The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 15, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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Feels Better Than It Looks
A Rood bed equipped with one of our (special Klos -Mattresses
and Double-Deck Sprlnga 1h good enough for a king, or a
good American citizen. Comfortable sleep Is necessary to good
Ho give your bed room outfit the consideration It deserves.
We have the most complete line of bed room furniture shown In
Southern Oregon. Wo have Dressers and Chiffoniers, Dressing
Tables, Beds and Bed Room Chairs, In White Enamel and Bird's
Eye Maple; Dressers and Chiffoniers in Oak, Mahogany, Circassian
Walnut, Aah and Pacific Oak. Also complete line of Brass and Iron
Beds, Mattresses, Springs, Pillows, Blankets, Spreads, Comforters,
etc. In fact everything that Is required to make the Bed Room
homey and comfortable.
Dependable Merchandise, Lowest Prices
Complete House Furnishers
F. A. LACKY, Iloneburg Booster.
ITS TIIK 1'IjACK whkki:
Wednesday & Thursday
IlHi II.MJTpilO M I SM A I, ,(T
Kvw .loltf'M himI ItuKtimo MuJ-
i;xnt. sri:cii, ii:.vrriii-:
Springtime of Life
It. tot di three i'iin in tell
IlliM slory in ullich the r'li
Icr figure is a ruud opera
Ills Mother-in Law's Visit
A Comedy tthich Tcurho a
ValtiiiMc Ix'-sttn.
latinee, 5 and 10c I
sight, 19, 15 Boxes 20c!
; MI.(i MSID.W M.UTIill.U j
Is Hr;u(lihr I'jtu vt Hh ut t
Tin 1 1 h 114 I'latna lit Tho
j Vr.vl '.
: rrv m:vs.
' See Strong's heaters. Either coal
or wood. ol 6
II. 12. Heavens returned to Green
last evening after a couple of days
' spent In ItosehurK.
Mrs. It. 15. MeXithh, of .Myrtle
Creek, spent the day In Itoseburg
visiting with friends.
Mrs. Kit a. Dixon, or Myrtle Point,
arrived her lust evening to spend a
few dnys with friends.
.1. II. Hawfor left for his home at
Snleni this morning after a few days
fppiit in ItoKeliurK and vicinity.
It. L. Glle has returned from Sa-
! lr tu after a few days spent there at
j tending to businenH matters.
I A. W. Kurtz left for his home at
J Siilcm this morning after a few daya
spent in Itoseinirg and visinity.
I Or. Pearson, ol .Sutherlin, return-1
I ed lioiiie this morning .nflor a Co A'
days spent in Itoseinirg. j
I T. B. Oswald and child re--!
; turned to their home at Oakland this!
j mornlm; after a. few days spent In;
j Itfwehu i-ii !
I C. 11. Hopkins retained here this)
! morning to r.peml a few days at the!
! home of Air. ami Mr. A. C. Mars-
1 ti-rs. I
' C. hitter, of the Soldiers' j
: H' Mie. b'1'1 for Portland this morn
! in li wheiv he will spend a few days'
; wil li f 'lends. j
, AM. Iiev o. p. Coshow left for ,
1 Hood Itiver lir't evening when- he 1
will sp; ml a few days visiting with1
! hi;- brother. j
: Mis. K. V. Page. Mrs. K. !!. Pa-rej
'and the lat Iit'h da 111; liter. Barbara. '
u;n! t' Orain th!r. norc'ii; to spend1
: 11 eon mIm of davs. (
1 Prof. ('. I'. Osborne, who spent thej
: luirt summer vMtfim at the Huuhcs1
ranch, t Ml. Alto, left for his home'
i at Philadelphia lliiw morning. j
, Mrs. M. A. Vernon left for her I
.heme nt I -os Angeles th Is morning :
' offer a few daw spent ni tmkln
j (Jlass v:ylti with A C. Vernon. j
! M. H Vi.-sW, ert for his bonie at f
Sitlem v leni-nlng after some time!
