The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 15, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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EVENING NEWS I Thet ar nw Kood evenings to
bii. niui'iia a cuny iiie hiiu reuu wie
Editor and Publishers,
HuTiNc-ription Hate Dull.
Per year, by mall $3.00
Per month, delivered (0
Per year 12.00
Six months 10"
Entered as second-class matter
November 5, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore.
onder act ot March 8, 1879.
.full account of the struggles and
Jiardtthlps that Dr. Cook went
through before reaching his go-.l of
toe Xcrlh Pole, and of the tremen-
doi' difficulties nf the return trip.;
Cut out one of the coupons In the Dkcuwd hv Cilv Connrilmpn
Dally Issues of the News, bring It and j UbbCU Dy liy OUnClimen
70 cents to this office and get a copy LHSt NlUllt.
jof this Interesting narrative of how j
Something was accompllahed after -
years of endeavor by the world's!
most famous explorers. :
wkd.n'khda v, octoiikk in, nn:.
From reports coming through
Washington sources, and giving the.
doings of Congress this week. It al-'
'lost looked an thopgh there might j
! bo a clnsh of arms between some of!
the notable members from the South, j
wh"n Repre&entntlve s Underwood!
and Hohson, both frrm Alabama, j
hurled epithets about Wall street at'
each other. The fact that thsy are I
both candidates for the vacant sena-j
tnrBhlp from that Btate, may Bome
what explain the belligerency.
Numerous Ordinances Are Placed on
Third l-alliu( and Ailoptcd
Hidfwufk Complaint Are
Considered Other
Insurance statistics Dhow that
over 76 per cent or all accidents oc- There Is nothing anaurlng
cur at or near the closing hours of I the dispatches being received regard
the day's work. They deduce from
this the conclusion that aa the day
advances, the mind becomes Inert
and less watchful of thuso details
that go to make safety. As prob
that thfti Idea can be carried out
still further, we note the case of the
autoist, who has just completed a
motor trip from California across
the country, arriving at New Jersey
the final destination without any tire
trouble or accident of any nature,
but when within one hour of his
home, ran over and killed a small
Our next door neighbor, the hus
tling city of Medford, Is going to pull
off a pretty good advertising stunt
in the next inonMi, as we note by the
press dispatches that they are to
have a game of base hall, played by
the globe-circling teams of the Na
tional League. There must be a good
sized bunch of rattling enthusiastic'
fan there. We wonder If Dick I
Ausch and some others of the local
prodigies of the great game could
not induce them to aton over In Itoae
Iwrg and put through a few hot ones
aa samples for next year.
Ing the affairs In Mexico and our ad.
ministration's efforts to clarify them.
Indeed, from the tenor of these that
ere given out. It would look as
though the situation was becoming
more and more strained from day to
day, and it mav be any moment that
thev become the all absorbing topic
and have all the head lines in the
New York business men and oth
ers who make daily trips on the ele
vated and subway trains, are up In
revolt against the rules that prtliibi.
it smoking on the cars, and have pre.
.wined a monster petition to the offi
cials of these lines demanding that
certain carB be set npart for this pur
pose. The petition was signed bv
over 70,000 patrons whose trips each
day takes from 30 to 45 minutes to
The proposition of handling the
hobo situation consumed the great
er part of the time allotted to the
about I transaction of business at last even
ing's meeting of the city council. I
The matter wag brought to the at- j
tentlon of the council by Councilman
Wright, who said the town was at
present overrun by the hobo element.
To rid the town of this class of tour-!
Ists, Councilman Wright urged the
appointment of two special officers.
Councilman Wright said Roseburg
was the only town along the main
line of the Southern Pacific railroad
whore the hobos were allowed to con
gregate without any apparent fear of;
the officers. "We should keep these!
fellows adrift," Bald Councilman !
Wright, "regardless of the expense '
that it may Incur.
Mayor Mlcelll agreed that the hobo
element was a nuisance, but how to
get rid of them was a question that,
had puzzled his brain for a quarter
of a century.
"The hoboes probably bother me
as much as they do anyone In town,"
Bald the mayor, "and I would be
A New York Eugenics society li
going to try the practical plan of Im
proving the human race, and are pro-
paring a contest to select a number
of perfect couples, nnd the first pair
or tnose aolectcd to get married will
get 500 and another like sum will
do given upon the birth of the first
child. This Is nothing especially
new, for we are under the Impres
sion that such a couple once started
out In a place called tho flairden of
In order to make the results sure
and certain an aviator In Algiers this
week ascended 2,000 feet and there
hot himself through the brain.
