The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 22, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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We can save you money on your grocery bill. Our stock is FRESH
and COMPLETE. Phono your need. Prompt delivery and HatUfitc
tory assured. Alll our goods guaranteed.
immwwr'i'i ihiih'i ffiniJiww
Is Explained by a Noted Men
tal Student.
Cood reliable w on in of 35
wishes to meet a goJd charact
ered centieman. Adore- I' O.
box 442. City. o2..i.
was not hopeless, brineing them to
realization of the enormity of the I
rrinic of self-murder and pointing out !
I the liupe and happiness of continuing!
to live Bin! tight!! their battles brave-
You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See
For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8
to 36 Inches. Cement building foundation and
chimne blocHs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement
worK of any Kind.
I have five or nil house I will sell cheap, as ! wnnt to use the
money In other business. See rny burglar proof window lock, Its
O. K. See Pat's Elastic root pilnt for leaky roofs, " e build, move
or repair your houses. Busln -ua building!! a specially. Over Jorty
years experience In building.
A splendid property, on the mala Umpqua river, and having
marvelous))- fertile soil and climate conditions, with splendid timber
and excellent domestic water piped throughout house, barn and
numerous lots and feed corrals. On account of the several sur
gical operations and the recent hospital experience of Mr. Englo,
making It necesary for him to spend much of his time In hospitals,
and for financial reasons, he has concluded to sell that splendid
country estate. This is not an ordinary or even an average ranch;
but has all the requirements of a first class country home, where
ono can have the maximum of both comfort and profit, and live
there under excellent climatic and all other most satisfactory condi
tions. Thoro are 870 acreB, well Improved and most productive, for
general farming, stock, dairying and for nil kinds of fruit and ber
ries and Is all garden land of the highest productiveness. Has about
four miles of mnln Umpqua River frontage. The river bottom lands
have twenty feet or more of excellent soil. No overflow. Soil on
slopes and benches Is also dec-p nnd rich, excellent for fruit and
all farm and garden purposes.
The parks of spreading onk, nnd the fir forests, all in an ex
cellent parking system, are the wonder and admiration of all nature-loving
people who see this splendid ranch, which is In a class
by Itself. Write, phone or seo J. M. Englo, or any of his family
on the Englewood ranch for prices and terms, on part or all of the
property. A very low price will be made for quick action. Don't
mlHs the opportunity of your life to Rccure the best country home
that may be found anywhere around the globe. ENGLE, Kellogg, Or.
Saves You
Double Trading Stamps Given at
Friday and Saturday
R. STUBBS, giSce
Corner Cass ami Pine Streets
Phone 31 3
Now Is the time to mako up your Holiday Candle. We have ev
erything the holm- candy maker need and will sill vou at whole
sale prices anything In pur slock, such as Candled h'rtilln, Dipping
Fruits. Maple Sugar. Hitter and Sweet Chocolate Coalings nt 2T.C
the pound, the very best Wal'er linker's, none belter. Candy Hnxes
In all slies from . pound up to li pound at :t cents and up. Ther
mometers, Dipping Forks. Wa lioer. In tact everything in the
Candy Hue. Formulas and Instructions for tvaklng nil kinds nt
home made candy free.
820 Pine Street
Phone 190 Party J
Person (';nvnipatin Suicide Should
Consult He v. ti! lEefore
roKMiitf C.uhivn IMvfde
Jtfffrk'Mfls th Poor,
ycu co nt inplatii g s ilctde? Don't ta'
! the stop until you have seen the Kev.
Zed Hotzel Copp. of Philadelphia."
i Thus you mlht read an advert. se
! niftit of the Rev. Mr. Copp's "mental
! clinic,' If the Presbyterian minister
; who cnvelved the idea and is putlinn
i It into excellent effect and results,
I needed to advertise. He doesn't,
i His work in Philadelphia has adver
J tined itseir like It did in Washington,
j I). C. Hesldes filling the pulpit of one
'of the most exclusive and wealthy
j churches of the Quaker City, the Rev.
