The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 24, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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    114 IV RVPMIVf: MPVVs bring out more forcibly some things
lHfc. kVUCNlINlj fSCy VVS , that ara nict)(.a, ben(.,lt to a
" i of us who live here now, and expect
I to make this our home, us well as It
! will appeal to ths newcnmerB we are
urging to come.
Editors anil Publishers.
bubfccrlptlou Kale. Dally.
Per year, by mall $3.00
Per month, delivered .60 i j
Per year . ?!".".'! ?".k.'! ''. $2.oo Teachers Listitute Reaches'
en months i no , Close Late Today. j
Entered as second-dags matter ;
November 5, 1910, at Roscburg, Ore.. i
K)I'(;l.s iirTV facts foh 1
The Roseburg Commercial Club huu
jUBt had Home thousands of circulars
priuted In pamphlet form, to be mail
ed to every part of the United States
except to the people of Douglas coun
ty. Thin little descriptive sheet deals
with the history, KeoKraphy, re
sources, climate, finances and future
f this reKlnn. It la. for its size and
condensation, a very credltuble pro
duction, and flliould be Influential in
directing the thoughts of many to
wards this favored loculfty. But
while this Information is being spread
broadcast to the stranger, would' It
nut be a good plan to disseminate
some parts of it right here at home,
and accelerate our own efforts along
certain lines that are needing otir
attention, and not wait for ' the
stranger to come and do It? One of
the first sections of thin booklet re
fer to population, and states that
83 per cent aro American born, and
ho Jjalance of 8 per cent are lnrn,'ly
tiurinan and Swede, This fact may
not strike one as being anything pe
culiar or uujv-i""i"'."i uutu vut;
reads further, and notes tlie fact that j
uie county has been settled some
'""Bevenly years, and then recalls and
observes what has been accomplish
ed by this 92 per cent native born
population In the way of tilling the
Boll and building means of traimpor
tation. The German and the Swede
both came from lands where good
roads are a religion, and as much r
part of his second nature as Is the
Hatred 11 ens of Mecca to the Moham
marten. .
Who will doubt, had the statistics
regarding population been reversed,
but tli at this county today would
havn been traversed its length and
breadth by permanent highways that
would have brought in and kept the
transient, and which from its scenic
beauty and grandeur would have be
come the pleasure ground of the
world. No Invidious comparison Is
meant or Intended, but If anything
that has been written will cuuh us
to give more careful thought to the
road RtntlKtlcB that follow something
will have been accomplished, for the
American citizens and farmers are
Invincible when once roused to the
urgency of a need, This circular
nftiowft that the county has no bonded
or other indebtedness. Now while
being out of debt is a very gratifying
feeling fur the individual, It Is noth
ing to bo especially proud of for the
city or county. Who In Koseburg
would go back to the street condi
tions of five years ago? Which Is
preferable, being out of debt, with
no bonds to meet and the excrenble
HtroolH of those days, or having to
day, tho best, paved city of its size In
thn United Slates, with some debt
that Is met at muted periods? We
doubt whether a corporals guard
could be found that would want It.
What nppllcs to the count v scat will
also apply to the county. The tillable
In nd in Douglas county Is given at
1, 082,1100 ncreB, and of this vast area
thfl ritfnrttu nf tint 1nut Vmir ulinu tin, I
94.:tti'l acres are under cultivation.
What an empire these figures sug
gest as being one of the -oHsibilltltn
of tho near future. Passing over the
many Interesting rigures giving tin
untold wealth In timber and minerals,
and dealing with average land values,
near to and distant from railroads,
wo find that tho county Is traversed
by 1500 miles of roadway, of which
20 are improved with macadam and
i:t0 with gravel; it Is these flmircs
that we wish to have Impressed on
the minds of every citizen of this
great county, these figures nf 1 fHio
miles, and 1 50 of them Improved
and a tax levy of only 11 mills for
1912 should need no comment. They
should tie an Incentive fur the peo
pto of the county to do what the
people of Itoschurg have done, and
then note five years hence how many
would regret it or how nmny would
ro back to former conditions. We
feel sure that our statement regard
ing the value of this little circular to
tho citicn of the county It Is try
ing to expand, will prove its worth,
and for these reasons, have tried to
Mijieriiiteiidciit Urmvn N Probably
JtrttpoiLsihln for the Most Suc
ccrvsfiil Institute Held in
Dmigin County.
The third and last day's sessions
of the teachers' institute opened with
singing, led by Charles H. Jones. The
attendance was large, and all present
manifested a deep interest in the sev
eral numbera on the program.
