LOOKS COMFORTABLE Feds Better Than It Looks A good bud equipped wit 1 one of our special Floss Mat-, tresses and Double-Dock Springs Is good enough for a king, or a good American citizen. Comfortable Bleep i necessary to food work. Ho give your bed room outfit the consideration it deserves. We have the most complete line of bed room furniture shown in Southern Orr-gon. Wc have Dresserg and Chiffoniers, Dressing TaMes. Hods and Bed Itoom Chains, in White Enamel and Bird's Kyo Maple; Dressem and Chif ionii rs in Oak, Mahogany, Circassian Walnut, Ash and Pac ific Oak. Also compk-to lino of Brass and Iron Beds, Mattresses, Springs, Pillows, Blankets, Spreads, Comforters, etc. In fact everything that 1b required to make the Bed Room homey and comfortable. Dependable Merchandise, Lowest Prices A. j. LILBURN & SON Complete House Furnishers I A, LACK V, ltiseburg Booster.; ITS Til 10 I'l.ACH WIIKItK lOVKKYItOltV (illKS. IWed. and Thurs. :i.il:l TWO MOHK MlillTS UK. MIST HIT ()! TDK SI'.ASOM HARRY DING CIiIiioko Kinder will ShiK th Aiu-H Hmi with Kneores in "Father and Son Or Mm urwi of (.'olden 1,11ml, IIiirJiili H)Hrial I'Vuturo in Two furls. 'A Gambler's Honor" ivioni nfilt TiirilliiiH; Drama. sitoodoed on His Wed ding Day 1'Vutm-ii K.ith Koliiml, Kii li'in Conic ly. rhe Wonders of the 3'lny Deepj Showing (l(l Si "ti t'HNUllH'S in Tliir Nalivc Huhilnl. Special Bargain Prices 5c and 10c. IN T11K NICW 1CLKS - ''' Program Thursday Only One Two lvccl Feature By Unseen Hands A Thrilling Detective Slorv ( Kleirtc Cines) MVSK'AI. si:i.katuxs by Jliss Modesta Mortcnscn and Miss Jessie Lewis Violinist Pianist One Keel I'athe Weekly No, 41 One Reel MA TRICK COSTKLLO in Taming of Betty Don't Miss It. Today Only PRICH inc. Doors city m:vs A dozen rockers of low price are on Hitlo at Strong's. olM Norman Ace, of Winatons, was a litnhi(!HH visitor In HonebtirK today. .Mrs. J. It. Sutherlin ii,-rt fur Seattle this afternoon to visit with friends. .Mrs. Archcumbeaux went to Suth erlin tills afternoon to visit with friends, .Mrs. Henry and infant returned to Dlllard hist evening after a day spent in UoHolmrtf. Mrs. ICubunks loft for her home at Oakland this afternoon after u visit with friends here. J. Is. iJiinniick returned to his home at Oakland this afternoon after a day spent in HosehurK. Air. and Mrs. George Holler left for Portland this afternoon where they will visit for a few days. John Whitsett, janitor at the courthouse, is today pruning the pop lar trees in the courtyard. George Hurnelte, who recently tensed the old Ahrnhnm building, which ho Intends to convert Into a garage, has installed a modern gaso line pump In front of the structure. With the new pump and tank In op eration persons desiring to fill their automobile tanks with gasoline are not required to secure t he services ! er Us owner. On the contrary, they ! simply secure their supply of gasoline ! which Is automatically registered by I the iniiii!) John Hunter, who recently secured; 1111 UIIH innrnnu;. wiiero lie will prob l the contract for erecting the local Illl,v undergo an operation at an em ly In niorv. returned here this morning ! date. ! from Portland. He says the entire; lr. Tabor, or Silver City, New Mex- Hireeture will be erected this rail.!'""' arrived here last evening to j barring the poHtflliiMlv of bad weath- spend a few days visiting with his ei. Wcrk will be commenced on .Mon-; ''"nsin, I,. K. Milledge. He was ac day. Speaking of the warrant issued "nipaiiied by Mrs. Tabor. ye"-day for his arrest, Mr. Hunter Perkins and wife entertained (smiled and said he understood theia few of their friends at an inform- :uation perfectly. Mr. Hunter; "1 dinner, at the Perkins home, cor : f'i'.hiH that the pile of rubbish com-' ''r Mnsher and Stephens streets last I plulned of bv Mr. Knartee was placed; evening. near his building by the Clarke & Kifhard Morse, traveling engineer lleuery Construction Company, which i fr tlle Southern I'acfic Company, nr cuncei n recently laid several blocks rived here last evening from the tir imving in litis citv. Mr. Hunter i Son,n- 1,0 will continue his