Mrs. F. J. Bolter, hop grower of the Willametio Valley, has shipped her auto to San Francisco, ifrom thence she will motor through Southern California fnr three months and also visit her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Decker, of California. She will be aicompanied by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Dora Bolter and her son, Ern est, who will drive the car. Robert Green returned to Green last evenlug after a day spent in Roseburg. We are disposing of some of our office furniture at the corner of Jack, son and Cass streets, as we are mov ing to new quarters where it will not be needed, but where we shall be better than ever prepared to take care of our rapidly Increasing nur sery trade. Kitchin & Black. tf MANY TROUBLES ! Encountered by the Notables at Washington. The Rochdale Store can supply your grocery and 'dry good wants. Phone 145 O. JAC0BS0N Telephone 208 Hl N. KSK M COKXKK OAK. Are You Loyal? Are You Useing a Roseburg Broom? The best on the market for the money. The' will last longer, and your work will be lighter. You will be helping a home enterprise and making a greater Roseburg, Every merchant in Roseburg is selling them; so be LOYAL and demand the home pro duct. , Whist Brooms at all Drygoods and Drug Stores. All are sold with money-back guarantee. Free Seed For Planting. ROSEBURG BROOM FACTORY ELECTRIC COOKING There is no need now to bother with Wood, Coal, Gas or Gas oline. Cook by Electricity, the cheap, the convenient, the mod ern way. The rate is reduced so that it can be used for all purposes. f $ DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT & WATER COMPANY SENATORS A BETTER CLASS Panitorium Dye Works AU work tullj guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. Prac tical dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of Ladies and Gents' Cloth-(j ing, Cravenettes and I'ortiers. Roseburg, Ore Many "XttiiHlity" Wonls Are Passed .UtMfen The Hij:Iier-l"ps I Hir ing Hitter Debutes nt Xatitmal Capitol. way, eventually will trim am tt 150,000 ! horsepower about 240 miles to Lob Angeles and vicinity. For mailing electric light bulbs and other fragile articles in safety two Englishmen hnve patented a box containing wire netting to hold the contents away from the aide. A small flat plate to be attached to the tun or a tt-legroph key at any desired angie has been patented by; a North Dakota man to relieve the strain of sending with a flat knob. For measuring the force exerted French doctor has invented a ma chine in which bicycle mechanism drives a dnamo, which registers on j delicate electrical Inst rumenls. I A new picture moulding is stamped j from bheet metal and is intended to j be nailed to a wall before the plaster I Is applied, the taller helping to sup j port heavy weights which may be ' hung upon it. The Argentine government has ar ranged to maintain permanently a lneionrlogieal station established by n Iirit:sh Antartle expedition nt L-uuruv May, the southernmost point in the world. In a recently patented life preserv- WASHINGTON', D. C, Oct. 23. ) Th;a man Donovan who came to j cungre&s from Connect uut has al ready practically destroyed harmony i j and equanimity among the great; ; liylita of Alabama, and as a result ! in showing how Representative Hob-! I son is neglecting his congressional I mines, was preeiunaieu a wumi i u- j er 8Il!t tne iower portions are made ; tie between Air. tlobson and Mr. In-, of a pold Teaistills material and the denvood. who aio rivals lor the sen-f (.t,nlr:iI porUtm is an ,lir chamber. ! atorship of Alabama. Dr. Donovan while lh(, foet aro WelBhted to koep j inserted In the Kecord a snort th a wearers head above water. j loriai l roni i lie uru ui m, I which tells completely the story of Ilobson. Here it is: "Fifteen ears ago last June, Richmond Pearson Hubsun was a hero. He has been a nuisance ever since. With his mili tarism, his jingoism, his anti-Japan To warn a balloonist if his air craft ! is rising or sinking there has been invented a vertical tube containing a horizontal fan, which rings two j bells of different tones as a'r enter i j the tube from above or below. P lor ii t..r lw.U' lr.r,l ism, he has been a visitation upon his dry (.iu; takeu OHt of wooien afflicted country. Now he is running for the United States senate against J Oscar V. Underwood. He feels that demands for $50,000,000 for the navy for ten superdrendnnughts, ev en for immediate war with Japan, have lost their pristine charm. So he turns over a new leaf by denounc ing Mr. Underwood as 'the tool of the whiskey ring and the money in terests.' Coming on the heels of the passage of the Underwood tariff net, it is hard to decide whether this charge is the more outrageous or lud icrous. With South