v C1TV XEWS. v 0 Decorate your home in hand paint ed China. o22 Do you need u heating stove? Strong has the best stoves at the low est prices. swofl Just a reminder we can supply your grocery wants. Tue liee Hive, of course. ti Pure .lersey cream rroin the Cal kins ranch, Iresu every day. Tbe Beo Hive. if W. A. Bogard, of Roseburg. is here on business for a few days. Eu-, gene Guard. ' A sure tiy klner for cowa, horses and other livestock for $1 a gallon I at tbe Bee Hive, of course. t; Tho little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lieubeu Marslers 1.1 said to be very ill at tbe family homo in West Roseburg. ! Ladies fine leather hand bags ati reasonable prices at the Roseburg Book Store. Wo give S. & H. green ; trading stamps. tf A report of the sale of real proper ty in the estate of C. .1. Slovln, de ceased, was filed in the probate court this morning. Wc have nil kinds of berry plants ami small li-iiits tor hale. a sell not lling but III" best. .ict our prices. Kitellin & lllaek f "ml M rs. 11. A. Wilson, of . Roseburg, were in the city yosteidav. Mr. Wilson is train dispatcher at Kosehurg. Eugene Register. Waterman's ideal lountaln pens, a, complete line to select from at the, Roseburg Book Siore. We give S. & 11. Green trading stamps. tf The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Peterson, who reside on Sykes, street, died this afternoon. The fun eral will he held tmiwrow. 1 A. C Matthews la shipping three car-loads ot gravel, sand and crushed rock to Suihciiin, in louKlas county, tn be used in building operations there. Eugene Guard. Fino writing paper and envelopes at moderate prices at the Roseburg Book Store. We give S. & H. greeo i trading stamps. " The semi-annual account In the es tate of William Carroll, deceased, was filed in the probate court this, morning. S. K. Sykes. a local linri.-, ware merchant, is the administrator.! The Douglas Creditors Association todav filed a ski It 'In the circuit court In which they seek to colect the sum of $11.33 from J. Yokum. The amount of the claim is said to be due for merchandise. The Douglas Creditors ,Wrvl.Hin todav filed a suit In the ). ! against Ivor MrM nil"". Plaintiff seel;S to collect the sum of M 1 :. F.lYe:.! to be due Hire & Ilice for uy' rrhan.ii-c. -' r-i !:ivcn tip our lenc on ortle- y''"i lie lire 'jeiiig to "Oil our iiflh. t",':'linte. m.-wtmr of clinics. rm., Xh, fillnl! fm li net anil nnlrjr oHi- iiriirlo. '.ill at office I rl'lay nii-J Hntiintay. Kltcliln 111 k " Mrs Carne Von I.ind was this nf 'ernoon irrantcd a decree of divorce hv Judge Hamilton. In the circuit court, acainst her husband, M. Von- Und. Desertion and gross drunken Vr A 54 yQs STORES . 1 J i k Jr if i r7 ness were the chief allegations of the complaint. The couple lived at Glen dale. Henry Richardson lert for Port land this afternoon on business. Olive Davis, of Myrtle Creek,, ar rived here this afternoon to visiit with friends. Fred Heavens and wife, of Green, were visitors in Roseburg this after noon. B. H. Cole and wi;v, or Oakland, were visitors in Roseburg for a few hcurs this moinlng. K. Ward went to Oakland this af ternoon to spend a few days visiting with his daughter. Mrs. G. II. Miller returned to her homo at Oakland today after a brief visit at the homo of Mrs. John En gor. All our fine GO cent box writing I'aper reduced to HO cents, and one dollar's worth of S. & H. green trad. Ing stamps Tree with each box. one week only, at the Roseburg Book Store. tf Miss Mildred Wilson entertained charmingly last night at her beauti ful home in North Roseburg. Cards and dancing, as well as several vocal numbers by Miss Wilson, were enjoy ed by the sixteen guests. Delicious refreshments were served. Miss Flor ence Lilburn took first and Mr. Frank Lilburn took the consolation prize. In the case of the Riddle State Tlnuk vs. R. E. Hutchinson, the de fendant this morning filed a motion astking tnat the plaintiff be compelled to make his complaint more specific. Plaintiff