IE EVENING NEWS TIIK I'AXKHl'IWT IDEAS, ; home of .Mr. and .Mrs. J. S. C'herring-! ion in nils city M1LTO.V J. 8HOE.MAKEK lilts' CAM, ). bllOL.MAKLIl I ,; KdlKiiH and PuMMier. . Innt'KI) DAILY liXCLCT HVSDAX Subscription Kate Daily. Per year, by mail 13.00 Per month, delivered 60 Mm, Pankhurot. the noted English j William Whipple Is studying law her audiences will not he composed more of the curious than of thy sym pathetic, We have thin much fa I 111 In the womanhood and Intelligence of the women of our land, to believe November 5. ,9.0, at Koburg. Ore., j , , ZZTn . bcijii-Wbt'kly. Pr year $2.00 Bis months 1.00 Entered as aecond-cluss matter under act of March 3, 1879. MOXIJAV, (MTOIlKIt IWM. Til K ri'-STATK PKT.SS. The following article cuplcd from the Journal of Portland. Ik bo apt, ho truo to llf, that we reproduce it in full. There are atlll a few tiling that the Jomirul did not mention thut could well be added, mich a the steady patron who never pays but Kets from two to four copies ev ery night, the citizen who makes com- plain 18 ana bukkuhuohh, uuun ih Uorioiis (inouKh. but who will not furnish their names, und we might Kive more, but theae will suffice. It will be remembered that the "up state press" referred to means all Khose other publications that are outside of the slate's metropolis, the country weeklies, semi-weeklies and dallies, whose combined circulation Teaches at some time the habitation of every person throughout the statu. The article Is as follows: "The up-stnte nowspaper men have been In session In Portland. "Much Is asked of thorn and little bestowed. Th man who wonts free) publicity and Kives notning nncK in advertising, besieges all newspapers .. but nono more than the up-state pub lications'. "The mail overwhelms them with nil kinds of conv with a request that it be Inserted free and marked copies of tho paper bo sent. Stock shows, horse shows, county fairs. church fairs, state fairs, school fairs, world's fair, charity halls, June fes tival?,, health eommlltees, charity "committees, development pom m it toes, promotion committees, public ity committees, general welfare com mittees and every other kind of fair, show, exposition and committee showers tho publication office with requests for free space, always hold ing out as remuneration the assur ance that It Is for the good of the community, never realizing that white paper must bo paid for in dollars. tht printers must have money for fond, clothinir and shelter and that publication offices cannot subsists on warm wind. 'Alonir with thn fairs and other free publicity folk. Is the real estate nirent who doesn't advertise but wants his name mentioned In every sale, tho doctor who doesn't adver tise because he pays it Isn't profes sional hut wants his name as the Burgeon In a cnu of accident, nnd thn merchant who doesn't advertise because ho snvs It doesn't pay, but wants tho reporter to drop around nnd write up for tho paper a de scription of a newly arranged show window. "Jn addition, there is the profes sional pre?s ngont who Is paid a hie unlit rv bora use of his versa t ill! y In work In ir t he newspnuers for free ; publicity. Un Is the cunnlimest. ! craftiest, man with winning ways. chant n smile, polished addreHs and ! soulful eves, nnd when he gets through with the un-taie newspa per publisher there Isn't much left about the office that the agent wants to buy, especially In the way of advertising. "In no activity In the wnrM Is there so much endeavor to get some thing for nothing ns is attempted on the tie -ma per business. No ic tlvlty !n the world gives n? much to the public gratis, and gets as few tbnnks back. i Kor all the boosting of the com-i munlty, for nil the constructive ngl-' tatlon, for all the struggle at re-i form, for all the appeals in behalf, of public movements, tor alt the cheery puffs of the prominent clti-; sens, for all tho free notices, free' Insertions, freo publicity, free ex-1 plottatiou, freo advert IhIiir and free gifts of space and influence