y i -t r iS A -sA21 JRl- ,p VToRs J sEcqno - .mmmm mzm- 1V i : jMSffluiklK lX ?DAC .?4?VrCX Kpfppg IA hj jmJzz i fespflpKE LI .qIMNfwIw8 -i I T" Ik) -!!"'5- ' y'- iCS? SJ !? iC " Ll r1 1 tL c W u t iXr Siff. oiioii(o,'"j k-io3 r r ' jk- The Investment Feature Of Bogard Addition is appealing to many. JLots are large and close to the center cf a growing, prosperous city. New industries will demand Homesites for employees. By buying now under our special low price and easy terms, one can secure a handsome lot 'which will eventually be worth many times the purchase price. Kindly take notice that Lots. 7, S, 19, 20 in Block 1; Lots 6, 7, 13, 14 in Block 2 and Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 in Block 3 were sold last week See SHIELDS & BOGARD, Office 405 Cass Street THE DOLL SHOP (Continued from page 1.) places and again become inanimate. Fairy lifts the old man's dream, and Is then seen no more. The old man wakens and Is startled In finding his shop in perfect order, as he fully expected to find it In wild confusion. After all. It was Just a beautiful dream. Onst of Characters. Prologue Florence DeVaney j Shoopkeeper Clark Bnrgar j Katy, his daughter Viola Willettj Workman Dr. V. W. Haynes Father, Mother and Daughters, Eng lish family, Charles S. MeElhlnny, Miss Gertrude Rast, Maurine Bu chanan, Helen Krohn. Dutchman Roy Bellows Bessie Stella Krohn Spoilt Boy . . Mrs. Nathan Fullerton Fairy Allie Black ' Dolls. ' Broken Doll Arrle Black Colonial Dolls Mrs. S. Josophson, Mr. F. Clemens. Baby Doll Lucy Bridges Irish Doll Constance Moore Brown Bears Max Grout, Dick Woodward, Dick Van Leuven. Dutch Doll .... Gertrude llildeburn Parisian Doll .... Florence Lilburn Umpy. the rag doll.. Jim Goodman Topsy, "the cause of it all" Mar garet McClallen. , SK-ia!tic.s Act I. "I Can't Forget You, Honey".... . Maurine Buchanan "Bessie and Her Little Brown Bear" Stella Krohn "Under the Anhauser Bush" Roy Bellows "Oh, You Beautiful Doll". . Mrs. N. Fullerton KitiulliK and Dancing .Art 11. "Ballet" of the "Paper Dolls" Velma Bates, Reah Sykes, Helen Krohn, Teka Haynes, Mnybelle Mill er, Gene Perry, Florence Wharton. Dorothy Abraham, Clementine Mc- Reynolds, Maxine Sykes, Iris Rice,! Marguerite Slocum, Marguerite: Sykes, Eloise Barnard, Lillian Moore, I Mildred Black. j Solo and Chorus: "I'm tho Queen of the Dolls" Miss Lilburn and the "Paper Dolls". Solo and Chorus: I'm the King of the Dolls" Jim Goodman and the; "Paper Dolls". j Solo: "In the Days of Old" Miss Mildred Wilson. j "The Latest". .. .Mrs. Clark Bargar' Dance Ensemble, "Minuet" Mrs. j J. Josephson, Mr. Roy Bellows; Mrs. j Roy Bellows, Mr. S. Josephson; ' Mrs. S. Josephson, Mr. Frank Clem mens; Mrs. C. D. Shoemaker, Mr. Carl Wlmberly. Duet and Dance, "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Mrs. N, Fullerton and Mr. E. F. Stewart. Danco Ensemble, "Garland Fan tasy" Vera Sykes, Leah Sykes. Clayte Black, Leon Coshow, Helen , Ballard, Fay Milledge, Ruth Willis, j Katherine Merrill, Capltola Willis,. Edna Jones, Elma Payton, Kuther-i ino P.aker. Solo Dance. .... .Mmo. Jean Szlvorj Solo and Wooden Shoe Dance, "Pink Petty from Peter" Miss Florence Mcintosh. I Solo "Carmena" Miss Mildred Wilson Dance Ensemble, "Senora" Misses Gertrude liast and Maude Wilson. Chorus and Drill, "The Toy Mon key" The Misses Bertha Hunter. Vera Jones, Helen Cardwell, Helen Wollenberg, Dorothy Evans, Ethelyn Vaughn, Cora Campbell, Flossie Kldd, Rose Josephson, Ivoline Mc Laughlin. Duet and Danco, "Unby Doll" Misses Lucy Bridges and Arrie Black with the King, Queen and Topsy. Dance Ensemble, "Sailors' Horn pipe" Teka Haynes, Iris Rice, May- belle Miller and