i. ! I ! THE EVENING NEWS MILTON' J. BIIOEMAKKK CARL D. KHOL.MAKKIt KdltorH am Publishers. CHURCH NOTICES IH8UEI) DAII.V EXCEPT NU.N'IMV Hllbscrlptiuu Kates Dally. Tar year, by mall $3.00 Per month, delivered 60 Seuii-Weckly. Per year 12.00 Bli months 1.00 Entered as second-class matter November 5, 191 U, at Koseburg, Ore., under act of March 3, 1879. "S a "frit J . V," s i: I "i km 1 1 KiTii, km:i. iuii,vi:iti,n tiih itr.M povi:it. ! At the request of many of the Koseburg citizens 1 her- witn announce myself a candl- ! date for city recorder at the coming cilv election, October 6. pel ad.-ol) L. E. M1LLEDGK. t ' I Christian Church. j J. N. McConnell, pastor. Sunday school 10 a, in.; preaching 11a. in.; C. K. 6:30 p. ni.; preaching 7:30 p. m. We will be pleased to have you worship with us. many tellers to the dead letter of- r,rktiuii Kelenre Srity. flee. They emphasize the value of j Coi ner Lane and Main streets Ser- placlng tlie name and address of the: vices at 1 1 a in., subject Reality '; sender on the upier left hand cor-j Sunday school 9:45 a. in.; Wednes- ncr. the slump on the upper right!, iv evening testimonial meeting at rorner and side by side, where two g o'clock. or more are necessary. The address! should be ub follows: John Doe, Koseburg, 1 1 Sit S. Main St Ore, Where mall l!J send to stales I whose abbreviations are so nearly I SAMOLINE WASHES Charles Fisher, of Oshknsh, while' llllkl'' fHr I""'""''8. California unci : ,',, under the Influence of ,1.1, ,1, ves- niorauo nai. ioi.i ami some tew First .Methodist Kplscoiull Church, Services held at the court house. The pulpit will be occupied by Hon. B. L. Eddy at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 9:45; iipworth League at l:.10. .No evening preaohing ser- terday shot and killed his wile and others, it Is advisable, where not seriously Inlnred one of his dam-h- '''" written, lo spell ine names en ters. Change the name of the man rely out. and the locality, and one can scarce-, ly pick up a dally paper without! I'HH'KS AIIH .NOT TOO .MICH. finding on urtlcle like or very similar' lo the above, only aggravated In! many Instunccs-, with more deaths! Opening; Show or Any 1 beat re om- . iiuiihik ii iirn i-i'i iiir niNiiHu and injurlusi. Crusted by drink, tltut Ih the re u noil Kivuti, and the nutiie of- tha nnhlllihV ivraloli i . ....u wa In t..il llnw. In the papers, with his plciurei '"'"' '" "rke 'arged for ' . the senta frir thn ntun nv irfinw novl ul : M. K. Chinch, South. j Corner Washington and Stephens. 0, 11. Cleaves, pastor. Services as usual September 28. Sunday school , at In; morning worship at 11; even i lug service at 7:30. The evening i theme will be "Myself and the Other J Fellow". You will be welcome. There nas been some comment n the frant page. Why not place Fir:rt Pieshyterlan Church. Pool J. Lux, pastor. Sunday school mo morning worship and sermon at 1 1 ; Y. P. S. C. B. at 7 .. .. '' " " Uninnluv nr llll-'h Mr lllrHim itnl. oiongsNiie me name or me murderer - - " - ,.; evening worship and sermon at Jn glaring red typo, the name a so ." nmrn " ntw8 reiiouei rnil.h .,rawr ,'.; , 7..t of the brand of honor that caused I """ a ""' f 'act for the op- "" a prayer meet.ng at , . 30 p. . ' tne lira mi or nr nor tnni laum a . ..llr..,on ,h p ,iVnnre sent snle Junior Endeavor on Friday at 4 the insane act? Why not put side! "mK nurudion ine uinance seal sa e heail,. welcome tnni ser- Iy side with the picture of the ux-j ' extremely moderate. "As a rule, A "'' v.elcome to all ser- crclde or homicide, that of the glld-! "l0 l'R"l"K w"'" " a new the-l vlte9- u i.i'n i .. ,i,.u. ..i..,r ' atre communds higher prices than any i notion wn l,i,L.hi ,.! ,.r n, ....: other ntiracilon that may come later. I llaptM Chini li v uiiaiui'i iiik i' fisi hi (Hiiiiiiinig wi- ficor dtifi' and the further fart that tlila Ik the first- hIiow to be hilled at thn Antlers I think that the prlceH r.hai'K-d for sealH are very tnoder- who ntado It, Ho common. Indeed aro these ocrurrenreH, that they Bear:eJy create a rfmdo except In their Immediate loculity, unleBb ae- votnpanled with details or iimiKiial ntmelty and horror. Ik