of every Kind, the community expects In re turn to lay n few flowers on tho grnvo of the defunct newspaper man when he Is dead and let It go at that. "No nubile servitor Is more faith ful nnd devoted, no citizen more sincere nnd but few figures In the community so generous or able ns Is the average up-stnte editor." In the ofifceg of Attorney O. P. Co- show. .Mrs. R. T. Mitchell left for Port land this afternoon after a visit with friends in Koi-eburg. Attorney O. p. Coshow returned here yesterday cfter a few days spent at Portland and Hood Hfver. Mrs. Ora Houser returned to Kld- diitl as she anticipates, and whether ' die last evening afier attending the Mineral or tittle Kuth Marstera. Mrs. It. I,. Kedifer and two c'.iM dren left for Drain th's afternoon where they will visit with friends. .1. A. Zimrick, of Koseburg, Is in tho city on business. He will re: urn home tomorrow. Aibanv Denerrat suffragette, has arrived In this coun try on a self-imposed mission to the woman of this nation. We Hay not ed advisedly, but rather think that notorious would have beon in better taste. Aside from a few, and we should Infer a very few, of the ultra drastic ones, It is lo be questioned whether her reception will be as cor- will not be accepted by any great numbei of them. The adoption of the tactics employed by this woman and her ndberenls In Kngland, by the leaders of the movement in this Mrs. G. A. Taggert returned io Oakland this afternoon after vfsii!nv at the home of Mrs. Crenshaw in thli city. Mrs. Charles White, of Mvrtle country, would have the sure and cer- Creek, was a visitor here this after- tain effect of setting this cause back many years, and destroying the ef fects of all that has (IiIb rar been gained. Over enthusiasts on every proposition that arises can be found among men as well as among women, but the latter are more Inclined to noon. She was accompanied by her daughter. Mrs. Maddox, who has been a pati ent at Mercy hospital for some time past, was discharged from the Insti tution today. A 10-ton steam roller arrived from go to the extremes when thoroughly! Portland last night and will be used imbued with tho subject. jn the case 1 of the extraordinary limits to which j the Kimlish women have gone, tinder I he leadership of Mrs. Pankhurst, ft' Is the openly expressed opinion of! nearly all the active spirits In the! arguments for equal suffrage or , in paving the several Htreets in Ov erlook Addition. I. U. Lee, of Roseburg, returned home this morning atter attending to business here yesterday aftur noon. Albany Democrat. Attorney Shaw, representing the women a ngnts. mat these tactics; C A. .Smith Timber Company, spent will fall to obtain co-operation or, the day In Roseburg attending to recognition hore. The women of, various business matters, this country have found out that the, Mrs, Kred Tipton, nee Rdna Lan great progress in thin direction that 1 genberg. who recently sustained a has been made by them In the past j severe fracture of the left limb is few years, has been accomplished by I getting about by the aid of crutches, persuasion and argument, not by i Mrs. Tucker, mother of Harry force and violence. For these reas- Pcaree, tho harnessmaker. was this Fall Shipment of Andirons Direct from the Factory Just Received If you are going to need a set ceme early and make your selection. Also ons the advent of the Pankhurst woman and the dissemination of the means by which she and her votaries expect to gain their ends, should, as thev undoubtedly will be. received with indifference and apathy. afternoon dismissed from Mercv hos pital after being a patient ther for two weeks. j Quite a number of the members of the local militia company spent yes-: terday on the range, north ,of town, where they enjoyed a few hours; practice. , M Ifanndorf. once n redden of Roseburg bet of late of Sun Fran-' i Cisco, itrriverl here hint nvfmlnp- In spend n few days looking after busi ness matters. 