The first address of the morning
was delivered by h. P. Harrington,
field worker In Industrial education,
Mr, Harrington lives at Creswell and
is one of the best known educators
in the state. Choosing "Industrial
Educational Work" as his subject, he
advocated a home garden for each
child In Oregon. He also advocated
the utilizing of vacant lots in the
cities, for the purpose of beautifying
the surroundings as well as increas
ing the Industrial values. He exhibit
ed good seed corn and potatoes that
teachers might know how to select
for school gardens and directed alt
teachers to get government bulletins
No. 513 and 54 for instruction In
garden and nature work. Among oth
er good things he taltl: "It has been
said, 'teach the child, not the sub
ject'. 1 want to add the following:
'The schoots of Oregon are for the
boys and girls and not for the teach
ers'. The prizes In the local county
or state contests should not be con
sidered of especial Importance. The
educational value to the boys and
girls is in the work done. Ribbons
or anything Indicating success may be
used only to show that degree of
success attained by the student. The
pupils of the various localities should
form associations with a view of
competing at the larger fairs. The
railroads in the state would be very
glad to give rates on such occasions.
Try it in Douglns countv and South
ern Oregon. Why not arrange an ex
cursion to the state capltol and fair
for the young exhibitors of Southern
Oregon? Why not nrrango for a trip
with the county superintendent, in
specting the college of agriculture and
other points (if Interest enroute and
visit the state fair. As an object les
son could anything be of more
In the high school department
Supervisor Hen jam In Huntington
took up the subject of athletics and
Intellectual activities In connection
with high school work, outside of
class exercise. He dwelt largely on
the great Influence of the Parent
Teachers Associations to the social
and Industrial life of every school.
In the grammar department Miss
Palmer gave Instruction in primary
writing, in connection with the in
termediate work. She' explained the
process by which every teacher in
the county can get the Pnlmer corres
pondence course In writing. All ru
ral teachers wishing to secure this
course should make their requisition
as quickly as possible and submit the
same to County School Superinten
dent O. C. Hrown.
In the primary depart ment Miss
Klizabeth Parrott gave definite In
struction In teaching phonics to the
first yeur pupils. She makes her
work very interesting with many de
vices for memory wtu-k.
An assembly address at 1 1 o'clock
was delivered by Prof. Powers, of
the Oitklauil public schools. Ills ud
tiros was on memory. He gavo an
outline of Ingenlus methods of mem
ory that were very interesting.
This afternoon's session opened
v Ith music, followed by an assem
bly address by J. A. Churchill. De
piirtim ut:il work was then taken tip
in the seveviil rooms and discussed.
In the primary grades a round
table discussion was conducted under
the direction of Miss Parrott. In the
grammar department, a round table
discussion was conducted under the
leadership of J. V. Groves. In the
high school a round table discussion
was conducted under tho direction of
.T. A. Churchill. The afternoon fes
sion closed with an assembly address
by Charles 11. Jones.
Tho Tendier' Creed.
Following Is a quotation to teach
ers by Prof. L. p. Harrlnton
the state industrial work:
"1 believe in boys and girls, the1
men and women of a great tomorrow, '
mat whatsoever the-boy soweth, the
man shall reap. 1 believe in the
cuise of ignorance, in the elficacy of
schools, in the dignity of teaching,
and in the joy of serving another.
I believe In wisdom revealed in hu
man lives as well as in the pages of
a printed book, in lemons uugiu not
so much by precept as by example,
in ability to work with the hand as
v.c:i as to think with the head, in
everything which makes life large
and lovely. 1 believe in beauty in
the school room, in the noma, in
dally life and out of doors. I believe
in laughter, in love, in all ideals and
in distant hopes that lure us on. 1
believe that every hour of every day
wo receive a just reward for uU we
do and all we are. I believe In the
present and its opportunities, In the
future and its promises and In the di
vine joy of living."
Wan (ireut Success.
This year's institute was a grand
success, and probably surpassed any
event of it kind ever held in this
section of the state. County Super
intendent and Mrs. Brown exerted
special effort In arranging the pro
gram, which Included some of the
foremost educators of the Pacific
Northwest. Another feature of this
year's Institute was the promptness
displayed by the teachers in respond
ing. With few exceptions they were
present early Wednesday morning,
and remained until late today when
the Institute closed.
KesolutloiiN Adopted, j
The following resolution, dealing
with several of the referendum meas-j
urea to be sum bit ted at the special
election to be held on November 4, i
were adopted by the unanimous vote!
of the teachers this afternoon: j
We the committee on resolutions'
submit the following: )
WHEREAS, We have enjoyed, a
most profitable Institute; and where
as, the success of this institute has
been due to the untiring efforts of,
Superintendent and Mrs. Brown, j
BB IT RESOLVED, That we ex-!
tend to them our Bincere appreciation j
and further offer them our hearty
co-operation in a mutual effort to in-;
crease the efficiency of the schools
throughout our county.
