m WEATHER Yesterday's Highest Temp 75 Last Night's Lowest Temp 45 Vuir Tonight and Kliilaj VOL. IV HOSEBUHG, DOUGLAS COl'STY, O K.'OJH THfltSDAV, tXTUKKK 2, 101:1. No. 283 mi lirnnirnn ATtin mmwm: Implicated by Confession Davis in Conspiracy. SECRETARY UNDER ARREST Sensational Story 01 ItemarriM-'c i'lan to I'rove McXainnra Inno cent I'm si riled by Pica of (uilt,v. (Special to The Evening News.) NEW YORJC, Oci. 2. Followi;!,; the arrest, recently, of Georn.j K. Davis, who hin beon sought h. 'ne federal officers tor the past fvn years, Assvi m i rderal DJs.: X At torney isi.:i v.tttment. this in rv in, alleging that Davis hah nierio a complete confession of his participa tion f n the McXamara dynamiting conspiracy, and that his story re veals many new details of the ar'freii'. Davis admitted, the statement says, that, he was a partner and co-worker jviih McManigal. The prisoner was apprehended at Pittsburg by Detec tive Foster, of Louisville, and en route to New York the confession was dittj ated. The 'revelation of Davis implicates Harry Jones, secretary-treasurer of the International Association of the Bridge and Struc tural Iron Workers, who succeeded H. S. Hockin, the latter being suc cessor to John McXamara. The sen sational assertion is accredited to Davis that he was selected as the leader of fifteen chosen dynamiters, who were assigned to blow up a num ber of non-union buildings through out the country. This plan was con ceived while the McNamaras were on trial, and was intended to convince the public that the brothers were not the infamous dynamiters they had been pictured, because explos ions occurred while they were in ctts. tody. The unexpected picas of guilty on the part of John and James Mc Xamara upset this piece of conspir acy, and the plan was abandoned. Davis waived examination and will be taken to Indianapolis. Secretary Ironworkers Arrested. INDIANAPOLIS. Oct. 2. Harry Jones, secretary of the International Association of Structural Iron Work ers, implicated in a gigantic con-, spiracy according to the alleged con-, fp?.-ion of George E. Davis, at New York today, was arrested here this morning. The charge against Jones is conspiracy to transport explosives. This is the same chfrge under which! 38 were convicted at Indianapolis a year or so ago, most of who were lat er released on bonds pending retrial, i ANARCHISTS WOC1J) KILL THK SPANISH lU'I.KK Kim: Alfonso's Life Said to lie In Immediate Danger, j FRIS, Oct. 2. That anarchists! in Spain are plot'ing niraln-? t' o !ife of King Alfonso at the time of the' visit to Madrid of President Raymond '. Pohjcare early next month, is the! report which was heard todav. Lav-1 ish plans are already under way to protect the two rulers as well as to in.-iire the French president's safe pa-aue (Tom the Franco-Spanish bor der to the capital. It hi pointM out thr.t at the time of King Alfonso's visit to France this year, the French police aided by the Spanish author-' it if. dealt harshly with a number of jianiMi anarchists arrested after, a rumor of a plot to assaina'e King Alf'inso in P;;ris. and friends of these' anarchists may choose to hold Poin care responsible. Ordinarily no irreat-, er precaution Is taken here to protect j President Poincare tnan mere in in j the United States to insure the. safety j of President Wilson. Like the Amerl-j ran president he scorns such meas ure . The presentation last night at the Grand of "Officer 66fi." by AugiiRtln McHugh and his galaxy of star play ers, both men and women, deserves a more extended notice thin given thip exceedingly clever company, hut lack of space this morning prevents. mm atnirtntiriifiii witf lmritiifji THIS COUPON AS II til C'KNTS K.VTITI.K4TIIK IIOI.IIKH TO OXE COPY OK HH.roOK-8 HOOK "My Attainment of the Pole" IF rTlF.HEXTFll AT Till! OFFIlV OF THK 1.VF.NINO XEWM, IfOs Kllf Hi.. OIIKUOX Mali Ordpp, lOc Kltrn For l'ofttare Dr. Bailey K. Leach, deport- ) ed editor of a socialist publica- j tion at Bandon, passed through lioseburg this morning enroute from Coquille City to his home at