Carolina threat ening to send Cole Blense to the Unit ed States senate, the bare possibility that Alabama might inflict Hobson on the country is enough to arouse a nation-wide interest in Mr. Under wood's candidacy." The Alaskan Delegate. Delegate James Wlckersham, from Alaska, who though unable to vote in congress, constantly keeps things stirring, has made himself so obnox ious to the Morgans and Guggenheims that .they are said to fairly hate the sound of his name. Nevertheless, Wlckersham lets congress know the things our great northern possession needs. In speaking of his work, the delegate asks: "What's the niat ance. just plain Ignorance! Congress ter " And then he answers: "Ignor is the darkest Africa of ignorance about matters Alaskan, Congress has a hazy idea that the red-headed stepchild's estate, of which it is true tee, consists of Ice bergs and snow fields, and that whoever snys Alaska hag resources is a prevaricator. Alas ka to them, is an Arctic mystery, af-flic,f-d with the Guggenheims and a tick-Rate, both of which they wish in t'.c land of hades, at least. In 171)9 the leased Alaska to the Hussinn-Ainork-iiii company, which thereupon become both government nnd monop olist of nil trade and opportunity In I'.t,isiHn America clothing with equal parts o! turpen tine and ammonia. The United Kingdom inmported IIOO.OOO.OOO pounds of esparto grass for paper-making the first eight months this year. Toothed tongs with which much leverage can be applied have been patented by a Washington inventor for pulling weeds. Firemen's helmets currying stornge battery for electric lighting front are being tried out in several ICnglish cit ties. A gather elaborate sling shot featured by sight to aid in aiming it has been patented by two Pennsyl vania inventors. Huge linen shields raised high in the air on poles are used to protect young trees in Iterlin parks from too much sunshine. Automatic devices check the speed of a new gasoline railroad section car at 20 miles an hour to elminate the danger of speeding. MAKSIM IFI,D STICK KT FUNDS AltK CiOXK Thirty-One Hundred Dollars Taken From Hecortlor's Safe. to a single monopoly continued until In the treaty of purchase in ISfiT the United States paid an extra $200,000 to end It. Immediately upon the pur chase, the United States in 1870 leased Alaska's only known resource, be fur seal islands, to a United MARSH FIELD, Or., Oct. 22. Nothing new developed today to clear the mystery of the disappear ance of the $3100 of city money missing from the city hall safe at Kastslde. The loss was discovered lan night. William Leaton, city recorder of I'Jastside, Bays tne money was collect ed for street assessments nnd with It was $115 of his personal money. Ho is custodian of the city money and responsible for it. beveral weeks ago it was found the sale would not open when the This Russian lear.e i combination was turned and several experts worked at it. I-eatun went to the hospital October 7. While he was there the outside safe door was op ened by a mechanic. Leaton sent the key to the inside safe door and ask ed that the money be taken out and deposited in the bank. City offic XKW LAW IHTTim AID. Steamer Miikiirn 1 tew tie Vancouver With 1520 l(oi-s for Ameri can Market. States monopoly for forty years. This litis decided not to do this until Leat lease expired In 1910, and thus for on returned from the hospital. When one hundred and ten yenrs Alaska: the inside sale door was opened, the wiis in n state of lease-hold peonage,) money was all gone, created first by the Russian czar, and j second by the United States congress. Meat nnd Kjuet Foreign Trade. In 1J04 the United States export ed $44,000,000 worth of beef dur ing the first eight months, while in 1313 the exports were but $1,000, 000 for the corresponding period. 21,000,000 dozen eggs were export ed from the United States in the fis cal year 1913, against one and a half million dozen ten years ago. These figures show that while American cattle are decreasing in number, that the barnyard foul is prosperous In supplying Its palatable food for for eign breakfast tables. Wearing Dutch Shoes. According to the department of ag riculture wooden shoes can be con sfucted in the United States for froi'i fifty to sixty cents a pair, and with ordinary use will last two years. While this class is not adapted as a substitute for dancing pumps, yet they are used by those who work In cold or wet places, such nB tanneries, breweries, or livery stables, and by workmen In steel or ghtHS factories who have to walk on hot grates or floors. It was determined some tim! PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 22. Butter from New Zealand may be a common article in the Portland markets in the next few weeks. The