The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 11, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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Yesterday's Highest Temp 63
Last Night's Lowest Temp 49
Vair Tonight; S mum v
Haiti. '
No. sa-jj
George Douglas Charged With
; Serious Crime.
Douglas Returns From Portland Thin
Morning and Is Placed Under
Arrest iM'nles Intent
To Defraud.
George Douglas, a local real estate
agent with offices on lower Cass
seet, was arrested by Constable
Edward Singleton this morning on
a warrant charging the crime of for
Sery. The warrant was issued at the in
stigation of D. J. Jarvis, a Sheridan
street merchant. According to the
arresting officer Douglas passed a
check on Mr. Jarvis shortly prior to
the former's departure far Portland.
Wh"n Mr. Jarvis presented the
check at a local bank i was de
clared to be worthless and was re
turned to him. A warrant was then
ipsi'ed ' for the ajrrest of .Douglas.
Constable Singleton ascertained that
the accused was at Portland, and
that he intended to return to Rose
burg. Douglas arrived, here last
nitrht and upon showing up at his!
omces this morning was placed un
der arrest. Mr. Douglas claims that
he merely overdrew his account, and
had no Intention of committing a
crime. Douglas preliminary hear-!
ing has been continued pending the'
return of District Attorney George I
M. Brown, who left this morning
for Eugene.
Mr. Douglas has lived In Rose,
hurg for some time past and is quite
well known here. His many friends
are much surprised at his arrest, and
defend him on the grounds that he
drpw the check in goorf ftiith su
pofdng that he had sufficient funds
Jn the bank to satisfy the claim. The
chrk wns in the sum of $20.
Unon being arraigned before City
Recorder Carl Wlmberly, sitting as
a committing magistrate this morn
ing, Douglas was held under bail In
the sum of $250. This amount he
furniphfd late this afternoon with
out difficulty.
Rev. Maclnne and Xewr Memlers of
Methodist Church Are linn
quoted -y Mr. and Mrs.
A very delightful evening was
spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A, C. Marsters on Rose street yester
day, when they entertained In hon
or of Rev, A. R. Maclnne and the new
members of the Methodist Episcopal
church. The Marsters home was beau
tifully decorated in the season's flow
er? and was very attractive.
A procram, which wns arranged
by Mrs. Marsters. opened with an in
fstrumental roIo by Mies Constance
Maclanp. This number was followed
bv a brief address of welcome by A.
C. Marsters. Mr. Mnrsters spoke on
behalf of the members' of the church,
and as usual provoked much lauch
ter among those present. Mr. Mar
ptor.i was followed bv J. H. Rooth.
who In his usual witty manner spoke
on behalf of the church officials. S.
I.. IMIlnrd then made a few remarks.
In which he spoke of t'.e good that
was being accomplished by the
church and lis affiliated organiza
tions. Mrs. Claud Smith and Mrs. A.
N. Omitt t!en rendered a vocal duet,,
which brought forth considerable ap-l
nlnnse. Mrs. A. J. Geurles spoke on
behalf of the ml?fllonary society, and
bt'fly told of the work that was
lieipif accomplished by this branch
"f the church. Kiltie Hrown spoke
for the nvmbers of the Hp worth
1-eaKue. Waldo Mnrsters then ren-de-od
an ln'ru mental solo, follower?
by a brief talk by J. E. McClintock
nn the Sunday school. Rev. Maclane
then responded .and In a brief ad-drp-s
expressed his appreciation of
the entertainment afforded by Mr.
and Mrs. Marsters. Sadie Hornl
brook then rendered a vocal solo, ae-
"My Attainment of the Pole"
Mall Order. lOc Kiln Par Mao
eompanied by Miss Elsie Benedick at
the piano.
Following the program those pros,
ent matched cards in selecting part
ners for luncheon. This part of the
evening's entertainment proved a
real feature. During the luncheon
hour music was furnished by a mas
sive Victrola. There were over 100
persons present and all were delight
ed with the evenug's entertainment.
That Mr. and Mrs. Ma raters are en
tertainers of rare ability Is the unan
imous expression of all those fortu
nate to be present last evening.
Court House Sunday, Oct.
IO O'clot k.
All members and friends of the
church are cordially invited to meet
with us at our rally day service.
A good program has been arranged
including Otfs orchestra.
vA'baby room has been provided
with attendants to care for the ha
bies, so that mothers can enjoy the
service. J. E. McCllntock, Supt.