Zed Copp has made an enviable rep
I utation as a nemesis of the "blues,"
j mental depression and "prouches"
through his free "mental clinic." ,
The Rev. Zed Copp has had the
training to make his idea a soccers.
As nn accredited Presbyterian minis
ter of the gospel in Washington nnd
pastor of a church located in the very
heart of the capital's "red light' dis
trict, he came to be known as a ver
itable "good angel" to women of that
locality and to young men and g!rh-
I who got into trouble via the gilded
route. He was a familiar figure at
I the police court, nnd he was a tireless
! worker in tho interest of the defnnd
t ants whom he befriended and whom
he thought worthy of a chance. He
j was a deep sociological student, nnd
i a practical one. Just before nnswer
I Ing the call to the local church the
, Rev. Mr. Copp studied law. nas?ed the!
I bar examination in Washington and
J opened an office where he dispensed
j free legal advice to the poor and
i needy, nnd acted as arbitrator in do
! nipstlc troubles, which had not rench
1 fid the courts. During all his work
he had made a deep study of the crises
: of thos-e who have attempted Filicide
'. and failed. It wap after he mine
! here that ho decided to establish his
"mental cllnc" en thn theory tint it
! Is bettor to chancre n man's viewpoint
I early po that suicidal melancholia
; would not develop through breeding
i over wrongs and hardships, fancied
' or otherwise, rather than wait until
1 too late. Therefore the Rev Mr. Copp
tinlfla liiu rl!nira u-A(,1.- f,. n.t
ernl hours on Wednesday ;mh! Fridavj
evenings. When his "patients' c-.ill,
' he takes them one by one hi to his
i private study nnd talks to them. Ho
gives each a chanre to "get his brood
ing on his chest.
"There is hope for the mental pris
oner confined in his ceM of his own
despair. He need not suicide in order
to escape the exe cut km of relentless
fate. Them Is always ;i livinir way
out. If hn will only look for it." Tims
spoke the Rev. Mr. Copp when as'tcd
by a representative of the Tutted
Press about the clinic, pastor Conn's
theory, bas"d on observation, is that
suicide is the result of sin either
one's own or another's against body,
mind or spirit.
His met hud of treatment ppveho-
login, I. thn pastor explained. He
greets the would-be suicide cordially
and puts hirn or her nt eRse nnd rekix-
at Ion, Then he renting a sateniopl
I of fncts. withour mnna! ipprvation.
, cnntirrnliiK the '"palient's" condition.
, Heredity, training nnd environment
; are guue over very carefully with a
; view of ascertaining what perspective
. nnd estimate of life was conceived by.
j the patient In the days of his forma-'
, tlve stages. Otirlng this time Pastor
('mill U IlllVufrVllH' enorellln n , ,1
1 pounding li'f; patient, endeavoring to
; cairn nts mind, restore the poise and
! rei;tx ttie nervous tens'on. in a littb
i while the tragic lines of the race fof
, ten into repose, change to cheerful-
I ness and new lines of happv convic
j tion ns the patient responds to the
"treatment." One of Pastor Copp's
favorite methods of convincing a "pa-
i uem mat nil is not dark nnd dismal
; In life Is to have him gaze fixedly at
I a irlven spot on the wall, concentrnt
t Ing the mind thereon, and then look
upon a white curtain. Of course, the
j spots show for a time nnd then fade
awav out or sight.
j "Thus It Is." he explains to his vis
itor, "with your troubles. You haw
I looKeu upon it so long without chanc
j Ing your mental view that you cannot
see nnythlng else. Your distress is
i purely local, but you have made It
general to your mind by allowing
i fear constantly develop hlehlv mag
nified moving picture of your trouble.
Stop It. j.ot hope work in you. nnd
you will fliwnvs find a living wav out
of all kinds of trouble."
