1 rillZE WIXXER3. (Continued (rom page 2.) Mdse. ordor); Buff Wyandottes. John Voung, Koseburg, $1.50; ( Mallard ducks. .Tohn Voung, Roseburg, fl; Buff Cochin bantams. John McGee, Roseburg, 3.00 (Mdse. order); 3 Tolousa geese. Harold Kruse, Roseburg, $1.50 Golden Seabrlght bantams. Johii Young, Roseburg, , (1.50 best exhibit. Louis Kohlhagen, Roseburg, $1 best exhibit. Eletha Kruse, Roseburg, $2.50; 2 lbs. buter. bydla Bretzke, Dlxonville, $2.50; (Mdse. order); 2 lbs", butter. Gladys Taylor, Roseburg, $1; plate of gems. ; Marjjorle Brown, Roseburg, $1; glass of conserve. Marjorle Brown, Roseburg, $1; apple pie. Leta Bellows, Roseburg, 75c; hand made towel. ' - Roberta Harralsnn, Roseburg, $1; hand embroidered dolly. Roberta Harralson, Roseburg, $1; sugar beet. Roberta Harralson, Roseburg. $1; bunch tf celery, Louis Hinsdale, Roseburg, $2.25; bread exhibit. Geo. Olinghouse, Winston, $1.00; beans. Cendell Hinsdale, Roseburg, $1; sunflowers. Leon Evans, Roseburg, $1; egg plants. Fred Bellows, Roseburg, $3; In dian Runner ducks. Bertha Kohlhagen, Roseburg, $1; one Kohl Rabl. George Hinsdale, Roseburg, $1; jar of jam. Marjorle Brown, Roseburg. $1; cookie3. Leslie Butner, Roseburg, $1; green peppers. Leslie Butner, Roseburg, $1; THE HAT SHOP Has just received a complete assortment of plush in soft crown and tailored effects We invite your inspection. THE PERKINS ANNEX Are You Loyal? Are You Useing a Roseburg Broom? The best on the market for the money. The' will last longer, and your work will be lighter. You will be helping a home enterprise and making a greater Roseburg, Every merchant in Roseburg is. selling them; so be LOYAL and demand the home pro duct. Whist Brooms at all Drygoods and Drug Stores. All are sold with money-back guarantee. Free Seed For Planting. R0SEBU1G BROOM FACTORY ELECTRIC; COOKING There is no need now tojjbother with Wood, Coal, Gas or Gas oline. Cook by Electricity, the cheap, the convenient, the mod ern way. The rate is reduced so that it can be used for all purposes. js DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT & WATER COMPANY bunco of celery. Ieslle Butner, Roseburg, $1; green tomatoes. Mary White, Rosebui, $1; hand niudo centerpiece. Elbert1" AfhworOi, Roseburg. $1; bunch of suighuih. Maggie Conn, Roseburg: $1; one cake. Maggie Conn, Roseburg, $1; squash pie. Mugsie Conn, Roseburg, $1; cus tard pie. Ruth Bradford, Roseburg, $1.50; pin cushion. Ruth Bradford, Roseburg, $1.60; necktie holder. Mark Butner, Roseburg, $1; pep pers. Mark Btner, Roiehurg, $1: to matoes. Ruth Bradford, Roseburg, $1; cake. Fred Bellows, Roseburg, $1; Shet land colt. Capltola Dyer, Myrtle Creek, $1; cushion cover. Helen Grey, Wilbur, $1; three gourds. Marjorle Brown, Roseburg, $H; i ono towel. Fay Mett. Roseburg. $3 (Mdse. order) ; bread. Dewey Kruse, Melrose, $1; crayon drawing. Evelyn Russell, Roseburg, $1; pot plant. Bertha Kohlhagen. Roseburg, $1; cucumber. l.oiils Koninagen. Koseourg, red peppers. Eva Acker, Myrtle Creek $1; pil low shams. General Hxliibit. Following are the premium win ners In the agricultural and horti cultural competitions In the pavilion exhibits: Frlllta Apples. Best box any variety J. F. Bretzke 3rd. Best box Gravensteins C. M. An derson 2nd. Best box winter bananas, C. M. Anderson, 1st. Best box lady, C. M. Anderson, 1st. Best box Red Cheeked Pippins, C. M. Anderson, 2nd. Best box Bellflower, C. M. Ander son, 1st. Best plate Spltzenbergs, Peter .Ines, 2nd. Best pinto Xewtowns, Peter Jones, 2nd.. Best plate Rome Beauty, Peter J Jones, 1st. i Bust plate Red Cboeked Pippins, ! Peter Jones, 3rd. I Best plate Gravensteins, Peter I Jones, 2nd. Best plate Ortley, Peter Jones, 1st. j Best plate Waxen, Peter Jones, 2nd. Best plate Spltzenborgs, F. B. Clark 3rd. Best plate Baldwins, F. B. Clark ' 2nd. ; Best plate Spokane Beauty, C. M. ; Andorson 1st. j Best plate Winter Bananas, H. A. Crow 2nd. General exhibit, I.. B. Skinner & : Sons 1st. Best box nftplos, L. B. Skinner & ' Sons 1st. Best box Northern Spy, L. B. Skin- ner & Sons 1st. j Bvst box Red Cheek Pippins, U B. Skinner & Sons 1st. j Best box Spltienberg8, L. B. Skin ner & Sona 1st. Best box Newtown Pippins, I.. B. i Skinner & Sons 1st. i Best basket exhibit, L. B. Skinner & Sons 1st. Best basket exhibit