I spent In Itoseinirg attending to'
I business matters and visiting with
I frl-nds. j
I It. It. Warren, who was yesterday :
J trvd 1m re mi a charge of running1
i down ha ltellows with an auiomo-;
I bile left for his home at Medfonl
h morning. He appears well sat-
iMfied with Hie outcome of the nc-J
Hen. wblrh was settled late vester-j
lav before rcin-him; n decision of I
t be court .
1 1 Vi I .W- : 1 1
' Instruetion fn China painting. Call
at Art Kmporium. o22
j O. I). Thtel, of Yoncalla, was a bus
1 Iness visitor In Itoseinirg yesterday.
Orders taken for China painting.
! Miss Ktibey McKlvaln. o'SZ
j H. A. Heavens, of Green, was a
i business visitor In Itoseburg today.
, Dr. Pearson, of Sutherlin, was a
I visitor In itoseburg for a few hours
i today.
Mrs. Klnier W'imberly went to
. Drain yesterday afternoon to visit
with relatives.
Mrs. KIx returned here yesterday
afternoon after a viBit with relatives
at Hog 11 e Itiver.
Mrs. Connor went to Wilbur yes
terday afternoon to spend a couple
, of days with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Ryan came In,
from their ranch near Brockway yes.
terday afternoon. i
h. M. Ieaeh and wife, of Illinois.
arrived here last evening and may
locate here permanently.
Lucy Spiker, of Olendale, passed
through Itoseburg yesterday after
noon en route to Portland.
H. C. Burns, local Southern Pacific
detective, spent yesterday at Kugcne
looking after business matters.
Mrs. Ora Adams, who has been
here for the past month, 1ft t for
her home in California this morning.
Anise Driscoll, of the Leader, left
for Portland yesterday afternoon,
where she will spend a few days on
Mayor Martin returned to his
home last evening after a couple of
days Mpent in Itoseburg. Heliws
at Myrtle Creek.
Mrs. .1. W. Feathers left for her
home nt C'orvallis this morning af
ter some time spent in rtoseburg'vis
Itlng with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Keith (returned
to their home near Monroe yester
day after a visit with friends at
Itoseburg. Kngene Register.
Mrs. Anna Nee left for her home at
Seattle yesterday afternoon after a
few days spent In Ropeburg visiting
with her mother, Mrs. Ititzman.
The Interior of one of the store
rooms In the Newlnnd building In be.
ing remodeled bo as to accommodate
Xewhart Brothers, who contemplate
ocfiipylng the snnif In the near fu
ture. The work of clearing away the
rubbish from -in front or the Rlks"
theatre and club rooms, nt the cor
ner of I.ane and Jack-on streets,
'viiq rommeneed this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kirk left for
Hieir homes in lne mmi'v yester
day afternoon after a fw flays spent
In liosehurg visiting nt the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Mnurke Moore
A (jniet wedtltir was per To i im!
at lite offices of County Judge Hrv-
" Kb-e b't fvenimr. v.-ben A. K.
Mattieo and Pf?Mo McN'bh were nntt
ed In narriago. Countv Judge Uice
T. T. Montson lert -or 'lallas this
morning after ;i Tew du'.-i sp- nt in
lloselurg. Mr. Monfsun is a resi
dent of Iowa -nd ncTill en mo to
Ore-oil in noe i' of a ii'M-inanent lo
cation. Robert Contcs, tl:e Aberdeen lir.i
berman, wlio was recentlv arrested
her,, in rrvnpitnv with Vi?" l.Mlian H.
Caller, left for his home lnst night.
He v:IJ! bo rr; :- Iit .'e hy At
torney Klbtrt Hermann.
Mr-t. F. It. R!el. who has been
pending some time In Itoseburg visit
Inir witli her son. Ralph L. Russell,
lef for .liMtniinn City "esterday after
noon to visit with another son. who Is
locnt,.,! jit that rily.
Killtan It. Carter, arrested b"re
Satitnlnv wllh Robert Centos, left for
Portland yesterday afternoon. In
the evt-nt her case is cal'ed Tbur-bi j
she will be represented in court by.
Attorney Filbert Hermann.
