THE EVENING NEWS MJLTO.V J. SHOK.M.WilCIl CAIIb I). 8IIOKMAKKII Kditoin and Pulilixlierii. itMiiKi) j.u.y K.(;i:iT kcxd.w uhiTiiiTiriute---l)7iil7I Per year, by mall $3.00 Per month, delivered 60 Semi-Wei-lily, Per year $2.00 Six months j.oo Entered as second-class matter .Novemlior G. 1910, at Hoseliuri;, Ore., ouder act of March 3, 1879. T ii i ' I is I a v, ' t 1 1 1 : i ( i ii i : C 'that loi irrn v.iti) m i:sr. A voter of the Ith wuid a-ks tin to explain why there nliould he any contest In the -Ith ward. As a mat tor of fact there should not lie. Hail ... ....nun . . ..., aK.-.i e(, rnr ,)(,,r V(,ry K any one else to become the i-mull- simse nnil ilnn of absolute truth. For ..Kin councilman Iloni mat ward Instance. this iiiirnirrniili: One loesn't have to be a reformer or it IKTTKHH OK CIIKKK. It warms the cockles of one's heart to receive unexpected but sincere commendation of praise of one's acts or words, and editors arc in this senso only weak mortals, after all and appreciate kind expressions of their efforts, feeble thouxh thev may he. Too often during their life time the criticisms prevail and laudation comes, If ever, only like the wreaths of flowers at a funeral and after death. Therefore It Is wit ha pecu liar feeliiiK of Hood cheer and nood will that, we read the close personal letter of approbation, reeelv.-d to day of u short editorial in last Sat urday s lsue on the deplorable ef fects of the unrestrained traffic in Intoxicants: Were II not for the tact that this letter Is almost entirely personal, and our own Innate mod esty would prevent Its entire repro duction, we would publish It I nrull, as it Is stronK. Intellectual and sin cere. I'.ut we feel as IIioiibIi some paragraphs tray be conslslenly qiiot- Kood common hoist- SUIT FOR LIDS Governmenf Mopes to Recover Oil Properties. ! SAMOLINE WASHES ACTION INSTITUTED IN 1903 Million of (.allims of Oil Kslimatcd to he Avaibihte in The I'll Jiffs I'll'!'!-I)i-piit Chfirle.K Parks would not have been Hl!('itf;iJ in ni.'i kt; t he campaign HKaiiiHl Mr. Cobb. Tin' reiirfon th;it I'arkH I" in the field at all in be cause Cohb doos not. h-i widl with Hid Klbert Hermann crowd in (In; Hh wan!. Mr. Cohh haa been too much of a public spirited citizen to make friend with (he K. Hermann hunch of jtolitlciaiiH. Mr. Cobb is orfenH tvo lo them becnuKf he has taken an intoroHt in the best wnll'are nf our city and Iioh persistently held to that courne. The, Hermann crowd wants to beat Colib and put into the field C. V. I'arkH, who first re fuRml to Jlsten to tliolr talk of putting "lliiu in i he en'Dpujiin but who later, uccopted the nomination, 'i'ini ,cwk J'hh no (piarrol with .Mr. Parks "bnt It (hioi object to the certain In fluence and Hiipport nhlt ), has put hi in In field not because lliey love Parks well, lint because, they love Cohb less. Whether the Hermann influence is sufficiently powerful in tho ward to pull off the trick on nloctlon day Ih doubtful. Cobb was tho first, man In Hip field. He Is a iiLronn m:in for the place. No one doubts his nbllltv "d his lion-; wty nnd It Is for this reason that Tho News 'favors the. eleetiUm VJ" .Air. Cold). It believes In fairness in Tolit U-H nd well as in business, A iMisIneKK founded on m I sre presenta tion, haired and vlndlctiv-ne will fall A candidacy for a political of flco fouiid(?