Do you, Mir. Citizen, belong to the
Roseburg Commercial Club? If you
don't, do not nns up one of the I delighted to have them driven from
cards that will no doubt he presented town. If I have furnished them one
to you In a short time, to associate I stick of wood I have given them at i
juurneii who mis mosi wormy and least iuu cords during my res dence
in mis city. When they can't find
anything else they burn my wheel-
We Challenge The World To
Produce A Better Shot Shell Than The
esHontlal organization. The vory fact
of your belonging will strengthen
the resolution of some other man
who Is wavering, or has simply been
careless and neglcttful.
CURRY To" Mr! "nnd " Mrs0."A.
Curry, In Roseburg, on Tuesday,
uct. 1 i, a daugnter.
wAiWKu married man wants any
Kinn or work near city. Address
WANTRD A buggy. Call at Morley
Hrolhors' Grocery, Sheridan Btreet,
Saturday, Oct. 18. ol8-p
FOR ItlONT Furnished" housekeep
ing rooms. Call at 302 W. Wash
ington Btreet. No children.
Take this short cut to throat comfort
Have been widely used and recommended as a
remedy really tending to allay throat soreness, in
flammation and tickling- It costs you nothing to
give Rexall Bronchials a trial, since if they fail to
satisfy your purchase price will be cheerfully re
funded. Here's real relief for that hoarseness.
Get them today.
The $&Xal Store
NATHAN FCIJ.KKTON. iVop. Perkina HuiPlliig
We Give S. - . Green Trading Stamps
Portola Festival
llX,llNVlAJTl I
1 lip Kximtton I inc -s
A four day carnival and fete with unlimited at
tractions and entertainment. Spectacular Parades
Naval anti Military J ournaments. Fieets
American and boreign War essels.
Nncrnmonto to Nun l-rm.rtr
lly Itlval Olioge M(mknta
1 Tickets on Sale October 19-20-21-22
j Kinni llrtnrn IJnili Novciiitwr to.
I Call on any Southern Pacific Agent for further particulars.
i John M. HruCI, tJcwral Pammger Anl
sJ lllllTia.NK, OHKt.ON.
barrows and other Implements about
my place."
Councilman Zurcher said ho had
been bothered by hoboes for some
time past, and that only recently one
of them attempted to enter his home
On account of this Incident Council'
man Zurcher said he missed a show
for which he had paid two dollars a
Marshal Fenton said the city would
have no trouble In handling the ho
bo nuisance In the event they would
arrange a rock pllo.
Mnyor Mlcelll agreed with Fenton
and declared that work was the only
enemy of this class of citizens.
City Engineer Hicks said he be
lieved It would be a wise thing to
round up about twenty of their num
ber and place them at work grading
the parking on South Jnektbn street.
It was Mr. Hick's belief that the
work could be done In thlB manner
cheaper than otherwise.
Mayor Mlcelll came back at Mr.
Hicks In stating that the average
hobo would consume 75 cents worth
of feed a day, while his services
would not exceed 10 cents.
Recorder Wlmherly nlso joined In
tho discussion, stating that upon one
occasion a hobo even went so far ns
to steal a Bhovel which had been
loaned him while at work.
Following tho discussion, Mnyor
Mlcelll was authorized to employ an
addttlonnl officer, whose sole duty It
will be to rid the town of tramps.
Mayor Mlcelll said he would probably
engage Have McClelland, who was
most efficient In this particular line
of work.
Maginnis Brothers were grnnted
extension of time, terminating on
November 10. In which to complete
the Improvement of Vista and Over
look avenues.
Mayor Mlcelll mildly opposed the
extension of time on the grounds that
the contractors should be more care
ful in setting their time of complet
ing contrnrts when bidding. The may
or said tho engineer's force was quite
expensive, nnd Hint the work should
bo executed as fast as possible in all
Mr. Robert Ashwnrth complained
j relative to the condition of the slde
I walks abutting the l.nne property on
I Washington street. The matter was
! referred to the committee on city Im
i provements. I'pon suggestion of this
I committee the marshal was tnstruct
j ed to notify the owners- of walks on
the street mentioned to repnlr the
I same at one or rebuild new mes.
j The bond of the city treasurer was
: fixed at $5,000. while the bond of
' the recorder was plared at $2.00. In
ench Instance they must be of the
surety variety, the city to stand the
exoenso of the same.
