NEWS WANT ADVS GET RESULTS (il ISIM'IN i. FOItT. Studio 812 E. Cats Streel. 4' . Phone 191-J ; t Roseburg . . -Ore. 4 :: :: ;: s O MRS. CHARLES S. HEIXLINE tf i ; Pianoforte Instructor ":: tf Musical Kindergartener Studio 423 Ella St., Phone 33-R tf i tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf j OR. I). E. SXli OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Diseases of Women and Chil dren a Specialty. I Phones: Office 119. Res. 138-L. 301-3 I'd kins nuililins ROSEllURG, ORE. J)U. .T. L. CALLAWAY Osteopathic Physhinn Graduate American School of 4 . Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo., :in- 4 del founder of the st'ienee, Dr. 4 A. T. Still. 4 4 Upstairs over new First Trust & 4 Savings Bank Building. Corner 4 Oak and Jackson Streets, 4 Hours 0 to l'i a. ni.; 1 to .1 p. m. 4 Phones: Office - 82. Res. 1-10-J ! ! l)!t. GEO. E. 1IOUCK Physician nml Surgeon Office Perkins Tlldg., Phono 3 Rustburg, Oregon. i UK S. I.. lH-LAfP OMeiM-ithie I'livicoin Successor tc DR. J. L-. CALLAWAT ii: Perkins liuildlcg S Office Pliore lis Night Phone 215-J Office Hours 9 to 12 2 to 5 DR. F. VS. IIOGGESS. 1R. LOUISA IIOGGESS Chiropractors. Spine anil Xcrve Specialists Rooms 5 and 0, over Bell's .Mill inery, 137 N. Jockson Street. Residence 608 S. Stephens St. Call3 answered at all hours. 4 i DR. SEF.LY, S ETHER STEW- ART 4 Physicians anil Surgeons. .Suit of offices. Rear Douglas Notional Bank, Ground Floor, Phmie 3il7 4 Roseburg Oregon i : 4 4 ! 4j lilt. II. It. SHOEMAKER Pliyaieinn and Surgeon Office Rooms 209-210 Perkins 4 Building. 4 Phones Office 194 Residence 417-R 4 CHA9. F. HOPKINS Attorney at Law. 4 Itooni 4'20 Perkins llhlg. 4 llosoliurg, Oregon. Especial attention given to con- Teyancing and the examlntion of titles to real estate. Prac- tlces In all state and federal courts. REAL ESTATE FARnS From five acres to twelve hun dred acres. Large tracts, some with fine Improvements, $10 to $30 per acre. Bargains in city property. Timber lands. OEORQR RITER nn pkkki.xh RosFnmo - Q"Ffi' r n QUALITY MILK ji The VERY liEST. Ve will deliver it to von if you so desire. PHONE 3 F 22 RALPH M. .WOOD . SON WANTED A porter, apply at Hotel 1917-tf WAXTED Position In hotel, cham ber maid preferred. Good refer ences. Call at News for address. !S)!8-o4p WANTED Man to take job shingl ing by the thousand. Phono 5F13. B. F. Chilson, Roseburg. lS95:t! WANTED A cook; 1 will pay good wages for a lady cook. Write C. De F. Baitrlim, Tiller, Ore. 9-16-13SJ0 WANTED Plain sewing either at home or out, children's garments a specialty. Address 1120 Military street. lS37-o4p WANTED Team, harness and wag on to keep through winter. Will give references. Address Rt. 1, Box 112. lS94-olop WANTED 2 competent waitresses at the Grand Grill. Apply in per son at once. , 1939-03 WOUU U ANTED Tlio Nov. s will giudly take on subscription. ..wood for office and residence ;i.:e in any amount. Call at The News ru'fiee. tf WANTED About Oct lh, a girl for general housework, good wages j and good place. 24S X. Stephens Street. 1931-olp WANTED Good grazing land near Iloseburg. Send price and fu'l de scription. No a'.rcir.ts need an swer. A. It. Moore, Elsinore. Calif., Riverside Co. 9-1C-13-S30 S-oi; vk-t T'OR REST ParUaUrWrhlsbed room new cottage. Inquire News office. 1874-if l"ORRENT After 'October 4th5 room, furnished cottage,' call nt 544 S. Pine street. 