Came Warden George M. Knox, of;
: ( otfaee Grove, is reginred at th" i
; Grand h.vel. He will appear as
; nrivnfe proserutor against a num-j
her itf Sutherlin men who are charg
ed with v'nHtimr the trame laws.
; Mr. and Mrs. '.. T. Montlny. who I
! have been visiting with relatives in I
i MI'noN, flopped t.ff here yes'erdav :
, aftenienn en route to their home at
; SorliMrfioId. They uro Itelng enter
1 'ained here by .1. S. Jennings and
R. W. Marsler-. who reeeptlv re
; turned from Vale, Ore., says that in
j terhir Oregon is develooing ve-y fat.
! Mthouuh there h ronsblerahle sagr
,i hni'.h In that !oc-tft. he says Hifr
' are mkhiv beaut If il farms. Slock
'itirh rn ':o numerous, aceovd-
Wanted at Roseburg Booterie to buy INSURED Shoe
Tliis CerhficaVc Insures
at .3
This Pair o Boy's SUoes For Sixty 60 Days From Date
Anil Said Shoes Will Be Repaired Or Replaced Absolutely
3free of Charge
At any time inside o Sixty Days i returned with this certificate
Perkins Building
Hit now for
your Holiday
All the latent novelties,
happy couple will make their future
home at Myrtle Creek.
A. M. Gallagher, of Deer Creek,
was a visitor in Itoseburg today.
Give your friends a hand painted
Xmas gift. o22
Mrs. J. C. Kagie and children, of
Wilbur, were visitors In Itoseburg
Ij. A. Payne, elly recorder of Suth
erlin. spent the day in Itoseburg
looking after business matters.
Mrs. J. C. Tedder and child left
for .luiiL-tion City this ul'teinoon to
visit with friends.
John Pates, of Gold Hill, has arriv
ed in Roseburg io enter tl Oregon
Soldier;;' Home.
Paul Ilahrke, wife and ebild left
for Lebanon this afternoon to visit
with the former's rela'iv-:.. j
S. .1. Jones spent t ho morning at'
Oakland looking alter business mat-;
Kred Stewart spent the morning
at Glendale serving civil papers.
SHitn Aliller came up front" his
rnUch at Dillard this morning to
remain a couple of days.
S. Ouer, wife nnd little daugh
ter, of Sutherlin, were visitors here
this morning.
11. A. Heavens nnd Kred Heavers,
of Green, were visitors in Itoseburg
Mr. and Mrs. Moack, recent arriv
als here from Wisconsin, left this
afternoon for Kugeuo where they
may locate permanently.
Sam Whitsett, who lives on Dod
son mountain, is said to be quite ill.
Dr. Stewart was called to attend him j
this afternoon. I
U. j. Sabln, of Portland.!
teday filed a suit In the circuit court ;
for Hougtas county against Snyder i
K- Company, n corporation, and I). '
N Syndor. Plaintiff seeks to re- !
cover the sum of $ttri05.o3, alleged
to be dee on a promissory note exe
fiited at Portland on January 5, j
Other than the principal plain-;
tiff asks for Interest us well as at-j
torney fees in the stun of SSOO. j
Mrs. Ford underwent an operation
this morning.
Senator George Neuner spent the
morning at Riddle looking after
business matters.
County Clerk Edward Lenox to
day received the new precinct regis
ters', ordered some time ago.
Attorney O, C. Spencer, of Port
land, was a business visitor in
Itoseburg today.
W. L. Hard wick, of Spokane,
Wasii., who has been spending the
past few days in Itoseburg left for
Dallas this arternoon where lie will
probably locate.
Mr. and Mrs. C. li. Whistler, of
Medford, are spending a few days In
Roseburg visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
.1. K. Kester. Mr and Mrs. Whist
ler are well known In Medford
where they own a large fruit ranch.
I will make all trains, will call
for or deliver passengers to any
part of the city. Auto for hire
for snceml trips or parties. Call
Phone Residence Phone
1N7-Y. Office at Monogram
Cigar Store,
C. F. MAKER, Prop.
i! to Yone: !!, ihi
will enjoy a few
t r
XKW KLKS IU'1 1)1.1 V,
Program Wednesday and Thursday
One nv!
