Sleep Warm You will soon be wanting to replenish your bed ding for the winter. You can get anything you want at LILBURN'S Complete showing of Blankets, Comforters, Spreads, Sheets and Pillow Cases, Pillows, Mattresses, Springs, Brass and Iron Beds Best Quality of Merchandise, Lowest Prices A. J. Lilburn & Son Complete House Furnishers city m:vh f'lmrlt'S K. Itolmrts ami family Tjnvo rotiiriHMl from Newport when; hey spent boinu lime enjoying roan! John Hull, of Myrtle t'reek, punn ed IIitoukIi hern this nft.einoon 011 rou(i) to Kalmn where he will ."pt'tw 1 few tluys lUlomllriK the Klate fair. Airs. 10. J. luivi(lon left for nor ihonie at I'orUmul thin afternoon nf (er u few (lny spent ut Winston visit. tiff with her mother, Mth. V. C. Winston. if. I j. Murkley. of Portland, left for Vk home ut. I'orthiml (IiIh uftornoon xfler a day Hpent In . Koju'Ihifk nt tfintfjlnK Ito IiiikIiiosh nutltei . Al though one of the most, prominent ffaniomitu in t lio i-tnte Mr. Iturkley ays ha will support District Attor-j aH 4norj;n M. Ilrovvn, of Ituselniri?, ! 'Sir : attorn ey-Ketinrn I in the event thej &Urr will concede to iillow IiIh name to so hefore, the vote at I he next general election. Mr. Ilarkley says He. Brown Ih recognized K one off Mhr mutt able nlionn'yn In the entire. ftatr, nnd would make n most efflc tnttt official. Mr. Harkley Hays the dvniocratK an well jih republicans! "Would support Mr. Ilrown so well) is he thought of throughout the en tire state, Mrs. C. D. Mali n and child return ed to Oakland this afternoon ufter a few days spent In Koseburg visit ing with relatives. I. ('. Iliil, the strawberry k rower, returned hero this afternoon after n couple of days snout in the southern pint of the county. W. W. and J. F. Chastain, or lliir risburg, left for their homes this af ternoon afler a few days e-ipent. here visiting with their brother. U II. (Mmstain, u patient at Merey hospltnl. I. K. Swearlnger and wife left for their home at Klkson this afternoon after a few days spent In Koseburj;. Mr. SwearJnger's brother was r's-1 cently dsnilhc(l' from Mercey hospi- lai wnere no was miner ine ciiru oi physicians for several weeks. It. P. Ilutten, assistant state sec reta ry of the federated chu ich In action against the saloon, spent the niorning In Itosehurg in the interest of h Is earn pit fgn. M r. 1 1 utton Is' a newspaper man and predicts that the t'nited States will he legislated "dry" In the year l!:t. To do this. Mr. Mutton says it will be neces sary to pass an amend men t, to the constitution of the United States. Rosebun Lyceum Entertainment Course Commonwealth Quartette OCTOBER 13 liillMlnll. 4'nt'ttMMilst, .Inntuny 1-. Kt aint'i , oelt.,e( tiin r,' .liinuarv Ir. Tim. M. (iiwn, l i ji l i -1 ( ui-. er, I elii uary 5. I los. Ians. I VIirnni-y 1M. I diinnul jiinc- Citoke, l'H'(. Humor- Nl, MiiitIi. Adult Season Ticket NcIiimt) Season 'I'it kci S2.rl JM.50 S4j(soii tf kets jtv In the Immls of oi, jitio ,ult u. jiN(r, t ug More, Nole Hun tiv fiit imnitMf will ho gicii October 13 .1. Y. ;iEOVI-:s, Manager, CITY NEWS LBdioa fine leather hand bans at j lilack. it T, F. Fisher end wife returned toj their home at Wilbur this afternoon.: M rs. Kerr, of Roberts Creek, is i spending a few days In itOHeUurg' visiting with friends. j Percy Hoblru'oii, of Riddle, has ac- cepfed a position at the MK'lailen ! hotel in this city. reasonable prices at the Roseau rg i Hook Store. We give S. & II. green; trading stamps. tf! John Nachter, of Ctevloand. spent the day in Roseburg attending to ' business matters. j Clyde Wallace left Tor Portland! last evening where he'has business1 matters needing his attention. L. U. Smote left Tor Portland this; afternoon after a few days spent In1 Itosoburg visiting with friends. j Mary Stevens returned to Yonealla" thin afternoon after a few days spent1 in Rosebiirg visiting with friends. Jioone Shortridge is up from; IougliiH county visiting his parents j a few days. Cottage drove Sentinel.; We have nil kinds of t terry plants and Mitiill fruits fur sale. Wc sell noih.Jni; hut the iH'st. .