journey said th(. rnbbisli not only hindered l Prtland tonight. I persons wishing to travel tlm street.) I'ritted Snow flour manufactured 1'ut interfered with his business. In I ' Sperry Hour Mills Co., the oldest ! (ho event the suit Is pressed by Mr. I ..aariee Mr, Hunter says ht will nrobably bring a suit to collect dam agert against the Clarke Henry Company, the firm responsible for placing the rubbish on the spot des ignated In the complaint. At noon today the wnrrnnt for arrest had not been served on Mr. Hunter. BUILDING opeii at 2 nnj 7 p. m. A rr' X'L-ll'U A It, L. Cannon was in from his ranch north of town this morning, j Mrs. C. S. Parker went to Green i last evening to spend a few days. New crop walnuts, the first In I town, at the LJee Hive (of course). I nl I H. il. Telnian, of Portland, arrived I heie last evening to look after husl j no;:, interests. Ji;at arrived, new Finnan Had-t:r. and Kippered Salmon, at the lire . I.'i.e Grocery. if C. It, Wihson arrived here from Port 1 mid lust evening to lool; wUur ! tJ ut iness Intel-etas. J-'rcd Heavens spent yesterday aT ' ternocjii in Koseburg looking after business matters, i Mr. U'ixori returned to his home at Myrtle Creek last evening after a I day spent in Koseburg. j Artnur Mathias, o'f Portlund. ar : r!v(.d here this morning to spend a few days with friends. Mi. Hrown, a local newspaper man, returned here this morning after a few dajs spent at i)rain. Mis- Crowe returned to her home at Kiddle last evening after a few d:jys spent in Koseburg. N. A. Collamoro left for points South last evening after a few days s; ent in Koseburg. Kalph Knight, of Canyonville, was a business visitor in Koseburg yester day. He left for home last night. Mr, Townsend returned to Kiddle hist evening after a day spent in Koseburg consulting with local phy sicians. M. Chastine, wife and daughter, of Oklahoma, arrived here last evening to spend a few days looking over the. country. ! Mrs. Krancfs Tripp and two cbil-; dren went to Kiddle this morning! where they will spend a few days via-j itlng with friends. Little Hall Keely, son of Dr. and! Mrs. A. C. Keely, is suffering frot:i the effects of an injure.! eye sus- tained li.st evening. " Dr. Pearson and wife were anions the Sutherlin people- who came over last, evening to attend the production of ''The Lure." Mrs. Men t el and chfldren, of Thurston, arrived here last evening to spend a few diivn visiting with Mr. and Mrs. ,i. K. Kalbe. Arda Kdwards, of Drain, came over this morning to spend a few days visiting at the home of Attorney und Mrs. Charles Hopkins, Charles Stark, of the McClallen hotel, returned here last evening af ter a few days spent at Portland look ing after business matters. Mrs. Grant returned to her home at Kiddle last evening after a day spent in Koseburg visiting at the home of Sheriff nnd Mrs. George Quiue. Fred Huell returned to Dillard last evening after a day spent in Kose burg. Mr. Huell conducts a store at Dillnid, where he Is well known. Mrs. J. Willett and Mrs. J. H. rtur goyne and the bitter's daughter re turned to Kiddle last evening after a couple of days spent In Koseburg. Knaffle llaynes, of South Deer Creek, was admitted to Mercv hosnl- ,ul 'argest mills on the Pacific const Kach sack bears the Hee Hive monc uucK guarantee. n 1 C. A. Holes and wire and Mrs. H. A. Pratt left hero this morning for Ashland after a brief visit with rela tives in this city. They reside at Mill City. P. L. Hlsell and wife, and the for mer's mother and sister, Mrs. John 1-tiKuo and Miss Hessle Coleson. of Washington, arrived here this morn ing to spend a few days visiting at the home of Mrs. George Godfrey. Claud Plank, at one (time employ ed In the barber shop conducted by Klmer Demotta, but of late of Kl Paso. Texas, spent the morning in Koseburg renewing old time acquain tances. Douglas Countj Creamery battel Is the best on the market. Insist on vour grocer supplying you with this home product, which Is always strict ly fvesh and guaranteed. Tv.c pound roll. ST cents. ti Sheriff George Qu!ne went to Kid dle this morning where he has busi- 1 ness matters needing bis attention. I Mr. ()uin,i recently sold his prunes nnd wilt arrange for shipping the ! same during his present trip to Kid , die. ! P. M, Crosby ami I,. 