To Grant Sutherlin Local
Option Election. ;
Attorney H. Ij. YUUly Would Force
County Court to Act Upon
Petition of Sutherlin
Another chapter In the proceed
ings to bring about a local option
election at Sutherlin on November
4 came to light in the circuit court
this morning, when Attorney B. L.
Eddy, representing Mrs. M. E.
French, one of the original petition
ers for the election, filed manda
mus proceedings requiring the coun
ty court of Douglas county to grant
the election as prayed for in the
petition filed with the court a few
weeks ago.
The proceedings were submitted to
Judge J. W. Hamilton In the circuit
court shortly before noon. After
brief consideration he Issued an al
terantive mandamus compelling
County Judge Rice and Commission
ers Pinkston and Wiley to either
grant the petition or appear in court
at 10 o'clock next Tuesday morning
and show cause why they should not
grant the request.
The proceedings filed by Attor
ney Eddy are to the effect that cer
tain residents of Sutherlin filed with
the county court of Douglas county
on October 3 a petition In which
they requested that a local option
election be called there on Novem
ber 4. The petition was signed, the
petitioners vlaim, by 23 qualified
and legal voters of the city of Suth
erlin. I'pcn receint of the FRtd petition.
Attorney Eddy claims the court Im
mediately filed the same, and there
upon compared the signatures of the
electors with their signatures In the
registration hooks of the election
then pending.
Upon comparing these signatures.
County Clerk Lenox filed with the
court a statement to the effect that
all of the 23 sinners were registered
voters of the city of Sutherlin, and;
represented more than 10 per cent;
of the votes cast at the last gen-1
eral election. j
Attorney Eddy a'lleges, that nn
October (1, at a regular meeting of
the county court the petition was
considered and filially denied. The
eist of the order, denying the peti
tion, was to the effect that the law
specifies that local option elections
can only be held on the date of a
general election. The court held In
this case tha:. there was no genernl
election to be held on November 4,
of this year, and consequently the
election would be illegal. If held. As
a result the petition was denied.
Attorney Eddy claims that it Is In
cumbent upon the county court of
Douuias county to call the election
reqesMed In the petition, regardless
of the denial reerntly entered in
Volturno Sinks Friday in
o Mid-Atlantic.
Several Steamers Resrond to Calls
For Help Fire Kieaks Out
Early Thui-sday Kout
Sinks Friday.
LIVERPOOL, Oct. ll.After
burning to the waters edge the
steamer Volturno sank In the mid
Atlantic ocean last Friday morning.
On board the steamer at the time
of the accident were 564 passengers i
ana a crew of 93 men. Of these 136
are missing, and have undoubtedly
As soon as the fire was discovered
distress signals were given, and
within a short time ten liners sur
rounded the charred hulk of the sink
ing shfp. Through desperate risk of
life five passen gers and 20 m e m
bers of the crew were rescued. The
Volturno was commanded by Fran
cis Inch, who won captain's sdMpes
two months ago. The boat belong
ed to the Canadian Northern Steam
ship Company, but was leased by the
the court Journal. The proposition
is purely a question of law, and will
probably be settled Tuesday morn
ing when all parties concernod will
appear before Judge Hamilton and
pu limit arguments for and against
the petition.
In bringing mandamus proceed
ings in the circuit court. Attorney
Eddy simply seeks to compel! the
inferior court to grant the petition
as requested by the petitioners.
Considerable Interest Is manifest
in the outcome of the proceedings
and a large number of people will
no doubt he on hand Tuesday to
hear the arguments of the attor
neys. The proceedings are directed
against County Judge Dexter Rlc
and Commissioners Harry Pinkston
and Jefferson Wiley.
How Would You Like to Eat
Withered Beef and Tallow
Twice a Day for
Six Weeks?
Camping to Eat ami Trft Obervation
On Again!
"We had lived for weeks on a steady diet of withered beef and tallow. There waa no chanf, wa
had no hot meat, and never more to eat than was absolutely necessary to keep life within the body. Wa
became indifferent to the aching vacant pain of the stomach. Every organ had been whipped to serve
energy to the all important movement of our legs. Tha deletion of energy, the lassitude of otct
s trained limbs, manifested themselves. The Eskimo spere lax in the swing of the whip and totEffcrent
in urging on the dogs. The dogs displayed the same spirit by lowered tafls. Drop ears, and drooping
noses, as their shoulders dragged the sleds farther, ever farther from tile toad ti W" " '
Uranium Steamship Company, of Hoi.
land. On October 3, the steamer
failed from Rotterdam bound for Hal
ifax and New York. i
Early Thursday fire broke outj,
near the engine room. From many
directions came responses for help,
the Cunarder and, Carmania being
i nly 78 miles away at the time. I
Cautain Rarr, of the former stoamert
ordered full steam toward the burn
ing ship, the Cunarder reaching the!