Clementine Mclley nolds. Chorus and Jig, "An Irish Smile" Miss Constance Moore, Mr. Walter Fisher, Miss Maude Wilson, Mr. Earl Stewart, Miss Gertrude Hildeburn, Mr. Ralph Qulne, Miss Sabra Young, Mr. Leon McClintock. Without any exception whatever each part was well rendered and re flects great preparation nnd study Especially Is this true of the little boys nnd girls who took their parts with surh grace. The Dull Shop will bo presented again tonight. WAltltUX HUM) AXI .1. O. WATSO.V AT MAHHIiriCLDl Reed Tells ol .Many Improve ments About (tunliuor. OREGON and WASHINGTON 1 Business Directory A IHrepti.r of exch City, Town ftnrt Vinnfif, R'vin': ifni'rl,:!' o BUoteh of Cillll lni UhmIIihi, p')iMiltl("l!, tele graph. :i'ri:ti;i(T urn! I.anklnp point; nlso ClrmnTi-ij I'Mrort'.ry, compiled by Mivltu'is mill pror,.,.!,!!!. It. U J'OI.K :(., HKATTMS ' ! Warren P. Reed, of Reedsport, Is I in Murshfleld, coming to meet J. O. 1 Watson, of Roseburg, concerning le ' gal matters. They will go to Gar diner today. I Mr. Reed reports great activity 1 and much progress In the railroad 1 work. About 100 men are no wem ployed on tho Smith River tunnel, north nr (the Umpnun, mid ihpid progress Is being mndo south of tho IT in pq ii a. The Gardiner Mill Company ex pects to Bhut down tonight fo ii month or six weeks, during which they will ovorhnul tho boilers, put In ' new concrete foundations and make other Improvements. They have been running steadily for about two years ami cut about 100,000 foot per day. Mr. Reed has a force of men at work nt Clear Luke, making ar rangements to pipe water from there to the towns, a distance of four and one-half miles. The Port Commission Is getting things In shape to submit a bund Is suo proposition to tho votors to build a Jetty to Improve the bar. Owing to the poor lumber mar ket, the plans or tho St. Paul Lum ber Company to put In a big mill there nro In abeyance. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ill the County Court for Douglnt County, Oregon. In tho matter of the estate of George II. Stevenson, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that tu undorslgned, Clara B, White liav been appointod by tho County Court for Douglas County, Oregon, admin istratrix of tho ostata or George II. Stevenson, deceased, and has lsly qualified as such. All persons having claims against, said estate aro hereby notified to present the Bnmo to tho undersigned at her place of residence at MyrtI Creek, Douglas County, Oregon, with proper vouchers nnd duly verified, within six moulds from tho flnl' publication of this notice. CLARA B. WIIITB, ' .Administratrix. Date of first publication (Sep tember 15, 1913. Date or Inst publication October 13, 1913. sw-oll ' The Talkof the Town What? Baseball? No. STUBBS' PEACOCK FLOUR A Full Hard Wheat Flour for $1.50 per sack, S5.60 per barrel Double Trading Stamps Saturday on Flour Only We have other Flour cheaper. Call and see us tor prices. Yours to Save, R STUBBS, GROCER Corner Cass and Pine Streets Phone 317 The Store That Serves You Best THE BIG DAYLIGHT STORE. The Store That Serves You Best New York Store Green Trading Stamps Are Money Savers ffm '0" Did you know this day was the opening of the great Panama Canal. That this store will be able to serve you better. Let every loyal American be fond of this day of great deeds. Sing the fame of the men who toiled to make the canal for the great U. S. A. The home of the Free, the land of the Brave, And may the Star Spangled Banner wave on forever. Remember that this Store stands for Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon and the United States TRADING STAMPS GIVEN WITH ALL PURCHASES