Portland. Mr. Leach was ! recently called to Coos county to testify regarding his depcr- tation before the grand jury. In speaking .to a News repio- sentative this morning. Dr. Leach said investigation of his deportation was probably clos- ed as far as Coos county was concerned. He stated, how- ever, that the facts connected with the affair had been placed in the hands of government agents and that another inves- tigation would soon be instltut- ed. Dr. Leach said he was not molested during his recent visit Q to Coos county, and was allow- ed to deliver an address at. Bandon Sunday afternoon. At the latter event he says he was greeted by a large crowd. Jt is sufficient to add that the house should have been filled from "pit to dome." and would have been had not the counter attractions on the fair grounds drawn many strangers there to see the fireworks. Salem States man. PLAN COMPLETE Glenn Voliva to Conquer the People of the World. ZIONIST DOCTRINE IS PREACHED StieceHSor of John Alexander Dowtc Says He Will Convert the World to MIm Faith Two Months Needed. ZION CITY, III., Oct. 2. Wilbur Glenn Voliva, successor to the late John Alexander Howie as head or Zion City, styled by his followers "the center of the worid," today complet ed his plans for a series of "world conquering tours," designed to con vert all the people of the earth to the Zionist cause. Accompanied by a brass band and a double quartette from the famous white-robed choir, Voliva and ten specially ordained workers will set out early in October on a trip through Illionls. Having toured this state, they will repeat the perform ance until every state In the middle West has been' covered. Ultimately Voliva said today he expetcs to car ry the gospel of Zion into every cor ner of the globe. Vollva's recent victories over the pork-eating, tobacco-smoking "heath en" of Zion City have left him free to concentrate his efforts on the con version of the world. The Dowie ites are now in absolute control of the city council, having removed the I last two "heathen" councilnien three! weeks ago, and all city ordinance, j Including that, one forbidding nny-j one to smoke on the streets of Zior Citv are being vigorously enforced. I The .present crusade, Dowle's sue cesser, announced today, will con fiime about two months. During that time every county In the state of, Ullonis will be visited by the Zion crusaders, who will travel by automo bile. Meetlncs will bo held in ev-j cry city of 3.000 or more inhabitants.! Voliva intends to talk personally to! the crowds at thee meetings, while his ten workers are canvassing the rural sections. Moving pictures of the scenes In Zion City will be ex hibited and the phonograph will be called upon to repeat the exhorta tions of the late John Alexander Dow ie, "prophet," whose preachments have been religiously preserved. Overseer Voliva is not ready to an nounce whether It Is his intention to found any more Zionlte communities, preferring to await results of his tour of conversion. His theory, however. Is that Zion City must forever re nin In the "center of the universe," and that all the world's activities must radiate from It. u wwiii m h mi tin y. - 1H. LEACH HKHE. PUBLIC TO OWN; i Telephone andTelegraph Lines1 is Proposed. I POSTMASTER GEN. SEES LIGHT Maryland Congressman (pnly Advo cates Government Acquisition ell Main Lines of Wire I oiiiniuiiii'atioii. (Special to The Evening News.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. The gov. eminent ownership germ has fast ened itself upon officials of the post al department, and in consequence, with his car to the "ground" t for the voice of the people. Postmaster General Burleon is seriously con sidering the wisdom of including in his annua! report a recommendation for government ownership of, all telephone and telegraph lines. Con gressman Lewis, of Maryland, admit ted today that the government is studying the public ownership plan. Irrespective of Bvrlcfon's decision, the Mayrland congerssmnn will in troduce a bill at an early date pro viding for government acquisition