The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 27, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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    II ' PI iLEUs Ji-
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7 Kr .
Home Sites in Bogards Addition will be offered at a Special
Opening Discount Price for Fifteen Days. Lots are large, level
and close to hard surface street. City Water. Buy a lot where
you can raise fruit, vegetables and be independant. Terms to
suit purchaser.
Office 405
Cass Street
William Moore, the Deer Creek
farmer, spent the day in Koseburg
attending the public market.
Southern Pacific Fireman McMill
an left for Portland last evening'
where he has business matters need-,
Jng his attention.
T. A. Raffety has returned from
Grants Pass where he had charge of
the poultry department at the Jose
phine county fair recently held there. I
Mr, Raffety says the fair was much
better than had been anticipated. J
The public market building on !
Main street was occupied for the first!
time today. As on past occasions, j
farmers were well represented andj
their stocks included all the fresh and!
erisp products of the farm, A large!
number of consumers were on hand;
at an early hour, and at noon practi
cally everything had been sold. While j
not as large as desired, the building1
occupied by the farmers will answer!
the purpose until next spring, when!
a larger and more convenient struc-1
ture will be erected. A feature of
today's market was watermelons,'
which sold at the low price of five
cents each. j
Mrs. Otto Weaver, of Riddle, was
a visitor in Rosebuijg for a jfew
hours today.
Rev. C. W. Baker returned here
last evening after a day spent at'
Drain. j
Rev. D. ,T. Somerfleld, of Port
land, arrived here last evening toj
spend a few days visiting with hU
daughter, Mrs. W. H. Fisher.
County Judge Dexter Rice, Com-j
missloner Jefferson Wiley and Harry;
Plnkston and County Engineer Ger-j
mond spent yesterday at Pass Creek
Canyon, where they Inspected the
road now In course of construction,
there. According to Mr. Wiley the
work on the road Is progressing rap-!
Idlv and will probably be completed!
within two weeks. Thv grading is1
done, and all that remains Is the sm!
facing. The road nasi an excellent
foundation, while the drainage is all;
that could be expected. The road Is,
being surfaced with crushed rock, and
when completed it wJll be one of the
finest highways in this section of(
the state. Mr. Wiley says Mr. Fitz
gerald, in charge of the work is an
exxceptlonal road builder, and Is get-!
ting value received for every dollar)
exiended. ;
Miss Grace Boyle, of Canyonvllle,
left this week for Coles Valley, where
she will teach a term of school, be
ginning Monday. Kiddle Tribune.
S. D. Willis has filed a suit for di
vorce in the circuit court for Douglas
county against Gloria Willis. The
couple were married in Lane county
In the year 1901 and later moved to
the state of Washington. While re-j
siding In the latter state the plaintiff j
alleges that the defendant deserted'
him without provocation, and has!
since refused to return. A decree is1
all that Is nsked In the complaint. At..!
torney .1. C. Fullerton represents the;
W. C. Swank, of the Rosehurg Feed j
&, Fuel Company, returned here last
night after spending the past fewi
weeks visiting with his brother inj
Montana. Mr. Swank says that north-1
western Montana Is a great stock
country and that this year this in-;
dustry had a splendid growth. The:
climate, however. Mr. Swank says,!
Is not to be compared with that of
the Ump(ua Valley. There they have
severe wind storms which sweep In
from the north and bring cold and
distress with them.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
September 29, 30, October 1, 2.
'..7 I,
1 I.
V t v v f
"The Man Monkey" with human intelli
gence. He docs every tiling but talk; eats at
a table, undresses, goes to bed, etc.
The Big European Novelty Act.
A Feast for Children A Treat for Big Folks
1 S
H. E. Smith, of the DouKlas Coun
ty Abstract Company lpaves for 8alom
Monday., where he will attend the
state fair
RtoaniR & Chenowcth have filed a
motion In the circuit court asking
that the case recently filed by them
nKainst J. M. Kimle be dlHinlssed.
OCTOBER 9th and 10th, 13
adapted from the German
Under the
of the
St. Georges
'run .mim kt.'
J. Sziver
Two hours of fun and frolic in "DOLLAND" in which many dainty nov
elties and beautiful dances, groups and solos will be given
in beautiful costumes and under colored calcium
PRICES-Box Seats $1.00; Reserved Seats 75 cents;
Balcony 50 cents.