Pastor Copp hits given treitment
to all shades of mental diseases,
from superstition to Insanity. There
are, however, few rases of either ex
treme. The majority, he says, grow
morose through physical ailment.
The period of ' treatment" vvics nc-
I cord i n r to the serloustuvs of the mal-
ai. Mnsr rases nnlv require one
siM inc. the letiirth of which is deter
mined by the responv.Me--s of the'
patient. Sonir no at th" eii'l of twen
ty minutes, while the other tre held
) an hour. The "patients" :; , ve.nh
. divided e'weci mep wh-i-'N vvt
I ;tr. ceiie-;'Hv vf !n'd,!'' ai; The!
p:ster uiv.'s llnnt'! tmt --ciit bv 1
; nijt'l lo rMisrns einleci;i,: yi 'm..-h' j
I ni'ms o cmer osu of ; v.wn-- and ;
I con-'-sruTideiire. j
Airo:,(iy the new
io s. h is casf-t h:
and in eery it - !
way the potential sui. ides with
hr'tihter nutl.'ek en life, cured of
their desires for death. We claims
that his methods alrr;dy have hn-n
the me-ins t i i-er-uad n : r!ni.r.irirc
men and women u ualie thai lao
Wa nrtt (1 i si (ic 1 n f nf OPie Of OUT
office furniture at the corner of Jack,
':n and Cass streets, as we are mov-
ing to new quarters where it will nfJtj
be needed, but where we shall be j
belter than ever prepared to take!
care of our rapidly increasing nur-J
scry trade. Kitchiu & Black. tf
Vi, noitin reg jlar co.-amu.iic;.
tionn at Uielr t. mde on -fioii-nnd
toui lit lbui;ddyu "1
.uoiitii. All mumbei-tf i aqui tf'-ttt
o attend teguiarly and all vi-iiir.i,
nrothrs ar coiiiilly invite- '
attend. A. C. Seell. E. R.; H. S.
Slocum, Sec.
The Most Satisfactory Investment
I hav,. listed ?14,000 of 7 per
cent First Mortgage Ilonds which
are offered at par and accrued
Interest. '
These bonds rre sec.ired by first
mortgage on property costing ov
er twice, the total amount of the
Issue nnd the present Income
from the property is Fufficient to
more than meet all charges and
create a fund for retiring the
bonds when due.
They are also guaran'ced per
sonally by men of known re
sponsibility. Issued i" denionlml ions rf J101
and JTjOO, maturing serially -In
March and September 1917 and
September, 1918.
Interest Is paid semi-annually.
If you have funds to invest call
and investigate.
217 Perkins Bldg. Roseburg, Or.
burg Lodge No. 1037. Meets In
ttti'le' hull nn .laeksnn street.!
every Tuesday evenings at 8:00 j
o'clock, visiting brut tiers lnvueu
to attend. George Xeuner, Jr.,
Dictator; H. O. Pargeter, Sec.
O. E S. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8
liolds their regular meeting on th.
first and third Thursdays tn eacb
month. Visiting members In good
standing are rospeetfully Invited
to attend. Mrs. Noroh Flint, W
M. : Free Johnson. e,ecretary.
ivoon.urN' ok tiik woki.ii o-o
Camp, No. 12 5. limits ut. the Odr.
Fellows' Hall In Rosenuri;, jver
flrBt and third Monday evenings
Visiting neighbors always el
come. J. A. Buchanan, C. C.J M
M. Miller, clerk.
Iile No. 4, meets every Wednesday j
evening in I. O. O. F. Temple, j
Visiting members always welcome. I
Mary E. Ilouck, M. E. C; Anna i
W. Wimherly M. of R and C. '
You Are Entitled to the Best
Roseburg Steam Laundry
Is where you get the best.
Try us and be convinced.