of these systems of communication. Kulzer Admits S peculating. ALBANY, Oct. 2. Governor Sul zer will admit, when he'take3 the wii.ness -s and, Ithat he speculated1 with money given him during the campaign, said his attorneys today. They maintain, however, that the money wn.i jilnced in hts hands to us i;.s 1:9 pleased. Sulzer, accord ing to his attorney, was hoplessly in 'iobt at the time of nomination. NKWPOPT BF U'TY PCI I S CKJAPFTTFS IN STKFKTS Mr. I onr.id M. Thomas' -Sets the l i !i!i;n Hint May lie Adopted by Society Folks. NK V V OUT, Pi. i.. Oe 1. Wher ever iViCivbers of the Newport colonv mr" Te )s sure to bear discussed PEARY' S PROOFS During the early days of Polar controversy the matter of "proofs" was brought to an unwarrant ed and exaggerated focus. Peary and his friends declared that the "proofs" of such an attainment must rest upon an examination and thorough test of instruments, and an examination of unreduced field observations Testifying before th Naval Committee in Washington last winter, two members of the National Georgrapkie Society who had passed up on Mr. Peary's records, acknowledged that their verdict to the effect that Peary reached the Pole was based upon valueless proofs. They testified that their widely-heralded examination of the Peary instruments consisted simply in a few minutes' casual glance into the interior of Mr. Peary's trunk, which contained them, in the Penn sylvania Railroad Station at Washington, where the trunk had been checked. Mr. Peary, himself, admitted that no tests whatever had been made of these instruments. Th detaiW facts, taken from the asyials of Congress, and which the newspapers suppressed, are given in Dr. Coot's boot for the first time, SENSATIONAL FACTS, supported by evidence, are told for the first time. the innovation of Mrs. Leonard M. Thomas, who is the first woman to smoke openly In the streets here. She drove up in front of the Casino and when she stepped from her motor car it was seen that she was puffing a cigarette. Mrs. Thomas apparently I was not conscious of the interest she aroused. She walked quietly into the I millinery shop with the cigarette still! between her lips, hut evidently fin-1 ished it Inside. !t is the first tlm.e.j member of the Newport colony has rouowea me custom or tne urnwnig-i room here to the extent of smoking! in public. The possibility was dis- cussed of society generally following! the example set by Mrs. Thomas. j "WIU'I F WOLF' MOLDS AM KHICAXS ( Inner Pundit !s Captrr of Nine! Miss'oiuirlcN of the Town of Tmh Yang, HANKOW, China. Oct. 1. Five Ampi'tcan and four Norwegian mis sionaries are in the hands of Chinese b'indits, who one Friday captured he town of Tsao Yang, in the north, ern part of the province of llupeh. The American prisoner sare reported to be Mr. and Mrs. Holm and child am Mr. and Mrs. Fauske. Hew C. Stekstad of the Haugos N'orweigan miss-ion, telegraphs from Fancheng that on Saturday Mr. Fauske, who is attached to the Lu hei an Hrethrcn Mission, was still held in Tsao Yang for ransom, but was separated fro mhls wife, who with the other forelgnorss was held prisoner In another part of the city. Whtto Wolf 1je.it. Is llHiiditN. The notorious bandit "White Wolf" whom the government has been fight ing for several months. Is the leader. Orders have been. Issued for the Chi nese troops surrounding the district 'n rd nice toward Tsao Yang and ex terminate ihe bandits. General LI Yuen Heng, vice-president of the republic, told J. Paul Janteso .. acting American consul pt Hankow, yesterday that he ho. llcvcd the forci gners would not be lipruud and would not he taken r,'"p.v. John Bator and wife left for thol rr-ie n. Coerce Grove tMs affer - prter n few day.i spent In ltose-'"'- v'"IHntr wi' fiends. GIRL WON'T TELL ; Police Puzzled to Clear up Auto Affair. . LOS ANGELES HAS EARTHQUAKE People Frightened But Xo Damage to lYo(terty Trembler Felt at Panama Some Dam age t Canal- (Special to The Evening News.) X KV, YO R K, Oct. 2 .11 ermun Otirichs, who was yesterday assert ed by the police to doubtless