(. on the same things who ii Id liave a similar end. Thfs is tho real truth of the contest In the, 4th ward. fanatic - in the unpleasant t-eiif-n. of that word to see that the most im portant fpiestion before the American people today is not the tariff nor Im mitrrntion, nor what to do with the liquor question, but how to do it." Attain, "There isn't any place for it in modern economics or sociology; every manly man admits it." And are these not Incontrovertible facts, can HONOIt WHKItK IIONOIt'tt 1 I I If every person In Douglas county couhl sc-e our county exhibit, at the Rtuto fair at finleni this week and then take a pood long" took tit the bluo ribbon hntittiiiK alongside of it wo feel sure ( hat Charles Clark would bo voterf the "man of t he hour" in this Kront county of ours. J la has done more for tho fui ore nuine and fa me of Douglas county srnmid the slate of Oregon than all that has been done before. Yester day we stopped by our boot h nnd wutclied the people and listener) to their remarks as t hey passed by. Onod old Oregon faruiei-H from all port Ions of the slate expressed them Kelves ns dumbfounded at t he dis play and could scarcely believe their, eyH when t hey saw the variety oi l products t hat we raise here. Lone j live the name- of Charles Y. Clark. I didly admitted by tlin most deluded hearing of the suit, in Cheyenne"" laci n:iiiiii in ineir v,t ices ui (UMlillK- lonnieut Hint come:: to them n!J ? And further. "I have no use for the Hearst pa pers, thcv are not honest and are always trouldo-ninke;s M'tt in their editorial ndtcy, ili'.'.v are the working man's (riend. And they know that down in hi-' heart the vork1njr men will not t-OnsIdf any iiiAii or i'iipiT 1 lift t eneo-.irfiKf'i1 the (ins of lf(Uor. as his tni-3 frlen4. Many of them would not say this, but thtv rc'mil It." Wo are glad that some of the things this papof and it apolicy stands for, nnd will continue c. espouse, meets with the approval of Just such citizens as the writer, nnd to the extent of our ability will riv ue,or iu meriL n. Ami v,c the RcM In vestment Co.. nnd otllers, I'K'.VVKP.. Col.. Kej.t. 30.- Tie re tention by the I. S. government of oil lands in California, Arizom. Wyo ming, I'tah and Colorado. v;i);'d at figures so stupendous j,B to be al most unbelievable, 1 involved in the snft of the government ag-iin; the Mid-west Oil Company and o'hers, hearing on which began in the L. S. court of uniieals todav. Technically Hie suit involves title to only l.lo acres of land In Wyo-; ming oil fields, valued at from $ i ,nuo.ftin to In reality, it involves the validity of an order issued by the prosfdmt of the I'nited States on R pt. 7, 100!t. withdrawing from all forms of entry 3.04I.OOO acres in California and Wyoming, much of which is es timated to be worth from $ 1 0.Onn to $r,000 an acre. At the original t vear. evidence was introduced to show that the officials of the navy department estimated the amount of oil in the land withdrawn in the; slate of California alone at 4.000.000; barrels, which represent;) a value of, $2,000,000. ! The records In tb p.tsn rmtnin ' correspondence between the pr-'sident' of the I'nited States, cabinet officer?.; heads of the navy. Including Admiral. Dewey. This relates to steps beliiff' taken by the government to ennserve. tho supply of crude oil in the land iK-longitiK to the public domain for ; ufq in mi emergency on the battle-, ihlps of the nnvy. j The 'ilt was brought by tho gov-i eminent