MILLIONAIRE CORONER'S JURY" FURS PUBLIC MARKET HOLD SCHMIDT GRAND JURY OPEN TUESDAYS THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS CO'iNMl M.UX A.l WABlll.VGTO.V 8TKKKTS ix wacKSMiTii Hiior xkxt ihmii; to vax houtkx house ;kt vouish tiikkg axi ItKIIUCK tiik cost of mvixo if i SHOES! SHOES! Phone SMS All work tint-class .Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property f?eur First Trust & Sittings Dunk Mill? IIOKKItl'llfl, OIIKOOX IT IS EASY , To buy groceriesjif j7ou come to our store or call us up over the ph'one. Trr it once and be satisfied. "WE PAY CASH FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE" The North SideJGrocery Plume 824 807 N. Jackson Street (Supplied by New Process Electro Corporation, N. V.) The "Millionaire Jury" which held the Ilev. Hans Schmidt, con fessed slayer of Anna Aumuller, for the grand Jury, The photograph was taken In the coroner's court. The Jury consisted of (reading left to rlulit, back row) J. I). Grecnhiit, .Mortimer Hegensbers, George G. Mc Ouff, Charles lllckrey, Georgo W. Kuirchild, Patrick A. OLoughlin, (front row, left to right) Theodore P. Shouts (foreman), Vincent Asttir, Edward S. JIarston, Howard Weir, Jlarcue Loew and Latham H. Reld. This Jury was assembled by Coro ner Israel 3. J'n!iberg. for the pm-1 poso of deciding whether Han? Schmidt, the confessed slayer of! Anna Aumuller should bo held for the grand jury. After bi-jof deliberation the "mill-! lonalre" Jury returned a verdict that the victim came to her death at the hands of Hails Schmidt and hold him for the grand Jury. A dramatic Incident took place when Coroner Keinberg suggested that unless some public spirited citi zen would contribute to the funeral expenses the boi'.y would be Interred ; In the Potter's Kleld. At this Schmidt; nood up ond flung two rosaries and several coins at the spectators. Why pay more for your shoes when you can get them from The Golden Rule lor less. Better values for less money is our motto. MENS' HIGH TOPS, $3.98 Compare our values before buying. Daniel Green Felt Shoes received today The Golden Rule Store Roseburg, Oregon ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME IN THE NEWS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR. KEEP BOTH EYES ON THIS PLAT 3& 4; iff 5; " s lib F tp- rr a p rf fa I BS3S2gSSiSj A 7' -- ' 3 In ij ,;:;; mi, Aiixr"1.! ii'i 1 nt " fi'i 1 1'lTrrrn mm. 4 s 1 . . k. nihil! Ulnji h Hi! iO s shh s K z s. s U ff ' ' ' f S H HIGHLAND ;w , STREET-' " lr-r I KTVi s 5!s 515 5; s i 'LiJ 5 Si'j 3i M: - l ft S ?i U I U h U U U ! f ? f pADD s-Iplat- H-i , 4 gft---t-f jyNf hSf S! i S : 5J 5 S; : 5 i : 5 -8 4 6: 1 s U j 5 i n I i - s :j U U UU U U ij i $2J I If. I,.r 1,1 "tl" ' ' I - I Ij.J H L I I .ff I I I . I I 1,. 1 I Ja I ... I ,. .k z PARK . mr ' STREET - s ' Jjwjayj ii rl 1 r " 1 1 1 r -f w EDEtlBOWEk "POST OFFICE & STOfE. For Prices and Terms Call on T. A.Rafety, Perkins Building, or Winnie Gaddis, "The Plumber," 326 Lane Street