(Jet our prices. Kilchiii A- nck tf Merle Sn,ith is visitir.g vf:th friends at Oakland pending t lie re- j t'irn of Mrs. John Hanks from Grants i Pass. Mrs. A. F. Kerr left for Portland this afternoon to join her hubsand. who hf spending some time at that' city. j Agnes Murphy left for Portland' this afternoon where she will spend1 a week or ten days visiting with friends. Andy Hestul has returned rrom i points in Coos county where he spent i the pas-It. few days attending to busi-i news matters, ; Waterman's Ideal fountain pens, at complete line to select from at the Rosoburg Hook Store. Wo give S. & 11. Green trading stamps, tf Jessie Huffman, who has been employed at the Hamilton Drug Company, for the past su miner left for her homo at Portland this morn- ing. The ladies of the M. E. church. South, will hold a window sale of home cooking at Marshall's grocery. Saturday, October 4. o4 0 . W. SI m n i on d s a n d w 1 f e a n d J. W. Ipon and wife returned to their homes at Wilbur this after noon after spending the morning in Hosehurg. The members of the Hnptist church have organized what will be known as a bible study class. Meetings will be held every Wednesday night at the church parlors. Wo hit ie prime, pear, h-uc)i, in tact ntl khids of fruit trees fur mt (iiiu iiiiUmmI the best that rim I to pro duced, ( Mir prices will save yon money. I'hono 152. Kitrhlu & 1. Patterson and wife, who spent i the past few days In Hosehurg left for ihe'r ho'Mfi n Iowa this morn ing. They have been touring the I West, for several weeks nnd wero j more than delighted with Rosfthurg. Douglas County Creamerv b.; lei ! is the best on the market. Insist, on i your grocer supplying you with this home piodurt. which is ulwnjs siflct- tv tresh nnd guaranteed. Tvr pound i roll. 85 cents. tf The Majestic theatre was crowded to its doors yesterday afternoon, when M iiuiger l.acey gave a spe-Iai ! matinee lor the school children. Vio . la's trained animals was the attrac ; tlou and suffice to say that the per- forniaii'-e was pleasing. C. I... Dudley, Dr. Gourde 10. HoHck and William Cobb spent yos ! tenia y at the latter s ranch, near Kellogg, hunting China pheasants. , The gentlemen succeeded in bagging seven birds which they brought with them to Rosebiirg last night. Iltiy bread made in Ko.-einirg , none better. iu could do your banking in Portland: laundry could b" t-cnt tli ere; dry goods bought t here but It is not good business '. policy. Spend your money at i homo. tf Tee members of t he Ladles Aid ; Society of the Christian church held , their first meeting for the winter season at the parlors of the church this afternoon. The attendance was large, Delicious refreshments- prov ed one of the features of the nf- , ternoon. t Mac, the tailor, can make ou a I suit of clothes any style yon desire. You can see the good manufactured ! Into n suit if you wish. Vo make your suit In Roseburg. Oregon, not In the Windy City. We don't make cheap truck, but make good clothes any stylo you wish. We are tailors; at 1-7 .Tack son street. olp A quiet wedding wan solemnized at the offices of Justice of the Peace Reuben Marsters this morning when G. W. Sintmonds. of Wilbur, and Miss Virginia llalght, of The Dalles, were united In marriage. Justice Marsters officiated. The hap.! py couple left for Wilbur this af-! ternoon where they wlTl reside per- i manently. j City Attorney Albert Abraham this afternoon filed In the record-' er a court an amended complaint In i the case of the City of Roseburg vs. i The Southern Pacific Company. The complaint was filed by the city attor-! ney upon request of John Husenbark. i who claims that the Southern Pa cific Compftry blocked the Lane, street envying for more than D i minutes t'nder the city ordinances' it is tln w f ul for the company to block any crossing within the city limits for a eriod of more than 10 minutes. In the specific case at issue It is claimed that the crowing was Mocked tor 13 mlne.tec. The necessary legal paper will probuhl It served upon the head of the de fendant company in Portland some time this week. The cane will later bo brought to an issue. Baxter Robinson, of Myrtle Creek, was a visitor in Roseburg for a few houra today. Mrs. Heavens, of Greens, was a visitor in Roseburg for a few houra Ihlt: afternoon. Frederick T. Mlnto of Portland, spent the day in Roseburg attending to various business Interests. T. B. Burnett and wife, of Round prairie, were visitors in Roseburg for a few hours this afternoon.. Mrs. Jefferson Williams, of Look ing Glass, spent the afternoon in Roseburg lisiting with friends. Bertha Minor, of Kugene, arrived