new tariff law has reduced the duty on imported butter from 6 cents to 2 ft cents a pound, and as New Zealand Is a great butter exporting country, a consider able part of the product naturally will lie sent to the United States. The steamer Markura, which arriv ed at Vancouver, H. C, a few daya ago, brought a shipment of 1520 boxes for the American market. Most of this will be consumed in the Pit get Sound cities. Another steamer from the Antipodes, due at San Fran cisco on October 110 also will bring a considerable quantity of butter. j A i'ortliind broker has a consign ment of, 100 cubes aboard and thisi will he put on sale in this city uh soon as It Is received. The retail ago that more wooden shoes were ! price will be 35 rents a pound, an, worn In the United Slates than In! "gainst 40 cents, the price of Ore-, Holland, where "Dutch shoes" had I gn butter. their origin. The principal users ofj The Mritfsh Columbia cities have' wooden shoes are in the middle west- been using New Zealand butter for. era states, and thousands of pairs years and experts pronounce it a mi-, an tiKtiiufaotured annually for the ; perior art h ie. j tnurk'.'t. j It will be fiO days yet before butter Importations become large, as thel HITS 1 Oil hi PI'KK. ' A s!i.-!e telephone company serves ' client 7".()f)t communities in the; ; I'uiied States as compared with about j 0.'i."'M post offices and 00.000 rail-' ! road s'Htioiis. I So that linemen testing telephone I c' mi its will not be endnngeied by i heavv rtir rents a new Kngltt-.h tevtitm i outfit Is mounted on a steel rod for I grounding. For drying women s hair a Kan sas ity niHii han invenu-d a box-like pff-ilr to conduct hot air from a floor nutter tu the hair as a user sits in i:o:n of It. Astronomers In IS observatories in nimoKt as many nations are compiling a map 'f the heavens that Is expected to cp'flotrun from 30,000,000 to M.fHMt.ouo stars. California'i greatest water power t- . .o;,:iit-n:, woik ou which ii under While this forelKii butter will help in reducing th" cost of living here, it will also have (he effect nf reducing materially the income nnd profits of the Oreon dairy farmer. tf. J. DENN TKA.NnFF-ll AND STOHAfiF. ( " Hoiisini!d goods, piano, bag gaqe, lumber, wood and a general transfer business. Baggage checks called for. All wmtU carefully handled, and stored at reasonable rate Oflice P. 102 Fm. P. 308 You May or You may not know Clothes Quality It Is a very hard thing to Judge. But you do know that the place for you to buy your clothes is the place where your Judgment cannot possibly go wrong. Where everything you pick Is certain to bo right because it is backed by an Ironclad Guarantee of your absolute satisfaction. That's tho kind of a place this is. Anything you buy here may bo returned at any time if It does not give the satisfaction which you think you are entitled, . Your better acquaintance with our line of SOPHOMOltK PK1U FFtT CLOTH ICS will, we are, confirm our opinion of thein. They embrace everything that makes for "quality" in Men's Clothes. Made of all-wool fabrics only tailored by hand and drap ed with thoughtful attention to details they nro uuqucstlouably tho best clothes for us to sell and for you to buy. $12.50 to $30.00 "Pick Where the Picking is Good" "DUDS FOR MEN" A. J. HOCHRADEL 141 N. Jackson . j surpli's producing season in New Zea-1 J - land Is only opening. ; t Church Brothers BAKERS Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the very best of materials. Try them once and you will always be a customer PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST. BEAR SEZ: "Fish is a brain food, because they travel in schools, but you don't have to eat whales." Plenty of folks eschew meat and depend upon ffsh. Do you like the Genuine Codfish? "We have j ust received the Standard brand, put up in 1 1-2 lb. boxes at Bergen, Norway. If you want something fine this will surely please you. We have also something new in pickled fish, a very choice article of Rollmops and Bismark Herring, in tomato sauce, mustard or spices. We also have Eastern Smoked Halibnt, which you all know about. These smoked fish are very appetizing. J ust one goud thing after another at MARSHALL'S The Pure Food Store FREE Thursday, Friday, Saturday With each dcllar or more purchase of Coffee, one two ounce bottle of extract, any flavor, FREE. Regular 25c and 35c seller. "THE CASH STORE" 1S3 CASS HTIIKET. UK HAVK YOU MON'KV Against impure bever ages by insisting on be ing supplied wit h ttose burg Superior Sodas. All llavors. They are just the thing you should have in the house to serve to the unex pected guest. They are best because they combine excellence of flavor with absolute purity.JJTry a case today. ROSEBURG SODA WORKS Phone 186