against the Mfd-wus Oil '.. ; of them to that feast our correspond ent proposes, in ending his letter, when he hopes that we, "may live to eat the hen that scat dies over our grave", A n d hot o we a re. living- in the prlo county of the state, lit tho blue ribbon county, in the banner county of nil Oregon, and so designated by a jury of competent experts. Don't the sun shine just a little brighter, and Isn't the air Just a little balmier, and the breeze Just a little softer and the ky Jum a little bluer, and the girls Just a llttl eprettier, and the hoys just a little manlier, and. and oh, well, isn't it just Douglas county, Oregon, so what's the uw of faying more? Wo can now appreciate how Mutt felt when he looked through the Knot hole and sa w Jetr sltt iug tn the ma linger 's box tit the world's championship ball games. Only In this case we took the part of Jeff, for didn't we have a sent In tho president's box at the State Fair yesterday, and didn't we see a Dt of the boys we knew over on the bleach ers Hut then It didn't Inflate us any. for honestly u o are not built that way. He's the man that put "fame' DouKlan county! in I CLEANS AMD POLISHES EVERYTHING It mixes with water and produces quick results. SAMOUNE contain no acid, grit, benzine, grease, oil or any injurious substance. SA.MOMXE is absolutely non-inflammable and nun-injurious. SAMOLINE economizes labor and Eaves money, ..- GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOK USING SAMULINE l-'or (Ipaiilna I'i iiiII .Marks, llir-t, (,ri'ac anil Snil from Puintcil Walls and Ceilings, Oil ruiiiliiijs, Inl.Ti.'r Wooihunk, V.irnisht'.l uml Kiiiuiiclnl Siiifaci-s, Muair MiiiliK-, Tile unil Varnished Hours. Mix one j;art of SA.MOMXE with four or more jiarts warm water; wash the surface with a soft brtts-:h or cloth; wl;e off with spongo and clean waL'r; dry tlitirotighiy. See Note at end of Directions. I'""r Automobiles, liaihvay Cwti lies, .Street ( a is, Steaniships, etc. Mix one part SAMOMMC witli five parts warm water; wash thoroughly, rinse wfth clear water and wipe dry. S ie Note at end of Direction's. : I'or l.-anini; IVn. il Marks, J' Scrat'.lies ami Dirt from Store Fronts, Store Fixtures, Ilnrljer 1'oles, ( li:,ii-s, lix one part SA.MOMNK with three parts wai-m Witter. Wash clean, rinse with sponge and clean water and wipe dry. See Note at end of Directions. For nil Metul Stirfnies, Automobile l,aniis, llrass (Joods, Xi.kel, Silver, Aliiininnm, Tin and I'oi-ce- lln Wan-, Kitclicn I'tcnsil.l, Cullery, Steel Tools, Sad Irons, Faucets, Harness Mountimts, etc. Moisten a piece of soft clean cloth or waste with SAMOLINE (without using any water), rub tho surface until the tarn.-,-h or rust Is dissolved, then wipe off and polish with a piece of dry cheese cloth or chamois, l or Marble Statuary, Until Tul, J,avuti) ies, Closet Iloivls, Sinks, liefriKi ratoi-s, Dirty Window Sills. .Mix half SAMOLINE with half warm water. Hub the surface clean with soft brush or cloth, or If preferable, dip the brush into the Cleaner, (without using any water) rub off the dirt, rinse with clean, water, wipe dry. Tho result will surprise you. F or Itcmoviiij; AVhito Alcohol anil Hot Water Stain from Tahl o ami Dresser Tops. Dip soft cloth into SAMOLINE (use no waler), rub the white spot until removed, then wipe surface with sponge and clean water. See Note at end of Directions. For Glassware, Cut (.lass, etc. Mix