The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 29, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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Home Sites in Bogards Addition will be offered at a Special
Opening Discount Price for Fifteen Days. Lots are large, level
and close to hard surface street. City Water. Buy a lot where
you can raise fruit, vegetables and be independant. Terms to
suit purchaser.
(Crowded out of Saturday's Issue.)
Dr. C. L. Pearson returned to Suth
erlin this morning after a couple of
days spent in Roseburg.
Claud' Smith, of Myrtlo Creek,
was a business visitor in Roseburg
for a few hours this afternoon.
J. H. Miller came over from Onk
land this morning to visit with his
wire's father, Shannon Taylor.
Mrs. Richard Hall, of Glenbrook,
enttnl Inuf ovcninv In Tlnsnliiirir She
. n ...
was registered at the Grand hotel. '
, Mrs. Hughes returned here thlsj
morning after a sew days spent at
Yoncalla where he husband is em
ployed, William Van Buren left for Jiis
homo at Portland yesterday after 1
few days spent in Roseburg with
A. L. Martin, of Los Angeles, ar
rived here this morning to spend a
few days looking after business mat
ters. John Rast, the plumber, went to
Drain this morning where he Is re
modeling the plumbing In the Per
kins hotel.
Mrs. L. V. Duer left for her home
at San Francisco yesterday attJT
noon after a couple of days sisgnt
In Roseburg.
Mr. and Mrs. M C. Burleson left
for the mountains near Dillard this
morning where they will spend a
couple of days hunting.
Miss Rita Sabin, of Portland, ar
rived here this afternoon from the
South to Spend a few days visiting
witn friends and relatives.
Mrs. Mattie Reed returned to, her
wmm mm
. J
7 n
.. $ ' " - '"
" ( W. - . fr-jy . " fJ 1
home at Wilbur this afternoon after i
a brief visit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James McKay In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. ClInRman, of
Halsey, left fof Oakland this after-1
noon after a brief visit In Roseburg 1
with the latter's cousin, Mrs. M, H.
Crandall. . I
Mrs. S. D, Cooley !it for Salem
this morning where she will attend;
the state fair. Mr. Cooley will leave
for the capital city Monday or Tues
day where he will Join his wife.
K. J. McClure and wife, of Chi
cago, spent last evening In Rose
burg. They are making a tour of
the West and were much Impressed
with the general conditions prevail
ing In this vicinity.
Mrs. W. b Shaffer and children
left for points In Arizona this morn
ing. Mrs; Shaffer has been In HI
health for some time past and be
lieves that a change of climate will
result beneficially.
Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Munson, who
recently arrived here from Portland
to visit with relatives, went to Green
this morning where they Inspected
several tracts of land. They contem
plate Investing in the Green locality.
Another block of nearly 100 seats
was sold today for "Officer 6G6,"
which will be presented at the An
tlers' theater In ths city on the even
ing of October 4. Manager Bloom
la much elated over the seat sale thus
far and predicts a crowded house on
At the request of many of
the Roseburg citizens I her-
with announce myself a candl-
date for city recorder at the
coming city election, October 6.
pd ad.-o6 U K. MILLEDGB.
the opening night.
Fine writing paper and envelopes
at moderate prices at the Roseburg
Book Store. We give S. & H. green
trading stamps. tf
Contractor Gil more went to Yon
calla this morning where he has
charge of erecting the new school
house. He was accompanied by
Charles Roberts, who i In charge
of plastering the Interior.
Hr. .1, Ij. 'Callaway, osteopath!
physician, is now located In the new
building of the First Trust & Savingr
Hank at the corner of Oak and Jack
nu streets. Phones: Office 108, res
idence 149-J. tf
Charles P. Velmnn, a globe-trotter
en route from San Francisco to Se
attle, passed through here this after
noon. He says the roads are quite
good, with the exception of Cow
Creek Canyon, which is very rough.
Velman expects to reach his destina
tion Monday night or Tuesday.
Telephone 203
Panitorium Dye Works
All work fully guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. Prac
tical dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of Ladle1 and Genu' Cloth
ing, Cravencttes and I'ortlera.
Roseburg, Ore
M. II. l.urs)n loft for Portland
Saturday afternoon or- a pleasure
(jfo. Klter Is siMMidlnK n few days
at points In the southern part of the
C. I. Kink returned to 8uthor
lln Saturday arternoun after a day
spent In ItoseliurK.
Lafe Knitlen, of Peel, spent Satur
day and Sunday In Itomhiirf; lnok
Iiik after liuBlnesH mattera.
Dr. A. F. Sellier, wife and little
son returned here Saturday after
noon after a day spent at Qlendala.
Wo liuvc prune, K'iir, pnidi, la
fm't all kinds r fruit trees fiw Hnla.
(iuaiaiiK'iMl lh Iwwt. Hint can lw pro
cliifcil. Our in l ch will Mive yoa
money. I'lioim ina. KlU'liln
lilm-k. (f
Kdward I.oiiKh nas roturnod from
the mountains whoro he spent tha
paat three nuinllis liulldliiK Kovcrn
ment trails, Instailinic telophuna
lineH mid doing other work of a Jika
IX)ST Smnll gold iirooeh. Kinder
please phone US-It. lafi
VVANTKI) Position In hotel, cham
ber maid preferred. Good refer
ences Call at NewB for addrun.
(Supplied by New Process Electro
Corporation, N. Y.)
The crowd watrhinir tie profts
fional tour hall solf match at Haltiif
iv Vardi n and Kdward Hay. the mnr
rol links. Short Hill. X. J., when Mar
velous English g''lf fhampl;in, won
play. The eternal money question
arose, nnd It is said they declined to
play until properly compensated. The
promoters claimed that Vardon ami
Kay were demapdinic too mtuh mon
ey, and the l;iter look the position
that they stond In the liKlit as
iny other hiirli ria-'H proresstionais
J over Alex Smith anil Gcoree Low, , and were rnti'M t adequate com-! I
-s t;ie American team. , pensatlon. Judging from the fact j
I'or a while It looked as thouuh that they played, their demands must :
the crack English team would not nav- ucen complied wirn. I-
The Store
That Serves
You Best
New Yfk Store
Green Trading
Stamps Are
Money Savers
Rath Robes, Rain Coats, Ev?ninj Wraps,
bvening jjresses, Muslins, Lurtain tioods,.
lilankets, Flannel Sheets, Wool Underwear
Metfs Woolen Underwear $1.00
We sell the best Woolen Underwear that is
fine quality, look to your
in the city, all sizes and extra AA
our needs LJ L 7 V
Womens Unions at Special 98c
Womens fleeced Unions, extra heavy quali
ty all sizes, neatly made and easy QQ,
fitting, see them at special price of iOC
15c Fancy Curtain Scrims 12 1-2
New and novel patterns in Curtain Mater
ials. Suitable for bungalows or new homes
or for fixing up the old one, 36
inches wide at special price of
Umbrellas Mens-Womens $1.00
The famous New York Store Umbrella, un
eualed as to quality, has 8 ribs, steel para
gon frame, bulb runner and is (J 1 A A
guaranteed to turn water, spec. J)xVV