here on last evening's train to spend a few days visiting with friends. Bertha Mclntyre, of Portland, ar rived in Roseburg last evening to spend a week or two with friends. Mrs. K. Hall returned to Wilbur this afternoon after a few dsys sient in Ror-eburg visiting with friends. Clarence T. Peppln, of Portland, arrived here on last evening's train 'o spend a few days looking after business Interests. H . M . Wheeler and w o , who wrre yesterday married at Kugene, arrived here late last evening and are registered at the Grand hotel. Mrs. W. A. O'Brien and child, of Roberts Creek, arrived here .this noon and spent the afternoon wtlh friends. They were accompanied home late this afternoon by Mrs. O'Brien's mother, Mrs. J. D. Mc Dermitt, of Seattle, who arrived here yesterday. Mrs. J. F. Barker and Mrs. Jams Sawyers left here this afternoon for Hood River where ')ca'' will attend tl-e Minimi meeting the St'ite Fed eration of Women'fa Clubs. Knroute home they will spend a couple of days at For' land visit intr with friends. Charles Barnard, of the Roseburg Marnhfield stage lines returned here last evening after a da v spent at Kugene. The new building recent ly erected by Mr. Barnard has been completed and the renters are now moving into the structure. The bi'ilding is said to be ono of the finest in Southern Oregon. Superintendent Groves, of the lo cal public schools, reports work pro gressing nicely, with the exception of in the high school Iwhere certain study books are unobtainable. Un fortunately, the publishers were un able to supply the demand, and as a result many of the scholars are without hooks. Unless some action Is taken to .itupply the deficiency, many of the pupils will be unable i to keep up in their work. Magazines, don't give your money to unknown jjcrsou3 and frauds. Leave your subscription with the Roseburg Book Store. We are mem bers of the Am-Hooksol'era Magazine; Agency Co, and guarantee you will j receive the magazine or refund youri money. Wo give S. & H. green i trading stamps. tfi George Rouse, of Roseburg, a con ductor oa the Southern Pacific, was injured at Junction City Monday by being caught between a moving train and the switch board. He was taken to Roseburg and it Is thought his Injuries are not serious. Mrs. Rouse s a daughter of Mr: and Mrt W. C. Johnson, of this city. Cottage Grove Sentinel. INSURE YOUR TEETH By using the beBt tooth paste obtainable. Don't use ordinary tooth paste. Use Dike's Dentaseptic Cream This Is no ordinary tooth paste It Is a real tooth preser vHtlve hv using Dentaseptic Cream you are giving your teeth every chance you are Insuring them by giving them the best protection possible. Dike's Dentaseptic Cream Sweetens the breath, benefits the gums, whitens the teeth re tarding decay It does not scratch the teeth nor the fillings. Dike's Dentaseptic Cream comes in a big collapsible tube. 25c. Wo recommend its US) for children and grown ups. KROHN'S PHARMACY STREET Theatre in New Elk's Bui OPENING OF THE SEASON Saturday Night, Oct. 4th !'". A. LACBV, ItoseburR Booster. Wednesday Thursday MISS VIOLA'S ANIMAL CIRCUS The Show that is Talk of tin City Tow .Mniv Nights. An Orplit'uiu .Show in Town. A noil Clean Kntri'tninmciit. Si(MiaI Two 1Um1 Couture The Statue of Fright A !Vi:itlTI, IlliAMA A Laugh That Rolls Into A Thousand DIRECT FROM 2 YEARS RUN IN CHICAGO AND NEW YORK CITY lST"G THEATRE-GOERS ' lIUCHOFTHE YEAR. Cohan & Hams, foremost of pro ducers.are send ing to our city the greatest melo-dramatic faro of the cen tury and I want to greet them with a capacity house, which will insure us of all their attractions playing here in the future. Rt5 Jh MM Curtain Rises at 9 o'clock Advance Sale of Seats now on at the Box Office. How Did It Finish KD1SOX, (.'ItlOAT CO.MIMIV Extra Paihe Weekly Seo Mutt's Foot Klip When He's Throwing Twelve .Men of the KiHif, Admission:-10 and 15c COMIXU SATl'KIMY "A V1I.1 K1IK" It's a Hit; One. INSURE Mutual Life OK XIAV YOKK Oldest in America; Stronfsest in the Wor'0 Lend in Oreson in 1912. Lowest not cost to you. LarffiO' returns to you. No stock holders. Kor full particulars see J. F. ni'TCHASON. District Manager. Room 421 Perkins Thone 274 SPECIALS FOR EVENING WEAR Dresses Coats Waists They Certainly Are Beautiful and Very Reasonable Something New in Hair Dressing Hair Ornaments and Hair Accessories The Leader