1945-tt WANTED TO RENT A 0 or 7 room j furnished house with not less than 3 bedrooms. Phone 119, or call! at 301 Perkins hldg. 1935-02 ! FOR RENT A modern 3-roc:n I house, furnished, with bath, cheap. 442, corner Commercial and 4th street, 1937-o".p FOR RENT Two nice front rooms, furnished or unfurnished; suitable fur dressmaking parlors, or desir able for gentlemen's apartments. Inquire 431 Mill street or Phone 303. 1929-S30 FOR SALE Six griddle cookin? 1 rango cheap; iron porch pump. G39 ; ' E. Douglas. 1314-0-4-p FOR SALE 85 or 140 acres of good bottom land, two creeks running through the place. J. M. Thomp son, Camas Valley, Or. l92-oll FOR SALE Rams, pure bred polled DeLaine Merinos. Barnes, Ten Mile 18F35. Address, J. G. Ore., or phone 1858-05 ANGORA BUCKS FOR SALE Besi blood and good individuals, regis tered. Address, J. I. Chapman, Wilbur, Or. 1755-ti I FOR SALE 8 pure bred Cotswold bucks, good Individuals. Address, J. J. Gilliam, Rt. 1, Roshurg. oct23-p FOR SALE Five thoroughbred Shorpshlre rams. All registered stock. H. B. Reed, R. F. D. No. 1, Roseburg. 1709-tf FOR SALE Draft team, weight 3,- 200, good workers. Will sell at a bargain. Address box 492 or phone 27F14. tf-1714 FOR SALE CHEAP A gentle, 8-year-old horse weighing 1100 lbs. Single and double driver. See A. H. Voegelein, near Green. 1901-tf FOR SALE A bargain, one good work horse, one Jersey cow, a double seated hack, set of driving harness, 20 thoroughbred blue An daluslnn hens, one almost new Pet- aluma Incubator. 504 E. Douglas St., Roseburg. Or. 194-o4p A GOOD PROPERTY CHEAP Six lots, small htOise fruit trees, big oak Bhade trees, city water, garden plot, beautiful location and view of city, closo to paved streets, and a rare bargain at $1,000. Inquire News office. 1733-tf FOR SALE 20 acforact oTfim; level creek bottom land in high state of cultivation on good county road. Fair set of buildings and well fenced and fine spring of wat er. All free soli. 7 miles from Roseburg. Investigate. Inquire: Perrine Real Estate office 1S2l-oCp Both the American and En- ropean plans will be in use at the Hotel. McClallen after this date. Luncheon and dinner only 4 40 cents each. Special rate3 to 4 guests by the week; or month. 4 Suuday dinners 50 cents. tf 4 KOlt SALB. FOR SALE Household goods. In quire 217 S. Stephens St. 190C-U FOR SALE OR RENT Good gro- ' eery store doing nice business; new locution. Inquire of this office tor. particulars, 15n9-tf; COCKEIILl7sORSALE Choice 1 white and buff Orpingtons. Farm raised and fine hardy stock. Only 1 Jleach. Phone 6F21. 193S-o2 ! FOR EXCHANGE Five room coT-j tage, or. paved street, will trade for good vacant lots, price $1,150. Coast Investment Co. 151S-tf FOR" SALE Fine StVdeaTer ilrry. slighfly used, with almost new double harness, at a great reduc tion. Sao J. F. Barker & Com pany. lS07-tf FOR SALE - Farm implements. Mower, rake, plows, harrows-, wag on, hack and harness; must be closed out at once. Apply to News for owner's name. 1936-tf FARM FOR SALE 205 acres, gooc soil, adapted to general fiirin'.na This Is a snap. Write or call on .1 G. Barnes, Ten Mile, Oregon o: Phone 1SF35. lf.82-oet5i .. I FOR SALE Good gentle milch cow.jj , ,,,., Also good work horse, weighty t Professional Vocalist about 1300 and set farm harness.: Will sing for lodgo entertaln t i... ir. i r !.. ..i nients. Granges, receptions, uf- office. iss5-tf ; FOR SALE If you are looking for a big bargain in a paying general , merchandise business iu Doug' county, answer this ad. Z, care News. 1710-tf I FOR SALE One span horses, good reuablo work animals, weight about 1300 each; also wagon and harr.es3, cheap. Call at McClallen hotel. 