the fir forests, all In an ex
cellent parking system, are the wonder and admiration of all na-tnre-lovlng
people who see this splendid ranch, which is in a class
hf Itself. Write, phone or see .f. M. Kngle, or any of his family
on the Englewood ranch for prices and terms, on part or all of the
property. A very low price will be made for quick action. Don't
miss the opportunity of yonr life to secure the best country home
that may be found anywhere around the globe. KNOI.K, Kellogg. Or.
B K R I. I.V, Got. 2 3 . - Pe r h a ps n o
trial alnre tlin Dreyfus case in Paris
i ua created nch jraiierai intereat in
1 Germany a that of the Jew. Mendel
Bet 1 in, in K" iff on the ridiculous
' chars' of ritual murder. The very
j f.tot that it taken the mind back to
; the day of the middle agos, ha.
i caused thousands of people of other
faiths, andi no faiths at ail, in (er
( many to evince th keenest interest
i In the daily newspaper reports from
; Kieff of a trial that seems as- much
: out of place in the new century as
j would he the "witch trials" at Salem,
j Mass., two centuries ago.
j it is not generally known that thei
; fteilis trial is the fifth "ritual mur-j
der" case charged against the .Few
in the last 25 years. Invariably these
charges have heen the climax to a
1 wave of anti-Semitism or were
. brought to rekindle the fires of hat.
' red against the Jews when persecu-
tiona were on the wane,
j The first time in the last half cen
! tury that there was staked in a tri
bunal of Justice the legendary medie
j val superstition that Jews drew the
h!o'd of Christian children with
i whu-.h to knead; the dough of their
I Passover cakes at Plaster time, oc
j en rod In US 2. It came at the height
fif an anr.i-.iwtsh wave in Hungary
t when a young girl. Esther flolimossy,
j wa-s literally butchered at TU.a-fcrfz-;
lar. It was chared to rhe Jew a.' a
"ritual murder," as if they had mere
ly sought for another opportunity to
draw down upon their heads still
greater racial and religious hatred
and. perseintinns.
When the anti-Semitic wave was
at high tide in German v In and
aarn in IPOU, a boy at Xanran and
one at Konltx were murdered. Jews
were charged with "ritual murder."
Shortly after the "'Christian Social
ists." a Catholic organization, not
identical with the Social Democrats,
spread from Vienna to Bohemia and
stirred up a hitter antl-Jewish move
ment, t o peasant, girls were mur
dered. The hodies were terribly mu
tilated. The cry of a "Jewish ritual
murder" was immediately raised and
lipoid Hilsner. a half-w:rred .Jewish
cripple, whom either of the two gir'i
could have handled wirh one hand,
was charged with the crime. The
charge, naturally, was hroughr. by
A f ter ten years of more or less con- '.
tlnuoua "Pogroms." endless persecu
tions and Indeacriba hie horrors in ;
Ftiissla that seem incredible in the .
twent ief h century. Mendel He! lis, a :
Jewish brfrk--yard foreman, Is rharg-i
erl with "ritual murder." when the .
bitter racial and religious anti-Jew- 1
Ish wave is waning from exhaustion '
in the land of the fire at. White Czar.
fn the Tisza-Kszlar case, the prose
cution'a wle evidence- was the testi
mony of an 1 1-year-old hoy. He said
he peeked through the keyhole of a i
rioir and saw the nude body or the
girl lyinrr on the altar of th eSyna-;
gngue. T'.e head of the community,
I sfd' the boy, with the Ftabbi hv his
j sifle. ntnr.i in front, of the altar. ,
Around it were a number of high ;
church of ficiri Is. The Habbi raided .
his arms and bieerl the victim, j
While the others eie singing a
nalrn. the "Schaechter." or Jewish
J butcher of the ronsrnunltv, steprd !
forward, deftly cut tff The had of
the girl and cautit the blood in a
veHKet, the hoy said.
In the Polna "ritual murder" case
it appear that th( half-witted cripple
Hili-ner was the official rej)re.Hntai ive
of the Jwisfi conmnuiities ,and tiiat
he had killed the two irln undr di
rection or insi .;i;u .un nf the Llalihi.
TV it i iietjry w-tH i iiin advanced t hut.
t h--re is a "ificret cuIj " or sociei :'
.j..-Tvr r!io J'V'4. v.'Irc!! requires blond
of f'hrisfian c.!:iiiL-"ii for tli:r rina.
T'lis henef still prevails very gfm
eraiiv aion the ignorant, popular i'.n
r, Anuria, !! m-jrv, pnland, Ru.snia
aud even parrs of Carman y. An'i-Jew-1
i ag 'afors. it n.a:' v in Russia,
have always av:i:lcd theniHelves of
rntv belief uid ( 'eiiu to fan the
f!;t ne.: r e;j and perseiMit ;ont
Aa.a:nr ;he Jews.