That we extend our entire support and
hearty co-operation to' State Super-j
intendent Churchill In his" efforts to
simplify and make more practical our j
state course of studv.
WHEREAS, The leading Institu-
"Hons of the state are materially aid-
ing anil are contributing, through
their able representatives, to the in
stitute work of the state,
BE- IT RESOLVED, That we heart-j
ilv commend them In their work and1
as teachers offer them our loyal sup- i
IM'1l- . I
vn ivm'a, i no state i niversuy
of Oregon, ranking as the highest in- j
siuution or our state, needs and
should have support,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we as
members of this Douglas Countv In
stitute pledge ourselves to work fori
the support of the present appropria-;
Hon upheld by referendum and will
as far as possible use our influence j
with the voters of the districts where-,
In wo are employed, j
Inasmuch as there is a desire on
the part of the friends of the Ash-
land Normal that this body of teach-!
ers voice an opinion in regard to
reinstating the Southern Oregon State
Normal School, j
BE IT RESOLVED. That we unani
mously favor normal training, and the t
extension of normal training work In
this state.
BE IT RESOLVED, That n copv of
the above resolutions be furnished i
the press for publication.
Secretary. :
The Acme of perfection among the Electric Lamps,
The Mazda that leads and gives satisfaction to all,
The Lamp that gives the whitest, the brightest light obtainable with
The PEERLESS is a drawn wire filament, stronger than the old
style carbon, and will save on enough current to operate a laundry iron,
a toaster or other household utilities. Used by all large consumers from
the U. S. government down. Why? Because of not only the saving in cost
of operation, but also the better efficiency.
You say the Mazda is too frail and will not stand the usage that the
Carbon filament will. That applied to the old moulded filament, but not
to the Drawn Wire filament of the PEERLESS. Try them out. The av
erage life is 200 hours burning, more than the carbon lamp. Even if they
lasted but half as long you would save enough in current to more than pay
for the extra lamp, but such is not the case. The fact is the difference in
current will pay for the lamp.
Remember the Agency is with
Churchill Hardware Co
Samoline will chase
All dirt from' the place,
Till not a speck can be seen,
On grease it will feed
With ravisning greed,
All that it does is clean.
Huerta Will Court Martial
Personal Staff.
Alleged Men Possibly Corres winded
With Diaz Ihiertn Makes Trout- I
io ( WiMhinglon Officials
Mi. KairlNinks Dead.
Take this short cut to throat comfort
Have been widely used rind recommended as a
remedy really tending to allay throat soreness, in
llamiiiation and tickling. It costs you nothing to
give Rexall Bronchial a trial, since if thev fail to
satisly your purchase price w ill be cheerfully re
funded. Here's real relief lor that hoarseness.
Get them today.
The faaSl Store
ATHN I U.I.Kit lt, Prop. IViMms ltnlldln
IIV Giiv S. Sl- H. Green Tnuliity Stamps
(Special to The Kxening News.)
MUX I CO CITY, Orl. 24. Death
stall's every member of llucrta's per
sonal staff stinare In the face today.
, I All of the men were arretted last
night and will Immediately lie court
martialed, according to "Information
from official sources. The opinion Is
that some of the men. at least, will
lie shot. Just what offense the pris
oners have committed has not been
made public, but the Impression has
gone out that they have been charg
ed with corresponding with lleneral
Kelix Olar., which is. under present
conditions, an unpardonable sin.
Iliii'rtn Make More lYonilse.
WASHINGTON. Oct. -1. After a
r uiference with President Wilson,
today. Secretary Itryan announced
that' he lias r. ive.l direct assur
ances fioui lluerta. tlit dic
tator. promise obedience to Wll
s tu n expressed desire eoneernini; the
Mexican" presidency. Ilitoria says
that even if ho receives a majority
of votes at Sitiid'iy's election, he will
under no conditions accept t'1 ' office,
lie made no explanation. .,! .is
to w t v lie is a ciudni - rc i": .
lei ai tmetit ai'pcr.t s i; ; r d
lluerta's promise to I" -ml.
Mis. rxol.
INlilAN AI'OI.IS. lad . l. t.
Mis tailbacks, wife of former
President Kaillilt, died at tin
it v home in this rlt this mornins.
1 1 Pneumonia, conlraotoil octoner i ,
The 1913-1914 Worlds Champion
ship Round-up at Pendleton, Ore.
Seven Reels of Thrills
Action and Fun
The greatest pictures on earth
ANTLER'S Theatre
Saturday, Oct. 25th
MATINEE 2:30 P. M. 2 SHOWS, 7 and 9
Admission 25 cents i Children 15 cents
: the immt diate
cf .