is also asked to set out in the complaint whether the p-om-issory note Involved was executed by Mr. Ilutehlnron. as a partner In (he firm of The Adlor Creek Lumber Company, or Individually. A petition asking that new apprais. ers be appointed in the estate of Ed ward W. Sparrow, deceased, was fil ed in the nrnhato court today by State Treasurer Kay. of Salem. The. peti tioner says he believes the appraise-1 meat of the deceased's estate is fari too low. This assertion, he says he; bases on what he has hpen told by; parties who purvort to have know--! edge of th porperty left, by the de-t ceased. Papers of administration were j filed In the probate court this morn-! ing in the estate of Charles Mahn.j deeensed. Mrs. Charl-M Mabn is! named as administratrix, while F. E. j Alley, II. '!. Church and James Clark; are named as appraisers. The estate! is said to be valued at approximate- J H- $700, The heirs mentioned in, the petition and order on file In the) probate court are Clara Mnhn, w'id-j (iw; E. 11. Mahn, Fred Malm and! Clarence Mahn. brothers; Lillian I Plaster. Mabel Helllwell and Alice .Mahn, sisters. j . mjirned Wnmpu hal'ing frrirp Marshfield and at present employed In a local restaurant, was arrested In- Officer Chambers late sosterdav on ?. vatmncv charge At the time nf her arrest s;ie Is Mild to have ben ic. coeit.anv v. ith a ouosHennble male ,;.-,ra,.r r.f this ci'v. s''e pasted $;. bail, which is being held by Recorder imberlv pending disposition of the -,ie. Tite wooirn i;avo her first n "H-'be". She I'ns two M'lull chiUlren dependent upon her for a liv'pg Her his ia":'1. she sas re- t , w deserted her et. .ilacshfieid find to Pnn ,-. r !te. I - ni.'v n sides If wa ascertained la;e toda r ,.' e-jP ' ir-'" i-' Kt' i Diton. and that she live,; t Mvrtl--Point . -Hill i if $ ?fe g X I, ,. fLSEft 3T. "" t j - -j c tj 5lv ii Ij 14 friz i -C- r r r r-r r rL -jmB'o r r The See SHIELDS & CITY NEWS . In answer to a suit for divorce re cently filed against him by his wife, Wlnthrop Foley tills afternoon filed an answer in the circuit court. He admit!) having married plaintiff and that one child was born to their un ion. In his answer he accuses the plaintiff of consorting with men oth er man himself, one of whom he re fers to as his hired man. Upon one occasion Foley claims that his wife attended a dance with the "hired man" and during the evening Intro duced hlni to acquaintances as a cousin, Foley says he discharged the fellow and he went to work for Mrs.j Foley's mother. Foley claims thatj Mrs. Foley followed him and was in! his company for some time there- j after. Foley also avers that Mrs. i Foley and the hired man spent con- sldeVitble time In Roseburg upon var-i lous occasions against his consent.1 Later Foley says his wife became ac quainted with Charles Grlder. With this man, Foley claims his wife left Myrtle ('reek and for a time accoiu--panied the Arnold shows.. Foley also contends that his wife and Glider stole his automobile, and after selling ' the same Grider left for Xevada. Grider is at present under arrest at Winnomucca fin a chartre of non-support preferred by his wife. Mr. Foley asl's for a decree of divorce, the cus tody of the minor child and an order The Store That Serves Vou Best I I New Today---Sllassl!0,eaf ets s,,eets' Attend the Big TRADING Investment Feature Of Bogard Addition is appealing to many.JLots are large and close to the center cf a growing, prosperous city. Nevvindustries will demand Homesites for employees. By buying now under ourlspecial low price and easy terms, one can secure-a handsome lotwhich will eventually be worth many times the purchase price. declaring him to be the owner of certain real estate purchased slnco his man Inge. AttorneyW. V. Card well represents Mr. Foley. Mrs. Scott Landers left for her home at Portland this afternoon. f! P A,1,muu tlin HulberliM drnir- glst, spent the morning in Roseburg with friends. K. Mauldlng, a local electrical deal er, left, for