1930-lf for SALE S room house close in. 1 V4 lots worth $900. House prac tically new, sewer assessment paid, electric lights, gas and water. Price $1500, $250 cash balance like rent. Address S caro News Office 1702U FOR STALE 40 acres ono mile fror towu. Good road and tele,. hone I Team, harness, wagoiv. buggy, t"' Jerey cows and chickens go wit place. New bouse. Family m chard' bearing Good terms fo quick sale. Box C53, Roseborf Ore. 1360-t. '"OR SALE The best automobile in Douglas county for the money. Combined runabout, truck and 5 pnssonger. tourist. Every bearinp new, at Fishers Paint Store, corne: Onk nnd Rose. 1733-11 .'OR SALE--Part of'the "Orchard Vl'.cy Fruit Farm", 9 and 1' year old Spitzenberg and Newto apple trees, at $200 per acre. A' unusually good bargain for cas! H. II. Olcott, owner, Cnnyonvlll Oro. 1737-n'4. FOR SALE 5-rooni new cottage, two 50-foot lots, near paved street, beautiful view. A bargain. Terms. Address Box 55, Roseburg, cr in quire News, 1911-tf FOR SALE Draft colts, good "ones; two yearlings and two 2-year-olds. Driving team, matched bays, 5 years old: work horse, mare, price $50. Bull, Red Polled, registered, two years old. Sheep, seventy-five yews; sheep pure bred Polled De lnne bucks; ranch, 160 acres for salo or rent, terms. Isadore M. Irvln, Ten Mile, Oregon. Phone 18F34. 1907-ol TERRACE PARK VIEW LOTS Let us show you the most beautiful view lots In Roseburg, new streets now being graded, city water In. large oak trees on each lot, we have a few lots 60x280 feet that we can sell at $375 each, on easy terms, splendid free soil. Const Investment Co. 1519-tf FOR SALE Land In small and large tracts; suitable for orchard, berry, grain and poultry ranches. On 8. P. R. R., 6 miles from Roseburg Within 14 mile of cannery, &. the new growing town Oreen. Reas onable prices, and easy term?. Ad dress, L. O, Maddux, 229 8 Main St.. Roseburg. Ore., owner Phone 41-Y. 1703-tf MIM'KLLASEOrS. LOST Siitnll geild brooch. Kinder please phone38-R. 1950 LOST One long gray overcoat on road from Hrockway to Roseburg. : Call 2F33. 9Ar" SEEt GRAIN Blue steam wheat, i six row barley, white, grey and1 bla?k oats. Good clean seed and I grown at borne. First class in ev- ery way. Phone 19FI3, or ad dress W. D. Snyder, Rt. 1, Rosn-b-irg. Or. lS72-o MORE THAN FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN REPAIR WORK Guns rsbored, stocks made, etc. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Bicycles. Lawn Mowers, Locks and Umbrellas repaired, .Also saws filed, keys made, razors, stssors or any other kind of grinding done here. All work guaranteed at Crouch's Hardware Store, Pino street entrance. II. E. SCHOENFELD FOR TRADE New Singer sewing machine for wood, grain or hay. 304 E. Douglas St. 1947-o4p LADIES LISTEN Something that every woman between sixteen and sixty wants. Send namo and ad dress to Jessie M. Russell, 920 S. Jersey St., St. Johns, Or. lSlO-ol LOST Howard watch and fob, Hunting case, initials, H. M. on charm, case No. 82005-4, move ment No. 9223S4S. Lost between Hoover hill on Ten Mile road, and Brocway on Olalla road. Fiuder leave at News ofice and receive liberal reward. 