one tablespoonful of SAMOLINE with one pint of hot water. Scrub the glassware thoroughly with a soft brush, rinse in hot water and allow to dry without wiping. For Mirrors and Window. ;. w, . Mix ns for glassware, then wash tho mirrors or windows tiding a soft cloth and allow to dry into a powder, then wipe off thoroughly wtih a dry soft cloth. NOTE After thoroughly cleaning automobile), Interior -woodwork, furniture gloss painted and all varnished surfaces. wlre over with our PCLLMAX POLISH (r y other GOOD furniture polish) which will restore tho life of the varnish and paint at a trifling cost. 4 DILUTE SAMOLINE more for a slightly soiled surface an.l less If very dirty. Price: Gallons. $1.50; Half CaHons. 9rc; Quarts 50c; Pints 30c Federal .luilirn .1. A. Itlner. of Ch nne, ordered the suit disniisvcil and the present hearing Is on the ji.nTrii. i nie'ifs a,;;.cal iron) Unit ilcy-i' 1. 1 Tho outcome I helug watched Closely by uflli'!nls at Wa-.'iinginn on account nf Us I, taring on the fuel, supply of the navy. J On Sept. 27, 1 !l 0 ! , the president, approved an order neivin'j certain, oil lands in Wyoming and CaKfur.iia. Iiospit (his certain parties ncrtulretl I a quarter section of land In Natrnm : county, Wy.-iiuin. and discovering1 oil, took possession und"r the oil ; Placer act of 1S97. The M id-we"t Oil ... Co. afterward acquired the land. Inj - - ""' Juno, 1 0 10, an act of" congress was Saturday, September 20. This party j fa.'r d to secure the necessary rr-ve-approved expressly autltorizini thewas in the saddle, so to speak, foi ; ntie iicens". FniVr the la'w' iwu presidont to reserve public Wind for the last six weeks and went from j iug the grantinir of me L'.iienie soiiiuern pari or incjthe Inspector Churchill Hardware Co made by city. him prior to leaving the Mate to tbe oxirenm cistern' t,h. u ......... . ' . , v wwu u a.M liiooK o:iK rter and met with nil the vatylim 1 or tho uniount of 'the V-rm. conditions to bo found in thin Ursc- .otlior with a n'min;i fine lu-1 commonyaltli wllnt tho in,1!ector wiM (Jo jn m "In spito of the fact that the trln pn-n,,.,!,- it, ( .... us iHiuuii iipjit-ii ij me very nnsy nnblic pnrptcs whenever lie saw fit. In July, 1010. the prosid.-nt rnili'iod a second order wlilrb confirmed the flrHt nnd again expressly reserved the binds involved and also lands In California. IM ah and New Mexico. The slni?lf puint In controversy is whether the first order of withdrawal was valid. Judge Hiner held that It wan void because the president did not have authority to approve It prierj general throughout the sia:e seemed 111 lie (lilfilU'- III UH' KH (iJimii'.ij i'j H'HJtl, til rinim- t u Ill'MllIIlT lir : III? specif'u-ally couterrtnir that ii:w-r on( bnsv h ason seemed to keep a laru'e N'Hce is hereby given that the him. And that lm-ailna m;ide prior majority of the farmers home and 'mdcrs'gnei! ha? hern dulv imnnini. to the second withdrawal were valid, others, for some reason, .ev:ned to 0( I,v 'he County Court of the State COWS FOR KALK and split wood. Inquire S37 Miller or phone lSlt-R. 1953-oOp time. Tlmt llO Will PMeoelll, II... season nmont? farmers, there was nn violator. Imwever was thu platenu-nt average of over one hundred people at each meeting and the in 'crest in . .iwii i-, iw i l.lMMIIIIiN. VAXTK1) Position as cashier or" saleslady in suit department. Ad dress care Xewt or 405 W. Lane street. 