1 S. H. Rockhill, of Riddle, left for Corvallls this afternoon, accompanied by his sou. Feme, who will attend tho Agricultural College during the coming winter. Attorney John T. Long has been appointed administrator of the estate of Klnora V. Williams, of Looking flings. The eptnty is valued at ap-1 proximately $1.10. s Mr. Koeppin, who has the contract ' to erect the new Methodist Kpfscopal church in this city, returned here to day after attending to business mat ters at Grants Pass. Mrs. O. Gustafson and son left for their home at Scottsbuig this after noon after attending to funeral or little Ruth Marsters. Mrs. Gustaf son is a r:Kter of Mrs. R. W. Masters, i John Pates, formerly a res'dent of) CITY NKW9 Mrs. Hughes was a Yoncalla visitor tills afternoon. R. W. Strong is nursing a severe Injury of the hand. Napoleon Rice went to Oakland this afternoon on business. .lames Heckley, of Myrtle Creek, spent (ho afternoon In Roseburg. Mr. Long, of Yoncalla, was a busi ness visitor In Roseburg today. A Chinese singer is the attraction at the Majestic thcatro this evening. Shannon Taylor went to Winches ter this afternoon to visit with his son. Pure Jersey cream rrom the Cal dns ranch, fresh every day. The lee Hive. if Robert Wixson, of Myrtle Creek, was a visitor In Roseburg this after noon. Sheriff Qulne spent the afternoon at Oakland on official business mat ters. ! O. O. Hunsaker. of Roseburg. Is a visitor In tho city today. Albany Democrat. G. Faer, of Roseburg, transact ed business in Medford recently. Mcdl'ord Sun. .1. P. Thlcl returned to Yoncalla this afternoon after a day spent In Unveburg. Fred Hamilton, of tho local tele phone exchange, spent the afternoon ai Oakland. W. A. Foley, of Myrtle Creek, was a business visitor In Roseburg for a tew hours tnday. A. F. Sether, of Roseburg, yester dn v cam'' Into town on business. l:.gene Register. O, C. S"tber. of Gletulale. spent thej uriernnoti in Roseburg attending toi .1. Wise returned to Ynntnlb ; Hil,, M'"1 h wHI 'e committed this tiiTernonn after a couple of davsj ""'l of ,lT s!1'e i"1' it ut Ions. spent in Itoseburg. An "''I'1' was filed In the circuit Hert tusse . of 1 llnrd. went th I compelling i:. A morning in town. He went to Wil bur this afternoon. Fire Sets and Fire Screens We feel confident that we can satisfy your tae for any of the above. LADIES, we wish also to again call your attention to SAMOLINE. It is a cleaner that is giving uni versal satisfaction. Cleans paint, porcelain, steel table knives and anything about the house. A trial will convince you of its worth as a labor saver. In fact, will admit it to be the Best and Cheapest help you have ever had. Churchill Hard ware Co Ironmongers the nek urn Addition to this city, left! on Sunday morning for Roseburg. i far as attendance goes by reason of appropriations is nothing more than a long time, nno iw now focateu ni hip Hnnh'irs i the tact that it will otter Harry Ulng, spite work nnd cheap politics, it is Home at that place. field HH! News, the celebrated Chinaman, singing all Mrs. Pnrtln arrived here th's af-lthe latest American songs, and sing ternoon from Dlllard to spend a few! ing encores in Chinese. Harry Ding days with friends. She was accom- is an Oregon university graduate, punted by her friend, Mrs Collier. ' He just finished a fifteen week en- who recently arrived here 'n hone of, gagement on the Pantages circuits henefiilintr her health. The latter j wit h great success, having just lcosed lives in Oklahoma. an engagement at the Rex theatre. Buy bread made in Roseburn; j of Fugeue. none better. You could do vour ! "A riue to New York." being the i ovim 111 utnrv (if "W'li'il II-.i.tintwwi to your banking in Portland: laundry could be sent there; dry goods bought there but It Is not good business policy. Spend your money at home. tf County Judge Rice this afternoon held a conference with Mrs. Ruth Miller, who has been spending the past few weeks in Roseburg. The woman is snhl to be afflicted with fee!i!e-mindednes and It mav be nos- to Mary". Will Mary win the fortune? This Is one of the most