?cene of the fire at noon Thursday, i
The place where the steamer caught I
fire and ank la but a short distance!
from where the Titanic was lost a
short time ago. The Volturno wasj
blazing furiously, and was rolling!
heavily on a rough sea. Six boats;
were lowered from the burning craft!
hut owing to defective tackle four I
were smashed to splinters, and the'
occv.panta were drowned. The oth-l
er two boats reached the ocean
safely and wero picked up by the!
Carbon'?.. A howling gale made thoj
work cf rescuing the passengers all
the more hazardous. At about four j
o'clock Thursday afternoon thej
ftei:;r--s Grosser, Furst, Seidllti, La
ToiTalne. Minneapolis, Kroonland,
Rappahannock, Narragansett, Devo i
n Ian and Czar arrived at the scene.)
Throughout the night the ships ma-!
nouvered in an effort to get cloFe :
nov.s;h to the Volturno to tnke off;
Vo passengers. At about ti o'clock ,
Thursday night an evnlosion occur-
erf aboard the Vnltv-ro and her
decks soon resembled a volcano? Res-1
cuers with searchlights soon begnn
to so- evidence of life, a number of
peivons with life belts plunging off (
the d 'eks and Into the water. Doz
ens 'of small boats wero lowered and,
beenn pick'ng up the Ill-fated pas
sengers and crew. In the storm and
dn rkii"s? many undoubtedly perish-1
pd. Finally when dawn showed "the!
Volturno was sinking. The gait ahat-'
ed Foowhat, and several lifeboats
"cceei'd in reaching the wreck, j
The reminder of th- passengers
were taken off the ill-fated craft. A
few miri'tes afterward the boat dis
appeared beneath the waters.
J. P. "Winters, nn employe of the
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, nt
Colorado Springs, spent tile past few
diivs in Roseburg. Mr. Winters Is
a bridge enrpentor and has been in
the employ of railroad companies for
many vears. Ho was nnich pleased
with Rosoburc; and says he may re
turn here to reside at some future
- ' .. iZ. JJi
World's Championship De
cided in Fifth Game.
Connie Mack Given Ovation As Ho
Wulks I'lHUi The Field
Mtittliowsnn Also Re
ceives Cheers. 1
NEW YORK, Oct. It. The Phlla.
delphia Athletics, today won the
fourth name, and the world'B cham
pionship series from the New York
Giants, by a score of 3 to 1.
Anticipating; the greatest game of
thi 'scries, with Mathewson and
Plank opposing on tho mound, the
grandstands and bleacherB began
filling rapidly long before one o'
clock. The Giants appeared on the
field singly, while : tho Athletics
came onto the grounds In a body.
The crowd Rave Mathewson a groat
ovation. The baBo lines wero heavy,
while the outfield was soaked. As
Connie Mack walked to the Giants'
benches tile crowd stood and cheer
ed tor several minutes,
Hr.t fivn games were necessnry in
fVciding the worlds' chnmplonshlp.
or this number the Philadelphia
Athletics1 won four, while tho New
York Giants won but ono.
Today's batteries
Philadelphia Plank and Fchnng.
New York Mathewson and Mc
Lean. ,
First Inning.
Philadelphia, first half Murphy
stntried. oidring forced Murnhy. on
a throw by Mathewson to Fletcher.
Collins singled, Oidring advancing
to third base. Bnker filed .to
Hrrns. Oidring scoring. Collins took
Tn-nd i,r.e on Hums' error. Mc-
nncs went out on a throw by Mer-
zoe to !ovie, Ouo run.
N"w York, second half Ilerzog
filed to Murphy. Doyle wont out on
a throw by Marry to Mclnnes.
