T "' 'rY II PI . AJLr'"1 L yi- H IliiB,jir J fNY jl5o.f SS vOi jWa w i i'32sl. yftz ft) 11 WW I 0 -til- Q l I loJIllalslaTE -J J N- 07 - 0-ii6,s5'ui(,Ja(y , n 0 to i " u n p , ib m ui u W. V7 CT&- y Z- rrrrrrrni(iMo(iorr flfrsWHUL It hrlsrih ML 1 1 yi orj HOMESEEKERS SPECIAL Home Sites in Bogards Addition will be offered at a Special Opening Discount Price for FifteenDays. Lots are large, level and close to hard surface street. City W ater. Buy a lot where you can raise fruit, vegetables and be independant. Terms to suit purchaser. . See SHIELDS & BOGARD, Office 405 Cass Street Sllt-pliel'll of (he Mills. Harold Bell Wright, the author of ''The Shepherd of the Hills," which comes to the Antlers theatre on Oct. ; 8, Is conceded to he the most point- Jar American novelist. No . modern author's books have had anything like the sale that has been accorded to Mr. WriKht's works. I Nearly everyone is familiar with K'e characters in "The Shepherd of morning tin MISS SADIK HOItXIIiltOOK INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO Room No. 8, Roseburg National bank Building. 4 Miss YVasa, who is an In- Hills." They are peoplo out of ,ii,.n nio into the nossession of the ordinary run of life, people whose: Ml. Gillispie In a most peculiar man veins run good, rich, red blood. They npr About 30 veins ago, while .Mr. do things in a natural human way, ; (jeiiispie was engaged in the cattle thoy love, nnd hate with deep pas-; business near 1'ocatella, Idaho, a slon. ! number of Indians were captured by In making a play of his novel, i opposing forces, and among them Mr. Wright, with the assistance of wag . female child about two years BMiury W. Reynolds, has retained all the dramatic moments of the story nnd enlarged niton the character of, of age. As a mere novelty Mr. C. 1 1- llspie purchased the child, which he later made welcome at Ills nome in "Prenchln' Hill," making a character -southern California. The Oellisple of him that will be long remembered f;ltnilv eventually became attacued by theatre-goers. Naturally, the love'j to the child .with the result that between "Sammy Lane" and "Young. sbe was highlv educated. Miss Wasa Matt" is the pivot upon which the , js at present about :i2 years of age, plav revolves. ' is refined and well educated. She Messrs. Oasklll and MacVltty, the talks freely or her pa-n life, and producers, have mounted the play i modestly gives Mr. (lelllsple nnd In a sumptuous manner and given j wife credit for her present position It a cast that promises to prove; jn society, only recenuy-sne pur- unique in the matter of types. chased a curio store in Portland. which Is being conducted under her C. D. Oellisple. a wealthy Callfor-, direction. ninn. nccinm-'tiled bv Miss Wntta Wasa, arrived In Roseburg Inte Wed-1 nesdr.v niirM fM spent yesterdav visiting nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. I H. O. Wilson, of North Roseburg. Thev left for points north this I'OR SAI.R Owner leaving city, new 5 room bungalow, two 50 foot lots, beautiful location. Terms like rent. Ilox 55, city, or Inquire News. 1911 tf THEATRE Friday PROGRAM Night, Oct. THE FINAL JUDGMENT In two parts. A thrilling and sensational drama, , run as one picture ( Essanay) f Musical Selection-" Les Adieux Sarrasate" By Miss MODESTA MORTENSON, Violinist And Mis JESMM LEWIS, Pianist I CITV NKWS 1 C. A. Markham, of Portland, loft' for his home last evening after a: few days spent in Roseburg. ! W. :. Cliiitfenpeel lias returned , from Kitlem where he Hient a few! days attending the state fair. Mis. A. C. Kidd returned here this' morn ins after several weeks spent : at Newport and other coast cities. G. Worth in ston hns been award-, od the contract of constructing a! cement sidewalk abutting the reHi-! deuce of Charles Gardner, in North; Koaeburj:. Work on the sidewalk; will be commenced within the next fevv days. Mrs. It. Ward, enroute to Vort-j land from Medford receive a mes sage here yesterday to the effect thnt her mother was quite 111 at the; Scutliern Oregon city. Mrs. Wnrd , left for MedTord on last nights train. A. noollttle left for his home at. Cottage Grove yesterday after a, few days spent on Oeer Creek visiting; with his daughter. Mrs. K. W. Hedgepeth. Mrs. Doollttle will no; return to her home until some time! next week. 0. A. Marker, of Catritini: inlet, returned from a trip to Hoseburg on Friday. Mr. Barker was gone some time and while away sowed his fall grain on his rnnch at Fairview. Mr. t Barker says the yield of apples at Fairview is better than In other sec-; lions of the county. Marshfield Kecord. Mrs. John Alexander, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. M. lilnkely, left for Sulem t lifs afternoon whore they will spend a few days. They reside at Glide. Little Clarence Church went ti: Sa lem this afternoon to join his fath er, Howard Church. The latter has charge of the poultry exhibit at the stato fair. The district Uebekah convention is to be held in Canyonville Wednesday, October 29. Degree work will be put on by teams from UoHoburg nnd by the team of Canyonville. The Can yonvillo Kebekahs are busy making elaborate preparations for the enter tainment of the delegates. Hlddle Tribune. C. 1'. Haddox has leased the store room formerly occupied by Simon Cn ro n ti d si t ua I ed i n t he Ba rker building on Jackson street. Mr. Had- .'.oo repairer nnd will open shop in "his new quarters within the next ten days. At present h couples a room in the Haynes building on North Jackson street. A pet it ion, containing I iin names '.f 13 voters, ws filed with the coun ty cierk today asking that a local option election bo held nt Glendale on November 4. Glendale is at pres. ent a "wet" town, Oitizens 'of (! Jen dale who spent yesterdiiy in Kosebitrg are of the opinion that the town will go "dry" in November, re gardless of any claims that may be made by those favoring the "wet" regime. MrCLAIXKV IIOTKIj lt. ID- i:d; i.iyrous aui; hkizi-:d Ut ltDON A. FOllY, District Attorney Drown Advo ch(c Miiforceiiient of lyoenl Option huw. Acting upon instructions of District Attorney George M. Brown the local' officers this afternoon visited the McClal lm hotel, conducted by Mrs. Stark & Sons, and confiscated two barrelil of beer, several bot tles of wines and whiskeys and other liquors. Following the raid the "goods" were taken to tln county jail whero they are being held as evidence against the proprietors of the hostelry. Suspicion has been directed ngalnst the McClullen house for Koine time lmst, and only re cently a detective was einuloyed to shadow tho place. True to the suspicion of the officers the liquors wore located nnd tho rjitd followed. At a Into hour this" afternoon no arrests had. been made In connection with the case. It is believed, how- ever, that fornutl warrants will lie issued tomorrow, when thoe charged with the offeriHO will be arraigned in court. 9 ,ViM4il Liiwona. Studio 312 E. Cass Street. Phone 191-J Roaebtirg - - -Ore. UK. GKO. IS. IIOL'CK IMijHiclHii nnd Surgeon Omce PerkliiB Bldg., Phono 3. f Itoseburg, Oregon. t William Hiilen has returned from California where he spent nom time visiting with friends. i REAL ESTATE FA wns From rive acres to twelve Tiiiii drcd acres. Largo tracts, same with flno Improvements, 10 t $30 per acre. Bargains In city property. Timber lands. GEOROF. R1TER Bl I I'KltKINS 111,1X1. ItOHKiii'iio - - - onrnrvN mm 3rd NEW TODAY- "In Diplomatic Circles One reel ( Kdison) ikpri FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY Prices 15 and I0c Doors Open at 7.15 Show Starts at 7.30 Piomptb The Store That Serves You Best THE BIG DAYLIGHT STORE New York Store Green Trading Stamps Are Money Savers Xew lied Pillows, New Waists, New Coats, New Sweaters, New Staple Dry Gocds, New Shoes. -NEW TODAY Mail Orders Filled, Stamps Given on all Mail Orders Men's Heavy Fleeced Und. 50c Men's extra heavy lleeced Cotton Under wear, all sizes, excellent for winter wear, special, pair OVC Women's0 Rubbeis, Special 50c We offer for a limited Mine women's St irm Rubbers, with medium heel, an Cfp extra value, at special, pair OU" Womei's Vests and Pants 50c We are showing on extra quality Women's Vests and Pants, extra quality trj lleece, all sixes, 4, 5, 6, special QUI Men's Heavy Wool Sox 25c Men's extra heavy Wool Sox in white and grey, usual 35c grade, buy when QT . here, special, pair QC $4 Women's Dress Shoes $3.50 For Saturday we offer you the choice of our ?4 tan, gun and patent leather (TO Cf Shoes at special J)JOv Hats Trimmed FREE Saturday Bring your old hat and get it trimmed Free. All we ask is that you buy your materials from us. TRADING STAMPS GIVEN H?C WITH ALL PURCHASES