10. Van Konk. i until recently connected with the Gall ; shows passed through Koseburg this ; morning en route i'im in Portland to points in 'le;is. Iloth men are known here where they spent u few days ! duritm the last strawberry festival 1 Hills Pros. hiL'hest grade cotfec r selected from the finest plantations j rich flaored and fuM-bodlcd --skill-' fully blended, scient ii u:al ly roasted, i packed in vaccina cans, nature pro ; iUtt-cd the f!:uor. t!te vaccnni can re- tains it. -:xelutve sale by Heehive ! ( roeerv. t 1 Post office Inspector Morse re turned here tliis moraine after a few ; days spent at points In the southern; pari of tne state. He was accom panied here by Post of flee I ti spec tor ; ; iturund. who makes his headquarters at Portland. W". A, Kullock, state foreman of I the Hrotherhood of Yeomen, arrived; ; here last eventiiK from Salem nnd de livered an address before the loiUe ; last niuht. Mr. Hullock is well known I throughout the entire state, where lie hart attended meetings of the fra- Kit nnw for fcit now for your Holiduy Fots All the latest novelties. CLAKK & CLAKK. , ternal organizatiun of which he Is a gr:iid oft.cer. I ...is. i:. G. Kvvdlee returned to Svtherlin this afternoon after a few :.i....s spent in not- buri;. ! Mis. Her and daughter, Miss Jessie, of H'lerwood, iiiriveu nere this after noon to visit at ti.e home of Mrs. ! S.it:;t Lewis. i Mrh. I. J. Goff letumed to Suth- erlin this afternoon after a brief 1 vis t at the home of Mr. und Mrs. A. D. Hatin. ! J. P. Wilson and wife, of Seattle, I who have been spending a few days in Koseburg, went to Glendale last j night. i K. H. Crane is expected here to ; night from lied Blutf. Cat., to visit ! at the ' ome of Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Conn. ! Mrs. 1). F. Richardson and little son returned to their home at Siith j erlin this afternoon after a day spent ' in Koseburg. I Mrs. Is. A. Dougherty, of Myrtle ' Creek, came down today for a short ; visit here, and to look after busi I ness interests, Mrs, C. L. Chenoweth and daugh i ter, of Oakland, spent last evening : in Koseburg attending "The Lure," ! 1 at the Antlers' theatre. j C. P. Marnard, wife and daughter,! ''niff,, lett tor Kimeno this after-1 j noon to spend a few days. Mr. i Marnard owns considerable property ' there. i)r. Hodge, who spent yesterday in ; Koseburg delivering lectures before 1 the teachers in attendance at the lo cal institute left for his home at Eu gene this morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chandler and child left for Portland this morning where they will probably locate. They have resided here for some time past. V. A. Keach, a recent arrival in this section from Illinois, has pur chased a small ranch, about eight miles north of Yoncalla, The ranch Is paid to comprise about 50 acres. Robert Karnsworth killed a ten point blacktail buck on his recent trip to the head of the South t'mp tua. This deer dressed 2(H) pounds. On one side were ten points and on the other side six points. Mrs. Nellie Miller left for her home at Portland this afternoon after a few days spent at Glide visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Robert Hlakcley. Mrs. Miller reports the in fant child of Mr. and Mrs, LUakeley Improving. Margaret Kmery went to Coles Val ley this morning where she will spent! some time at the home of her mothe?, Mrs. William Kmery. Mr. Kmery is at. present in Colorado whore he is spending some time in hope of bene fitting hfs health. He will be joined by Mrs. Kmery in December. William A. Ragan. who he( 19i:t and 1914 films of the Pendle ton Round-up, is spending a eovle of days here in an eflort to siiow h is J pictures in one of the local piayhous-j es. At noon touay ne imu failed to interest either of the managements, however, ami U looks as though the films would be passed by. George K. Meyers, of Canyonville. has returned from Minneapolis where