Fletcher filed to Oidring. No runs
Hocomt Inning,
Philadelphia, first half Strunk
YVhllo turning the corner at
the Intersection of Jackson and
Washington streets last even-
Ing, a motorcycle, irldilen by
Lloyd Atterhury and a com-
panlon skidded In such a man-
ner as to throw its riders to
the pavement. Atterhury sus-
tnlned a fracturo of the right
leg, about four inches alcove
the ankle, as -veil as other loss
serious Injuries. Drs. Bother
nnd Stewart were summoned
and dressed the fracture. The
v street naci ueon sprinkled prior
In llin nni-lilnnt n.l ., ...
suit the pavement wns render-
ed very slippery. Atterhury Is
a well known Southern Pacific
tireniaii and has lived here for
several Vears.
went out on a throw by Doyle to
Merlde. Barry filed to Murray.
Seining Blngled. Plank went out on
a pop fly to Ilerzog. No runs.
New York, second half Burns
went but on throw by Baker to Mo
limes. , Shafer fouled to Mclnnes.
Murray went out on a throw by
Plank to Mclnnes. No runs. .
Third InnliiK.
rhlladolphla. first half Murphy
singled. Oidring roachod first on
Doylo's error. CollinB sacrificed.
Bakor singled, scoring Murphy. Mc
Innoa filed to Burns, Oidring scor
ing, Strunk went out on a throw
by Doyle to Merkle. Two runs'.
New York, second half McLean
fliod to Oidring. Merkle went out
on a liner to CollinB. Muthewson
went out on a throw by Barry to Mc
lnnes. No runs.
Furth Inning.
Philadelphia, first- half Barry
went out on a throw by Fletcher to
Merkle. Schang fliod to Murphy.
Plank filed to Fletcher. No runa.
New York, second half Horaog
fanned. Doyle went out on Btop by
Mclnnes,. unassisted. Fletcher filed
to Strunk. No runs.
Fourth Inning;.
Philadelphia, first half Murphy
and Oldiing went out on throWB by
Doylo to Merkle. Collins filed to
Shafer. No runs.
Now York, aocond half Bums
went out on liner to Mclnnes. Shaf
er walked. Murray sure on first on
Hlnnk's error. McLean singled,
scoring Sharer. Merkle hit Into,
double, Collins to Barry to MclnneB.
One run,
Nlth ImiliiK.
Philadelphia, first half Baker
tingled. Mclnnes sacririced. Strunk
went out on throw by Doyle to
Merkle. Hurry went out on throw
by Fletcher to Merkle. No runs.
New York, second half Mathew
son singled. Horzng hit Into double.
Harry lo Collins to Mclnnes. Doyla
filed to Murphy. No ruiiB.
Kevcntli Innings.
Philadelphia, first half Schang.
fa nn i'il. Plank went out on throw
by Dnyle to Merltle. Murphy walk
ed. OldWng fouled. No runs.
New York, second half Fletcher
filed to Strunk. Burns nnd Hhnfer
'.vent out on throw by Barry to Mc
lnnes. No runs.
Kiglitli Inning.
Philadelphia, firm hair Collins
went out on throw by Doyle to Mer
kle. Bakor went out on throw by.
Mathewson to Merkle. Mclnnes went
out on a throw by Fletcher to Mer
kle. No runs.
New York, scrond hair Murray
went out on a throw by Bakor to
Mclnnes. McLean riled to Oidring.
Merkle went nut on throw by Hurry
lo Mclnnes. No runs.
Mnlli Inning.
Philadelphia, first half Strunk
filed to Kluifor. Harry went out on
Hi row by Ilerzog to Merkle, Schanft
fanned. No runs.
New York, second half Crandall,
halting for Viathcwson went out on
a throw by Collins to Mclnnes. Iler
zog riled to Barry. Doylo filed to
Murphy. No runs.
' Tennis R H B
Philadelphia 3 8 1'
Now York 1 2 2
Hulling Onl. r.
New York
Murphy rf
Ilerzog 3'l
Doyle 2I
Fletcher sn
Burns If
Shafer cf
Murray rf
McLean o
Morklo lb
Oidring If
Collins 21)
Maker 3h
M'lnnns 1h
Hin-uk rf
Harry ss
Hchling c
Plank p
Mathewson p
Hcoie by Iniilngs,
Teams 1 2 3 4 6 8 7 8 9
Philadelphia ..1 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 D
New York I) 00010000
Special meeting of the Ladles
Auxiliary of the Commercial
Club, at S o'clock on Monday
evening October 1.1 nt the club
parlors. Kperlal business to
come tierore the club and every
member should he present.
ol3 Secretary.