It any wonder! H,e " A a 1'lt,' 1 tavl Offi that irens and pulpit and (iiihiir nr joining In the tinlvonml demund "pulverize the rum mwer" tiGG i one of the very best popular comedies that Ihih been put on the Amerlean ntae In the p;iHt few yearti and wherever it hits appeared It has commanded high prlcen. The prices of seats are: boxes. $2.50 ; down- I Htalrw, $2.00 and $1.50; balcony,; Krom- a careful and unprejudiced $1.00 to $2.00; gallery 7Gc to $1.00.1 nnaiysiB of the evidence tutu far In- THK NKW VOItK Ml IHH.I-:. trod need In the ln leachment trial of dovernor Sulzer. of New York, and a ltoaltlve knowledge (hat a iiihhh of the same Ih Ktlll to come forward next week, It would appear that Mr, Sill ier has vory slender chances of re lieving himself of the charge on which 1he Impeachment Is asked. Kven though he had not the vlndlc tlvonoHB and anfiuoslty of the Tam many ring to overcome the evidence this far produced, would seem to warrant the pressing of the cnnf? by all the social and political organiza tions that are now, and have been t riving for better mid purer politics, IMtlZK WIXNKUS. (Continued from page H.) W. H. Eaton, pastor. Sunday school io a. m.; preaching 11 a. in.; young people's meeting 6:30 p. in.: preaching 7:300 p m. The past will be the preacher tomorrow. Our people are cordial. Our music Is Tine. Our services are helpful. Come and see. . Siilnt (leoi-geV Chut-ch. ' Corner -Main and Cass streets. The, Itev Charles Wilson Baker, rectory The nlnteenth Sunday after TrlnltyJ Holy communion at 7:30 a. m.; Sun-' day school 9:45 u. m.; morning prayer at 11 a. in.; evening prayer ' at 7:30 p. m All Invited to alien these services. Monday, Saint Mi chael and All AngelB. Hefty commun ion at 10 a. m. late Crawford, S. I). W. C. oy 1st. Pest box Cooley 1st. Dost box Lemon Cling Pickens 3rd. Host box Lemon Cling, S. 1). Cooley 2nd. Late Crawford, S. I). Cooley 2nd. Plate Lemon Cling. S. I). Cooley That the nets of the accuvi?d execu-i Hj Mate Lemon Cling. M. H. Smith 41vo have been such as brand him as belonging to the class of politicians who cannot resist the temptation of Iter son Hi gain, made possible by their randldacy nnd election to some high nnd responsible office. Is apparent from the testimony this far develop ed, and there Is apparently but little rhance for any other outcome of the trial, but that the charges will be miHtalned, and he will bo deposed from the office to which he was elect ed less than one year ago, with er 2nd Florence Tokay, C. W. Bradford 1st. Sweetwater, Mrs. It. Jennie 1st. Dried I'm it. Best exhibit dried peaches, Mrs. Minnie Bretzke 2nd. Best exhibit dried pears, Mrs. Itresstons of congratulations from all' Minnie Bretzke 1st. fiartp of the country, and from the best ranktf of citizens. iMtoi'i:itLY Ainnti:ssi:ii i.irri i:its Our Uncle Sammy evidently thinks that his nephews and nieces need a little liiHtruction in letter writing, -HUd I preparing to give them some lessons, especially as to the host and proper manner of putting the ad tlress on the outside of the envelop. The postotfii-e department m sending nut for distribution through the mail enrriers nnd schools, many thousands of cards, with n correct form for letter address on it. They hope by this means to educate the writing public, so there will lint be the necessity of having to send so prunes. M rs. Mrs. M rs. Wit- Best exhibit dried Minnie Bretzke 1st. Best, exhibit dried apples, Mlnulo Hitlio 1st. Best exhibit dried apples, Kster Miller 2nd. Vegetables. Largest pumpkin, Mrs. II. C. bum 1st. Best exhibit mangel wertzels. Mrs. ( Continued Monday.) XOTICK Work will iH-glu nt the (iilo prune packing house Mon day, AH Jjuly furors please be on hand at that time. LAST K(A(K.MKXT OK SKKItlW. The crowds have been so large this week at tile Majestic theatre, to nee Mine. Pearl Tangley, the seere?, that Manager Lacy has decided to cut the prices for tonight to 15c;. .Mine. Tangley Is the most expensive fea-! ture ever booked hero for a vaude ville theatre, and in order to meet expensei the prices were placed at r 20c. Yesterday hundreds of ladies' attended her special ladies matinee J and