s 1 6 v: ! I ROSF.BURG SELLING AGENTS BELLOW'S STORE CO. (mmm SELLIWG AGENTS- Pictorial Review Patterns. Sunshine Suits. a for m Athena Underwear, Broadwalk Shoes for Dependable Merchandise Only -MB.,... , ., ibmM,,mmmw Royal Worchester Corsets, Utz and Dunn umiclren. SsVtrc Pnn t 9inrt.rincr(z. Fnwnpc 1 -t- r- 1 mw i imiiBMHauK g. - . . I i:; . FOR Xfc 1;,! V HS Harvest Sale in ' ! l J - - I i ' ; i i. in our : ! ; BIG SHOE DEPT. JM j 1 - JHa 4: jjV $2-50 to $4.00 Ladies 'i f Shoes 75 cents . LbMk II: ! II In"oiir Shoe Department we have I K'ViiVV 1 II Shoe, made by Ulz. d,,,,,,, ,. J&jj& 1 f II stylos and klnd. "Pump,", Oxford, F'Wrf i If II Hlght Button Hoot. Tan nod Black. J II; I c'Pn """" Ut I 'W''l. ' -f l J I"1 at tlie low price of ox 7)' 1 - t . 75c per pair 1 ffe j ! l gf1 j Childrens Shoes at 50c i 1 5 ' Hlinou ar.1,1 Oi rn r. p,t i L i,uu iu .uu pair, I. 1 n11 loatliorH, Rood run go of sizes, j j whllo thoy Inat U ' 50c pair ! D II ri j f ""j "eavv noeS 1! II Gorman Ifnm. r",l n..... t.i . I j , built for wear. ld regular at ) : j 'V 1.75 to ?2. 75, Special V A I US if jii ni J1 SATIN OXFORDS jt Tm most complete showing j A . ' now Silk In nil the seas- Cjl ; i .. For Evening Wear 0"'s ,,,ost wn"to1 co,"rs nmi jl ) 1 Al1 colors to mutch any evening I k I I .nun- ..II .. .... . . I .'trt-ttwlt 1 it.... .... I I 1 II nutKU "I BUCS. ESptTtal I .ivfthiuilie, 111UCK, I I I I I S V Jill sa j jjo.uu pair 7pc ; BLANKET fi) J A" new shades, sold !vSo'" AM) regular at $1.75. Special j ? COMFORTS M j ' 40 in. Charmeuse 1 j Do you need Blankets? If L , j I so attend this Sale. We $1.50 .... S r can save ou monev f i ' UIKJ' AM colors and shades In- i ... eluding the New Gold. New l -' $1.75 K.,e Mahoga,,, spea, "- "-$2.65 $1.50 j :: I t Him n c.inf,is J J 5 j i I I $"ow $5.95 Dress Trimmings lit ; WI.OO W.m.1 lllnnk.,,.... 7P 'o , , , ,,, r U i Trimming. All this ,ca- "it"" 1 1 ! .1.(HI W.H.I IlLuiket,.... PO OD ',',t effect. Iliai.ls, V.W( f V ''"". ur ..raids. ,-., J.f ; 1 , IJMI tUmifortN 41 pn Work. OniitmentK, etc , prle- e,l at from 1 5c yd. ,., j $.I..KI o((, in It,n,t,-,2 50 C" 4 J WK.-C,.lt..ii 111,,,,!.,.,, 1 IQ ' ' j '' J II' ITS M y WK x v ,.: , r $18.00 Ladies, Misses Blue Sere Suits at $12.50 The -Seasons Newest Suits Lined with Skinner Satin Suits and Coats at Special $5.00 i Odds and ends left from our Spring and Summer -tock. Suits tht sold up to $30. special $5.00 New Fall Coats at Special $12.50 ' . . ia- -i Just received a shipmentof the newest Fall models' coats bought to sell lor 15 to 520 Special $12.50 02,8 f Iff Boys and Girls Separate Under Garments WE ARE GOING TO CLEAN OUT an entire line of Boy's and Girl's knit garments; garments bought to sell at 35c to 60c each; to clean up for our Harvest Sale Specitl, per garment 19c GRAND SHOWING OF THEFAMOUS ATHENA UNDERWEAR" HARVEST These garment come In both Wool and Cotton. Ladies Separate Garments Sold regular at 50c per garment; to clean up wo will place the en tire line on sale at low price of 19c T.h"vt So fiO. A'n itngtrt U If Shape .'q SO S'-tM A'ff CO, Women Are Quick to Appreciate ATHENA UNDERWEAR 0 Corttt Cottr For Women, Misses, Children '. i C. Combining for the first time the features that have given them the first sense of comfort they have ever known in knit underwear, these features are: The Patent fitted Seat. The Three-cornered Cusset at thigh. The Perfected Shoulder Stay, The Fitted Shoulders and Sleeves. The Extra Elastic Cuff. The Tailored Shaping, and The Perfect Sizing of Athena Underwear. C. In Athena the figure is smoothly, snugly and entirely clothed in every part. C Athena is made in twenty-eight shapes and in thirty-eight fabrics. The Athena shapes comprise high neck, long or elbow sleeve, ankle-length union suits; and high neck, long-sleeve vests with ankle drawers for women who consider warmth as the first essential. Then there are low-neck shapes in union suits and vests for women who delight in these pretty hnd dainty designs. Union suits and drawers are made in either ankle, knee-length or umbrella styles. C Athena Underwear costs no more than the ordinary kind. Made in sheer light-weight lisle and cotton, light-weight wool, heavy-weight cotton (fleeced and unllceccd), heavy-weight wool, silk and wool. C. Try Athena Underwear for children. Perfect fit. Lo:ig wear. Comlortable and warm. HARVEST SALE KIMONAS $2.00 Flanalette Kimonas Made In the Empire styles, "uuiinu range of colors. I'CUIl $1.25 SW A. It '., Sin,, o4M A'., it Ladies, Misses and Childrens Bath Robes All kinds and styles, $2.00 to $5.00 Si)R Kimonas $5.00to$20.00 Ladies Silk Knick- obackers c,al cors. Spe $2.98 Slap ,Vo. ft'. A or Lngt Athena ru.kTwenr is to he had on alyt the BELLOWS STORE COMPANY lMl:UWKli Dlil'AKTMKXT Complete showing of Silk Princess Slips. vt p.,,i coats, crew Petticoats, all shades. $3.50 and up Bath Robe Blan kets Complete with runls and ta !: wide raiiKe of patterns and up. $2.25 and up $1.00 and $1.50 Ladies Wool Suits We have about 100 garments or the e,y uest "Puritan" Underwear, oroKen sizes. Whllo they last at per garment 50c Ladies 50c Fancy Hose 15c per pair In this lot we show 100 pairs Fancv i-isle Hose, all sizes; to clean out per pair 15c Boys 25c Heavy Ribbed Hose I8c per pair T1. 1 . ...e uim. uoys school Hose, made strong and to stand nil the rough and iiaru wear, all sizes; a ble Special, per pair 18c ChiIdrens20cCottonHose 10c per pair Have sold regular at 20c per pair to clean out this Hue on sale nt per pair 10c Outfit your children at this sale. We will save you money. AH Sweater Coats furlng our big Harvest Sale at 1-4 Off Childrens Hats KNIT GOODS Ladies, Misses and Childrens Knit Underwear 50c to $3.50 --- . 'Ik,