be above the slightest suspicion in the mysterious automobile stubbing af fair, In which pretty Miss Lucile Singleton figured as the victim, was today haled before the magistrate. Oelrichs appeared in court looking greatly chastened to given an ac count of the affair on Hroadway Tuesday night. Tho police, after In vestigating the matter more careful, ly are now of the opinion that Oel r'lchH was with the girl at the time the car was wrecked, and that the Wins High Honors in the Various Matches. THE BOYS ARE HIGHLY ELATED IiOrj.l Coiiiuuiy Will Continuo To TriH'tlro In Ordor to Coiile(o 111 I'lituru Kveliln Nt-orCN Are High. Tho stalo of Oregon, nnd especial ly lioseburg, has won high honors this year In the shooting game. T' i militia company at Houeljui g x. .... the first. In ihe slate to take un In terest In scientific shooting and that Interest bus extended to the entire l:ate. That was several yeais ago. when Major llamlln. Captain Houck, Captain Stewart, lien Shields, Alex l-'ergusiui nnd C. S. Jackson were crack shots of tho state. At one time lioseburg had six of tho nlxteon members of Iho rifle team thnt rep resented Oregon In the national mntches, The team of tho local Fourth Com pany tills year were I'Mrst Sergeant J. II. Wolford, Sergeants Hteve IV.'irsnn, Hugh Pearson and Her! W. Taylor. At. the stale shoot held In Clackamas In July they easily won he state championship, nnd nearly 'ill the iikmHIs and matches there. All four of theni were Holer-ted on the rifle team of sixteen men, which represenled Or"gon in the niitlonnl tiiurnnnicnt nt Camp Perry. Ohio, In August of this year. In that enn 'est Oregon won third place, defeat ing all nl her slate teams, nnd the 'rack C S. Infantry team, and being beaten only by Ihe cavalry anil navy 'e'lins. Oregon's vm-cesses were due nlmol entlrelv to the four men from Hoyebnrg. Thev were the backbone of the team anil were In all Ihe Hatches. Tho prize was S:KI0 cash, 'ml a medal lo each member of the team. At Cnnip Perry thero were more 'linn "Till cnnlestiints, the best shots f America, and therefore tho b"sl In the world. In the genorn! aver ages of all tho Khnollng done there. Irt Sergeant. Wolford won sixth ilnrp and Sergeant Steve Penrso won twelfth place. Moth were se 'ecled-to represent the I'lilted States in the International ronles! to ne rend 'ho Pnlmn trophy, against Can mla, Sweden, Argentine, and a num ber of other countries, t nrio .nun 'V i . n In the various matches at. Camp Perry, Wolford won money eight Mines, Steve Pearson seven limes, Inch Pearson four times, llert Tuy. lor once, and nil wo nnumerous med- The Oregon team won more 'han $700, and considerably n-r" than half of that sum was, won by the four lioseburg men. In tho Cntrow enp match there worn HS entries, tho ranges SOU. 1100 and 1.000 yards, seven shots nt each. Steve I-arson won the rup villi a score of ins, out of a pos sible 105. This means than ho hit the bull's eye 19 times out of 21 at those ranges, and tho other two shots vrro fours. In the company team match, twen. ty of the bcBt teams in the Culled Suites competing, four men In each enin. tho ItoBcburg ti-am-woa fourth place. In the enlisted men's team match, 31 teams of six men each, Oregon won fifth place. ThlB team consist ed of the four lioseburg men, and Srhwari and (iuerln. of Portland. It was In this match that Wolford and 'Iiigh Pearson established a world '! record for pair shooting at l.onu .1 , il..i lo '.I them making Zl LOCAL COMPANY ninn wlio was thought to have com mitted the attack was not D. M. Clushorn, or TacomV It has been setablishod that Oelrichs was in tho car with MIbs Singleton when the car was wrecked ax tho curb on Up per Broadway, and un effort is now being made to ascertain who the oth er man Is that constituted the third member of tho party that nicht. It is believed that the lilrl could. If she would, reveal the identity of the man wanted, and police are sure that the testimony of this other man would doubtless clear up the mys terious affnlr. Detectives admit that the case Is one