Manager Lacy decided that inas ! much as the attendance has hen large enough to meet expenses, he Is perfetly satisfied, and therefore ha- lowered the price of admission. Mr. Lacey stated that jst as he tsees the people want tlie bluur fea tures he will be on the look out for them at all times, antl Is willing to nay salaries for such acts as long as he enn make both ends meet. He Is at present negotiating with the Pan tages circuit to put In one hct when ever possible while the nets are jumping from Portland to San Kran, cIsco In which they lose a week in travel. Mine. Tangley leaves tonight for Portland : from there she goei bftck east to straighten up her busi ness affair, after which she-will set He on her fruit farm at Dover, dur ing the next year. I PREPARE FOR COLD WTO WHEN THE COLD VINTER DATS COME ARE YOU PREPARED? Cold ueatlior needs ahead of time and (j'ou are sale. Our stock is now eady (or your inspection and we are sure that we will please you with our reat variety of timely supplies. Monogram Hot Water liottles e91.0 t S2.2S Rexall Cherry H.uk Coui;lt Syrup 25c i.vi 5S: Rexall Rheumatism Remedy 50c M $100 Rexall Grippe l'ills. ' 29c Rexall Hronehial l.oeners 15c Kexall r.mulsion 1 00 Rexall Cld Tablets Rexall Heel, Iron ai Rexall Rubbing Oil Rexall Cold Cream . Thermos Hott'es 91 25c vt me 75c 25c and 50c 25c CITY XKWS. AI l,al"raiu'li, of Glide, spent the (lay In Itosi'lturK attending to various lumlneKft matters. William .larksnn, of lokinc: Class, Klieiit yesterday In Hosehujn attend Iiik to business matters. Mr K. 1- Mrlntosli and Miss 11. O. I'urti ,9il lo Sutlierlln this liiorn- Ing where they established a bianeh of the Klester l.ad)( ' Tailoring school. Miss Curtis wilt have chartre of the Sutlierlin branch of the busi ness. Anotber block of nc9rly 100 seats was sold loday for "Olcer l:l'il." which will be O.esenled nt the An tlers' theater In this rity on the even Ins of October 4. Maii:mer lilooni Irt mnrh elated over the seat sale thus far nnd preilicls a crowded house on the opening nl;h. The Store .VATM.W KM.I.DKTON, .n,p. erkh,. llulbllns We GiveS. X- If. Green Tnulinij Stamps Milt ItHXT- After October 4th, S room, fiiinsMcd eotlaiie. call at "tt S. l'lno street. l!4'i-tt LOST One lone Kray overcoat on road from Itnukway to llosehum Call l'K:;:i. mii'-tf NlTTTt 1C Work II Ih-kIii nt Ibe tale irline oklmt Ihmim Mon day. All tody fiieer plia 1h on bOnl at I but time. Q l'"Olt 11KNT -A modern .'5-r(Kin looise. fiillilshed. with balh. cheap. 4 1-, corner Ci'inimM'cial rn.l 4tb sir i n -o.;p WANTKf TO IJFVT-- '' 7 re..n. furnished house w.h :: less th;,n 3 hedrooH's (. n., or call at .101 IVrklnn .!Uu. 1935-o! COCKKKil.l.s I'OU SAI.K l".,iU-,-while and buff Orplimtons. Farm rsised and fine hardy slock. Only II each, Thone l'!''2 1 . l!!3S-o2 CLEANS AND POLISHES EVERYTHING It lnlves nilli water ami produces quirk results. SAMOUXB contains no acid, grit, benzine, grease, oil or any injurious substance. SAMOI.I.N'E is absolutely non-inflammable and non-lnjurlous. SAMOLINE economizes labor and saves: money. GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR USING SAMOLINE For (leiinliiH Pencil .Marks, Dirt, Urease ami Soli from Tainted Walls and Ceilings, Oil Paintings, Interior Woodwork, Vumislicil ami Knaiiirleil Surfaces, .Mosaic .Marble, Tile ami Varnished Floor. Mix one part of SAMOL1NK with four or more partB warm water; wash the surface with a soft brush or cloth; wipe off with sponge arid clean water; dry thoroughly. See Note at end of Directions. Fr Automobiles, Itullvvny Couches, Street Cat's, Steamships, e9. -Mix one part SA.MOL1VH with five parts warm water; wash thoroughly, rinse with clear water and wipe dry. Se Note at end of Directions. o i For C'Lcanliu; Pencil .Marks, .Match Scratches ami Dirt from Store Fronts, Store Fixtures, Barber INiles, Chairs, etc. lllx one part SAMOLINE with three parts warm water. Wash clean, rinse with sponge and clean water and wipe dry. See Note at end of Directions. For all Metal Hurfmes, Automobile l-natt. Hrass floods. Nickel, Silver, Aluminum, Tin and lor-ce-hiln Wail-, Kitchen I'tensikt, t'ltlery, Nlrl Tools, Sad