"It is time to put to an end this
gjnreq ue l;e!i and char'-rn against
tile Jews, which is as unwnrthv of tic
civili'at ion and culture of today as it.
.vnu id he to try w; relies,"' said Dr.
Paul Nathan, one or rhe leading Jew
ish philanrhrooisTs in Berlin.
According ui reports received in
Berlin there is a considerable exo-
ins of Jews from Kitf f. Odessa and
; Warsaw toward Germany. It is feared
' that the fieilia trial will be mailt the
j incentive for another era. of Jewiah
persecutions in Russia.
f.etter N .ddi"eNl r hwji1(I West,
Ci4veini, "If H Bh Fountt
We give 3. St H.
Green Trading Stamps
with each 10 cent
purchase at our store.
Tel. 31 North Roseburg
MARSHFTELD. Or.. Oct.--Vl. To
day M. C. Malnney. editor or" tilu Coos ?
P.;i v Ttmeti j enr hv rtmKrrtl ntuit B
a letter to Govwrnnr rst in ans
wer to the letter to the T!ints etiitur
which was published rwentiy in the
newspapers of r!i hkuo. The luttor
Pa printed in the Times tins vn
inx and acenpies t wo ctilumns of the
edition. The letter fmtn the gov
ernor was aa rprodmied in a Port
land paper, addressed to the editor
of the Times. "If he be found suhur."
MaJnney in answering, aitrtrewwit
his conimunic.arjim as follows: "Os
wald West, ii overnor. Salem. Ore
gnn. i if he he found sane. Sir:
five day; ago I was apnnsed by the
daily press of Pon land and ulem you were sending a oenonal
lerrer to me asking my ait vice in
reference to some matters of public,
impcrr. The letter has not reached
me yer, bur. this is doubtless due to
-he !ra fc. manner in which, you
conduct your corrsoondene, name
ly, by calling- tn the reporters and
publishing it in the press before it is
sent to the individual to whodi it is
rr.r.w:r news.
G Buell nent severai day-
lasr we.ic in Vryrtle Creek v;-iung
her mother and other relatives.
The ivioiIj o' r.- DiUard c:ioo!
.'liert a n:rt of Tuesday forenoon ri
cleaning the school vard. This and,
the n-vu addition which is being built;
to the ichnrA house f-ir the accommo-J
daMon of the primary department !
will much improve the appearance of;
the premises.
Mi-s Helen Troncher. of Olalla. Is'
asfisttng Mrs. FJuell with her j
work. j
Mr. and Mrs. 3 C. Miller will soon i
move Into thejr heauMfui new home i
which is nearly rnmpWed. ;
Miss Barron and Mrs. March, the
teachers in the Dillard school attend-;
ed the institute in Roseburg last '
One of r)illard's prtt'est social ,
events within the past week was the.
wedding of Mis Clara Louis and Mr. J
Ftov Walker. The ceremony wa-s sol-;
mn'ted ft the home of the groom, j
Brother Bowers, of Myrtie Creek, of-:
fi'-iarlng. After the ceremony an In-:
forma 1 reception was extended to i
their relatives and many friends.
Just arrived, new Finnan Itaddie
and Kippered Salmon, at the Bee1
Hive Grocerv. tf
Yoo'Are Entitled to the Best
Roseburg Steam Laundry
Is where you get the best.
Trv us and be'eonvinced.
433 1 Jacsuun Strser
Phone 79
You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See
For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8
to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and
chimney blccHs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement
work of any Hind.
I hTe At or it hoafl I will cll cheap, as I wnnt to use the
money la other business. See my burglar proof window lock. Its
O K. See Pac'j Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. We build, move
or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty
years experience In building.
in c "1 " in
' ' '
sl o" '; S
II ? n
l I t lunci rv
&US4 r 5 3.
5C coc
This beautiful addition will soon be
ready for YOU. Have you visited
OVERLOOK? If not do so at once
and note the grand view, the nearness
to the center of the city, size and beau
ty of every lot. First of its class ever
platted in Roseburg or Southern Ore-
? s
c" T If
t Q
n c
m 3 toe nee
raved avenues, sewer, water.
drainage, electricity and gas. Build
ing and other restrictions will al
ways prevent this addition trom be
ing other than the best.
5 5
t i r-tr i WtSiDEnCE
r.ilH ffHtdH SMIS IM IJOF Kr3iUlNCt5 MtSIDtflCES I JTj I XJ ' ' ' i
5 $ 5 rt !. ,-VT P. & 3 tits. & X
i I I ' I I 1 iCi!.!eJ
Sr. L ! ! r r 7
i r::l.. I
Real l-;suite and Investment Offices
adjoining Grand Hotel.