where he went to center with the fruit eommissionc s regarding the disposition of Douglas county apples. Mr. Meyers says he found the Kaslern market in good condition, notwith standing that the Kaslern apples are now being sold, it is Mr. Meyer's opinion that Oregon npples will be in great demand within a few weeks, when they will bring excellent re turns. The local lodge of Yeomen held a very interesting meeting at their hall in Koseburg last evening, when State Foreman W. A. Hullock, of Portland, and Mr. Goss, a deputy organizer of the Yeomen, were present to deliv er addresses. Following the business meeting, during which several brief talks were made by the officers and members, a delicious oyster supper was served by the ladles of the lodge. Mr. Goss. a deputy organizer, who lives at Portland wilt remain here for some time in hope of recruiting the lodge. He hopes to add at least 50 members to the present enrollment of the order In this locality. The welfare extension work com menced in Koseburg last summer has just been supplemented by three carefully prepared demonstrations and talks by Mrs. Robbins. of the ex tension department of O. A. C. This department sent Mrs. Robbins to Ros'diurg at the request of the '1)5 1 Mt ntal Crlfure Club. Moth these or ci.nizations. the Mental Culture Club and the Agricultural College wish to extend influence for advanced education as far as possible ami this coerse of lectures has been given to the public for its enlightenment. It is to be regretted that more ladies in Rf-ebur were not present at these meet in cs. M rs. Robbins' work has been very helpful and sh, has made iriiin triends for herself and for the college by her earnest efforts. Dr. Hodge, bead of the extension department of the Cniversity of Ore gon, wiit tie'iver a series of lectures' in the auditorium of the Portland j Yoene Men's Christian AsMx-iaiiou, j beginning v November S. The ec-j tuns will be under the auspices of! the Y. M. C. A. educational depart-' meat, and will be free. Tlie ;ue to; bo open to both men and women. R.i C French, educational director of ; the Y M, C. A., has just returned! from Keaene, where he completed nr-! raimt ments for this course. The op-! . ti'iii: c.'C:iii e w :!! ho on lee ' t. ; "Pram Fattens". These will bo Uv- t ir s on each subsequent at .if day : night. Some cf the subjects tr, i- i taken up are: "Control of Special; Hacteiial Diseases," 'Tlacteria audi Common Sen-" Cleanliness." "Civic Ptology." and "The Distribution nfi Animals". (Dr. Hodge has been ini Koseburg for a few days attending the teachers' institute.) GlaraB A mmnmm?mtm??m!tmtmm?mtt TliSs 1 SmQ, Ccr(ific3c IS crtfcac nsurc MIZ Tl.it P'.r o BV Sho Far Silti) 60 D.,. From D( With And sd sw W1 B R'p cJ 0r R'pu,d AbM,utci4 B jfrcc of C barge e LVSrV fll BS '" H S'.l D., r,trBUa ill. this C.rlif.c.U . DATE ROSEBURG BOOT ERIE J 2l P m RostBiKMi. out con Zj iUiuiiiuuuuiiiiuiaiiuuiiiuuiiuic: ROSEBURG BOOTERIE PerHins Building Roiebarg Oregon ECONOMY GROCERY Will give double S. & H. Trading Stamps on all caih purchases Wednesday and Thursday. This means a great saving to you and helps fill the book that counts. Compare our prices with those of other merchants before placing your orders elsewhere. QiiaHty and price guaranteed. K.M.MEARS,Prop. 344 N. JacKson Street UONT FORGET Hofore retiring take DIKE'S LiTTLB LIVEIl PILLS and avoid all bilious liver and stomach sickness. These little liver pills work not only on the liver but assist the stomach in its work. Don't wait until you are sick to take Dike's Little Liver Pills Keep them In the home take them regularly. They will help ward off every stomach and liver complaint. Besides you are sure of the Ingredients of these littlo liver helps. Don't wait for biliousness. )e ahead of It by buying a 25c box of Dike's Little Liver Pills. wnnt o'to"""66 "le D'ke L'"e; W6 boliovetl ln lt8 merits we. KROHN'S PHARMACY street THE LEADER Millinery and Ladies Toggery If Its Right the Leader Has It" If the Leader Has It It's Right" arlon Comfort Shoe Shoe With A Purpose ALSO INSURED SHOES FOR BO VS Phone 63