1871-dswtf it. iii'c rrt .1 nooiiu IV V ternoon teas and lunerais. phone 6F4 for details. PUPILS DESIRED Inductions In Voice and Piano. ! v o 4 TAXIDERMIST AND EXPERT . TAXNEK Prices Reasonable Work Guaranteed P. O. Eoit 207, lloselnirR, Ore. 4 LOTS FOR SALE. Lots that aro located right, with no objectlonal features. Roseburg's finest home sites. Prices right with terms. May nard's Harvard Avenue Addi tion to West Roseburg, the place. Call phone 39F2 for auto or information. C. D. MAY NARD, Owner. tf 449 444' HOUSES TO RENT 1 have a number of good houseB to rent: also furnished rooms. If you have hnusee or rooniH to re nt, list thr-m with R. H. Lea-lbetter, Phone 152. Cor-ii-r Ca 3 H Jackson 1140-tf EXECCTOlfS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the Sta'e of Oregon for Douglas County. In the matter of the estate of William F. Brlggs, deceased. Notln Is hereby given that the undersigned was by the above entitl ed couit by order duly made on the 29th day of August, 1913, appointed Executor of the above named estate, wherefore all persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payments to the undersigned at his residence at Canynuvtlle In said county and any and all persons hav ing claims against the "same are hereby required to present the same duly verified, as by law required, within six months from the first pub lication of this notice. Dated this 1st dny of September, 1913. WILLIAM F. BRIGOS, d-s30 Executor H. J. MNH TIIA.VtKKIl AND STOIt.HiK CO Household goodplano, bag gage, lumber, wood and a general transfer business. Baggage checks tolled for. All goods carefully handled, and stored at reasonable rn;e Gflice P. 102 Res. P. 308 NOTICE. Contrary to reports that have been circulated recently The Queen Insurance Company is still doing business In Roso burg. It Is represented by Ii lines & Oliver. Office adjoin ing Grand hotel. oil Announcement We have just bought a solid car of the famous Peacock Blue Stem Flour, which will arrive this week. Every sack guaranteed by the Peacock Milling Company and us to give you perfect satis faction or your money refunded. Before laying in your winter's supply of Flour 6ee Stubbs for prices All competition met fairly. A famous Hard Wheat Flour for only $1.50 per sack or $5.60 per barrel; also cheaper blends for $1.30 per sack from the same mill. We are sole agents for this flour. Try a sack and be convinced that we are saving you money on your flour bill. Double Trading Stamps given on every sack for 10 days only. Yours t.o Save, ' . R. STUBBS, GROCER Corner Cass and Pine Streets FARMERS PUBLIC ffliU OPEN TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS CO'lXKIl MAIN AND WASHINGTON STREETS Owing to the meeting of the Pomona Grange at 10 a. m., patrons are requested to come early Saturday. ;i;t yocrs there and heiu'ce the cost of living 450,000 First Class Quality Trees APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, PRUNE, CHERRY and a full assortment of other stock. To soil them we will have to put the PRICE VERY VERY LOW Ilute to cut prices for high class stock, but a slack dumand with OVER PRODUCTION REQUIRES IT Southern Oregon Nursery, Yoncalla, Oregon We give S. & 11. Green Trading Stamps with each 10 cent purchase at our store. JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE Tel. 31 North Roseburg liOSHlil'KG E.MPMYMENT AK REALTY AGENCY. Work for Men mill Women. Com petent Workers Kept Listed. Exceptional lbirxulng only in Realty Line. Liitt your requlrr lnents In LAND or LABOR. Phono Kin 3'J N. Kane St, Opp. South Front of Court Honrl Phone 317