433 N. JacKson Sircef
Phone 79
Ciccle, Xo. 49, meets on first and
third Monday evenings of each
month In the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis
iting members in good standing
are invited to attend. Mrs. Minnk
Matthews. G. N.; Clara Cawlfhdd
A. F. cSL- A. Ml. Laurel
P.t ta-'tTtf, No, U, boldi I
; . regular meeting:! on th- j
second and fourth U'eif
' x ni''-dyvB Of f!jei UiAr.ti. j
Sojourners Invited to nttend. J.
Groves, W. M.; W. P. Harris, Sec.
EAGLKS. Roseburg Aerie meets Ir j
their hall on Jackson street, 2 nr. i
and 4th Monday evenings of each
month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting breth
ren in goou standing aiw a; s wo.
come. C. P. Lewis, W. P.; B. F j
ooodmin, w. tiec. Phone
Bae Bail Cods
Ju?f r'vetved a targe hi.ipment of Hicycles. fjieyele Tire-i and
M.-so f'.i;il Good-s. Call and see what I have tWore you buy
ei.-ewht:. if you buy tui liu t n". 1 can make it an ol
i' t fi you.
J. H. Syke's Gun Store
1 1 1 ' I S M K P( HTO t I I C K
(. (. t V. Phlletarlan Lodge, Xo.
intets tu Odd I'eli'.ws 'ii'iituh
corner of Ja:kHun and Cass sfre.-t
in Saturday evrnin; p? t-ai Ti w -
Members of the order In soo1
standing are Invited to attend. F.
E. Erlckson, N. G.; M. M. Miller.
P. S.; M. L, Whitney, R. S.
L. O. T. M. Roseburg Hive, No. 51,
holds regular reviews on aecout
and fourth Thursday evenings In
Vaecabee hall. S'sters of othe;
hives visiting In the city ar
e-ndlally Invited to ati"nd our r
views. Mrs. Harry Pearee, Id I
pom.; Jessie Rapn. R. K. i
I. O. O, F. Rising Star Lodge No.
1(4. meets in Odd Fellows Teinpu?
everv Friday evening. Vlsitiuf
brethren always welcome. R. C
Agee N. G.; W. S. Powell
It. S.; M. Fickle. F. 0.
titoTiir.Kiioon op MFJtrcA
VKO.MKX- ML Nebo !,odge No
1828. meets every second anf
fourth Wednesday of each tnontl
RC thr. ' ..w hall. VisJtlnp broth
em and sisters wetconie. Richard
Stubbs. F. M. : S. E. Krohn. Cor
I. O. O. K. Union Rncampment No
9. meets In Odd Fellows' Templf
every Thursday evening. Vtsltins
brethren always welcome. J. G.
Stephenson, C, P.; O. L. Johnson,
R. S.; James Ewart, F. S.
r if'T'o-"
Guns r-'bored. stocks made, etc.
T iK' ri;i i s. Rowing Machines.
l!ic ries. Lawn Mowers. Locks and
Cmbrellitjt repaired. Also fwj
liled, keys made, razors, elisors
or afty other kind of grinding
done here. All work guaranteed
At Crouch's Hardware Store, Pine
street entrance.
Real Improvements in Roseburg
It will only take 10 minutes for any person to walk around In
Roseburg and see Improvements done on streets that were not
dreamed of four years ngo, when it was a question if the principal
business streets should be paved, but thousands of dollars Is spent
in townsue Improvements just the same.
Could have bee nsecured by the City of Roseburg for a little cash
and Alexander Irk was offered t a very reasonable price. To-
u . . 1i;i ,eX'',n !,r P'"' !0,s' G0x2r'0' a'' solli,K 10 the people who
like bathing, boating, fishing and largo shade trees.
1 t, vfi,." f n Bm' "a'm"nl- low interest and long
fore too Tate. ' 'UM ne AddreS3 be"
Umpqua Land Water Company
PlumbiDij, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble
WorKs. Telephone 251.
WorK Done on Short Notir ROSEBURG. ORE
imrnfriiiiMi imiw
.way,,,,,, myfiiffawnw