thrilling of the series. Sellg spechil feature "The He lit of the Crow" In two parts. This takes you around the world with a hobo. Pathe's Weekly ends this wonderful program. TO VOTIiRS OF IMH'UIjAS COt'XTY asking the people to abuse the power nnd authority in them vested in order to placate the petty spile of a few person disappointed because they did not get what they wanted. If ail t-e peenle rightly understood the mo tives which prompted the referring of these measures, Mr. Parkison and his cheap outfit would stand about as much chance as a paper shirt in a bear fight. W. W. CARDWELL. "THK M'lfK" PLK.XSFS l'F.OPI,l: OF A Mi CLASSF.S To IN Presented At A Uriel's Theatre On the Kveniiitf of Oc tober 22. Papers of final settlement have been filed In the estate of F. A. j Caldwell, deceased. Mrs. Kin-.: and daughter returned; to Riddle last evening after spend-, inn a couple of days visiting at the! is the time for you to come hcr and see for yourself that Qualit is wnat we obtain both In t tit matter of pictures and music. Wt never fail to please our patrons Come In and convince yourself Majestic Theatre j On Novpinhor 4th there are. runout; other questions, two referred : measures effecting the state nniver ! sllywippropriations. These measures J were passed hy the last legislature ! nfln. ,t,n n .1 A o-icnfut fntiuiil.itnlwn Stevens to pay Into court the sum of; m, W(,rP ,, ,.e verv important to """''"''V fees, and $35. posts lnp 0,i,itlonal interests of the i state money Tho money authorized hy nt ,r.0 ml PVPrv individual person he order is to defray the expense s,tP T,P hulldinus and In. uned hy Mrs. .Stevens In hriliKliiK enl..ment of the universitv are in- proseeunnc a suit for divorpe ,lP., n,l tho m.nroi.rlntlons are She protests agaiiibl such unjust attacks as that which was made upon it, hecause of its suhject, and which caused it to be temporarily closed pendiiiK a need less police censorship. The fact that the play Itself is once more being Riven in New York f'ity and Is again crowding Maxine Elliott's theatre there with fashionable and cultured audiences is proor in itself that this drama lives un to its claim to he an uplift play with a sincere purpose of moral reform. The opinion of such experts as the United States white Blavo commissioner and ex-Police Commissioner Dincham of New York City, that "The Lure- Is accomplish ing much COod must he offset mrnlnst the Inexpert opinion of a few over- puritanical people who ses Immnrnl Ity in anything handlintr n theme Mrs. Harriet Stanton lllatch, the B"1' as white slavery. "Tho Lure," famous suffrage leader and champion : fr,il' fr'"" Us Los Angeles and San of women's rights, who has a nation-! I-'ranciseo triumphs, will he seen In a! reputation as a fighter for all that' ,his city at the Antlers theatre on is best for her sex, has come forth in a signed statement In which she declares "The Lure", George Scar lorough's white slave drama, to he "one of the cleanest plays I have ever seen on the New York stage for the evening of October VI IIOISX. DAWK To .Mr. and Mrs. A. Dtiwe, of 315 South street, a son on Sun day morning. Octohcr 19. and against her husband The cases of Wllllnm Mardln. Krank ImivIh and A. 11. lildgewny, of Kuihevlin, which were originally call ed for today have been postponed un til Wednesday upon request of Dis trict Attorney Oeorge M. Hrown. The men nre m-cused of violating the gamp laws In connection with hunt-1 i. i .....i, J Iwm'''" c"r'"ua'" ",,,l,a ,of tlon a, to whether it shall' be used Sutherlln. They will contest the 1 .... .ul - .t,ii, t, i i sorelv needed to maintain the uni versity In Its high standing as the! i first educational Institution of Ore-; iron. lo not he misled into the he-1 lief that to support these apprnprin-i j Hons w ill Increase your taxes. It I will not, for the money it already n- : proprtaletl ami in me nnim in mr tate treasurer, it is merely a ques- THROAT DRV, VOICE HOARSE? Take this short cut to throat comfort REXALL BRONCHIALS Have been widely