The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 27, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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Sleep Warm
You will soon be wanting to replenish your bed
ding for the winter. You can get anything
you want at
Complete showing of
Blankets, Comforters,
Spreads, Sheets and Pillow
Cases, Pillows, Mattresses,
Springs, Brass and Iron Beds
Best Quality of Meschandise, Lowest Prices
A. J. LUHvim, & Soto
Complete House Furnishers
, f
Dr. KlHh mikI wile, of (ireen, were
vhrilora In KonehtirK for a fw bourn
Juki evening.
Mra. .1. K. I,ewln returned Lo 1)111
nrd UiKt evening to upend a few days
with friends.
Mrs. J. A. I-Yeoman returned here
1iKt evening it Tier spending the mim
nier nt Newport.
S. M. Kelly mid wife li'Tt frr Sa
lem lat evening where lliuy will nt
tond tha ntnto fair.
Velen (lIldH pusned through here
last evening enroutu from Indopend
enen to Ulddle.
iMrs. McNool returned to her homo
at Grenn host evening after a day
- spent In lloHobuiK,
' Try (.ho Valley View ranch homo
made bread, .on aali) at Kldds grocery
and Lho public market. ollp
Mia. .!. T. ('low. of llonebnig,
Bpent Tuendav with Mrs, .1. II. Hall.
GrantH 1'anH Courier.
AlHrgurito Hrrmnior and Until
Lanili returned lo their homes at 0111
ui;d laut evening.
George Crermlmw and wife return
ed hero 1ih( evening after u few days
spent at Oakland
OldewL In Amerlea; 'ttKtd it)
the WorH. Lead It OreRot it
1912. Lovet not c. to yo.
Largest rctirtH to you. No utir k
holdcts. K(v full krtiiitts
J. P. hutviia);,
DIstriK YiMi,r.
Hootii -121 lerkUri .171
Wlmt Ik the MCle-emco ntvm it
ho oT fiw-vier iwiitf n thW
' i i j i
M - -rL J t HI
Mr.- Italy, t AiiroIo. 18 I t.. sS?&WiL . !! iroiln.t In
fpemlliiK n fi-iv days in Itowliurx Wra2a&V!CK.ft-4l ll ,4 k:ill i-lrrlcB while h
yKIiIiik Willi frU..i.l. . . f.i !'" '"J -t.iu lho rnir.
nc Myrtln.cwK lust voni Hltor WMfeft &IW Wl j rt Klvirnc shooilne d.-mot
B (Iny Hiiriit In lionclmlK. ' W 'i1;"!; I'l tht'. In 0110 of thi i-xpiTt
J.V.-HiiiboII. Hiiriioiw rHiirnoil hr Inst BKfl'iVijfV ' .,. fil this .om-nny Iihh on tho r
-!n'Rnliii nri'i- few ilays HhiiI nt 4Lm. pi I Rn Oiiaril.
Forlliinil nml iilhi'i-noriiimn clilm i K.'.iiT.Ufi' -! M Tta KAilr of lis senior
J, V. Parker, of Rosebur?, was
a Med ford arrival Friday. Medford
' Miss Lulu Hedriek. of Drain, came
i over this morning to apend a couple
! of days with frionds.
Mra. llaznl Walrad. of Nowport.
arrived hero last evenlnR to ppend a
j fow days vIbIIIiik at the home of
j Mr. and Mrs. John Culver.
I John Hall returned to Myrtle Creek
i laiit evening after a day spent m
; RoweburK visiting with hia daughter,
Mra. -A. C. Seely.
: Rev. W. H Katon and wife, who
! have been spending the Hummer on
' Deer Creek returned here last ev
; ening to remain during the winter,
j Mrs. Theroux went to Roseburg
1 last evening to niend a few days with
' her huHtiand. She will visit at Suth
I erlin before returning. Glendale
I NewH.
j Charley Brand, of tho Overland Or
! chardH in Garden Valley, yesterday
i shipped three crates of grapes to Sa
i lem where they will be exhibited at
;; the state fair.
W. 10. Uouglas. of the real estate
; firm of Douglas Brothers, Is Hpnd-
ing a few days ;. Portlail where
he Is m'lking arrangements to love
ills faini!'- to this city.
C R. Guilder and Herbert Adams
of Coos rotinty, i-as'Jed through here
, this morning enroute for Salem
f where they will spend a wee at
i tending the mate fair.
j Al Kent nd Ifn, of Klkton. ar
1 rived hero last eveiti t(t spd
I fe- d.VH ftlt hfriend. Mr. t'.mi r
i )rts ftbtitflt crop tlio fhout
' or t 'a Mn Idua'Uv coutty.