Spltzenbergs, '. L. B. Skinner & Sons 1st. 1 Baskt exhibit Newtown Pippins, U B. Skinner & Sons 1st. I Banket exhibit Baldwins, L. B. j S'k Inner & Sons 1st. Basket exhibit Northern Spy. I. B. ' Skinner & Sons 1st j Box of Gravensteins, R. R. Clark 2nd. ' Plate of Gravensteins, G. C. Powell 1st. Plate of Red Cheeked Plplns, L.. B. Skinner & Sons 1st. Plate of Gravenstein, S. D. Cooley 3rd. i Pears. Best box Bartletts, C. M. Anderson 1st. Plate of Winter Bartletts, Mrs. R. Jennie 1st. i Prune. I Best basket Petite, C. W. Bradford j 2nd. Best basket Italian, C. W. Bradford 2nd. Bent basket Silver, C. W. Bradford 1st. Hn-t basket Italian, C. M .Ander son 3rd. Best basket Italian, Peter Jones 1st. Best (reneral exhibit, C. W. Brad ford 1st. I'MU-llc. Unit box Mulr, C. W. Bradford 1st. B. box lemon Cling, 8. 1). Co;I- The Wardrobe' 1(17 Cass Street Formerly the Vienna, Having bought out the place and reno vated premises, am prepared to do ail cleaning and pressing work at shortest notice. Re pairing a specialty. Phone 303. C. F. Williams, Prop. It Solves the Problem How shall a woman wear a watch? This has long been a vexed question. Some have carried their watches in handbags, some have used chatelaine pins, others have employed neck chains. No one of these methods answers all the purposes of convenience and adornment. The Wrist Watch solves the problem of how a woman should wear a watch. It's decorative, convenient, practical and stylish. Buy your wifo one for Christmas. Solid gold Elgin, like Illustration S55.00 and Up Same n silver $35.00. In gold filled (slightly larger In size) as low as $18.00. A. S. fluey Co. Ilosi'lmru's Loniiiiiu; Jowt'H'rH. RICE & RIPE REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS insurance and Notary Public. We solicit your buainess on our past record.' We have n fine line of all kinds of Investments: Farms, Fruit Farms, Berry, Stock and Dairy Ranches, City Property nnd Business Chances. SevernI good ( businesses for sale: Rooming Houses, Butcher Shop, Confection ery Store, Drug Store, Art Store, Grocery and many otber good bargains. If you can't come In write us for full particulars. RICE & RICE Rubber Goods When you bujr nibjjj-r gooil tlicro Is only one kind Ibut you should buy, anil that la rubber goods if the very lient quality. When you buy ono of our guaranteed Fountain Hyr lne we return your iii"in-y If It in not satis factory In every way. Osburn Pharmacy Alexander's Park Lots Are going fast. LOTS GO FERT FRONT. 250 FEET IN LENGTH, Hieing tho Umpqua River, will soon be gone, big oak shade trees, bathing, boating, fishing -the iluco for lao professional man that spends hnlf his life lu office. Invest in time before all are gone.. Only 20 to be sold. Inquire Box 14G or Umpqua Land Water Company AT NEW ICE PLANT. BEAR SEZ: "Whene'er I'm entertaining And wish to please my guest, I buy things of tne grocery store Where I'll obtain the best. Where Campbell's Soups, a dainty fare, And canned and fiesh fruits are And vegetables of every Jund Both staple and in the jar. For Good Groceries Go To A. T. MARSHALL Quit the Long Profit Credit Plan Try The Cash Plan Will Open About October 1st, 1913 Large and Complete Stock of Groceries "THE CASH STORE" THK 8TOHKTIIATWIM.SAVE YOU MUSKY 12,1 CASS STltUHT. rr pelf Obey that impulse! The fine joy of automobile ownership may now be yours. Ford prices are down within the easy reach of the untold thousands who have waited for the coming of the right car at the right price. Klv hnndrwl inl'ar la I lie new yn'.Co of tho Kurd run bout; the touring car In flv fifty; thn inwn rr aeven fifty lt to. h. Detroit, rmnjtlete with pttiinnent. Hot cnmloK and particular- (ruin U. W, Bur" fit, Itwhiirx. Oregon. Church Brothers BAKERS Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the very best of materials. Try them once and you will always be a customer PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST. Bicycles, Bicycle Tires, Base Ball Goods .Inn rfveivnil a large ahlpnivm of Meyrlea. Bicycle Ttm and It-no Hall Goods. Call and see what I have before you bur eUowtorit, If you buy that liuyi le now, 1 can uiaka It an ob- 'ri to you. J. H. Syke's Gun Store TtOMKIIl'I'.a. OltFC.'OI fll'I'imiTK I'OSTOI-IICK (Continued on page 4.)