of the queerest that they have dealt with In a Ioiir time. Kartli4iiake ut oH AiikoU's. l.OS AXGKI.ES, Oct. 2. A slight earthquake shock wns felt in this city nt an early hour today. While tho tremblor creuted a little excite ment, no damage was done. Oiuil Zone Shaken. PANAMA, Oct. 2.r After thorough examination of the Catun locks. Lieutenant Colonel Siebert announc ed today that only nominal damage was done by Ihe earthquake which shook the canal xone last night. The machinery was unharmed, and though a small slide had occurred, the official alleged the mass of earth could be removed in 12 hours. Klsewhere, It was announced, n damage was done to the canal. Xl'IIK MAN ATTACKS X)-KI lluiiilreii CI lis In .Stuofiuil Dormi tory Thrown Into Panic. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal., Oct. 1. A naked man covered with grease, attacked a Stanford girl stu dent near Hohle Hall, the girl's dor mitory, on tho campus tonight. The girl escaped without harm and her name Is withheld. A hundred girls In the hnll were thrown Into a panic and somo of them could not be reas, Biired. Posses of Btudents are scour ing the campus nnd the adjacent country. The attack took place near the en trance to tho hall. The man threw the girl to the ground, but she fought tnad'y, striking, kicking, scratching and biting nnd wrenched horsulf free. Not a trnce of him before or after I lie attack has been found Into toe night, except scant clow that a man had seen an nutomoblle near the scene. The police believe thnt a stark naked man would not arrive or dopart In an automobllo without being observed and thut the assail ant Is demented. I HIST OK I.IVIXti TO I1H MA OK I'MU I.KSS I olleil Italhvays Will 0K'n Hlort'H fop Itenefit of Its I'htiploye. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 1. For Ihe benefit of ita employes, the Unit ed Railroads Company is to estuhllah three Inrge eo-opcrntlvo stores in va lines quarters of the city. The stores will sell food and clothing nt prices lust enough nhove cost lo pay for their handling. President .los e W. l.lllontlinl. In his unnouiicement of Ihe compnnys el: n, sivs he bus been mnklng a study of the system of co-operative 'lores that biif, been successfully tried In New York bv traction lompa. ops. Recreation feitures are also contemplated by the I'nlted Rail way "llnppy and contented employes mean better service for the public," "ins the new head of Han Frunr-lsco's street car lines. consecutive bull's eyes. This' Includes two sighting shols and ten record shots each. In the Kvens Rorvlco skirmish Ihe Oregon loam, consisting of Wolford, the two Pearsons and; Tnvlor, of lto:iehiirg. n twl Connor, Spooner, Mniiney and Stevens, won second place. In selecting a team to represent the natlonnl guard In tho Pnlted States servlre mutch, Wolford won first place on tho team. In th governor's cup match, 4H5 entries, he won tith place, score 23S out of a possible 2',0. In the l.eecll cup turitch, 517 entries, ho won ftth pluce, score 104 out of possible 1 0S. In tile Catrow cup match Steve Pearson won first place, 388 entries score 10:t out of possible 105. The Cntrow cup Is worth $500, and was brought to Portland by General Fln- zi r. Later It will ho brought to Roseburg. In the I,cei h cup match. 517 en tries, Hugh Pearson won sixth place, score 104 out of possible 105. In the surprise fire match he won 14th place. :j!i9 entries, score 50 out of possiblo After returning from Camp Per ry a team of eight men were select ed lo represent Oregon In tho North western International matches to he held at Vancouver, II. C, Wolford, Steve Pearson, Hugh Pearson and llert Taylor were all selected, so lioseburg had an even half of the men on that team. In the latter part of October the Hankers trophy match will bo shot off In Oregon, each company shoot ing on Its home range. Tho Rose burg company will use about 20 men In that mntih. At the same time will occur the regimental champion ship contest, which was won by Steve Pearson last year. Ills friends import h:m to :n It azt'.n this year.