1957-oTp WAXTKH Suite of furnished hmi.t keeping rooms, with modern con veniences; down stairs preferred: Apply to Xevs office. 1-oT M r. Drain nrrivi1 an, Or., il in llow niativ did von it I)ih :ni,l I ho wmany diil o imet Hill, m-t Vm! on the wini; or was It it pot shot, j sister, Mrs. Sum? The;,- ure quest hMis one hears; Mrs. llittllil mi siti' .t toiuiy, anil We presume ; rait be itn-u eri'd liy winto of 'he 1 numerous t.inwn who wcni out e-''"im terday ,-itler ( be bright pi u ina i:i-il ' h-un f'hina I'hennnts. man. Mrs. Sumner Snell, of and her three children Salem yesterday i!"or a lsit 4v i t h Mrs. Snell's 1 1 a i lauiiiton. M r. ami 'ii who have been spend- llie suniiuer at Hubbard will lip tuday j i Till w ill oeeupv 1 he; ' on Kerry Mieet. Si'.lem State- CCIMI'MSHi:i MCSK l.W TO (il K lll'.t ITAL I'nginni WI'I ' Meld at 1'n'vbvte iati hiii't'li T,iim iron Ivvening II. -inniim Ml 8:1 0 ( hn k. n M-rtv-a ree'cil Grand Opening- ARI: YOU PREPARED? W ln-ii iIk- new tlu'.iii'r ilirows dpfii its tluors for Ilk' u rtui m.itkv. .no you pi t-paivd ? If not, lon'l Ik'siuiu- whfiv to -o for su-li toilet arliclos as you n.'f.l to irkvi vour toilets. Wo carry a luli lino. lVrff!ii.-s. .".iV t.. ..t ..un.-f. HooriM' .JI'AXIt'K I w iak'sl fr,, in I'r.-m,.,.. I'tii'e l, iii'i'.ekil up. I .l. tucstic. !- to n.X per t,x l-i'l"'l ';" I'ov.lrr, ,Vv to $:..- i ,.,.r bottle, t'ui e t're;i!t.s, " to $t ,-i ,.r i ir I'uCcl.. Ices. Act ls ai,.l l'..i;-' s ; Ua .lS!)r,mi,nt '"' t.i . .ii e:ii-!i. Take n I'.ox i.f liimimin I ''ii'iMlui.'s to (he sh.. The j$zM Sltr . ..Gt B.ll.VS I I I.I.KUIOX. l-rep. Q .i, 1111(iM). II V Ghv S. it-,. Cnvn TrSkfmg Stamps Mi's Smlie I lorniPrnok. )ilitMMl niH--ici:in nnd u r c I ul in K'.-.-hiirir. will eivr. I nt ih" Kirt I'rcsln lerinn rhtir-n In (tills i lt- toiuorriiw evening, tf.i-.iii-! ti'liir S: I r, o'l-lm l;. AiIm'-- :im ; will ! free. M .s lloniiPnicU l sni.l to I.- tl Yrv? i-t t i. ..!! piaii'.-t unil s'l'iu'il ie slow in responilliii;. in Kenenil. 01 iirciion lor llnuir iis Cmmiv .i. j llowever. Hie iittcniinnce a nil Inter- I'i'nistrulnr of tlio eslrile of Wiiliun : est wire lietter tluin evpeeied. tl- K. 'o. il.oens",!. Ali jiersons lutv- i '"Mils trip wiis umlertiilien Tor 'tiy: c'liiins unlnst s:iid estiite m,, the puriiose of Prinuinii Hie workers Iterrliy r"iiiirol to preseni tlie same : of the extension division into rlnser to ine i riiM-rlv verified us liy law it- I toncn with the iii liiiil needs of the '"rim! rt Yo'inilH ! people of the stete, mid oti the other I liand to inform the people themselves i of the purpose of tile extension dlvis, : 'on in workini: out their pro'ilems. In it i-ense it tins Ik en a sort of piv l:piinarv survey of the field hut it ; U Imped that in the future more ; time ran he spent in each locality and the pvoMeins that are peculiar o each section may ! hive. : iu ilcd more earefillly." head of urade icrsey milen cows, also 2 heifers. All eillir tnilkine or eoinliiK fresh. Inuuire News office Tor infornia "n. i!h-,ij-tr i-'cn. nilllin MX 'llontl-s !-,i:ii the it ate her'of. n.if d Hits "ml dav of Octnhir. I o i :: . Ain-'TR It, KKI.SO Aewiri.-lrT,.,- of The : f y,a O. K..n. ilccMs.-ii II 1.. KIH'V. Attorney (, r A.l-ninistra'or. i,.:. WA.VTEti A man to take cliarire of an esialiliaiicd delivery route. For particulars apply 5 to S p. in. at H'ol tlratld. Ask for .Mr. Phil lips. OL. I'lit KXOIIANilK OR SAI.K I have r. 1:11ml pack train, hack and har ms.; to exclianuf, for a uoort farm or will sc'.l. Imiulre at : t ir o. l!l54-oTp Xewa 1 .1 Ie 'I'l 1 in u rn w m;i ri -r. 1 . 