! -to 1'I.IV
A Pair of Fools
Quo KV.'l--II r WYikliiiir D;iy--Lul.i
M UMoa! Selections by
Miss JV.odesta Morlcnon
and Miss Jessie Lewis
Souvenir by Dre,!q 1 larieiuin l,v Soilner
Pathc's WcvMyJVoo
OnoKeel, . M.M'KICB COSTKLLO in"
The 5pirit of the Orient vit.n,,,!,
Matinee 2.15 to 5 P. M.
Evening 7.IS to 10.15.
10 cents
t. .(t'uison n im cut i ren i i...
' Tl'T - : ' i.'M! ITll; UltV'nilUr V'""'
they Tvt tn l.Mate mrmanent h'.
Vv. Mmiisoii on cede. 1 tt-.-ni bv ?irt-
ate cenveyaner. The Mum;on; -til
r-een'lv live,) on (be porr'ne
t'.'iP.'b. niilh of ttio eitv.
Klo( Krear b:;s written bis pr.
mi t.i t.. rfftvt that be will arrive
bj-e within the next f(-w veek for
n Mr Krenr is at present
Kieaie.l in ('alifernia where he i
eiitnbufii in eiiL'Ineer'mr work on n
ir-L'.t Inn tM oie.-'. Me fR (be on ef
Mr. and Mrs, It. .1. Krear of tliiv
rit v
Thi'Te u Ml bo revival meettnr at
Me Pr-e ',-tbod church in Wen
INweburtr every nk'ht this week
P( a iT ri'v snPi sev "ce wilt C Hi'
MTTiee !'t 7 : n n pi, ,.M ; .lt
! im Hre'ber and Sto- Hetker
0' !- V.'ab . nre with i:? :mi.1
are belninu' In tbe meetlnu-s. Yen
nre invited to attend tho neelal j ine'M (lornxind
Helliv. v'. wo
mo'ii'ivr .'bere hi
day.: huri'iPL,'
Rev. Yarboro Is attending the1
Raptist state Ciinvent io'i in j r,;f! e. s
at Lebanon tb;s week. ;
("ori'-l ;ible Kd va td Sin,r'et(n wept
to Silt iierliu tbiri i.i'ternoon to rve ;
vome tapers v;ecii!ed in tbu justice!
rut tbi merni-.u.
Mr. and Airs. li. U Undieti lefi ,
for their home at Astoira thb; af-j
temoon alter spnding a few dav-i
here with the lafter's parent?. Mr. !
and Mrs. M. Woodruff. !
The members of Saint (Jeorge
Koisco!a! Guild, wish to enr(ss'
their thantiM to all who fissisfed in
tho production of the Doll Shop. !
Marearotta Hume, president. j
Mrs. K'lwurd Corkel left for horj
home nt Hauler, Oregon, this morn-1
ing after a few days spent in Rose-!
burs.' visiting nt the home of Mr. j
and Mr. Wurren Realty. i
.1. II. McDanl- ls nnd Mr. Cope
and wife, r ;ent arrivaK hero from ,
Kansas went to Sutherlin this after
noon where they intend to locate j
"ermrmenMy. Tbev have purchased 1
land tb- :e. i
G. H, Rennett, former pastor ofj
tbe M 17, church in Rosebur-j has '
arrived at Pallas to locate, accord-1
in ir to a po-tal cn-d received hero
iodr.y by K. H. Churchill. Rev.