Irus, Fuueets, Hariiess MountliiKS, etc. Moisten a piece of soft clean cloth or waste with SAMOLINE (without using any water), rub the surface until the tnrnah or rust is dissolved, then wipe off and polish with a piece of dry cheese cloth or chamois. For .Marble mutuary, Iftitli Tubs, Ijmaorli'x, Closet Itowls, Sinks, lterrlj;crators, Dirty Window Sills. Mix half SAMOLINE with half warm water. Rub the surface clean with soft brush or cloth, or if preferable, dip the brush Into the Cleaner, (without using any water) rub off the dirt, rinse with clean water, wipe dry. The result will surprise you. For KemoviiiK White Alcohol nnd Hot Water Stains from Table and I)i"sser Tops. Dip soft cloth Into SAMOLINE (use no water), rub. the white spot until removed, then wipe surface with sponge and clean water. See Note at end of Directions. For rilasswnre, Cut (Muss, etc. Mix one tablespoonful of SAMOLINE with one pint of hot water. Scrub the glassware thoroughly with a soft brush, rinse In hot water and allow to dry without wiping. For JPirrors and Windows. Mix as for glassware, then wash the mirrors or windows using a soft cloth and allow to dry iuto a powder, then wipe off thoroughly wtlh a dry soft cloth. NOTE After thoroughly cleaning automobiles, interior woodwork, furniture, glosB painted and all varnished surfaces, wipe over with our PULLMAN POLISH (or any other GOOD furniture polish) which will restore the life of the varnish and paint at a trifling cost. DILUTE SAMOLINE more for a slightly soiled surface and less if very dirty. Prict: Gallows. $1.50; Half Galtons. 9fc; Quarts 50c; Pints 30c Churchill Hardware Co FREE DOMESTIC SCIENCE LECTURES Ladies of Roseburg to have Opportunity to Hear Mrs. Nevada Briggs, Lecture-Demonstrator, at A. J. Lillburn & Sons Furniture Store MSIWM& MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th 1013 Beginning Monday, Sep'.emhor 29 at 2:H0 p. in., Mrs. Nevada HrlKm . v. science expert, will give frae of charge to the ladies of Uosebunr a full course r h ".. (lon'es"c lectures nnd practical baking tests. Mrs. Briggs has a nallonal rep, latlon as eeMo-'IT "C e"Ce tor and gives her audiences the scientific as well as the practi-al n Z r " t?""; baking. She shsws how scl,ntlflc principles ,m.y be applied In even- line of V wT '.',S "?" getting more wholesome and more economical foods, sbvlng bt ,le ,.,; ' , IV" u'erell' says: "Poets may be born, and probably an occasional cook b , the V", ' Mre' B,rlKfs actually applying rules that bring Pgrfect remits. Anv one who will ai mlv seiH re .n'.ade by rectly can become proficient In the art of cooking, for cooking i, an art nn ' .L""'."0, 1 PS COJ" the attention of the nost intelligent nnd cultivated women of ihe land n , ,1 ''. . '8,wortnv vancing nnd getting the attention that It so richly oserves. If we but J L f?st a,d" warp and woof of our mus-ulnr and nervous systems are woven ou, of the foo l W, ' " the to understand why this wave of better, purer and better bodv-bull,.ing foods Z l.iLt i , ??S' our American women are lending In every step to th end. In l school' , n " ' " 1 """ that les is given the same gttent on as all other branches of learning ' S toia i"mestl" econom- f v The free lectures will be conducted at the A. J l.il'.nirn s,. p,.riin c. P'etely equipped lecture roo n has been provided. Plenty f confor aide sei' h?'" '"6 " ,rom; Kverv r,.i ,.. ,. " V"'" l"area i itie seiecline nr tho n,nr-- where all may see the work done In- Mrs. n rises lals to the serving of the same. Is In plain view of every ei- 1 -v.,, ilne.l ih..M, !.,... i , ' ' !. lIU OX 111 X n. Imkinn one w, be entire,; dlfferVni' Ta.uZ'Te Inl "X ' The lectures will begin prom-.tly at 2:S.i each afternoon and com inue u, til 4 T S"",e four and five recipe will he made, baked and Merved d a 1 n, ns rn ,io, I hU i'.6 ,bem will be given. Ladle, should bring a pencil for taking note and r, n"""S Program for the k: an" '' r,1lK for sampling foods. MONDAY Chocolate CaKe Biscuits Nut 3read Feach Short CaKe PROGRAM FOR TUESDAY Whi'e Cahe Cold CaKe Marble Pudding Peanut Cookies WEDNESDAY Lady Baltimore CaKe Beef Roll with brown gravy Dixie Biscuits