Portland this afternoon) to purchase fixtures for the new; MethodlBt church, now In course of; erection. A sixty cent box of fine writing ealla that afternoon mid will return pnper and one dollar's worth of S. aeie with his prisoners tonight. & II. green trading stumps, Mr fifty . (.,rBeI, wtn tr(!Sss, II. W. corns. One week only at the Rose-, (;,.mV(, ,,,, cm,.ios Allen wero ar hurg Hook, Store. ,f:ralgned In the Justice court thlr. H. Dunlin, wife and children, of! morning. They entered pleas of not Terre Haute, Ind., left for Chat(a- guilty and the case has been set for nooga, Tenn.. this afternoon afterj tomorrow. The warrant, wan IsHtied several days spent in Udenhower vis-j at the lusllgatlon of George Olllvant, Itini; with their (laughter, Mrs. R. ; of Flournoy Valley. M. Weinsteln. j it was learneil here today thai Mrs. William Mardln, Frank linvls and Grbler, wife of the man under arrest A. U. Ridgeway. of Sutherlln, nrriv-j in Nevada on a charge of min ed here last evening and were at-! support, has weakened and asked the talgned In the justice court this t of If curs not to prosecule hlni. Inas morning on charges or hunting with-; much as the officers claim In have In the corporate limits of their homo, oilier charges against Glider they town. The men deny the charge and care little what atlltnilo she displays i ntered pleas of not guilty, The . In the matter. The officers sooni to hearing has been set for Saturday, place some credence In Glider's story .Mardln. Davis and Ridgeway wor.; to tho effect that the person niak irrestcd upon complaint of Game! Ing the complaint Is not his lawfully Warden Georire M. Knox, of Collage; wedded wife. Not until Grider Is Grove. Constable Edward Singleton I returned here, however, will the of iiuent the afternoon at Sulheiiiu ' fleerq be able to Hubslanllalo Ills summoning witnesses In tho case. statements. In the event his accusa. THE BIG DAYLIGHT New York New Evening Shoes at $3.00 We have just received new pink, white, blue and black satins and black velvet even- (IQ inSlippers; look at them now. Special DO Men's Wool Underwear $1.00 An extra fine wool iument in Krey only, shirts and drawers. Will be the best value that vou ever bought, and look t'j (T"I your Underwear needs now, spec. sj;ar. j) X. STAMPS GIVEN BOGARD, CITY Nh'WS Miss Uuxton, of llroekway, spent i "'o 1,l' In Rosebirg visiting with " " ,1,,r- According to a message received horo tills morning two strangers were arreBled at YoneuUa today on a ennrge or nreaiting inio aim roouing a residence of that city. Deputy I Sheriff Ralph Qulno went to Yoir minninriiinniiiiiiitiiiiiiiiinii iiw whmimiihwim bhhw STORE. SHOP BY MAIL Store Anniversary Sale ax WITH ALL PURCHASES Office 405 Cass Street tlon In Hue he will probably bo ar rested on another ehargo oven mora serious than tho one at Issue. Mrs. Martha Levins, ot Portion!, arrived in Roseburg lust, evening to spend a few days visiting with, friends. According lo word revolved lioro today, I. U, Smith, rormor owner of tho Monogram Cigar Store In Hits city, contemplates locating nt Grants Pass. Ho Is said to have been offer ed a lucrative position there. Does anyone In Douglas county know a man by tho name of lioscoe II. Stunt-,!. If so you should notiry The News. The aged mother ot Oil young man arrived In Roseburg today In search of her son, whom she Bays was last heard of in ltu;,eburg thro years ago. lie was a tinsmith h trade, hill Is said lo have followed another profession during his resi dence here. WANTED Man, to do plowing. Must furnish team. Eilonbowor district. Inquire News. l!IUS-tl WANTED - Furnished collage lor the winter, close In on paved slreou Inquire News. I DaS-K WANTED Horses and cows to paa-. ture on Ramp ranch. AddroKH or call at Box II, It. I). 1, Dougla. street. JfiHT-n.lOn HELP WANTED Wood chopper Id contract culling Mill or more tiers of stove wood. Edonbower dis trict Inquire News. iidiHi-tf Green Trading Stamps Are Money Savers Comforts' Ncw