1 fthrlff Gi '.. uit tm iiere'l
from tl covntf iMt Voiay aid
Vilely lithig sftffr sffw'i-s flt tfce
rt Hi wii ii-co.j.V'i " I h
t). KoiiJtlh. ltil Trlljun.
I in A v4 C'tart'H Gai'i'ivi iit
4 )t '!. .UoHij vtijtx tii will con
tiitie tir 'f, ' wtinatitif tl
her ia t'iis part (,f l coutty.-l.iS-
Xn. O. C. Iltr ili. of
Hrpfpr VilBiy, troi Wre
(is ifcnilix iront to CiMbower
w e !' fill s p i v. few d ay s
v i i t i vP't tit rtrmr's itU'wr.
I.r. J, 1. 'Cutaway. Mtoi:tk
piyjVw. a WitW Id tW 9sw
btfWivy (.C Cm t iwt Yr ivlig?
f.vtl ft ( ?ortr f Cv. Mil Jick
?rt uvftU. ; WV HI, rw-
ui-j. tr
V1Uiij M.f t'v ' tHe
ta thtti'l i fM, cf Mt tr t'ii Morn-
I o ft. Iniiiiw ittfrH.
tSKl& i II.. - I... i.-..,. II....
w. r. II y r ii ().. of tV most
M i-y '1 ' in urn i u i ni j
'! ' pbnililift. (f hi .'nne town.
i!o '. i ? i Gwi f t former Kimene htsh i
foot I
In a few weeks. J
Mrs. A. E. Shlra returned to Suth
erlln this afternoon after a brief visit ;
with friends In thlB city.
William Fry has filed a suit in
the cuici'tt court against W. C. Hard
ing, The plaintiff seeks to collect ',
the sum of )400, alleged to be due
on a promissory note. Interest and;
attorney fees are also asked by the
plaintiff. Attorney A. N. Orcutt ap-!
pears on behalf of Mr. Fry.
Magazines, don't give your money
to unknown persons and frauds.
Leave your subscription with the
Roseburg Book Store. We are mem
bers of the Am-Booksellers Magazine
Agency Co. and guarantee you will
receive the magazine or refuud your
money, e give S. i H. green
trading stamps. tf
Night Officer Chambers received
a telegram from Salem last evening
asking him to keep a lookout for two
boys, who yesterday usraped from
tho state training school. The boys
are believed to be headed South and
will probably pass through Rose
burg. All trains were searched last
evening, but no clew was obtained
hich would tend to Indicate the
.hereabouts of the missing boys.
School Shoes
Of a Variety and Quality never
shown in Roseburg before
We are making a special feature
Of Children's Shoes
You will find them rightly priced
special attention given to fitting.
Roseburg Booterie
rK T'fclCAT'nC II 1
L.1L 1 IJLil ru. I
(:! ii Ui win wf, t Hi i:'hh' tl u
Bninila I'arslev. of lliddle. is
i Hliendlim ii few day., In Unseburg vls
' Itlng at the hoine of Sherifr and .'rs.
George .Qulne., , '
: v rin irn him ' wire rei i u
upriii.HL neui.Hiu juiu inner hwm i-
.-inaoicH lino leainer imn oags tt
toaaonnbln prices at ln liKirg
Hook Ktore. Wo give sf. &. 11.
' trading Htitniqiu. tf
;, - Mr. and Mrai.W. C.-Whitii.
daughter Mrt. Uutli naidn,
Lenox ami itaughVM-, -! F5SDS IST
fd from WiiiHton Hii-iny nprt : I'.M' V iTPUilWV tfA
tho day hero Willi rcin ! QX. WftrWfl!bWaLftl, (WSffiA
Tribune, ' . ; r
( ttosibiiri igh frbool spent)
fcnin. at Dillard where theyi
".!' t irt u ixed at n watermelon I
f . I'.t (J. W. (iiu'P, a well kiiowj
Mwclii'r of that place. The guest"'
rini i most enjoyable time arid pro-
ot ( : r a ii .Mra. Gage enter-1
taint" of wore tha ordinary atll-
w w bWM ( few or; , kni:
L. P.
RKi(iEST VAl"li:Vll,Lh
Those Crazy .Kid; a He Irani
from Start to Finish.
fowcho Bill's Strategy
An Exciting Western I Mama
With .. M Aiideisoii.
A barnbler's Honor
His Attempt to Save Anoth
er in His Own Rrgciioiation
try cf the Bell
A'teission 10 and !5c
Theatre in New Elk's Building
Saturday Night, Oct. 4th
MB ft
; mm couroK I
PAnd 0 c-nlt nt"lltt he lyoKi? to
o cwpfr of rr. Ccmi't l :k,
Mail frdrft 5c e.Ura for ttAje.