1 ;i 1 I'iilllr Sell. 1.1 1 l.i I'Meuse ;,rr Or.. Octol (In 1'rolmle liiic'liniiililHit,' K.lMor News: Sadie Iternll rook In your issue of last rip:''t vou Vocal Selo " 'V in .Miitr write-up of poliiics that (a 1 l-eu You Oeme llei . . . , tae hii: contest is in the fenri'i ward. Senile A. a fourth ward voter I u!M you HO It wa. a H-on.; ...... . l.ohr could toil Ps will' tiiere shunt, 1 he 11 Sadie lierniliri eh contest there, if there is no politics Piano Solo 'M 'ho city ele.tion. ns you say. Mr. .Match C'-api'i 'Vhh was Induced hy fri-Mids to run Sadie I Irriiiln unit for "'e col It. After he had con- Vein' s la sented aniitlier candidate was ml At i-.:l't fall Mi tc.'lt' hroui-lit out. Why was thi-" Mr. 1 hi S-dectcd ' Cold, well known lis a pro!ressi e Sadie llei uihrook riml reliatile man who has the inter- I'iiino Solo "sts of llosehuru at lleilt't. Who Is lieiilah In Saneeti . . . . Sa-nt Sai i" dissatisfied to have Mr. Cohh in the lis i-'i'l.- I'M'eip k Vccie'ihinlt I'ouncll Can Tho New answer? .! "' IV K. Tl'UNKI.I.. I'AltMI IIS AMI IOI I 1)1. 1-: '' lil.'ot (,H'' Ol.OSliP ToliKTIIKK J. en v xkws. 1 OKKUON' AOtiUTl.Trit !, ( ()!.- I l-:;i-:. C.-ivjillis. Ore., Ort . . ilmiiyb a bn-v season Indrferred to H-Mii,. .-M.Mtl i!b attendanre ltt ibe rave'im; ;t rb 1: It n ral s,'Met uf tbe Ahlioimh ovi y effort ha boen V tuvciin A-;i 'cr.Unial i o!le-e, n-.nrt nindr in '.piTcliend tbe indlYMiii.i!-- l ban iwic Inmdi .m! prrsnn attended n spunsibie fur 0o rbln ry v' ih-' in e-ir); tneelin place. 'Ibe people .Inhns-Mi hfiie in Kcyebnnr .0 Mnn- Or n have S-cnm jn Q ilnfed d.iy nii;bt. m -Mise Q. be-n f.u:il 'ib I"e piii'pdsc ef the e:i ion di- Mpon Al it h o'l'1.-. rs can ! ;;' a v:un tn help litem imirme their r!e". M;-!'."! I'eiiQ'i fays he is coii.iU "u and eirr'iiMsr.Mi--e ', and tlu po-'live tha'Otho riii,iurv wa tM. nll's:. h i -, actjinr- I a in'imafe work of local (n'ent, ind eent ti;;!lv knob-tue rt (lie id ' :. nd !e-:ie be sas. ibe t.tvry wlil be cleured ; ',lo ';.'. T ' j brief f iu-ii i,; r to:i t a I r. in : .1 d- v,i :;! ioa ,i) c'"'i':i:ry j.f tie ' -i k of p, stolen rtb b-. h.ive breli ont (lie; I uas tnude bv o tnv alotm tbr lint of the rmte--tn- V'. "; . wn, wh,i ii Southern Pacific rnilroiid, nnd f-w- i! e-"'er ef ' 1 i''e:)'-i -..j-'v onij ham? tott haw hel,t n(tn";eii "Thp trip f (!io piuty vii r,(fo iu on 0 1c K.un fr tht coed.; tinder (lie auspices ot t'.ie eMetisiun It is under-'tood her totia that division t f the Aj.ricrlt'ir:! 0 )l!rce nn Internal revenue inspector who to the different agricultural coin in u- rccontlv vl!itod Hoseburn dicovpreti nitics thiotKhottt tho state tnc:.u , un$ resort where the proprioler had PROGRAM Thursday Night, Oct. 2nd THE RIGHT OF WAY A two-reel feature of 20(J0 feet, run without a stop on same machine ( Kssanav ) Sasicil Selection Vieuxtemp's "Air Varie !5? ftUUtMA SfORTENSOft, Violinist JOlJES5IE LfWfifc jian?st EIGHT SCENIC oSLIDES fit Lc8nd His San. a single reel of a wrv iully accused Qui ( BioLrraph) BUNN7, the comicalUt man in motioa nic in fLsiivjle n-t'l i Vitnrr,ni, " 1 - :: i-litlfLiiiL' i tares, THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY Prices 15 and 10c Doors Open at 7.15 SHow SDarts at 7.30 Promptly