The neMtlon of J. W. Hnmllton.
asking that he be allowed to construct
five foot shlewnlks flush with tho
curb, on cither side of Chadwlck
street, Vista avonuo nnd Overlook
avenue was returned by the city Im
provement committee last evening.
The committee ssked that thnt part
of the petition referring to five foot
sidewalks be denied and that Mr.
Hamilton be compelled to ci-nstruci
standard walks of six feet In width.
The remainder of the petition was
Councilman Strong, of the city Im
provement committee, said he hml In-
vestlgated the remonstrance of prop
erty owners on North Jaokwn street
protesting against the construction
i of new sidewalks, and had found
manv of their walks to he In sood
condition st the present time. Coun
cilman Strong ssld that several new
walksi were in course of ennstriftlon,
while others were being rennlred. The
remonstrances were ro-rfeTed to
the cltv improvement mmfiiteo.
Knglneer Hicks registered the fol
lowing complaints:
One That the lin.-d v leading
from the western approach of the
' ljne street blilre w-s 'n bad condi
tion and should he repaired
Two That manv of the gutter on
Past Ijine. South Jackson and South
Main streets were continually glut-
The name may sound new to you but it is not
new in the Middle West where the. shell has
Taken the Lead
For Years. The company has "by earnest en
deavor and conscientious care" developed a
shell that stands by itself in excellence. "It is
simply perfect from primer to crimp." And
what is said of the shot ammunition applies
equally well to rifle ammuition.
Don't forget the name
and don't forget the place
Churchill Hardware Co
was In
have a
ted by dirt, which rendered them
Three That Oak street
had condition and Bhould
grade (established thereon
The first complaint was referred to
the Btreet lpmrovement committee
with power to act.
The second complaint was referred
to the cityimarshai who was Instruct
ed to notify property owners abutting
the gutters In question to remove
piles of dirt now exlBting on their
property. In removing this dirt the
engineer contended that future dif
ficulty with the gutters would be
The third complaint was passed
nn upon suggestion of the mnyor.
who said other entanglements of
more importance at present confront
ed the council.
A committee composed of Counc'.!
men Zurcher, Bullwlnkle and Kut
lerton wns appointed to re-arrange
the Interior of the recorder's office
ao ns to accommodate the newly elect
ed city treasurer.
The Clark & Henry Construction
'Company was allowed the sum of
$ in final paymeat for the
A. H. Carson, commissioner
of horticulture with headquar
ters at Medford, stopped over in
Roseburg last evening while
enroute home after a few days
spent at Portland. Mr. Carson
is authority for the statement
that the prune crop of Douglas
county was larger thlB year
than ever before. According
to figures computed by Mr.
Carson, DougtaB county this !
year produced 6,600.000
provement of Oak street, from Kane
to Chadwlck street.
Ordinances placed on their third
readings last night and adopted by
the council follow:
Establishing of a grade and Im
provement of Winchester street, from
Beacon street to the city HmltB.
Establishment of a grade on Wat
son street.
Amendment of an ordinance pro
viding for the collecting of assess
ments resulting from the Improve
ment of North Jackson street, from
Second avenue south to Second aven
ue north.
pounds of prunes, all of which
Bold at good prices. Mr. Car
son says he is somewhat partial
to Douglas county and never
neglects to boost the opportun
ities and advantages found
neglects to boost the opportun-
fties and advantages found
Improvement of South Jackson street,
from Haynes to North Roberta street.
The same company was allowed
$468.53, In flnnl payment for the lm-
lt Is understood here today that
several persons have already applied
for the position of chlef-of-pollce
under Mayor-elect Napoleon Rice.
Among the applicants are B. Fenton,
the present incumbent. Night Offic
er Chambers and T. J. Williams.
It is also rumored that Deputy
Sheriff Fred Stewart was an aspir
ant for the Job, but this is denied
by Mr. Stewart. Mayor-elect Rice
refuses to give any Intimation re
garding his officers, and as a result
announcements will probably be de
layed until he formally assumes office.
No useless trips to town for the progressive farmer.
His Dell Telephone saves him all that. Tne latest
market quotations are his, and waits till market con
ditions are right before shipping produce.
The Bell Telephone is as necessary to the up-to-the-minute
farmer as are modern agricultural implements.
He must have both.
Consult our local management and join the ever in
creasing host of farmers who are Bell Telephone