ib-nnett has been snendinir the pnst
f e vp a rs it C ' i en go a n d other
l'':isrrn cMi.s Ho says in his card
"'in he is delighted to cet bark to
Architect. I";--1 Robrls. who re
cently arrived here from Portland,
la v be hopet tl:at work on .the
1 T ' blent Trie-' ('"ini'nti v'n p"W
0:lf Htref. can b
start.', nrxt wee!;. Tbp plans and
stocfb"-"f ion ;!!( r;idv to nbn)it tn
prcmipptivn enntractnrs. and bidi will
l -i'';iMv po received Pe:t weel-
.1 I. Svnt t. u ho was jM-ret-t d at
Porfb'nd Monday en a warian' fs
tf,,',l at 'the iii't iciif inn of 'erk
Shaw, of the 1' hotel, was re
ed froir eutodv bi'e yOi-vv
affer oe-i.rinc :mtoiiiis with f'e
Tn'M'nhiMiu wifn--p Scott was ?.r
v, en .. rt T-.p nf itnfTm t wn
-rrtble c'l.'. Vs n !-. Shaw. Th"
checks totalled vnmethinn over Sill
and ve--e d-awi, t,n a Seattle bank.
(ent v tr-'L-ine.'r M. R (;cr-ii"rtt
w.iit to Ct-Mver' this mor nin-T
w h"re -'.i ""sxwtlni: the wor:
,i(,"e on v- s re.. canyon. On ac-(
c-Min n, fl e del.iv :n c.tin:dt :,i r
. r-wi it wlM b bo:i"!r nt as
rr. ."5 a- i'n',:' nt p-iri-i ub-n
It w't! be oi-ened for f'ic I'".
Tiy using the best tooth pas'e obtainable. Don't vise ordinary
tooth paste. Use
Dike's Dentasepiic Cream
This is no ordinary tooth paste it is a real tooth preser
vative by iifing Dentaseptie Cream you are giving your teeth
every chance you are Insuring them by giving them the Lest
protection possible.
Dike's Dentaseptie Cream
Sweetens the breath, benefits the gums, whitens the teeth re
Itirdlng decay it, does not scratch tho teeth nor the fillings.
Dike's Dentaseptie Cream comes in a big collapsible tube. 25c.
We recommend Ita use for children and grown ups.
.vvrr. i':ist
l..iT I. VilMl'i'.;'v tins room
e filt',1 n snl! It) (hp lutieo rfnirf.
h .vbl. ti he P'M13 ro rt!tM-r t'-p mt'n
vf M ;"i r,: iiiU'i;, ,! to ho dup fi-nm
M. W. Al'lrldi. Th,. nniiMim of ihc
rlnim l-i snhl to hp hln for Inml-or. I p-l
Aitir'nm.nt ,,;!. ors woro !s-utsl con-; mt to
ntrronl ltd ftlltie tho suit
h, r..ol
" i'."i-i'rM,-t,'il th.nt It wil'
"i'l-s'.Tnil onli'Kiry tr.r.rl for all
t imo.
It is '.vo,l th-t ,tno hf nr'i!-'T
,m r?-l -nl!o, h:s hoon niv-
'TO"p ri? nt tho "TO"-'
: '1 1 w'M.iiii Dornrrrit :it llioron, thrnnch 'ho rnnvnn. tho court
. onto ..f .ho hrl,l ..nrpntt, Mr ami ; Is ?or'oos'y r.'"Tiiilil'ii5 tho m-
Mr. H lt. ti.or. nt Mi rt! Croolt. on I r- bm'Tlnu o' tho nt'rp throo m""'
! tVt, tl. nhon their ilauchtor. Mlpf o.nvon nit hoforo enltic I" 'h."
j Klorom-o. vrn unite,! In nmrrinco to . oponso of rotnnvlni anil roplaclnr
j Ii!rnpy Nam. Rov. S. II. Stoolo. tmo-1 tho nmohlnory t omo ;utnro tim
lor of tho Myrtlo Proolt Mothodist This would ho tho prnrticsl thine tn
I church, performed tho ceremony. The do. Cottage Orove Leader
Special Bargains in Plumes
Regular $12.50 to S3. 50 Plumes, special
59.75 to $2.00
Dost $3.50 values in Tailored Hats ever shown
in Roseburg.
Dress Hats in big variety. Prices always right
Suits, .Coats, Dresses
Any kind, any style, any colors, any
price, It's a pleasure to show you.
Skirts and Petticoats-
The vep. newest things at the right prices
Children's Special Coats, Dress and School
Dresses, Sweaters, Caps and Bonnets
Something new, attractive and practical
The Leader 1