used and recommended as a remedy really tending to allay throat soreness, in llammalioiuand tickling- It costs you nothing to Kive Rexall Hronchials a trial, since if thev fail to satisfy your nmeliasi-price w ill he cheerfully re funded. Here's real relief tr that hoarseness, tiet them today. The ffio&o& Store KATII.W KVM.KUTON, IVop. I'riklin ltulldiuK lie Giro S. it- . GYiYii Tntinj Stamps Case. The work (if laying concrete pave ment on Overlook and Vista Avenues nnd Chadwlck nnd Kast Cas streets, was r.imiiienreil at noon todnv hy Ma j glnnls Mrothers. who have the con I tract. The work should he romnlet- o,l by Saturday night. One of the waNTKI) A girl for general house features of Overlook avenue Is a nov-j work Call Rt 450 Ka street, el and attractive drinking fountain I 200S-O24 siauoneit at tue intersection of the three streets that are being Improv tended or shall It he frittered awav on some useless commission. We want the university, and we want the best university we can support, be cause we need it. The movement which led up to R reference of the CANDY HELPS Now Is the time to make tip your Holiday Candies. We have ev erything the home candy maker needs and will seil vou at whole sale prices anything in our stock, such as Candled Fruits Dipping Fruits, Maple Sugar, Bitter and Sweet Chocolate Coatings at 25c the pound, the very best Walter Baker's, none better. Candy Boxes In all sizes from M pound up to 6 pound at 3 cents and up Ther mometers. Dipping Forks, Wax Paper, in fact everything In the Candy line. Formulas and Instructions for making all kinds of home made candy free. Mrs. TILLIE ADAMS 820 Pine Street Phone 190 Party J ed. 1H fountain was installed hv; .1 W. Hamilton, who owns the abutt ing property, j Mr nnd Mrs. K. V. Myers have re- i turned In their auto from a five weeks trip to Kugene, Uosehurg, and Salem. Thev were accompanied hv Mr. Myrv brother. O .1 Mvers. man-' ncer of the Snauldlng sporting goods' house of Salem, and a friend. 1 Manrer. Mr. Myers says that country ! is all rfclit hut It ilci'i not compare' with limine Klver val'ev. lie also a he w n net pinched for vperiilng in Kos.'burc was repone,! here. I'll' th. t JM,.vr Medfor-t t'-ill M UI1UI1K I'iiwl-e 1 f.'f.l Tr mil I'c paid th,. fin WANTED Ctrl wanted for room work and dish washing. In quire News for address. 2011 -tf WANTKO A middle-aged man for general farm work; must he a good teamster. Knquire the News. 1996-Nl-p LOST Small round black hnnghng. containing kerchief, card case and kev. Kinder please leave at News office. 2i)09-o25 WANTKIV-Hv young man, hoard ami room in nice homelike private famllv. Inquire The News for par ticulars. 2007-o'.'.-.p Med- V UlsTtf oil It: : 1 ! VI t - IS I s. 1 IlilllliiH"! sin ;ii.' Ami What H ie viin Jvngs; i M.ii v. In fceepinr Mi;'- -i, ,Urv f civlng Its patron the best of overv:hin In the wav of photo-play and vamlo 'Ue, this theatre expects to break; all records tonight and tomorrow as KOI! KKNT--A farm of -'" acres.; t'.il acres under cult Iv itlou. rest , uood pa-tttre. Inquire at N-ws of fice, irton-tr S. (' WI1ITK Oltl'iNUTONS - Cock erels of th,. roval blood of William' Cook & Son. of N. Y . 1". S. A.. Or-' pinion. Kucjand. the originators, of ail the Ornimnon fowls. Trices J,"i no and up. Address W. II ; liinsmoore, Sheridan, Oregon. olo-n-Tp The Most Satisfactory Investment I have listed $14,000 of 7 per cent First Mortgage Bonds which are offered at par and accrued Interest. These bonds are secured hy first mortgage nn property costing ov er twice the total amount of the issue and the njesent, Income from the property Is sufficient to more than meet all charges and create a fund for retiring tho bonds w hen due. They are also guaranteed per sonally hv men of known re sponsibility. lued in demoninallons of Jinn and S.Min. maturing serially In March and September 19 IT and , September, 1CIK. Interest Is paid semi-annually. If you have funds to Invest call and investigate W. H. RICHARDSON 217 Terkins Illdg. Roseburg, Or.