By llhitlg tll( li
at tooth pnto obtninablo.
looih paste. I'ae
use ordlmir.r
Dike's Dentaseptis Cream
Thin Is no ctrillnniy loolh insp It la n ronl tootlproscr
viitivo hy uiiii; l.iitnH,.i.t i,- 1'ii'nin yon nr KlvInK your tooth
'Miry i'li:incv von an. invurlni; tlicm by civliiR thorn the host
protfiMlim '0!.fllMo.
Dike's Dentaseptic Cream
Kwi-.'lpns llii hromh. honoflts tho kuhiii. whitens tho tooth ro
innllni: il.'ony- It ,no not tnnicli iho looth nor lho IiIIIiich.
Klko'H lloiitnaoiulo I'niini romo; In a Mi- oillniltlt lubo. L'.'io.
Wo rornnimcml lt lino fur childion nnd Rrown lips.
('i1! of th. pniii'H will luive been
dried i t V is vicinity by the end of
til prei'l week. While, the yield
Vt em lariw than for the
f'i jAwr, t fruit is not show
n.i i'jii (KiiJt f Hiigur and
Ut. !( t'tat iciitud price will
mrc t' nt rl Inire ny losses by
w i-j' 1 tiii. ' r?t Ij Creek
Om it.
Vii tk'iv VirM, iii r. f;i'M,.r
tMlii'iri'ri t 5.rAt Grove.
I4M( vfer.v t ninii' He left
tw ,jnaC1 tt Imi .(. ,'t r. Una-
fi lr ' ilvr-!nitid
)' l: '-- tailed
bii.Vur. bt !., r( i, niti comlj
.1m virt-:-, I'iki'i
4'irkl ill Vi jtti.rMI. Hi
1' ! i r I wt
W. T. Until t N6v (
w eat t tnv n
m t j to biisiiii m v. ..i!t.
mii ta ) ki '".
! nn lo l.Mt t trim
im t. il4 boMt. j It . on . ;i
liV tee Mc ti by,
otli coft voyjiKt Hi rPirt5 lots'
of IniildiftA e roft.,1!' Bhurgf
voy i..tty pl . . hiltA1 Ntrv'
. '. ft-B.; in tiU na-
ft ducted 9 hftCt of'k t 1 1 ia 1
I'llv, Ahn t lot ('iliiore'K 4
about t ftf. 9tlii U
m;y friends In lii '' ) nt I
by driving in from tf.f nut lMii,
four handsome st ;.,)) i d bi joa
Mr. Itodolf took with him )'
left here to locate in J "bt'tf"'
field. Asked what he was doln hef
Mr Itodolf sai that he iine li j
to hee what hit old friends wen- do
int: for themselve'. nt that since
himself and traveling com pnn !'$
wore worn with their lone j.rney
o-CrUuul, he would find a g-od place
to stable his burses and I fff-n visit
with aniualutances. I;,iftei and one.
half daH were necessary In j:iklnn
the trip to this city. Mr. Kodolf
will leave for Cnrvallis tomorrow
where he will probably lot ate per
manently. Mr. Dawson, who recently suM.t'n
ed a severe Injury of the foot as the
result of being run dn by a wagon
loaded with wood, came In from his
ranch on IVer Creek thN afternoi-n
to consult with local physiiMnns Al
though quite painful the injur if Im
proving and Mr Dawson wilt prob-
Last Time Tonight
;ai Frkes, 18-5e
Peui'l Tangley
0 .r
NOTICK Work nlll N'Rln nt tlif
(illo irtino UH-kliiA Ihiiio Mon
0y. All Uidy frtrn ploaw lx on
hmiU m t lint time.
i. ? ;
4 '
i A I llinil Tll. r?vi n & TtiAitn . ..i
m M LAUbn I HA I HULLS IniU A li'JUli
Jm mrrmv Ttrmnr CITY A:-!l) ViCiaiTY
'll J LUJC.H0Fri rSAK. Coh?n 4 Harris,
fororonst of pro-dacer.,"-'s?n!-iiii;
to cur c It
the g i e k lest
farce of the cen
tury and I want
to ;,reet them
with a capacity
insure us of all
their attractions
playing here in
the future.
Curtain Ris at 9 o'clock
Advance Sale of 'Seat o cw t the Box Office.
to Mm c? Statu'
i Tui:i': i-Aii'rs
Tho Sorrlllco of l.(ivo ami
Yoillll to Miillllnon.
ihmim; MKXIl.W.
This Same Act lMnyeil nt the
Orpheum in Sun FrHncist-o
SWAM mti
The Leader
Ladies Complete